Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 18 The perverted A Fei actually did this kind of thing to Liu Feng...

Chapter 18 The perverted A Fei actually did this kind of thing to Liu Feng...

There are three main reasons why Liufeng chose to attack Takiyin Village.

First, Longyin Village is a small country with relatively weak strength, and there is not even a shadow. Only the village head manages the affairs of the village.

Taking action against such a small village will reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, and with Liufeng's strength, it can completely take over it quietly.

Moreover, although a small country like Longyin Village is surrounded by four countries at the same time, it basically does not deal with other countries because of its particularity.

After Liufeng takes over, there is no need to worry about being noticed by other countries.

Second, the geographical location of Longyin Village is very special. The whole village is hidden in a huge waterfall, and people outside the village cannot find the entrance of the village at all.

In addition, because they are afraid that others will covet the most precious water of heroes in the village, the people of Longyin Village are also extremely jealous and wary of people from other countries, and will not easily reveal the location of the village.

This is why Longyin Village is so secretive.

But it is precisely this kind of secrecy that is in Liufeng's arms now. What he needs is such a secret stronghold that is extremely secretive and will not be discovered and detected by outsiders, so that he can do anything in the future.

Thirdly, Shigeaki Nanao is in Longyin Village. Now that he has taken control of Longyin Village in advance, it is tantamount to directly controlling Nanao. After Liu Feng has learned the gossip seal, he can come to Longyin Village first and attack Nanao.

"Longyin Village is such a small village, but Nanao exists, and it will be wiped out by other countries sooner or later, Liufeng, you have helped them by taking over now!" Ah Fei saw it thoroughly.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty. This truth is an eternal truth in any world.

Takiin Village is indeed too small and too weak, so weak that even the entire village has only single-digit Jonin, so weak that Naruto and Sasuke, who were just assigned to the seventh class, were able to save the village!

Of course, the Shangnin Shisha Rebellion, it was a few years later, the current Takigakure Village is not that weak, at least the village head Shiki is very strong, if he drinks the hero water, he will reach the Kage level There is no problem.

In the village, there is also Nanao sitting in town.

"What you said makes sense, Ah Fei. After you say that, I feel that I am doing a good thing by taking over Longyin Village!"

Liu Feng gave A Fei a thumbs up. This guy, A Fei, is getting thicker and thicker.

"In this case, what are we waiting for?" Ah Fei asked impatiently.

"Let's go!"

The majestic vortex appeared, and the figures of Liu Feng and A Fei disappeared immediately.

Beyond the border of the Kingdom of Fire.

At the foot of a cliff, with gurgling water, green trees and red flowers, there is a paradise.

Ripples appeared in the space.

After the ripples dissipated, two guys wearing almost the same mask appeared by the water. One of them was wearing a mask, and the other was born with a face that grew into a mask.

——There is no doubt that it is Liu Feng and A Fei.

"Obito, I suddenly want to study the meaning of defecation, can you wait for me for a while." A Fei didn't know what was going on, and said suddenly.

"Isn't this too sudden for you?" Liu Feng almost fell to the ground.

"Look, Obito, doesn't that waterfall look like someone is urinating?" A Fei stared at the waterfall hanging from the cliff, and asked with a serious face.

Liu Feng really fell down this time: "A Fei, you pervert, haven't you been peeping at others, have you?"

"What's the fuss? I don't have this ability myself. If I want to study the meaning of defecation, I have to observe others." A Fei said naturally.

This pervert actually peeked at other people's peeing!
Suddenly, Liu Feng's face showed panic: "You can't be peeking at me...I'm sure!"

"What do you think?" A Fei looked at Liu Feng with the eyes of a fool. Although A Fei has no eyes, Liu Feng really felt that he was regarded as a fool, "I have been with you all day since I was born, and I don't steal Let's see who you look at..."

"You pervert, give me back my virginity!" Liu Feng kicked Ah Fei away, and couldn't help but shuddered, and ran away.

Whoosh whoosh!
Liufengren turned into a phantom, flickering among the rocks, and rushed towards the waterfall like lightning.

"Bridge, bridge bean sack!"

Ah Fei yelled from behind, and chased after him closely.

puff puff!

Two streams of water splashed between the waterfalls one after another, Liu Feng and A Fei just passed through the waterfall and dived into a cave.

What appeared in front of them was a huge natural cave.

There are also hot spring-like pools in the cave, all of which are natural landscapes, which are very interesting.

"Obito, this, this is Longyin Village, you must have made a mistake, right?" A Fei touched his head.

The exact location of Longyin Village was not found out by Bai Jue and others, because the natural secret of Longyin Village's geographical location was not even known to Bai Jue and others.

It was purely based on the memory in "Hokage" that Liu Feng ordered Bai Jue to search and verify it, and it was finally confirmed.

"That's the reason why you don't even know Longyin Village, watch it!" Liufeng said a little ostentatiously, and he jumped into a pool of water.

Below the pool is a whole area of ​​water. Liufeng and Ah Fei swam to the shore in the water. When they landed, a village with a beautiful scenery appeared in front of them.

"Even if you can find this kind of place, I really admire you, Obito." A Fei repeatedly sighed.

"Someone is coming, let's retreat first." Liu Feng and A Fei rose up from the ground and flew into the lush trees.

——The people who came were just children playing and playing, and no one found the whereabouts of Liu Feng and the others.

Takiyin Village is not that big, and it didn't take long for Liufeng and A Fei to find the current village chief Shiki in an open space in the village.

"The practice of ninjutsu should be done step by step, and you should not be impatient. I will teach you other ninjutsu after you have learned the most basic three-body jutsu..."

A middle-aged man is patiently teaching another boy who is about six or seven years old.

That middle-aged man is Shiki, the current village head of Longyin Village, and the other little boy is Shiki's son, who will be another village head of Longyin Village, Xiao Shiki.

"Come here first today, you go back first." Suddenly, Sheki's complexion changed slightly, and he glanced at the back of a big tree not far away calmly, and said to Xiao Shimu.

Xiao Shemu suddenly showed joy. Although he is not young now, he is still extremely immature, lazy and afraid of hard work, and when he heard that he can no longer practice, he immediately ran away happily.

(End of this chapter)

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