Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 69 Recalling the Shandong Brothers

Chapter 69 Recalling the Shandong Brothers

There will be civil and military disputes at any time, otherwise an example of a general's harmony can be circulated for such a long time.This phenomenon also existed in the Tang Dynasty. Military officials threatened the regime change between the two generations, and civil officials were powerless against external aggression, which made civil and military officials look down on each other.They fight each other only when they look down on each other. This is not a party struggle. This is a cat and a dog. They are naturally at odds with each other. If you have the opportunity, you must make trouble for the other party, or you will make trouble for yourself.

Generally speaking, as long as they are not particularly cronies, the impeachment of a military officer below the fourth rank will not be regarded as friction, and the reaction of the generals is not particularly violent.The generals are very clear about the consequences of their grouping together.There have been frequent wars recently, and the military generals are no longer civil servants one by one according to their merits. All the bad things they have done have been participated in one by one, which is useless, and the generals have not done anything more outrageous.

Lu Jing and his group of censors had no taste in their mouths, so they aimed at Xu Qing, trying to sharpen their knives and practice their mouths.What surprised Lu Jing was that Xu Qing, who seemed to have no background, was actually guarded by these generals, which was strange.Xu Qing didn't expect Cheng Yaojin and the others to protect him so much, so he wrote down gratefully in his heart.

After all, Lu Jing and his group are censors, and they rely on their words to make a living. They are not ambiguous, and they accuse Xu Qing one after another.

"Your Majesty, a soldier who has sex with a prostitute should be dismissed from his post and exiled..."

"Soldiers who engage in prostitution are leading to the destruction of the army, Your Majesty, this is going to destroy the foundation of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Neglect of duty, indulge in singing and music, and tarnish the reputation of the imperial court, the crime should be punished!"


Datang is relatively open, and even the Yihong Academy is run by the government, so sex with prostitutes is really not a shameful thing, at least no one will lock you in and educate you for a few days.However, for low-level military officers, prostitution is a serious dereliction of duty. If it is a wartime, it will be judged to disturb the morale of the army, which is a serious crime of beheading.

"Quiet!" Li Yuan said in a low voice, and within three seconds, the hall was quiet again.Li Yuan scanned the hall and said, "Xu Chuliu is in the hall, why don't you let him say something?"

"What?!" The generals who spoke for Xu Qing were surprised. They were grateful for the spirits Xu Qing sent, and even more grateful for Xu Qing's invention of horseshoes and fried rice. They knew what these two things meant to the Tang army.Although it does not directly increase the power of weapons, it indirectly improves the endurance of the army. This can also save the lives of countless soldiers. After fighting for a lifetime, they no longer have the desire to earn military merits. They just hope that fewer people will die.

So they defended Xu Qing just now because they thought Xu Qing was not there, so they blocked him from the back!But now that they learned that Xu Qing was in the hall, they became unbelievable, and became angry with Xu Qing. Cheng Yaojin yelled: "Xu boy, where are you? You are a stinky baby, and your hair is not even grown. You go shopping for me." A brothel!? I won’t beat you to death..."

"Zhijie..." Li Yuan called out in the hall, Cheng Yaojin heard it, and immediately blushed, knowing that he was roaring at the court again, he smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I just can't get angry, that kid is young, go shopping Shopping or something, if something goes wrong, don’t worry about it..."

"Su Guogong, what you said is wrong..." Lu Jing said quietly, he didn't dare to confront Cheng Yaojin head-on.

"Do you dare to say one more thing?" Cheng Yaojin's fire started to flare up again.

"Zhijie, let Xu Qing talk..." Li Yuan seemed very calm when he spoke, as if everything was expected.

When they were quarreling, Xu Qing took the opportunity to rub his legs. Hearing this, he stepped forward, bowed down and said, "My minister, Xu Chuliu, pays homage to the emperor."

"Well, on the sixth day of the lunar new year, you and Lu Jing should confront each other."

"No!" Xu Qing turned to Lu Jing and asked, "Lord Lu, how do you know that I'm going to court a prostitute? Could it be that you also went?"

"If you want people not to know, unless you don't do it yourself, I don't need to see your prostitution with my own eyes. Besides, it doesn't matter if I go. I only said that soldiers can't have prostitutes, but I didn't say that everyone can't go?" Lu Jing scorned Xu Qing thought to himself, how can a small military officer have the same eloquence as those arrogant and unreasonable big military officers?
"Hehe, I didn't say Mrs. Lu can't go there, but it's true that soldiers can't have sex with prostitutes, but I didn't say that soldiers can't go in and out of those places?" Xu Qing asked again.

"Hmph, let me ask you, are you looking for a girl?" Lu Jing asked without answering.Xu Qing listened, thought about it carefully, and decided to tell the truth: "I found it..."

