The lady is so cute

Chapter 76 Undercurrent

Chapter 76 Undercurrent
assassin court

Island Headquarters
"Helo Lani, you failed?"

Silo Lani was questioned by the leader of the Assassins, seated high above the chamber.

"No, that's right." Hilo Lani was a little flustered in her heart. Even though it was only projected here, Hilo Lani was still worried and afraid from the bottom of her heart.

This was her first mission failure, and the Assassin Court often gave cruel punishments to those who failed missions.

Even if she is a member-level assassin, she cannot avoid this system.

"Boss, next to the target is a young man who may reach A-level strength to protect her. I did my best."

"Hmph! Beside that little saint named Aliwell, besides that old guy Eric, who else can reach A-level strength?"

It was Noonge who was speaking, a member of parliament assassin with the nickname of 'Knife Demon'.

Also one of Shiloh Lanney's enemies.

In the Assassin's Court, Noonger couldn't understand Helo Lani very much, and felt that this woman had no strength at all and was not worthy of being a member of the Ten Councilors.

Other congressmen also cast doubtful looks at Hilo Lani.

Anyway, if they fall into trouble, they will have one less opponent to hinder their upward climb.

You must know that there are only a few leaders in the current Assassin's Association who can reach A-level professionals.

If that saint can invite a guardian with A-level strength casually, wouldn't A-level professionals be a bad street?

Although it was said that there were too many A-level assassins at the peak of the Assassin Court in ancient times, that was just a legend.

Anyway, currently there are only three leaders who have reached A-level strength on the Assassin court.

"Nowunger? What nonsense are you talking about, but I'm not lying."

"Hmph, I think you are afraid of death and didn't perform the task at all."

Noonge's words made her complexion change as she pursued Hilo Lani closely, and she looked at Noonge with a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that the Assassin councilors here are all projections, Hilo Lani would be fighting with Noong now.

"Why, do you still want to fight with me?"

Noonge cast a lewd glance at Hilo Lani's figure, his eyes full of desire.

"If you fight in another place, I can accompany you."

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air of the court.

"Hmph, Nuowong, don't think that your place is far away from me, be careful that one day you will die at home"

For Noonge's provocation, Shilo Lani counterattacked not to be outdone.

"Stop it."

The grim voice of the Assassin leader put an end to the head-to-head struggle.

Seeing the leader speak, the congressmen calmed down.

"About whether or not to assassinate the saint of the Holy See, I am hesitating whether to continue."


Members were surprised that the leader would hesitate, but their projections suddenly disappeared in the court.

"What's the matter, man?"

The assassin leader looked at the empty hall, wondering why the projections of all the councilors disappeared.

"You must go."

A strange voice came from the courtroom.

The assassin leader quickly looked around, who is it?

The assassin leader looked around vigilantly, but found that there was no one there.

But the next moment he felt something cold and hard on his neck, and it had already scratched his skin.

Through the air, he smelled a bloody smell.


Because the projection images of the councilors dissipated in an instant, the entire empty court could clearly hear the leader of the assassin swallowing his saliva and his rapid breathing.

The leader, who had acted extremely strong in front of the congressmen, felt terrified at the moment.

As the current leader of the Assassin's Association, he would sometimes be approached without knowing it.

Is there someone behind me?

How did it get behind him?
Even with all his attention on guard, he still didn't notice the other party's existence at all.

In the empty courtroom, any small sound could attract a lot of attention, but the other party came to him quietly like this.

There is no sound of breathing, could it be that the other party has been holding his breath?
Can anyone really do that without breathing?

The assassin leader's scalp tingled for a while, and his body trembled unnaturally.

Even now the leader of the assassins can't feel the existence of the opponent, the only thing is that he can clearly feel that he is hovering on the verge of death.

"Then, that, may I ask who you are?"

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that you have to assassinate that saint."

"But we will pay a high price."

With a powerful guardian like Eric beside him, it is difficult for them to succeed.

The only chance is to take advantage of Eric's mistakes in protecting Aliwell.

