Chapter 68
A court official and a guerrilla general are at the same level, but one can participate in the "challenge", while the other can only be a "guerrilla", so there is still a big gap between the two.The court officials are only fifth-rank officials, and fifth-rank officials are not allowed to participate in the court council, so generally the court council officials are only reserved, standing in the side hall, that is, outside the main hall, allowing the emperor to inquire and consult certain classics at any time. Only the edict can enter the palace.

There are other people who have received special permission from the emperor to "enter the palace" to participate in discussions with other ministers, such as Xu Qing.But it is not a good thing for Xu Qing to be allowed to participate in the court meeting.Waking up at five o'clock every day, going to the hall for a meeting after six o'clock, and going on until noon for lunch, who can bear it?You have to suffocate even if you hold your urine, right?

On the other hand, Xun Xue'er was made a married woman, and a few children actually became officials. As for Cao Canjun, he was at the same level as Jincheng, and he was also a director general.

It was already late at night when I got home, and I was almost detained by soldiers on night watch.Xun Xueer was still holding the lamp to embroider, as if she had been waiting for Xu Qing.Seeing Xu Qing go back to the room, Xun Xueer threw away the embroidery needle, ran over and buried her head in Xu Qing's body:

"Brother Xu, you are finally back..."

"Hey, miss me?"


"Where do you miss me the most?"


After eating mutton in the palace, Xu Qing's lower abdomen was always faintly hot, so he asked Xun Xueer to put out the fire, and hugged her and chatted on the bed.Xun Xueer said that she saw some good things on the street, such as price cuts, and bought a lot at once, and Xun Yeyu made a joke again, etc., some trivial things.Xu Qing quietly listened to Xun Xueer in her arms talking about these things carefully, thinking that this little girl usually has nothing to say, and once she was alone with Xu Qing, she couldn't help it, and wanted to talk to Xu Qing about a bunch of small incidents. Let's discuss it.What Xun Xueer remembered:
"Brother Xu, does the emperor want you to stay in Chang'an or go somewhere else? Stop fighting?"

"Well, you may have to stay in Chang'an for a can buy a house." Xu Qing knew that Xun Xueer was thinking about the house, so she nodded Xun Xueer's nose.

"The house I looked at on the first day wasn't very good. I found a few more houses in Yankangfang and Anyifang, and I'm waiting for your decision."

"What idea do I have, as long as it is close to the imperial palace, it is enough to be close to the West Market." Xu Qing just wanted to make it easier to go to court in the future, and it would be easier to do some small business if it was close to the West Market.

"Well, the house in Yankang is better." Xun Xueer leaned against Xu Qing's arms and nodded, and Xu was distracted again, and he said:
"Oh, by the way, I slept with a county lady today..."

"Ah? Husband..." Xun Xueer's eyes were filled with tears, she hesitated for a moment, and asked aggrievedly, "Brother Xu, do you want to bring her back?"

"Fool, it's you. You have been appointed wife by the emperor. The county lord is an official as old as me." Xu Qing smiled. As for the three little Cao Canjun, Xu Qing hasn't said anything yet, after all, the imperial decree hasn't come down yet. Woolen cloth.

"You are the worst..."

"Hey, there is no worst, only worse, Mr. County Lord, let Xiaosheng do it again?"


At the fifth watch, Xu Qing was woken up by the sound of the watch. Xu Qing looked at the sky and remembered that he was about to go to court today, so he hurriedly dressed and got up.I ate some casually, set off at 05:30, and waited at the entrance of the workshop. After waiting for 10 minutes, a drum sound came from the inside of the palace, and the gate of the workshop opened after three thousand beats.

The carriage galloped away, and after another 20 minutes, Xu Qing arrived in front of the Taiji Palace. At this time, there were already piles of people standing in front of the Taiji Palace, each standing in a small part.Most people are wearing red and purple clothes with different shades, and there are gold and silver fish bags that prove their official status.Xu Qing ducked his head and hid in the crowd because he heard Cheng Yaojin's laughter.

Chengtianmen opened, roll call, played music, greeted the emperor, pretended to learn, kneeled when it was time to kneel, stood when it was time to stand, opened its mouth when it was time to speak, and be Mr. Nan Guo.Since Xu Qing was the youngest official, he stood at the back, so no one noticed anything wrong with him.After the emperor arrived, everyone started dancing, that's right, dancing, dancing!Seeing the group of demons dancing wildly in the hall, Xu Qing felt sick for a while, but he could only dance along.Could this be the reason why those barbershops and restaurants do morning exercises after a thousand years of inspiration?
After dancing, a purple-robed official, the waiter, stepped forward to receive the emperor's order, and shouted: "You have the order: go to court!" Then all the officials bowed again, and then sat on the ground together.It's not all sitting on the ground, Xu Qing looked at it, and everyone except him wanted a cushion under their buttocks, Xu Qing groaned in his heart.Not only because there is no cushion, but also because you have to sit upright and cannot sit cross-legged. Xu Qing, who is used to chairs, couldn't help moving around after a while.

Court meeting, once every three days.At the beginning, let's take out the memorials reviewed by the emperor and discuss it. It's time to inquire and deal with it.If the emperor is willing, some can make a decision on the spot and draft an imperial edict.If the emperor was dissatisfied with the discussion, he said to the person in charge of the relevant department: "Come to my office after the meeting."

After discussing the memorial, take a break in the middle, and officials above the third rank still have tea, which is not rare for Xu Qing.Afterwards, the next round of court meetings will begin. The courtiers will report on their duties, announce the storage capacity of the warehouse, and report and expose. This process will not be very long.

Due to sitting upright, Xu Qing's back hurts from sitting, and his legs are numb. It's like walking a few rounds of duck steps in military training, and he doesn't know what is being discussed in the court.When the attendant said: "Report if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do", Xu Qing began to gather his thoughts. If there is no memorial such as impeachment after this sentence, then he will directly retreat to the court.Xu Qing also planned to move his feet and retreat, but he heard a voice from the hall:
"My minister Lu Jing impeached the guerrilla general Xu Chuliu for openly prostitution."

"General Xu Chuliu is a prostitute!!!" There was a lot of discussion in the hall, some were still asking who Xu Qing was, some were secretly relieved, and some began to curse.There are two types of scolding, one is to criticize Xu Qing as a general for prostitution, and these people are from Lu Jing's side of the censors; and others.Although it doesn't help the "case", it clearly tells Lu Jing and the others that this is the person we want to protect!

Xu Qing was running wild in his heart, who did I provoke, who was I prostitute?What are you talking about? I am a young man who is brave enough to pick up money and talk about four beautiful things. How can I have sex with prostitutes!Grandpa has never been to...

Xu Qing thought about it, wait a minute, that's not right... It seems that I went to the red light district when I first came to Chang'an, but I went to ask for directions.But go to a brothel to ask for directions, who will believe it?Ask how to get to Fangcaodi?
I've been there... The yellow mud fell into the crotch, it was either shi or shi.

It's over... The landlord's happy life will be spent in prison from now on. Grinding an iron rod on a girl has turned into a prison, I can't be reconciled!

Why did you fall off the horse just after going to court!Or in this ruined way...

(End of this chapter)

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