"Have you given any money?" Lu Jing asked again.

"Give it..." Xu Qing continued to tell the truth, wasn't he hacked for a tael of silver?

"If you find a girl and give me money, then you are a prostitute!" Lu Jing laughed and said, then turned around and cupped his hands to Li Yuan and said, "Your Majesty, this matter has been settled."

After hearing this, Xu Qing smiled slyly and said with a big laugh:
"Hahaha, looking for a girl to give money is prostitution, Mr. Lu, if your father gave your mother money, wouldn't your mother become a prostitute?" These words detonated the entire hall, Cheng Yaojin laughed so hard , praised Xu Qing loudly for his good performance, and sighed why he would not be so swearing.The few important ministers sitting at the front couldn't hold back any longer, with strange expressions on their faces.

The censors next to Lu Jing were furious and scolded:

"Gently sweeping the floor!"

"Above the court, this is disrespectful!"

"How could you be like this..." Lu Jing was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, seeing that Lu Jing was so angry that he couldn't speak, Xu Qing said to himself: "I went to the land of smoke and willows just to ask for directions. One tael of silver, I thought she was pitiful, so I gave her a tael of silver, I wonder if it's okay?"

After hearing this, Lu Jing suppressed his anger and said:
"This... people all over Chang'an, why did you go to the Fireworks Alley without asking for directions? Isn't this a sophistry?"

"I only heard singing from the Firework Alley on the way. After listening to the poem I wrote carefully, I became interested. I walked closer and asked for the way..." After Xu Qing said these words, the people in the court hall It was detonated again, but this time it was the civil servants who were laughing and turning backwards. Cheng Yaojin's expression was extremely complicated, but it was an ugly one.

"Hahaha, the poems you wrote, you can't tell lies..."

"It's so shameless, I know that poem, the best of the best, can it be written by ordinary people?"

"That's right, in order to escape the crime, this is because I know that I can't escape the guilt, so I panicked!"

"This kid, really... burnt his head!" Cheng Yaojin shook his head, already thinking about the way out for Xu Qing.

When the laughter gradually died down, Xu Qing said: "Why are you so sure that I didn't write this poem?" After hearing this, Lu Jing suppressed his smile, and pretended to be indignant and said, "Now it's in front of the emperor. , don’t you want to commit the crime of deceiving the emperor?”

"Sigh, the poems I wrote are being sung all over Chang'an, lies that can be debunked by just asking anyone. It's useless for me to lie..." Xu Qing said aggrievedly.

"Uh, you..." Lu Jing lowered his head and thought about what to do, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and said, "I believe that you can compose a poem in court, and the quality is not inferior to the two hands that are sung!"

"That can't be done. My poems are very expensive. If there is no money, I won't write them..." After Xu Qing finished speaking, a group of civil officials hurriedly demanded him, reprimanding Xu Qing for being insulting to gentlemen, and writing poems for money. Isn't that right? Insulting something as elegant as poetry?Sure enough, he is a vulgar general!Xu Qing didn't care about the discussion, and said: "If I make a poem, if you insist that it is not good, what should I do?"

"With the wiseness of the emperor and the witness of civil and military officials in the court, how can I distort the facts?" Lu Jing said.

"Okay, how about a question?"

"Your Majesty, please..." Lu Jing didn't dare to make up his own mind, so he gave Li Yuan the one who wrote the question.

"Well, the Double Ninth Festival has passed a few days ago, Xu Chuliu, you can use this as the topic." Li Yuan said after a little thought.

"Well..." Xu Qing pretended to be contemplative, but in fact he was overjoyed. There was a quatrain popping up in Xu Qing's mind. It was not only well written, but also very in line with the experience that "Xu Chuliu" should have. That is "Recalling Shandong Brothers on September [-]th" by Wang Wei.After making up his mind, Xu Qing said: "When I was wandering in Shandong, I also met a few brothers and sisters, and I also suppressed bandits in Shandong. There were also some brothers in the military camp. A few days ago on the Double Ninth Festival, I suddenly remembered my old friends in Shandong. I just wrote a poem - "Recalling Shandong Brothers""

After hearing Xu Qing's words, no one in the hall believed it until Xu Qing's voice recited:
"Lonely in a foreign land as a stranger, I miss my relatives during the festive season.

I know that my brother ascends to a high place, and there is one less person who planted dogwood all over the place. "

Xu Chuliu is a vagrant, so he is naturally full of strangers everywhere, and when it comes to festive seasons, when he sees every family reunited, he will naturally "think about his relatives". With the foreshadowing of the first two sentences, the last two sentences are also No one pursued the details anymore, a group of civil servants burst into tears.In the end, Li Yuan didn't comment on Xu Qing's "prostitution" or not, and said slowly:

(End of this chapter)

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