But the previous failures must have made Eric more vigilant.

"The price? You don't need to worry. You don't need to worry about Eric's obstruction when you go to assassinate the saint this time."

"Don't worry about Eric?"

The leader of the assassins was puzzled. If Eric hadn't stopped him, it would have been much easier for them to assassinate Aliwell.

"That's right, he can't stop you when you go to assassinate the saint. Besides, isn't it very convenient to use the thing you recently traded with the Holy See to kill people?"

"You, do you know about our deal with the Holy See?"

"Hehe, of course I know."

He obviously didn't see the other party, but the assassin leader could feel the other party's disdain.

"Anyway, you can go and assassinate that little saint now."

"Yes, yes, I know."

After speaking, the phantom disappeared behind the leader of the assassins.

Feeling the breath of death away from him, the assassin leader breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched his neck with his hand, and there was still a trace of blood on it.

The other party just scratched his skin, but if I didn't agree just now, it might have scratched his entire neck.


After the phantom disappeared, the entire hall returned to normal, and the projections of the ten councilors were transmitted again.

"Boss, what happened just now, why can't we connect here?" The strange situation just now made all the members curious.

"It's nothing, I've decided to continue the task of assassinating that saint."

"Huh? Didn't you just say—"

Hilo Lani just said the words, but the eyes of the assassin leader made her stop.

In short, hearing this, Hilo Lani was the first to fall into confusion.

Obviously the leader just now said he was hesitant about this entrusted task, but why did they change their words after disconnecting for a while.

The other assassins don't know yet, but she clearly knows that with Eric, there are at least two A-level guardians by Aliwell's side.

And they only have one leader with A-level strength who can make a move.

Not to mention whether the leader can fight Eric alone, even they may not be able to deal with Ye Yu.

If Ye Yu and Ai Liweier cooperate properly, one battle and one assistant plus the group of battle maids, it will be difficult for all the councilors to complete the task.

"This operation is the last operation of this commission. For the sake of safety, you can use that weapon. In addition, you have to choose a few people to participate in this mission."

That thing is the same item they sent back not long ago.

It was precisely because of the need to pick up and deliver this item that the Assassin's Association briefly gave up on the assassination of Ariwell.

This is a precious item promised by the Assassin Association as a commission, a legendary weapon.

If it weren't for this item, it would be impossible for the Assassin's Association to take a huge risk to assassinate one of the important figures of the Holy See just with a reward of 30 billion.

From the looks of it, the leader of the assassins is serious.

To actually use the weapons they traded with some people in the church, Hilo Lani probably understood where the leader's confidence was.

It does increase their chances of success.

"But the leader, what about Eric?"

Noonge wanted to kill the little saint, but he was a little worried about Eric.

After all, he is a bloodthirsty reckless man, but not a fool who likes to die.

"Don't worry about Eric for this mission."

"Then this is a simple task to deliver to your door. Chief, I'm going!"

In this case, Noonge was the first one who couldn't wait to participate in this mission, and at the same time he cast a provocative look at Hilo Lani.

"I, I won't go."

"Haha, I've already said that you are a woman who is afraid of death."

Hearing Hilo Lani's words, Noonge immediately seized the opportunity to taunt.

"Tch, that rude bastard."

Hilo Lani was upset for a while, and she also wanted to participate in this mission that seemed to have a high success rate.

But her intuition told her not to do it.

 One: Thank you Maomao and 66 for the reward of 1500 coins, and I will try to make up for it on Friday night.

  Two: This chapter is a bit sloppy, and the details will be completed later.

  The main reason is that I had a good time at the Kings Summit last night (8 consecutive victories), but it turned out that I didn't do my high math homework, which led to insufficient writing time in the end. ()
  Three: In addition, I would like to apologize to some readers, because I was so angry with a second-rate troll the day before yesterday, so I was a little sensitive to some comments in the past two days, and mistakenly thought it was a brainless troll and deleted it.

(End of this chapter)

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