Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 74 The Little House in Chang'an

Chapter 74 The Little House in Chang'an
After the fall of the Sui Dynasty, many official houses were vacant. Most people in the new dynasty did not want to live in the houses of the old dynasty. Reward such "little officials" as Xu Qing.As for Xu Qing, he also felt that it was nothing, the old house is the old house, it is not the first time, the family has only so much, it is better not to be extravagant.

But there is still a problem, that is, Xun Xueer went out to look here and there every day because of the house, and suddenly came a gift from the emperor, and Xun Xueer's work these days was in vain.Originally, she was quite inferior, and always felt that she could not help Xu Qing much. This time, she was sad for half a month, and Xu Qing couldn't bear it, so she had to think of a perfect solution.

On this day, Xun Xueer dragged Xu Qing out to go shopping, saying that she had seen a few houses, so Xu Qing had no choice but to follow.I thought that it might be easy to do it if I just saw the Zhongguan's house. I bought it openly, and then secretly took the seal letter from the emperor to get the money back.In case Xun Xueer is interested in something else, she will sell the official set, and she must not make Xun Xueer sad.

Xun Xueer found Fangya with a familiarity, and it seems that she has been here many times.The so-called Fangya is the real estate agency that has opened up all over the streets and alleys in later generations, but the difference is that Fangya is not private, but public.Of course, there are also private transactions, but you have to take risks, such as murders in the house, the source of the house is unclear, and so on.

Since Fang Ya is in the official camp, he also has the negligence that "official camps" would have.Moreover, Xun Xueer has been there several times. At the beginning, she looked like a flower and jade, and her teeth were still warm.Later, when I saw that Xun Xueer only looked at it but didn’t buy it, and let him run errands and drink tea for nothing, it was no longer warm. After all, no matter how good-looking she is, only he can look at it...

But this time is different, Xiaoyue straightforwardly explained her identity, male from Luonan County, official status, Sir!Xiaoyue didn't know that Xu Qing had become a nobleman, but she only knew that she was a magistrate.Even so, Fang Ya became extremely flattering, completely different from seeing Xun Xueer enter the door.Xun Xueer frowned, pouted and looked at Xu Qing.Then he asked Fang Ya: "The few houses I looked at yesterday, I'll show it to Xu Da... and then tell the Sir..."

Fang Ya said flatteringly: "Hey, those few houses in the past few days were all bought by ordinary people. Since you are the family of the nobleman, it is naturally different. You have to choose the mighty one again."

"Forget it, let's look at it according to the previous agreement..." Xu Qing looked at Xun Xueer, his complexion was not good, is it important to have a wife in the house?No!

Fang Ya smiled and said: "Okay, my lord, the better house I saw yesterday is in Xinghuafang, Xinghuafang is near Zhuque Street, one square to the east, and it is only half an hour away from West Market In walking distance, you can see the wall of the imperial city after two squares to the north..."

"Yeah, not bad..." Xu Qing nodded, but it was much more convenient than living in Dunyifang.

"It's just..." Fang Ya clapped his hands and said, "Let me tell you this. Before Xinghuafang, there were a lot of people living in the Yang Guan's house. After the Li Guan's house came, it went downhill. The people who lived there were all ordinary people. It's inevitable, it's lost." The identity of the nobleman." It seems that Fang Ya is determined to introduce a more expensive house to Xu Qing.If it is a buyout, then there are a lot of taps. Is there a saying that it is called "three breaks two", and there are buyers who eat and sellers.

Xu Qing smiled and said: "A commoner is a commoner. We used to be homeless. I think it doesn't matter where we live. The most important thing is to live comfortably." Xu Qing added in his heart, It is only natural that the family is happy.

Xu Qing's meaning is obvious, just don't choose a noble community for me, ace real estate, top-notch security, we ordinary people choose a house where we can live comfortably.

Fang Ya smiled and said: "The little official is telling the truth, but despite the fact that Xinghua Fang lives in ordinary families, there is a great enjoyment."

Seeing Fang Ya, everyone couldn't help asking: "What enjoyment?"

Fang Ya smiled and said: "There were many high-ranking officials and nobles living here in the former Sui Dynasty, so there were some good places to stay. We ordinary people, poor families, count on these good places to play. This Xinghuafang Yile is hot soup for a bath!"

