The lady is so cute

Chapter 75 Ruins - Wayena

Chapter 75 Ruins - Wayena
Most of the entire ruins are located underground, and workers coming and going are excavating here.

One after another, transport locomotives with a height of ten meters were transporting the soil dug out from below.

Every time the slender mechanical arm of the excavation facility swings down, it takes away tons of soil
The rough road that was temporarily built to provide transport locomotives to climb up from under the huge pit has become flattened after being rolled over and over again.

"Mr. Abeno, is this the ruin that we want to explore?"

"That's right, this is the ruins you want to explore."

Teoduro Abeno took out a blueprint from his assistant's backpack and handed it to Ye Yu.

Ye Yu took a rough look at the huge building in front of him.

"Is it Wayena?"

Part of the information about this ruin was written on the paper Teoduro Abeno gave Ye Yu.

"Ye Yu, remember to bring this blueprint with you when you go down later."

"No need." Ye Yu glanced at it and immediately wrote down the content on the drawing, and then returned the paper to Teoduro Abeno.

"I have already remembered."


Ye Yu just glanced at it and completely memorized the above content.

Teoduro Abeno paused, he was amazed by Ye Yu's astonishing memory, which is simply the ability to never forget.

Ye Yu also learned some information about the ruins from Teoduro Abeno before.

According to investigation and research, it is inferred that this relic was roughly built at the end of the Elf Empire in the super ancient period.

From some fragmentary ancient books that have been handed down, the researchers just obtained the information of this ruin.

It is speculated that the object that Teoduro Abeno wanted was in the unexcavated part of the ruins, and it was very difficult to find it.

The most important thing is that it is still unknown what is inside. There are usually special defense methods inside such ancient ruins.

For the sake of safety, Teoduro Abeno has not sent an investigation team in-depth until now, but only presided over the external excavation work and conducted a simple investigation on the periphery of the ruins.

According to the original plan, it was planned to wait until the excavation of the relics was further advanced and the relics were better understood before conducting in-depth exploration, but the appearance of Ye Yu made it possible to carry out the exploration work.

And that's what Teoduro Abeno wanted.

After all, the more you dig down, the more difficult the amount of work and work such as transporting soil will be.

It will take at least several months or years for the excavation of the ruins to reach their expected progress.

"It is indeed a building left by that super ancient civilization in history."

The architectural style of this ruins is in line with the aesthetics of the future style in Ye Yu's mind.

Judging from the part that has been excavated, the entire building looks like the top of a giant tree, probably referring to the model of the legendary ancient world tree.

The silver-white walls made of unknown materials form relatively independent branch modules one after another, together with the most important thick trunk.

There is no trace of wrinkle on the smooth appearance, just like a perfect thing made by nature, without flaws.

Let the whole ruins be full of a sense of mystery.

Ye Yu put his hands in front of his eyes and compared them, estimating the size of the ruins.

Only the part that has been excavated so far has reached a height of hundreds of meters.

"Professor Teoduro Abeno!"

Several people who looked like researchers hurried to Teoduro Abeno, and their words were full of respect for Teoduro Abeno.

After all, this is an authoritative figure in the study of ancient history.

They also saw Ye Yu, and were curious about the young man next to Teoduro Abeno.

In order to avoid some troubles, Ye Yu concealed his identity, he put on a black robe, his whole appearance was covered by the robe, so that no one could see his appearance.

But they judged from Ye Yu's exposed hand and Ye Yu's voice when he was talking to himself just now, this is a very young person.

There are not many academic authorities with the status of Teoduro Abeno who can stand beside him like this.

"Professor Teoduro Abeno, may I ask if this is—"

"This is not something you want to know, get out of here and do your own thing."

"Yes! What we want to say is that a way to open the gate has been found."

"Oh? Got it, you guys go on to work."

Seeing Teoduro Abeno's appearance, several people left here in silence.

Later, Teoduro Abeno took Ye Yu to a further tour of the entire excavation camp.

To Ye Yu's surprise, there are thousands of staff here.

"The empire seems to attach great importance to this relic?"

With thousands of workers and so many large mechanical facilities, it is enough to build a city.

Teoduro Abeno said with a wry smile: "Yes, it is very important, otherwise it would not have spent so much manpower and material resources."

As soon as the words fell, a familiar voice came.

"Abeno, little brother Ye Yu!"

Ye Yu looked over, it was Widen, and behind him was a row of professional soldiers in full armor.

When getting off the airship, Widen did not go with Ye Yu and the others, but went to other places. Now it seems that he should be handling the responsible work.

"Brother Ye Yu, look, my soldiers are all selected elites with good skills, don't you really want to accompany them, even if they are in charge of logistics?"

Ye Yu glanced briefly at the elite that Widener mentioned, and curled her lips slightly.

"Well, good, so no need."

These soldiers all have at least C-level strength, and they are indeed extraordinary elites among regular professionals.

But it's really useless to Ye Yu.And the more 'nice' it was, the less likely Ye Yu would agree to them accompanying him.

These must all be members of Weiden's subordinates. If they died in the ruins, they would not feel sorry for them.

Taking them to explore the unknown ruins, most likely, Ye Yu needs to be specially distracted to protect his teammates, which will make Ye Yu very irritable.


Although Ye Yu repeatedly said this, Wei Deen actually wanted Ye Yu to bring some people there.

In Widener's eyes, it would be better if there were more people, even if it was a logistics service.

"Sir, he is too arrogant!"

The soldiers behind Widen felt dissatisfied, and looked at the man in black robe as if they were weak.

This made them feel uncomfortable.

Regarding this behavior, Ye Yu walked directly in front of a soldier.

Under the gaze of everyone, he stretched out his white arm and tapped him lightly.

The soldier's outer armor was crumbled to pieces along with his clothing.


The others were startled by Ye Yu's actions.

This is a special armor made of synthetic metal, even a cannonball can't penetrate the armor, but it was shattered by this black-robed man's light tap.

The soldiers looked at the fragments on the ground and thought for a while, no one dared to say anything to Ye Yu who was wearing a black robe.

"So, I don't need to be accompanied. Mr. Abeno, since you have found a way to get in, let me go in quickly."

Ye Yu left straight away, leaving behind everyone who was still in a daze.

When someone came back to look at Ye Yu's eyes, there was only awe.

This is an absolute strong man, no wonder he is someone who can stand beside their chief without etiquette.

The soldier whose clothes were exploded was shivering on the spot with only his underwear left

The others looked at him and imagined what would happen if Ye Yu touched their bodies just now.

 There are not many chapters to write in the ruins, and it is estimated that the first volume may be finished with about 90 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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