Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 17 Orochimaru and Danzo's Conspiracy

Chapter 17 Orochimaru and Danzo's Conspiracy

After Genbu's confidant left, Danzo's face remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened, and he hurried on his way as if nothing had happened.


Suddenly, a little snake sprang out from the side of the road, spitting out a letter at Danzang.

Danzo's one-eyed glance at the little snake, then turned his direction calmly, and followed the little snake not too far or near. After turning a few turns, he appeared in a small forest.

The little snake turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

"Master Danzo!"

A voice sounded behind Danzo, it was Orochimaru's slightly hoarse voice, Danzo slowly turned around, and saw Orochimaru's slightly cynical face.

"Oshemaru." Danzo's one-eyed stared at Orochimaru leisurely, and gently spit out these three words from his mouth.

Orochimaru, as the name suggests, is like a poisonous snake. Anyone who deals with him must be extremely careful and cautious, otherwise he will definitely be bitten by Orochimaru.

When Danzo was thinking this way, he didn't know that almost the same thought flashed through Orochimaru's mind.

They all regard each other as a sinister, cunning and despicable person.

"Danzo-sama, is A doing well under your hands these days?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and laughed hoarsely.

"I won't bother you about A's matter, Orochimaru, do you still have unrealistic fantasies?" Danzo snorted coldly.

At the beginning, he accidentally took advantage of Jia. After Orochimaru knew about it, he had a fight with Danzo.

But the result was unquestionable, A got into the roots and was firmly held by Danzo.

"No, Danzo-sama, you value A so much, I just greet you out of politeness." Orochimaru categorically rejected this.

"Oshemaru, come to me. If you just talk nonsense, I don't have time to accompany you." Danzo turned around directly, as if he was about to leave.

"Danzo, you and I both know that you won't just leave like this, so you better stop pretending." Orochimaru seemed to see through Danzo.

Danzo's pretentious footsteps really stopped: "Oshemaru, tell me your purpose."

"I want the Bagua seal and the Sixiang seal." Orochimaru didn't say any nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

And he really followed Liu Feng's suggestion, and even asked for the four-element seal.

"The Eight Diagrams seal, the Four Elephants seal? Orochimaru, you are so open-mouthed, I really want to know if you have enough bargaining chips or not!"

Danzo sneered.

Obviously Orochimaru's guess was good. Although these two seals are Konoha's confidential information, they are not a problem at all for people like Danzo.

"A more perfect Mutun ninja than Armor." Orochimaru said with confidence.

In Danzo's one eye, a ray of light suddenly flashed, which showed the unrest in his heart.

After seeing Danzo's reaction, Orochimaru knew that the plan was stable.

"Two days later, the old place, you bring people!" Danzang said heavily after being silent for a few seconds.

Then, Danzo leaned on his cane and left without looking back.

Not long after Danzo left, there was a coo coo coo coo, and Bai Jue came out of the ground: "The plan is very successful!"

Orochimaru looked at this plant-like human figure, his eyes were full of curiosity, this thing can travel freely underground, and the minds of each other are intercommunicated, it is simply a perfect existence for investigation and surveillance.

This thing that Mr. Obitu came up with is really interesting.

"Obito-kun is right. Dealing with Danzo is actually very simple. You just need to consider enough chips." Orochimaru smiled.

God has no adjacent bridge.

Underground secret base.

A Baijue Gululu popped up: "Oshemaru has succeeded, and we will make a deal with Danzo in two days' time."

"Things went well, Obito, I didn't expect you to know Danzo so well." A Fei said without turning his head while drawing on the ground with a branch.

When Liufeng and Orochimaru made this plan, both of them looked confident, as if they were sure that Danzo would definitely take the bait.

Facts have proved that Danzo agreed as expected.

"Danzo is the same as any other conspirators, he is a person who will do anything for his own purpose." Liufeng said confidently.

Since Orochimaru's side is so smooth, then everything will wait until two days later, and it will be fine to follow Orochimaru to see Danzo.

"I really didn't expect that one day, I would actually work under Danzo." Thinking of this, Liu Feng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

It's really fate, and the future is unpredictable, and he would actually follow Danzang, this is something he never thought of.

"There are still two days left, that's enough. Before I go to hang out with Danzang, I'll go to Longyin Village and get things done."

After thinking about it, Liu Feng made a decision and stood up directly.

"Obito, you have already made up your mind, have you chosen Longyin Village?" A Fei asked aside.

"Yes, there is no more suitable place than Longyin Village." Liufeng nodded.

Because Hei Jue, an insider, escaped from Shenwei Dimension, this underground base has completely lost its value.

After all, Heijue knows everything about this underground base, so Liufeng has a top priority now: transfer his base.

Otherwise, it is possible for this base to leak anytime.

Although there is nothing more valuable in this base except for Madara's corpses and relics and the golem of the heretics.

And in the near future, the golem of the heretics will be psychically walked by Nagato, who has gradually developed the ability of reincarnation eyes.

——As for Nohara Rin's corpse, Ruikaze had already placed it in the Kamui space. It was the corpse of someone special to Obito, and Ruikaze treated it alone.

Even if the base is exposed, it won't hurt.

Even Liufeng can transfer all the things in the underground base to the Shenwei space, so there is no need to worry too much.

But Liufeng did some calculations, he still needed to run a secret stronghold in advance, just in case.

There is always nothing wrong with preparing some countermeasures in advance.

In case I really run into corners in the future, there should be a shelter, right?

Even with Liufeng's current strength, there are not many people in the ninja world who can threaten him, but who can say for sure about the ninja world?
What's more, Nanao is in Longyin Village. If Ruikaze wants to implement the "Little Ten Tails" plan, he will definitely go to Longyin Village in the future.

Now go to Longyin Village in advance, and control Longyin Village in your hands, which is also paving the way for your future.

(End of this chapter)

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