grandfather married

Chapter 276 Girl's Heart

Chapter 276 Girl's Heart
The ladies all looked at the young master next to Chi Jiashi, and many of them's eyes lit up.

He was riding on a big white horse, wearing armor, with a firm face, straight back, superb eyesight, fair skin, but two sword eyebrows exuded a heroic spirit, which very well dilutes this kind of girlishness, Moreover, he has an aura that girls can't describe. Occasionally, when his eyes are swept over, the girls will involuntarily stop breathing.

"Who is this young master? Why does he look stronger than Second Young Master Chi?"

"You think so too? I was almost frightened by the way he inadvertently raised his head and looked this way just now."

"You were frightened and your face was flushed?"

"Oh, don't make fun of me, don't I think this young man is more attractive to people?" The lady thought for a moment before uttering the following words, "It makes people feel at ease."

While the girls were playing and laughing, their gazes never left Chi Jiashi and Ji Sibo, they secretly made up their minds to ask their father and brother when they got home to see if they knew who this young master was.

In an elegant private room of a teahouse, a girl wearing a moon-white skirt woven with gold and dark flowers, a peacock-pattern scarlet feather satin cape, and a big ruby ​​headdress looked at her with piercing eyes. Chi Jiashi passed by in front of him, after Chi Jiashi rode away on horseback, he chased after him with some reluctance.

The girl didn't look back until she turned a corner and couldn't see anyone. She turned her head and asked the middle-aged woman who was serving beside her, "Aunt Qiao, do you think Uncle Huang will clean up the dust for these generals?"

Aunt Qiao smiled slightly, "Princess, how can the servants know what the Holy Majesty is doing?"

The girl pouted, looking listless, "It would be great if Uncle Huang would clean up the dust for these generals, and then call mother to accompany him."

She is old and refined, and the young master's demeanor just fell into her eyes, and she sighed in her heart, the young master is going to grow up in April this year, the princess has found a group of young talents in the capital for her, but the young master can't see anyone Today, he just came out to join in the fun, but he seems to have taken a fancy to a certain young talent.

She thought of the two young men who left on tall horses just now, and asked tentatively, "Princess, the flowers in the brocade garden of our Eldest Princess' Mansion will bloom soon, how about taking advantage of the warmth of spring to bloom?" At that time, let the princess host a spring banquet, and invite the young talents in Beijing and the ladies from all over the world to come and appreciate the scene?"

Luo Wanqing's eyes lit up instantly, and a radiance appeared on her face, "Aunt Qiao, you are right, let mother hold a spring banquet, and invite young talents and ladies to enjoy the scenery."

After a pause, her face blushed, and she said in a slightly shy voice, "Aunt Qiao, ask your mother if you can post a message to the second son of the British government?"

Aunt Qiao suddenly knew in her mind that the little master had taken a fancy to the second son of the Duke of England. Thinking of the Duke of England, she had a complex look on her face, and said softly: "Gu Gu, go back and mention it to the princess."

Luo Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and couldn't wait to get up, "There's nothing to see here, let's go back quickly."

Aunt Qiao couldn't stop laughing, thinking of Her Highness the Princess more than ten years ago, when she saw her sweetheart, she was also so eager.

Just thinking of the British government, the smile on the corner of Aunt Qiao's mouth gradually disappeared, and she sighed silently.

"Mother, I'm back." Luo Wanqing walked into the main room cheerfully, and saluted the Eldest Princess sitting at the head.

The Eldest Princess wears a scarlet silk jacket with five bats holding clouds, a silver silk embroidered cotton skirt underneath, and a red gold silk-drawn phoenix holding four bright jewel knots in her head. He took on an aloof aura.

At this moment, seeing her beloved daughter return, the Eldest Princess smiled and said softly, "Come here, mother, and drink some hot tea to warm up your body."

Luo Wanqing sat on the Luohan bed, took the teacup handed to her by her mother with both hands, took a sip, put down the teacup and sighed comfortably, "The tea made by mother is better."

The eldest princess nodded her forehead affectionately, "You are the only one with a sweet mouth, how about it, is it lively outside?"

Luo Wanqing nodded heavily, "Mum, you didn't go to see it just now, wherever the army passed by, they shouted 'Da Qi is invincible', it was so lively, I was watching upstairs, and many people shouted Blush and thick neck."

The Eldest Princess raised her eyebrows slightly, and gave a soft 'oh', "Hearing you say that, it's really quite lively."

"Yes, yes." Luo Wanqing agreed, while winking at Aunt Qiao who was standing beside the Eldest Princess.

The eldest princess glanced sideways at Aunt Qiao, and said with a slight smile, "You monkey, what idea do you dare not bring up that you insist on asking Aunt Qiao to help you?"

Luo Wanqing pretended to smile stupidly, twisted her hands together, her face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and said nothing.

The eldest princess raised her eyebrows high, and looked back at Aunt Qiao, "This monkey who is not afraid of anything, why did he come back with a changed personality after going out for a while?"

Aunt Qiao glanced at the little master with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, the flowers in the brocade garden in the mansion are about to bloom, why don't we hold a spring banquet and invite young talents from the capital and ladies from all over the world to enjoy the scenery?" , just this time when the army came back, the second son of the British government won the battle in the northern border, and many young people want to hear how he beat the Xiliang barbarians in the northern border, how about posting a post to the second son of Chi?"

Luo Wanqing, who was lowering her head, raised her head and looked at her mother expectantly, her fingers twisted together nervously.

The eldest princess narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, her tone could not hear anything strange, "Qing'er wants to invite the second son of the British government to the spring banquet?"

Luo Wanqing's face turned red, she stood up in embarrassment, and stomped her feet, "Mother, you are too bad, I'm going back to my room first."

Seeing her daughter running away, the smile on the eldest princess's face gradually disappeared, and she said in an unclear tone: "Ah Qiao, you always said that Qing'er looks like me, you see, now she even looks like a man, It's not good to look at anyone, but I have to look at Chi Jin's son."

Aunt Qiao opened her mouth at the side, not knowing how to answer, she could only sigh silently in the end.

The eldest princess raised her eyebrows, "Ah Qiao, I'll let you accompany Qing'er to watch the army return to Beijing. How do you see that young man named Ji Sibo?"

Aunt Qiao thought about it carefully, and replied: "Extraordinary appearance, impressive momentum, even if you walk side by side with the second son of the Chi family, you are not overshadowed, but very eye-catching. You have made great achievements at a young age. In the future, you With support, Qingyun can wait for him, and his family background is low, so the young master will not be afraid of being angry with her after marrying."

The eldest princess frowned, "You praised him so well, but Qing'er didn't like him."

(End of this chapter)

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