Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 54 Encircling and Suppressing the Huiye Clan

Chapter 54 Encircling and Suppressing the Huiye Clan
When Mu Dun Liufeng was looking at the two of them, Guideng Manyue and the two of them also glanced at You Nu Qu Gen and Mu Dun Liufeng.

Although there was no change in expression on his face, Mu Dun Liufeng and Mu Dun Liufeng were not at all in his heart. After all, these two were just ordinary members of Anbu.

——That's right, the root is differentiated from Anbu, so many people who deal with Danzo think that Danzo is from Anbe!
Uzumaki Nagato told Naruto his own story before Naruto said his death with his mouth. In his memoirs, it was Konoha's Anbe and Hanzo who killed Yahiko.

This is exactly the usual behavior style of that old guy in Danzo. He tried his best to make tricks everywhere, and under the banner of Konoha, he made all kinds of small tricks behind the scenes. When something happened, Konoha would take the blame for himself.

Not to mention insidious.


"Fourth generation Mizukage!"

After a brief greeting between Danzo and Goju Yagura, they began to talk about business.

"I used some means to make the Huiye clan decide to assassinate me, and then the whole family defected to the village. Now they are tracking me. This time, this is our chance to wipe out the Huiye clan!"

Goju Yakura said to Danzo in a deep voice.

"Fourth generation Mizukage, really good tricks!" Danzo said with a smile on his face.

Goju Yakura ignored Danzo's false flattery at all, and asked blankly, "Is your people ready?"

"I brought all the elites of the assassination squad, there is absolutely no problem, but what about you, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen didn't bring only these two, did they?"

Danzo's one-eyed glanced at the two ghost lamps and full moons waiting aside, and asked casually.

"Loquat ten treasures, Ringoyu Yuri is hiding in the dark." Goju Yakura replied.

"Four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have come. It seems that Goju Yakura is certain to get rid of Kaguya's clan! Ontology, Orochimaru and the others are about to go through a fierce battle."

Mu Dunliufeng couldn't help but think so in his heart.

When Ryukaze and Orochimaru appear on the stage, the enemies they will face will be Mizukage Kutachi Yakura the Fourth, four Ninja Swordsmen, and the elite of Danzo Root Assassination Squad!

Goju Yakura handed Danzo a radio receiver at this time, and said, "Hide in the dark first, and wait for my news."

Danzo took the radio without saying a word, and put it on his ear.

Goju Yakura waved his hands, and the two of them turned around and left, leading the ghost lantern Manyue.

"Master Danzo!"

After Yakura Yakura left, Kaze Yamanaka appeared in front of Danzo using the teleportation technique, knelt down on one knee, and reported, "The Kaguya clan has all been dispatched, and they are tracking Yakura Goju."

Danzo nodded, then waved his hand: "Understood! You go down first!"

The information obtained from Shan Zhongfeng is completely consistent with what Goju Yakura said before, and Danzo is temporarily relieved.

The scene was silent for a while, Danzo was like a stick, standing there with a cane in his hand, Mu Dun Liufeng and You Nv Qugen, separated Danzo from left to right, like a pair of humming generals.

"set off!"

Until Danzang greeted the two of them, the people at the root began to follow Danzang.

Swish swish!
A group of people walked through the mountains and forests. Everyone used the teleportation technique at a strange speed. Soon, an open area appeared in front of them.

Before rushing to the scene from far away, the sound of fighting has already been heard.

Danzo stopped first and made a gesture, and all the members of the roots stopped together.


Danzo gave an order.

Sai didn't say any nonsense, and immediately opened the scroll, took out the paintbrush, and began to scatter wolf hair on the scroll.

One after another, big ink-painted birds flew out of the scrolls one after another, obediently waiting in front of everyone.

After almost drawing a total of ten big ink birds, Sai put away the scroll and jumped onto one of the big ink birds first.

"According to the plan, the action begins!"

At this time, the oil girl took the root and said to the other root team members.

Immediately, the corresponding root team members also jumped onto the back of the big ink bird. There were two people standing on the back of a big bird, a total of 20 people were ready.

"set off!"

Younu Qugen gave an order, and under Sai's control, ten big ink ink birds flew into the sky and flew towards the battlefield.

"Hui Ye's clansmen listen to me, enjoy this killing to the fullest, kill all the people you see in front of your eyes!"


"Kill to your heart's content!"

Under the leadership of the patriarch Kaguya Chiki, the Kaguya tribe mercilessly beheaded Goju Yakura and the four Ninja Swordsmen like crazy beasts.

At the same time, there are also members of Anbe who have hidden Kirigakure.

Goju Yakura's preparations must have been sufficient, and his strength could not be called weak, but under the siege of Kaguya's clan, he was completely overwhelmed.

"Ninja method, Senbenzhen!" A deep voice sounded.

However, the first user of the sword muscle, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, clapped his hands, and his reddish-brown hair suddenly turned into an invincible hidden weapon, and began to shoot towards Huiye's clansmen.

"It's useless!"

The members of the Huiye tribe all had sneers on their faces, with bone spurs protruding from all parts of their bodies, and they also held a bone spur in each hand, and used the unique bone vein technique of the Huiye tribe to break all the thousands of needles up.

"Damn, these lunatics are really troublesome!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost couldn't help snorting and said, his Thousand Books Needle can be regarded as a powerful killing move, but the effect against the Kaguya Clan was almost weakened to the extreme.

A gust of wind came from behind, and at the same time there was a sharp piercing sound, and the watermelon mountain puffer ghost didn't even look back, and the muscles in its hands slammed out.

A few bone spurs also hit the Jiao muscle.

Thousand Books of Needles!
Swish swish!
Another large amount of hair turned into a hidden weapon, stabbing at the few members of the Huiye tribe in front of them.

A few members of the Huiye tribe hurriedly used physical skills to block them, but the number of Qianbenzhen was too many, and they were a little flustered for a while.

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost swung its muscles, and took advantage of this opportunity to sweep a member of the Huiye tribe to the ground, taking advantage of the opportunity to suck up the chakra of that member of the Huiye tribe.

The Huiye clansman fell limply to the ground, unable to get up again.

Chi Chi Chi!
He was directly crucified to death by a few thousand needles from the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

But the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost didn't even have the time to catch his breath, and there were other members of the Huiye tribe rushing towards him.

A very exaggerated, huge sword slashed over in the air, and it was Ghost Lantern Full Moon who was wielding two swords, Flounder flounder, struggling to kill.

Looking at the others, they all played very hard.

 Thanks to those who don't like it and Qiao Biluo's tongue kiss, I am very grateful
(End of this chapter)

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