Chapter 277

Aunt Qiao was also speechless for a moment, she accompanied the little master out today, actually following the princess's order, to observe Ji Sibo specially, but she didn't expect the little master to fall in love with Chi Jiashi at first sight.

The Eldest Princess sighed helplessly, "It's all my fault for hosting banquets these years. The British government never attended the banquets, and always used various excuses to shirk them, so that Qing'er never met the second kid from the Chi family." , otherwise why would I fall in love with it just by looking at it today?"

Based on her relationship with the British government, she knew why the British government didn't come to her banquet. That's why, when she chose a son-in-law for her beloved daughter, she didn't take the British government included.

Aunt Qiao came out of the palace with the Eldest Princess. Knowing everything about her, she also knew that the Princess fell in love with the Duke of Yingying in the past, but unfortunately the two had no chance. In the end, the Princess married the current Prince Consort and gave birth to a son and a daughter. .

It's just that since the princess failed to marry the British prince, the British government has almost lost contact with the princess. Even if there is a banquet in the palace, the British prince and wife never come to the princess.

"Qing'er is like me. She doesn't look back when she doesn't hit the city wall. She has high eyesight. This time, she has a crush on the second kid of the Chi family. I don't know how to make her give up." Feeling tired.

Aunt Qiao watched from the side, thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Princess, since the young master has taken a fancy to the second son of the Chi family, as the young master, he is a good match, as long as the eldest son of the Chi family dies, Sooner or later, the British Duke’s residence will belong to the second son, and then the young master will be the Duke’s wife. Why do you look at the young man from the Ji family, the Ji family is not even an earl now.”

The eldest princess glanced at her, her eyes were indifferent, and her red lips uttered something almost whispering, "It's not like you don't know what happened to Chi Jin's eldest son. If Qing'er married, wouldn't it be a wolf? Daughter, I'm not sending my daughter to die."

Aunt Qiao hesitated for a moment, and said in a dull voice: "The princess did such a secret back then, and the incident was too bizarre, the British princess should not be able to guess the truth, right?"

The little creases between the eldest princess' brows became more and more deep, "If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what happens. My daughter who is on the top of my heart, how can I be willing to let her be in the slightest danger? Besides, the British princess has always been subject to the emperor's brother. This time the northern border is in an emergency, and the emperor's brother still refuses to let the British prince become the coach. I don't know what will happen to the British prince in the future, how can I be willing to let Qing'er marry him?"

Aunt Qiao was taken aback, and murmured, "Is the British government already in such danger?"

The eldest princess curled her lips and said with a sneer, "If Chi Jin was willing to marry me back then, how could the emperor be afraid of him? Even if the British government fell in the future, it would be caused by Chi Jin."

Aunt Qiao nodded approvingly, "It is true that the British public didn't know the general situation back then, the princess even fell in love with him, and dared to refuse."

After a pause, she asked again in puzzlement, "Princess, even if the second son of the Chi family is not suitable, the family status of the Ji family is too low, and this servant is worried that the princess will be wronged."

The Eldest Princess curled her lips, her eyes flickered, and her voice was extremely low, "You don't understand, is the golden scale a thing in the pond? In the future, that young man from the Ji family will definitely meet the clouds and fly into the sky."

Just because the emperor's brother preferred that the fourth child be the emperor in the future, she knew that Ji Sibo would definitely be a great minister in the future.When the fourth child came to the throne at the beginning, he must support his own people to rise to the throne, but Ji Sibo, the person he brought up with his own hands, how could his status be lower in the future?

In the future, her son-in-law will be a loyal courtier of the new emperor, and will be of great benefit to the eldest princess's mansion. Now, if he doesn't take advantage of his humble status and marry Qing'er over, wouldn't it be cheaper for the girl next door?
When Aunt Qiao saw that the master was speaking vaguely, her heart froze, and she didn't dare to ask any more questions, knowing that there were some things she couldn't understand.

The Eldest Princess pondered for a moment, then stood up, "Let's go, follow me to Qing'er's yard, some thoughts should be suppressed as soon as possible."

Luo Wanqing was lost in thought in her room, when she heard the salute from the maid outside, she stood up to greet her, "Mother, you are here."

She was apprehensive and looking forward to it, did her mother agree to post a post to Young Master Chi?
The eldest princess waved her hand, and Aunt Qiao said, "You all go down first, you don't need to stay here to wait."

After all the maids retreated, the Eldest Princess took her daughter's hand and brought her to the inner room, sat on the bed, and sympathetically smoothed the hair on her temples, "Qing'er, there are only mother and you here, you are honest Tell your mother, have you taken a fancy to that second kid from the Chi family?"

Luo Wanqing didn't expect her mother to ask such a straightforward question, she blushed as if she heard the sound of her own heartbeat, and her voice was as small as a mosquito, "Mother, aren't you going to choose me a son-in-law? Qing'er Look, Second Young Master Chi is quite good."

The eldest princess became more and more sympathetic, and her tone was gentle, "Silly boy, mother thinks the second kid of the Chi family is not suitable. But mother has a very suitable candidate, that is the young man from the Ji family who is walking side by side with the second kid of the Chi family today. What do you think?" how?"

Luo Wanqing's complexion changed instantly, and the blushing gradually faded away, and she asked anxiously, "Mother, why do you think that Mr. Chi Er is not suitable? He is the son of the British Duke, and I am your daughter. We are in the right family, what is not suitable? Then What kind of young man from the Ji family, and which character is he? I've never heard of him!"

The eldest princess gradually frowned, "It's just the first time you've seen that kid from the Chi family today, why are you holding on to him? I heard from Aqiao that the kid from the Ji family is handsome, and he hit him again this time." Coming back from victory, the future is boundless, and you are a match made in heaven!"

Luo Wanqing blurted out, "He looks like a little rabbit, how is he so pretty!"

The eldest princess was startled, she didn't expect her daughter to say such words, she couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Aunt Qiao who was standing beside her.

Aunt Qiao shook her head in confusion, "Princess, look at me, that son of the Ji family is not like Master Rabbit."

Luo Wanqing curled her lips, very unhappy, "He is whiter than me, I don't like it."

The eldest princess suddenly realized, and sighed helplessly, "It's all your father's fault. Obviously, my mother has fair skin, but your skin is not white enough like your father's."

Luo Wanqing turned her head, "Anyway, I don't like him."

The eldest princess stroked her daughter's face, and said softly, "How about this, mother will hold a spring banquet, and post a post to that kid from the Ji family, and then you can see how he is in person?"

Seeing that her daughter was still reluctant, she lowered her voice, "Qing'er, when did mother ever hurt you? Marriage is a big deal, this time you listen to mother."

Luo Wanqing pursed her lips, seeing that her mother was very firm, she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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