Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 70 Danzo's Guess

Chapter 70 Danzo's Guess

As for the possibility that Mutun Ninja and that Uchiha are actually the same person, the people in the office have never thought about this possibility at all.

They don't have a God's perspective. In their cognition, whether it is Sharingan or Mutun cells, they are extremely heaven-defying blood inheritance boundaries. It is already great for normal people to have one.

Possess these two kinds of blood inheritance boundaries at the same time?
That is simply a dream, and it is simply impossible.

"There must be a connection between that wooden ninja and the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Kakashi and Tsunade!"

Danzo's one-eyed is deep, and a faint light flashes in it, and he must have thought of it in his heart.

There is no other reason, just a few days ago, Orochimaru and that mysterious Uchiha just sabotaged his own actions!

That Uchiha has a close relationship with Orochimaru!

As for Orochimaru, some time ago, Mudun research had just made a major breakthrough, and he even sent himself a Mudun ninja!
How did Orochimaru's research on wood escape suddenly achieve such a breakthrough?
Moreover, given the importance of Mutun ninja, Orochimaru willingly surrendered it to himself just for two sealing techniques!

This is a bit strange.

The only explanation is that the wooden ninja is not that important to Orochimaru!
This shows that Orochimaru is very likely, and there are even more powerful wooden escape ninjas!In other words, there is a closer connection with the more powerful Wooden Ninja!
So close that the more powerful Wooden Ninja can bring greater value to Orochimaru than Jizo!
That's why Orochimaru gave up Jizo without hesitation.

You must know that the strength of Ksitigarbha is already very strong. In these two operations, Ksitigarbha played an extremely important role.

It can make Orochimaru ignore Jizo, and it is not difficult to imagine what level the other wooden ninja who cooperates with Orochimaru is.

If you think about the Koto ninja who saved Konoha, Danzo can basically be sure that Orochimaru and this person probably maintain a close relationship!
Mutun is not Chinese cabbage, it is everywhere, and the possibility of two high-level Mutun ninjas appearing at the same time is not very high. They can basically be the same person.

And how can Orochimaru maintain such a close relationship with a ninja who is so much stronger than himself?
There is no doubt that Orochimaru must be very important to that wooden escape ninja, and can play a very important role in that wooden escape ninja.

There is no need to consider this role in ninjutsu. It is impossible. Based on the comprehensive analysis of Orochimaru's various skills, Danzo thinks that there is only one possibility, and that is the scientific research ability of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's scientific research level is very important to that wooden ninja.

It is very possible that the Mutun of the Mutun ninja was researched by Orochimaru.

In this way, it can be explained to some extent that the mysterious Uchiha snatched Tsunade's necklace. It is nothing more than Orochimaru used to help Mudun ninja do research.

Inside that necklace is the first-generation Chakra!
Danzo analyzed it carefully in his mind. He felt that he had caught something. Mysterious Uchiha, what kind of relationship do you have with that wooden ninja?
It has to be said that Danzo can control a huge root, mediate between Konoha and other major villages, stir up wind and rain, and his brain is indeed bright enough.

Only relying on the sporadic and fragmented information that Tsunade brought, he was able to keenly capture the context of it, and grasp the truth faintly, which is indeed remarkable.

However, Danzo didn't intend to share the information, but began to have other thoughts.

"Oshemaru, it seems that I really can't let you stay in the village any longer." Danzo said secretly in his heart.

There are much more secrets in Orochimaru than I imagined, especially the secrets of the Uchiha named Liufeng and the ninja Mudu, Danzo is determined to get it.

Then it must be ensured that Orochimaru cannot reveal these secrets in the village.

The best way is to let Orochimaru defect to the village. In this way, it is impossible for Konoha to notice the research of Orochimaru.

Coupled with the fact that Orochimaru has swelled to the point where he dared to openly sabotage his important actions and attack the roots, Danzo must let Orochimaru get the lesson he deserves.

While Danzo was secretly thinking about this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Minato Namikaze had a heated discussion about the mysterious Uchiha and the mysterious Wooden Ninja.

But the discussion went on and on, and there was no reason to discuss it.

After all, the information at hand is too little, just a few fragments, not enough to piece together a complete picture, and even the prototype can't be pieced together.

After the meeting ended, everyone went back separately, with different thoughts.

In this meeting, apart from confirming that Tsunade will stay in Konoha in the near future, nothing has been confirmed.

Danzo returned to the root as if nothing had happened, and the first thing after returning was to call Ruikaze over, and asked him in detail about the experiment of Orochimaru Kito.

He even asked Liufeng if Dashemaru had any other cooperating wooden escape ninjas.

"Master Danzo, I have been locked up in the laboratory by Orochimaru all this time, so I don't know very clearly about some things about Orochimaru."

Liu Feng answered innocently.

"Understood, you go down first." Danzo still knew some of Orochimaru's style, and didn't have much doubt about it. He waved his hand and dismissed Liufeng.

"Why did Danzo ask me these things all of a sudden?" Liufeng was also a little confused, thinking that Danzo just went to a meeting because Tsunade returned to the village, he couldn't help but feel moved.

Could it be that because Tsunade brought some information, Danzo had some new questions?
Thinking of this, Liu Feng quickly sorted out what he had done during this period of time, and found that there were no flaws left that could threaten Xiao Shiwei's plan, so he was relieved.

Leaving Mu Dun's avatar at the root base as a cover, Liu Feng once again returned to Takiin's base.

Originally, he wanted to make the plan a success, and Danzo had already planned to tell Orochimaru the information about his expulsion from the village, but he found that Orochimaru was not in the base.

"Fei, what did Orochimaru do? He's not in the lab!" Liufeng asked curiously.

"Isn't Orochimaru experimenting? I don't know!" A Fei spread his hands, "Do you want me to ask you to look for it?"

"No need, if you're not here, then be there!" Liu Feng waved his hand.

This news is not so urgent and important. It doesn't hurt to tell him when Orochimaru arrives.

It doesn't matter if you don't even say it.

(End of this chapter)

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