Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 70 The Dark River Chapter Comes

Chapter 70 The dark river is back

It is said that that day Xu Qing used the poem "Recalling the Brothers in Shandong" to break through the difficulties of Lu Jing and others, and Xu Qing became famous for a while, and everyone knew it.The few poems circulated in the market have finally come to a conclusion, that is, the general Xu Chuliu who is both civil and military, and there is another "popular song" "Recalling Shandong Brothers" sung day and night in the red light district.

Some people become famous, and naturally some people become famous, such as Lu Jing.Although no one can remember the name of Lu Jing, when talking about the story of Xu Qing's poems, he only mentioned "a censor".But Lu Jing himself felt that he had been greatly insulted, and those censors also felt that they had no face, and they all gritted their teeth with hatred for Xu Qing, thinking about continuing to make Xu Qing unhappy.The censors searched and scratched their heads, and wrote a memorial soon, preparing for the next attack.

On Xu Qing's side, all the generals looked happily at the person who was "reasonable" for the first time compared to the civil servants. They were both happy and puzzled, so they almost didn't hold Xu Qing up for a closer look. same.

After the court was over, those who had no specific affairs went back to their respective houses, and the emperor who had affairs invited him to lunch, and then continued to work.Xu Qing is just a court official. Although he can participate in the court council, he is also a very leisurely official. After the court is over, there are no important matters.When he returned home, he still had an imperial decree in his arms, and a group of eunuchs followed behind him, carrying boxes and cabinets. It was the reward that Li Yuan promised to Xun Xueer and others last night, and there was one more thing— —Give silver three hundred to buy a house.

"Hoo!" A white shadow came in from the side window of the carriage, Xu Qing turned his body to avoid it, and took a closer look, it turned out to be a small scroll.Xu Qing became more and more happy, because this is the method of conveying letters that he taught Yang Cheng and Yang Xin. Use fine bamboo to make tubes, paper rolls to make letters, and hold letters in the tube. Blow air three feet away, and you can project them quickly and quickly. secret.

Pick up the scroll and open it, it says:
"The dark night is boundless, the river is the world!"

Seeing these eight characters, Xu Qing smiled even more pleasantly.When I got home, I found that everyone in the family had gone shopping and went into the room by themselves.Xu Qing seemed to be walking around the house casually, but in fact Xu Qing was trying his best to search the surroundings. He felt that the people from Anhe were around.

"Come out..." Xu Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and called out softly, but it was just to embolden himself and scare others like playing hide-and-seek.Unexpectedly, there really were two figures appearing behind a wall, holding swords in both hands, with solemn faces, they were Yang Cheng and Yang Xin!
"Participate in the lord, I will come back and return!" The two walked towards Xu Qing, and stood up and made a fist-cup salute.Seeing this, Xu Qing didn't know what to say, how about crying like Liu Bei?Laugh like Cao Cao?Let's learn from Cao Cao, Liu Bei is more difficult and easy to be exposed.Xu Qing looked like Feng Gong's upper body for a while, and shouted:

"Brothers, I miss you so much, how are you doing these days?"

Yang Cheng and Yang Xin looked at each other and said with a smile: "Master Lao is concerned, I am lucky enough to live up to my fate..." Xu Qing could treat them as brothers, but they dared not be polite to Xu Qing.Xu Qing waved to them and said:
"Come on, come in and drink some water first..."

"Promise!" The two excitedly took the clear water from Xu Qing's hand, and drank it happily. Although it was only clear water, it was poured and brought by Xu Qing himself, which shows that the lord "treats me like brothers and feet", How can you not be excited?After drinking the water, Xu Qing asked them to sit down, but it was the first time for them to sit on chairs, and they were not used to it, and it took them a while to get used to it.After getting used to it, he leaned back on the chair generously, looking at the expression on his face, he felt extremely comfortable.Xu Qing slowly said:
"Let's talk about your business, starting from leaving Xuzhuang..."

"After setting off from Xuzhuang, I followed my lord's orders, and first copied Yuwentong's old background, sold all his financial properties, and used a small part of the money to dismiss Yuwentong's subordinates, and part of it to To appease the warriors who died in Heihe before, there are more than 500 recruits left in the end."

"According to my lord, the people we recruited are all clean. Although they have killed people in the grass, they have not done anything utterly unconscionable. They are not small. They have talents with knives, guns, sticks, spies and detectives. If Properly formed, even at the end of the Sui Dynasty, it can be regarded as an influent force."

"Before coming, everyone gave ten taels of housing expenses, but only seventeen or eight people had families, and the others were alone. Those who had families gave an extra five taels of travel expenses to let them go first. Moved to Luonan, waiting for the lord to decide where to settle."

"Scatter around Hongshan Township, don't gather together..." After Xu Qing finished speaking, he asked, "How many brothers are there?"

"37 people, not including the two of lord, go and see?"

"Oh? Don't be in a hurry, I have to prepare a meeting ceremony, right?" Xu Qing said this, but actually thought in his heart: My grandfather only has three guns on his body, and one of them can't kill anyone, so we can't just meet him so easily.Furthermore, the less you show up, the better, because you are called the King of Darkness.Xu Qing regretted it, why did he just say he was king at that time?

On the one hand, brothers and sisters are shouting fieryly, but on the other hand, they are so guarded by hoods and masks. It is not Xu Qing's hypocrisy, but this world is too hypocritical, so hypocritical that all dangers will be covered with a veil of tenderness.

You can't be on guard, you call yourself the Dark King, if people know your true identity, it's not about being "on fire", but "on fire".Xu Qing said: "It's enough for the two of you to know my identity. For others, my identity is the top secret and cannot be disclosed..."

"Here!" How dare Yang Cheng and Yang Xin refuse to listen.

Xu Qing went back to the house, took three jars of spirits, and handed the 300 taels of silver from Li Yuan to Yang Cheng and Yang Xin, and said to them: "You can't eat too much. Don't take the initiative to recruit people in the current underground river. See if there is any sand in this group of people. Also, have you not forgotten the rules of the dark river?" Yang Cheng and Yang Xin replied after hearing this:
"Under the river, the first military order is like a mountain, the second is like brothers and sisters, and the third is to cherish the common people. These three rules are the rules I set up when I was founded, and they will not change for a hundred years!"

"Yeah, not bad..." Xu Qing nodded, it seems that his spiritual education is not bad.

"My lord, since it's not convenient for you to check everyone, how about I bring a few powerful characters for you to watch?" Yang Xin suggested.

"Alright, let's do it tomorrow...there is still a place, um...just go to Qujiang Pond and find a place." Xu Qing said, Yang Xin nodded and said yes.

"My lord, what's in this jar?" Yang Cheng asked with three jars in his arms, Xu Qing chuckled and said, "This thing is so precious, I only gave two jars to the prince..."

"So expensive? Could it be..." Yang Xin elongated his voice: "It's honey?!"

"..." Xu Qing rolled his eyes back.

(End of this chapter)

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