Everyone didn't understand, so: "You are talking about taking a bath!"

"When Yang Guan's family built Chang'an City, a pool of hot springs was dug here. The spring water is warm and comfortable, but a little cloudy, so it is called Huitang. The people's soup near Huitang is washed by the people, and there are official soups washed by the official family. .”

"Dongshan, Zhuque Street, West City, Chang'an City, I don't know how prosperous and expensive it is, but it's the only one to go to the hot springs here. Do you think it's a great enjoyment?" Xu Qing nodded, "The Xinghuafang is quite OK."

"Okay," Fang Ya also smiled triumphantly, and finally sold a house, picked up a roll of bamboo slips, took Xu Qing out and said, "There are just a few official houses, so I'll take you to see them." .” Xu Qing couldn’t help being overjoyed when he heard the word “Official House”.

Xinghuafang is now down and out, and it has long since lost its prosperous appearance in the past, but it has the taste of the old days when Wang Xietang's former swallows flew into the homes of ordinary people.The big houses in the current Xinghuafang are basically merchants, and there are several low-rise houses, which can be regarded as common people's residences, but the "common people" who can live here are not simple, at least officials and The residences of some low-level officials, and some moved to the "city" to live as small landlords, which can be regarded as a small rich and small noble place.

As we talked about Xinghuafang along the way, Fang Ya also noticed that the young Sir is a "inner-feared" man, he didn't make up his own mind, and he always relied on the beautiful woman to say what he said.

Xu Qing looked around, but saw the white walls and gray tiles, and the crowds were buzzing, but these courtyards were quiet. Xu Qing just liked the feeling of being quiet amidst the noise, so he couldn't help but nodded.Said: "Although this Xinghuafang is not as lively as the West Market, and not as luxurious as Zhuque Street, but here, it has a bit of the tranquility when I lived in Xuzhuang, but it adds a bit of family life. Poetry, the taste of household string songs."

Fang Ya knew that this matter could be accomplished, so he hurriedly asked: "My lord, which of these houses do you like?" Xu Qing spread his hands and looked at Xun Xueer.Xun Xueer thought about it for a while, and felt that a house facing the street was good. According to the previous plan, she could do some small business facing the street.But Xun Xueer suddenly thought that doing business is a low-level job. This is Chang'an. Brother Xu goes to court every day. If he starts a business, will he be ashamed? So Xun Xueer pointed to a half The house facing the street has a wider gate facing the street, but it is located in a remote place, and the door cannot be opened for business.

Xu Qing smiled and said: "Okay, let's go to that house!"

The house is divided into two yards, front and back, with a patio in between.Entering the gate is the screen wall, and passing the screen wall is the front yard. The front yard is built with an upside-down seat next to the street, the left and right are the front compartment, and a corridor is built. A bunch of plum blossoms are planted in the middle. ".

After passing the gate of the front yard, there is a rectangular patio for lighting. The patio is paved with large stone slabs, smooth and smooth, and there are gutters for drainage on all sides.

There is a well in the middle of the patio, and there are some moss beside the well. I probed in and saw, hey, the water is full, and there are a few carp that don’t know which year and month, swimming around with their tails flicking.

The backyard behind the patio is the key point. After entering the backyard, there is a living room and two rooms to the west, a small building to the north, a kitchen to the south, and only one wall to the east. There should be a row of flowers and plants beside the original wall. Covered with blue tiles and painted with white ash, although it looks a little dirty, it is easy to see the fineness of the year.

The houses on all sides formed a small patio, which was raised with platform foundations to prevent moisture.In the house, the building in the north is the best. After all, facing the north is the kingly way, and the nobles who lived in this house in the former Sui Dynasty should also live there.There are also several potted plants planted in front of the small building. It seems that the original owner is a person who loves flowers very much, and there are traces of planting flowers everywhere.

After looking at the house, Xun Xueer and Xiaoyue started to negotiate the price, Xu Qing ignored it, this was their specialty.Besides, no matter how much money you have, you will have to chase it back later, hehehe...

Xiaoyue and Xun Xueer had a bargain, and finally settled on a negotiated price, 230 taels of silver, and another nine qian of Fangya money.After finally finalizing the price, Xun Xueer, like a victorious little lion, raised her head and smiled brightly at Xu Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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