Chapter 71
"By the way, Obito, Shiki came to look for you before, and it seems there is something wrong." After Liufeng entered the room, Ah Fei seemed to remember something, and said to Liufeng.

Liufeng thought for a while, and said to A Fei: "You can ask Shiki to come over."

In any case, Liufeng also occupied Takiyin Village, and for such a long time, Shiki has indeed been very cooperative, and has not made any moths.

If Shibuki really needs his help, as long as it's not too much, Liufeng is not unreasonable.

He is not a completely impersonal person.

Ah Fei asked Jue to inform Sheki, and after a while, Sheki respectfully appeared in front of Liufeng: "My lord!"

Till now, poor Shiki still doesn't know what Liufeng's name is, but he just addresses him as an adult.

"I heard from Ah Fei, you are looking for me?" Old God Liufeng sat comfortably, and raised his head to glance at the village head Shemu.

"My lord, I do have something to ask." Sheki didn't beat around the bush, and said to Liufeng directly, "It's like this, there is a powerful rebellious ninja living outside our village, and we received news that that rebellious ninja seems to be here Recently, they have attacked the village."

"You mean Jiaodu?" Liu Feng raised his eyebrows.

Shemu couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and his heart suddenly became uncertain. Since this adult knows about Jiaodu and the relationship between Jiaodu and the village, could it be...

It seems that this lord and Jiao are very familiar, but they don't know what is the relationship between them. If there is friendship, things will be bad.

Inevitably, Shemu began to think wildly.

Seeing Shiki's appearance, Liufeng knew that he had guessed right, he waved his hand, and said lightly: "I understand, you don't have to worry about Kakuzu's matter, just leave it to me."

"Yes, my lord!"

Shiki's spirit lifted, and his voice was full of excitement.

Now that the lord has already spoken, there is no need to worry about Jiaodu. No matter how powerful that Jiaodu is, he will definitely not be able to make any waves in front of this lord.

Shibuki left contentedly.

"A Fei, let Jue keep an eye on Jiaodu. If Jiaodu really comes, please notify me as soon as possible." Liu Feng said to A Fei immediately.

"Is that guy very powerful, and you have to do it yourself?" A Fei asked curiously.

"Jiaodu is not weak, but I want to deal with him personally, and I have other considerations. I want to use illusion to control him." Liufeng replied.

In the beginning, Liufeng actually didn't think too much about it, but when Shiki found him, an inspiration flashed through Liufeng's mind.

Since Jiaodu had offered to come to his door, why didn't he make use of it?

Jiaodu is in the future, but he wants to join the Akatsuki organization!
To put it more bluntly, Jiaodu is in the future and will catch tailed beasts!
Liufeng feels that this is also an opportunity for him to carry out Xiao Juwei's plan.

Just imagine, if at that time, Jiaodu captured a human Zhuli, but instead of bringing him back to the Akatsuki organization, he would notify Liufeng first!

How would that be?
That is equivalent to Liufeng grabbing Renzhuriki, first "enjoying" it, and then throwing it to Akatsuki's organization.

It can also be silent!

"Thanks to Shimu for giving me this inspiration, this idea is still very good." The more Liu Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was feasible, and he became more interested, "Fei, let me watch a few more people."

Now that the corners can be handled in this way, other members of the Akatsuki organization in the future can also be handled in this way.

If Liufeng quietly controlled all the members of the Akatsuki organization in advance, wouldn't the Akatsuki organization be working for Liufeng in the future?

Just in this way, doesn't Nagato's baby look too pitiful?

He not only takes the blame for Liufeng, but also tries his best to help Liufeng collect the tailed beasts... Alas, Liufeng can't help but sigh.

"Obito, I think you're going to do something again." Ah Fei rarely showed a hint of interest.

"It's just to make some preparations in advance." Liu Feng smiled, and immediately told A Fei the list and characteristics of the members of the Future Xiao organization.

"First of all, Kakuzu, who was asked by Shiki to help us deal with it just now, was originally the rebellious ninja of Takiyin Village. He possesses the secret technique of earth resentment, which can steal other people's hearts, and even their abilities. The characteristic is that the body is sewn Lots of lines..."

"Then there is a guy named Hidan, that guy is a ninja from Yuyin Village in Kawa no Country, he believes in evil gods, and he uses a huge red sickle weapon with three blades lined up on it, which is easy to identify..."

"There is another person called Kisame Kisame. His features are more obvious. His eyes are not human eyes, but fish-like, and there are gill-like gaps on his face that allow him to breathe in water..."

Liufeng told A Fei all the members of the Future Xiao organization.

Of course, Uchiha Itachi has Sharingan itself, and will open the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the future, and illusion should be invalid for him;

There is also the red sand scorpion, the body is not a human body, but has been transformed into a puppet, the illusion should not be of much use;

In addition to Yahiko and Konan in the Nagato trio, Liufeng asked A Fei to monitor Loquat Juzang, Kakuto, Hidan, Didala, and Kanshi Kisame respectively.

His initial plan was to control these people first.

Of course, after Liufeng's intervention in this world, many things will change due to the butterfly effect. Whether the members of the Akatsuki organization will change in the future, and what changes will occur, is hard to say.

But it’s always good to be prepared in advance.

"Are these people? Okay, I get it, but Obito, why do you monitor these people? What's so special about them?" A Fei asked very curiously.

"These people are all shadow-level powerhouses, and in the future, there is a great possibility that they will be used by Heijue, or be used by Heijue's pawns to collect tailed beasts. I am just a precautionary measure." That's all for now!" Liu Feng laughed.

"How do you know that they will be used by Hei Jue?" Ah Fei was puzzled by this point, where did Liu Feng get his confidence?
"Intuition here." Liu Feng tapped his temple with his finger, and smiled mysteriously.



When Liu Feng and A Fei were discussing things, suddenly a painful muffled voice sounded, and it was a woman's voice, which attracted Liu Feng's attention.

A Fei and Liu Feng were slightly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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