Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 73 Luonan County Bo

Chapter 73 Luonan County Bo
In a garden in Xiyuan, Xu Qing let out a long breath, turned to Li Yuanqi who was present, and said, "Your Majesty, it's all right..."

"Okay?" Li Yuan looked at a condemned prisoner lying on the ground, this poor guy, in order to verify Xu Qing's healing technique, he was fished out of the prison by Li Yuan, and he was stabbed deliberately, and he was chopped bloody Rush.

There happened to be a first-aid kit in Xu Qing's car, including a small tube of alcohol, and some instruments that Xu Qing had handled, such as needles, threads, knives, and some trauma medicines.Xu Qing prepared three such first aid kits, one at home, one in Xun Xueer's carriage, and one in Xu Qing's carriage.Unexpectedly, the one on Xu Qing's carriage was used for experiments.

This poor guy who was used as an experiment was extremely lucky to meet Xu Qing. He was destined to die. Li Yuan told him that as long as he survived under Xu Qing's hands, he would not die, and he also gave him the land to enjoy the rest of his life.

Xu Qing was also beating drums in his heart, after all, it was his first "surgery".But human life is at stake. The person in front of him was slashed lightly with a knife, bleeding profusely. You can't just watch him bleed to death, can you?Bite the bullet...

It’s too late to say it, and then it’s fast, three times, five times, two times, first tie the area near the heart to slow down the blood flow, then sterilize it with alcohol, sew it up densely with needles and threads, and then loosen the bandage, the blood did not reappear. flow out.Then disinfect it again, apply medicine, and bandage it up. Bite the bullet, but do it in a leisurely and calm manner.

After doing all this, the opening scene began. Xu Qing took a deep breath and said, "Okay..." The blood stopped, and the generals let go of the condemned prisoner. Thanks to them, it would be hard to move knife.The condemned prisoner sat up. Apart from his pale face and almost half of his body unable to move, he did not appear to be on the verge of death.He also touched himself with the other hand, looked at his body in disbelief, and only after making sure that he was not dead did he start crying in pain. This kind of escape from death was too painful.

"Your Majesty, the bleeding has stopped, but the alcohol needs to be applied every day to prevent inflammation. After half a month, you will be completely out of danger..."

"Oh, what if Luo Shixin..." Li Shiji lowered his head and sobbed. Judging from his experience, the condemned prisoner would most likely not die.Thinking of Luo Shixin's death when beating Liu Heitao, he felt depressed.

"Shiji, people can't be resurrected after death. If you want to blame it, you blame this kid for coming up with these things so late..." Li Yuan comforted Li Shiji. He also understood that swords have no eyes on this battlefield. The taste of death.For a moment, Li Yuan showed a rare resentment, looked at Xu Qing and said:

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"I... uh, I serve the country..."

"Shut up, in front of these people, are you ashamed of those imbeciles?" Li Yuan pointed to the generals present, meaning that all the generals present were straightforward and there was no need to make detours.Li Yuan then said:

"I'll give you two choices. One is Luonan County son, who is a real seal; the other is Luonan County uncle, with a reward of one hundred taels and no food."

Xu Qing bit his finger, thinking he wanted both, but saw that everyone present looked at him playfully.Uh, is there something important about this?Xu Qing calculated the gains and losses in his heart, and sealed off the county, which would add one hundred acres of land and one hundred families, but those things are all in Luonan, and if the rent cannot be paid for a while, it will not be converted into cash.As for giving more property to the son, forget it, since the kid was born with rich second generation, handsome second generation, official second generation, and second generation in one body, isn't that enough?I'm so jealous of him... As for the county uncle, there is a reward of one hundred taels, which is a lot of money.Xu Qing asked Heihe to stop recruiting, not because he was afraid of bad grades, the biggest reason was lack of money.A penny is hard for a hero. With such a knife, he can't do without food...

I still need to buy a house and do some business. There are many places to spend money now, and 500 taels of gold can just solve the urgent need, and the name of the county magistrate is also resounding and face-saving.Xu Qing finally said coyly: "Chen, I want that county uncle..."

Hearing this sentence, all the generals sighed together: "Oh, silly boy..."

A real magistrate, passed on to the next generation, can still have a magistrate, and a false county magistrate, at most, can inherit an honorary officer in the next generation, so although the magistrate is small, it is a long-term plan to protect the future of the five generations. The inside does not fall into Baiding.For the ancient people, carrying on the family line and ensuring the prosperity of the family is extremely important, so if they were to choose, they would definitely be more inclined to the latter.

Xu Qing didn't know why, so he chose the county uncle...

"Hey, okay, then I will make you Xu Qing, uncle of Luonan County, and I won't be called Xu Chuliu in the future, and you still have a hundred taels of gold. In addition, you can go to Chang'an to find an empty house from the household department..." Li Yuan added more Xu Qing has a house, which can be regarded as a little compensation for silly Xu Qing. When Li Yuan asked Xu Qing to choose it, he had a hint of fun in mind. He originally expected Xu Qing to choose the second one, but he didn't expect...

It's been a long time since Li Yuan and all the generals got together like this. They chatted happily for a while, but at this moment, in the clear sky, a dark cloud floated quickly, and thunder bursts came. , Thunder and lightning flashed, and it was difficult for everyone in Xiyuan to leave. Xu Qing even slapped his thigh and shouted: "Oops! My umbrella is still in Chengtianmen!"

Not far away, in another pavilion, a man in Taoist robe heard Xu Qing's wailing, thought carefully, was startled suddenly, pulled three beards with his right hand, and threw the teacup in his left hand to the ground, and said in disbelief:
"Could it be that this son really has a great talent?"

The person who spoke was Yuan Tiangang who had been eavesdropping for a long time.

Waiting for everyone around Li Yuan to resign, Yuan Tiangang put forward his conjecture to Li Yuan: "Your Majesty, do you remember Xu Qing said that his umbrella is still outside the Chengtian Gate?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"Your Majesty, Xu Qing is not an easy person! The sky was always clear in the morning, and Xu Qing came to the palace at dawn. It is not surprising that he brought the umbrella to the car, but he brought the umbrella to Chengtianmen It’s like a comparison. Xu Qingshao said that he also has the ability to predict the wind and rain, and even the poor can’t do it. This is the talent of Jingtianweidi..."

"Doesn't Daoist Yuan also have the ability to foretell? What's the point..." Li Yuan said with a smile, but Yuan Tiangang interrupted Li Yuan's words excitedly for the first time:

"No, Your Majesty, Pindao's is different. Things that Pindao can speculate basically cannot be related to the fate of Pindao, and they are all trends of hundreds of years. For example, the weather can't be predicted... "

Yuan Tiangang has won Li Yuan's trust. Seeing Yuan Tiangang's words, he turned and looked into the distance, and said in a low voice: "So, Xu Xiaozi is getting more and more interesting..." After finishing speaking, Li Yuan's eyes showed an uncontrollable expression. The domineering aura that had disappeared for several years seemed to have returned to the moment when he led the troops from Jinyang to set off. Of course, it disappeared only in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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