The lady is so cute

Chapter 77 Exploring the Ruins and Hiding Observers

Chapter 77 Exploring the Ruins and Hiding Observers

Ye Yu came to the front of the ruins, where a group of researchers were busy tinkering with instruments.

Looking at these complicated instruments, Ye Yu guessed that they were doing something like deciphering codes.

Teoduro Abeno and Widern were soon here too.

"Ye Yu, it will take a few hours to open the entrance of this ruin, why don't you wait?"

There is a vertical trace on the silver-white wall of the ruins, and it is speculated that this is a crack in the door.

It is an entrance to the ruins.

The instruments operated by the researchers are designed to open this door.

Originally they wanted to forcibly enter, but they couldn't open it with various tools before, and only found a way to open it in some materials.

As long as you can break the blockade on the Internet, but it will take time.

"Where is the need for such trouble?"

Ye Yu walked to the wall of the ruins and kicked the door.


With a loud noise and a strong gust of wind, the door of the ruins was opened.


Ye Yu acted as casually as if she kicked open the door of her own house without bringing the key.

The researchers fell into a daze, and someone asked Teoduro Abeno in a daze:
"Professor Teoduro Abeno, so what the hell are we here for?"

Ye Yu solved the problem that they had been studying here for several days without solving it, which made them question the meaning of their work.

"Ahem, don't worry about that, in this case, you can go to work in other positions."

Researchers are skeptical that life is getting out of here.

Teoduro Abeno doesn't know why he sent so many people here.

Looking at Ye Yu with a bit of embarrassment:
"Well, classmate Ye Yu, are you going in right now?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I open this door. Mr. Abeno, then I'll go in."

Ye Yu stepped directly into the ruins from the entrance.

Teoduro Abeno also wanted to enter the ruins, but facing unknown dangers forced him to give up this idea.

Seeing Ye Yu walk in swaggeringly, Teoduro Abeno felt a bit of inexplicable helplessness.

It always seems like they are redundant.

Entering from the entrance, Ye Yu looked at the door he kicked open just now, and touched his nose.

Did he just destroy cultural relics?


The space behind the door is not large, there is only one passage, leading straight into the interior of the ruins.

There was only one person in the passage, and Ye Yu's walking made pattering footsteps, which echoed repeatedly in the passage.

There are countless growth rings in the mud layer, but everything inside the ruins is as brand new.

It was as if its owner had just taken care of the place.

Ye Yu observed the silver-white wall and found that there were many exquisite murals on it.

The style is completely different from that of today's human society, and has a classical beauty.

"Is this recorded history?"

It's a pity that Ye Yu is too lazy to interpret these things now, but he can pay attention to them and let Teoduro Abeno and others study them.

Ye Yu took a picture with her mobile phone and ignored it.

"Find what Mr. Abeno wants first, then talk about it."

After ignoring these things, Ye Yu accelerated the speed of going deep into the passage.

But after Ye Yu walked through the passage, a small bump protruded from the top of the silver-white wall.

"Unidentified Person Found - Identity Check Tracking - Ethnicity Testing - Pure Human"

A small eye-shaped device was exposed from the raised device, and it photographed the human in black in front of it.

The footage it captured was transmitted to a small closed room.

"Pure humans? Why are there pure humans? Continue to observe." A spherical thing made such a voice.

Two small mechanical arms protruded from the ball's body, quickly pressing on a console with buttons.

After pressing it, the ball rolled around in the room, as if thinking about something.

"How come, there are pure humans appearing here, could it be invaders."

But how could a pure human being be able to come in without its permission.

The ball's memory is very vague, but it remembers that it is impossible for pure humans to enter here.

After all, it remembers that pure humans are weak.

In the retained memory, Yuanqiu remembers that although they are both human races, the pure human race has not been favored by the creator, not only weak in strength, but also low in civilization.

The ball has just issued an order to change the place this unknown invader will enter.

Ye Yu walked forward in the direction of the passage. According to the drawings given to him by Teoduro Abeno, he should walk 500 meters before encountering a downward staircase leading to the next floor of the ruins area.

"Is it different from what was written on that piece of paper?"

Ye Yu looked at the scene in front of her and asked a question.

He obviously never walked 300 meters, but he ended the passage and entered an empty dark hall.


Sensing someone entering, the lights in the entire hall automatically turned on.

Something similar to a camera was aimed at Ye Yu quietly.

This is the preparation made by the ball to further observe this pure human being carefully.

Its command just now changed part of the internal distribution of the ruins by mobilizing the branch room modules of the ruins.

That's why Ye Yu would walk to this room instead of the stairs.

"Zoom in and shoot!"

In its own small control room, the round ball was talking loudly, and at the same time, two small mechanical hands that did not match its round ball's body were rapidly tapping the console.

Through a screen, it finally saw the general appearance of this pure human being.

However, the opponent's whole body was covered under the black robe so that he could not see his face.

The other party actually looked at the camera it was controlling.

"Huh? I didn't expect there to be people in this ruin."

Ye Yu looked at the camera in a little surprise.

To be precise, it doesn't have to be 'person', Ye Yu is just used to calling it that way.

"Hey! How did he find out?"

Obviously the monitor it mobilized just now is hidden, how could it be seen by this pure human being?
Yuanqiu found it incredible, and became interested in this pure human who suddenly appeared in the ruins.

It was another operation, the previous monitor was turned off, and a new one that was well hidden began to go online.

Wanting to know if it was just a coincidence, Yuanqiu decided to try another camera secretly.

This way it knows whether every pure human being is fooling it.

Maybe it was just that pure human being talking nonsense just now and it happened to be aimed at the camera it mobilized.

But things didn't go as Yuanqiu had hoped, the moment it turned on the new equipment, the pure human in the black robe stared at the camera equipment.

"It's not a good habit to spy on others, give you some time to come out by yourself."

The ball saw the eyes of the man in black, and it was looking at it through the camera.

 The remaining chapter will be added tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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