Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 53 The Genocide Operation Begins

Chapter 53 The Genocide Operation Begins

Because of the appearance of the Mutun ninja, Danzo was unwilling to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Liufeng, but after checking it several times, the result was that everything was as usual.

When Mutun Ninja appeared, Liufengren was at the root, which can be proved by countless root members, and even Danzo himself saw the Liufeng in the root!
Liufeng is not that wooden escape ninja at all!
——That's right, no one can see through the entire root of Liufeng's Mudun avatar.

As for Liu Feng, does he know that wooden escape ninja?
Naturally, it is impossible to know this point. You can’t say that I know how to escape, but you know all the ninjas who have escaped from the wood in the world, right?

Danzo actually understands this truth, but he is really unwilling to do so.

After several days of investigations without any results, Danzo set his target on Dashemaru again.

Since Orochimaru can successfully transplant Mutun cells one after another, it is very likely that there is some kind of connection between Orochimaru and that Mutun ninja!

Danzo contacted Orochimaru again.

But Orochimaru, who is busy transferring the test base now, doesn't bother to take care of Danzo at all.

"Oshemaru, tell me, what if we take advantage of this opportunity to slaughter Danzo again?" In the Takigakure base, Liufeng said to Orochimaru with great interest.

There was news from Danzo that he wanted to meet with Orochimaru and talk about the Mudun ninja in detail, which Rukaze also knew about.

That's why we had the above-mentioned dialogue.

"Danzo is an old fox. It is almost impossible to deceive him. Obito-kun should stop thinking about it." Orochimaru laughed.

"That's true, but there has been news in the past two days that Goju Yakura has already met with the roots. It is estimated that the action to get rid of the Kaguya clan may start at any time. You and Danzo are about to fall out. I really want to take this opportunity to kill him one last time before that."

Liufeng said with a bit of pity that there are still many good things in Danzo's hands.

"You don't have to worry too much about this. Even if I fell out with Danzang this time, it won't affect the future. If necessary, he will continue to cooperate with me. You said a long time ago that with Danzang When dealing with others, just look at the chips, don’t worry about the rest.”

"That's right." Liufeng nodded, Danzo, isn't it just such a person?
In the original time and space, even though Orochimaru had defected from the village, Danzo still maintained contact with Orochimaru.

It's just that the status of the two parties will no longer be equal by then. Presumably, Danzo will not be so honest when they cooperate.

"By the way, Mr. Obitu, basically all my test bases have been transferred. In addition, there is a right-hand assistant, and I have also transferred here." At this time, Dashemaru remembered something. Liufeng said.

Liufeng nodded: "This is your business, you can do it yourself."

"Dou! Come in!" Orochimaru yelled in the direction of the door at this time, and the door was opened immediately, and a man wearing glasses and looking gentle walked in.

"Dou, this is Obitu-kun, who has provided me with a lot of help. Even this base was provided by Obito-kun. Remember, at any time, you need to keep an eye on Obito-kun. Absolute respect, understand?"

Orochimaru said in a deep voice to Pharmacist Dou.

"I understand, Master Orochimaru!" Yao Shidou first responded respectfully, and then pushed his glasses, "Master Obito, we have already met."

Back then, when Younv Qugen led the team to meet the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, the two sides had indeed met face to face.

Liufeng just nodded his head lightly, and didn't say much to Yao Shidou.

The current two sides are not in the same rank at all.

While Liufeng was talking with Orochimaru, Bai Jue popped up from the ground.

"Dou, you go down first." Dashewan knew that Bai Jue had something important to report, so he immediately sent Medicine Master Dou down.

"Obito, the avatar asked me to inform you that the operation has already begun! Danzo personally leads the team and is rushing to Kirigakure!" Bai Jue said to Liufeng at this time.

"Has it finally started?" The corner of Orochimaru's mouth curled up into a playful and expectant smile, and he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

"Oshemaru, let's go!" Liukaze stood up, and changed into the clothes and mask that he sneaked into Konoha and attacked Kakashi.

This is Liufeng's first vest.

It is also a special vest for Liufeng to carry out the small ten tails plan in the future.

After changing the vest, Liufeng put his hand on Orochimaru's shoulder, Sharingan turned around, and both he and Orochimaru disappeared into the majestic vortex.

The next moment, the figures of Orochimaru and Liufeng appeared outside Wuyin Village, on the only way to Wuyin Village.

The two quickly took cover and lurked.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Dashewan's heart moved, and he said: "Mr. Daitu, they are here."

Liu Feng also noticed it, turned his head and looked into the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!
A group of big ink-painted birds flitted across the air, and on each of the big ink-painted birds sat a masked person, no doubt, they were the henchmen of the Danzo Assassin Squad in the root.

There is no doubt that Liufeng's Mutun avatar is also among them.

And together with Younv Qugen, the same big ink bird with Danzo, served as Danzo's personal guard.

"The main body and Orochimaru are here!"

When the big ink ink bird passed near Liufeng and Dashewan, the others didn't notice anything, but the mutual induction between the avatar and the main body was sensed all at once.

On the surface, Mu Dun Liufeng remained calm, but he already knew it in his heart.

Soon, Danzo took those people in the roots and stopped around the place where he met Goju Yagura last time.

"You wait here first, Dizang, take the root, you two come with me." Danzang ordered casually, and walked towards the dense forest with Mu Dun's avatar and Younv Tougen.

Kuju Yakura was already there waiting for them.

And behind Gouju Yakura, there were also two people standing, Mu Dunliufeng only took one look, and felt a slight chill in his heart.

He immediately recognized the identities of these two people, namely Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and Ghost Lantern Moon.

All are members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"That's right, the Kaguya clan is so powerful, it's almost impossible for Goju Yagura to get rid of them without using the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. I just don't know if the other Seven Seven Ninja Swordsmen have come."

Mu Dunliufeng couldn't help thinking about it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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