Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 19 Uchiha Madara-level Fire Escape Ninjutsu

Chapter 19 Uchiha Madara-level Fire Escape Ninjutsu

"Come out, there's no need to hide." After little Sheki left, Sheki's complexion sank, and he called in a deep voice in the direction of a big tree.

Two figures slowly came out from behind the tree.

There is no doubt that it is Liu Feng and A Fei.

"How did you get into the village!" Sheki asked with a serious expression on his face, staring at the two of Liu Feng in complete confusion.

"In my hometown, there is a saying that there is no impenetrable wall in the world! No matter how hidden Longyin Village is, as long as it exists, people will always find it." Liufeng said lightly.

"Well, Obito, there are such philosophical words in your hometown." Ah Fei marveled at the side.

Liu Feng really wanted to kick this dude away, obviously the atmosphere was created very well, but as soon as this guy opened his mouth, he lost everything.

"Tell me the purpose of your coming!" Shemu drank in a low voice, but he was guessing in his heart, could it be for the hero's water?

After drinking the hero's water, the Chakra that can instantly strengthen the human body ten times, can be called a bug-like existence, and it has indeed aroused the covetousness of many people.

Although there are many side effects, but these days, in order to pursue great power, there are many people who don't care.

"I want to take over your Longyin Village!" Liufeng's voice was as calm as ever, as if he was talking about something insignificant, "I want you all to submit to me!"

Liu Feng's tone was simply terrifying.

Shiki was stunned for a moment, as if he was thinking whether Liufeng was crazy or not.

Although Takiyin Village is only a small village, because of the existence of Hero Water and Nanao, even some big countries are extremely afraid.

Even Takiyin Village can maintain a certain degree of cooperation with Konoha, the first village of the Five Great Ninja Villages!

Longyin Village has survived to this day. Geographical secrecy is only one of the reasons, and its own strength is the root.

"Outsider, you must have underestimated our Takiyin Village!" Shimu sneered, and quickly formed a seal with both hands, "Water Escape·Shui Duan Bo!"

"The bridge bean sack, I just came to see the fun!" Ah Fei shouted, and jumped onto the branch with a whoosh, and folded his arms.

He really came to see the fun!
A jet of ultra-high pressure water shoots out from Shemu's mouth, and hits Liufeng in the blink of an eye. Its power is so strong that even a stone can punch through it.

Possessing the ability of Shenwei's automatic blurring, Liufeng could have ignored such a move, but he wanted to verify his strength, so he didn't use the pupil technique.

Sealing with both hands: "Fire Escape·The Art of the Great Fire Dragon!"

A fire dragon shot out, and the extremely blazing flames gushed out, not only steaming Shiki's water escape ninjutsu at the first moment, but also swept towards Shiki with incomparable ferocity.

Sheki's complexion changed wildly, he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, and hastily left afterimages with his hands in the air: "Water escape·Water formation wall!"

A water wall rose from the ground, blocking Shimu's front.

Because where everyone is now, there is a river next to it, and there is a waterfall not far away, and the whole environment is full of water and vapor.

This has a great bonus effect on water escape ninjutsu.

The ordinary water formation wall actually gave people a sense of oppression like a mountain.

In an instant, the fire dragon slammed into the wall of the water formation.

But what frightened Shibuki was that even after the weakening of the water breaking wave and the addition of the on-site environment, the wall of the water formation was still broken through by the fire dragon in an instant.

There is still aftermath!

The remaining dragons continued to attack Shiki!

Shiki dodged hastily, and finally dodged Liufeng's random blow in a panic.

The remaining fire dragon hit hard in the woods behind Shiki, and a piece of trees suddenly burst into flames.

The momentum was terrifying.

"Is this the power of Hashirama's perfect body? Haha, it's too powerful!" Liu Feng was very satisfied with this effect.

Back in the fourth battle, Madara used any of the fire ninjutsu to use the power of S-level ninjutsu, and now Liufeng finally realized this feeling.

One word, cool!

Shemu was stunned. How could this outsider be so strong?
Terribly powerful!
Even those shadows probably don't have this kind of strength!
"You are not my opponent, call all the jounin in your village!" Liufeng said lightly at this time.

Shemu's fists were clenched immediately, and Liufeng's disdain and contempt made him feel a kind of anger, but he also knew that Liufeng was indeed a strong man that he could not match.

Whoosh whoosh!
At this time, several figures flashed past one after another, and then eight jonin appeared together and stood side by side behind Shiki.

Although the battle between the two sides was only for a moment, the movement caused was too great. The area of ​​Takiyin Village was not large, and it was sensed by the perception ninja in an instant, and he acted immediately.

"Master Shiki!"

Several jonin stared at Rukaze as if they were facing a formidable enemy, waiting for Shiki's order.

"Everyone, follow my command!" Shemu didn't say any nonsense, and immediately gave the order, "Water Dun·Water Dragon Bullet!"

Nine Jninjutsu, including Shiki, formed seals at the same time, and the group's water escape ninjutsu was used. Nine water dragons swept towards Rufeng from nine different directions.

"The group ninjutsu of the nine jounin, this kind of attack has surpassed the attack of the shadow class, but the current Obito is not able to deal with this level!"

On the tree branch, Ah Fei was talking to himself.

"Fire escape, bursting wind and dancing!"

Facing the crowd's group ninjutsu, Liufeng didn't dodge or evade, calmly formed seals, and Uchiha Obito's self-created ninjutsu was used.

A fire dragon hovered and swept forward.

In an instant, all nine water dragons were crushed.


Shiki and Bada Jonin's complexion changed again, who is this person, is he too powerful?
"Water Escape Water Dragon Bite!"

Shemu shouted in a low voice, and the eight people behind him formed seals together, and then all slammed towards the ground.

Boom boom boom!
A large amount of water suddenly spread from the ground, and then the water exploded suddenly, and nine huge water waves rushed to the sky one after another, turning into nine water dragons.

Swooping down from the sky, Qiqi bit towards the flowing wind.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

The terrifyingly huge fireball rose up suddenly, and all the water dragons were instantly submerged in it, and finally disappeared completely.

The complexions of Shiki and the others were extremely ugly.

"At this level, I don't have any interest in playing with you, let's end it!" Liu Feng said with a little interest at this time, clapping his hands together, "Mu Dun!"

From the feet of Shemu and the others, suddenly several branches broke out of the ground, like a big snake, and bound them up.

 I don't know why the collection suddenly plummeted today, and it hasn't moved for a long time!Rolling all over the floor, please collect, please recommend tickets, brothers!


(End of this chapter)

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