卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 101 On this day, he gave her a sense of security

Chapter 101 On this day, he gave her a sense of security
"It's not a matter of being idle. Anyway, I can't take this class anymore. She is such a beautiful girl. She is blue and purple all day long. You don't feel bad, but I still feel bad... I still count on Tan Tan to give Our Qi family is spreading branches and leaves... If it breaks my body, I will find someone to give me a good grandson..."

There was absolutely no room for negotiation in that tone.

Shi Tan knew that although the old lady of the Qi family was philanthropic, she was sometimes very stubborn. Her thoughts were partly for the Qi family, and partly because she really cared for her.In this case, of course she couldn't refuse outright.It is necessary to communicate with the old lady well.

So, after the old lady finished speaking, she immediately followed up and expressed her gratitude first:
"Grandma, you love Shi Tan so much, Shi Tan is very grateful!"

After saying this, she immediately had a big turning point:

"But right now I cannot resign.

"Grandma, everyone has a belief in their hearts, and everyone is fighting for this belief. My belief is to uphold justice and bring criminals to justice. This process will inevitably lead to injuries and bloodshed. When I chose this career At that time, I knew that I would face such a situation. But I still embarked on this road without complaint or regret.

"I also know that I should come back to take over the Luo family. This is my inescapable responsibility as the Luo family. After I finish what I want to do, I will manage the Luo family's business. Don't worry, I will not I have been a policeman all my life, and I will come back. But before I come back, please let me end my job. This is a professional quality that everyone should have.

"Grandpas, both of you are bigwigs in the business world, and you have both managed countless employees. I want to ask you, is Tan Tan's idea correct? Do things should be done from beginning to end? If I were someone in your company As an employee, after many years of training in the company, I selfishly let go of a business that may affect the overall efficiency of the company in the second half of the year because I am going to have a baby. Can you approve of my approach?

"I think that a good beginning and a good end are a manifestation of being responsible to oneself and the society, and it is also a kind of personality charm... What do you think?"

"That's right, that's right, Chang Hui, although having a baby is a top priority, you still need to have a professional attitude as a member of the criminal police. Let her investigate the case before deciding whether to resign. Bar……"

After Qi Wanzhong thought it over and over again, he turned his back on the battle and got a blank stare from the old lady.

"Old sister-in-law, Shi Tan has always been a principled child. Since she said so, let's allow her a little more time, let her deal with what she wants to do, and then think about other things!"

Luo Houyu is obviously partial to Tan Shitan.

As for Qi Ji, he smiled slightly:

His wife is definitely a smart person. She cleverly used the sense of responsibility in the career of the two old men, and got their response without any effort. It was great——in the future, he should probably kidnap her into the company. She is negotiating this Absolutely talented.

The old lady didn't expect the two old men to be rebellious at once, she was very helpless, the current situation is five to one, she can't fight them, she can only compromise:

"Yes, then I will give you another half a year, at most half a year, do you hear me, when the time comes, you have to quit this job no matter what... Take advantage of this half a year to recuperate your body together. At that time Going all out to have a second child and a third child. As for the business of the Luo family, I will continue to deal with it for the time being. Before Shi Tan has a second child and a third child, it is better not to worry about career matters. I have given up so much , both of you stop haggling with me..."

"Okay, no haggling."

Qi Ji didn't want to make grandma angry, so he agreed.

That's what he thought, as long as they could coexist peacefully for more than half a year, it would definitely not be difficult to have a baby.

When Shi Tan heard this, he was terrified:
This guy may really have the idea of ​​having a second child, hasn't he forced one before?

Once this kind of thing starts, it will definitely be indispensable between husband and wife in the future—no, wait a minute, I have to buy contraceptives, and she will definitely not be able to get pregnant again in a short time.

Children should be the crystallization of love, and should be cultivated in a planned way, rather than being born at will.

After lunch, Shi Tan went upstairs to change clothes, Qi Ji was in the study, and Cheng Hang was reporting some work matters to him.She walked over and wanted to call, but when she saw that he was seriously discussing something with Cheng Hang, she hesitated for a moment, Cheng Hang raised his head, and called "Ma'am", Qi Ji then noticed her.

"Uh, let me tell you, I'm leaving now."

She stroked her hair and said, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Qi Ji smiled, knowing that he wanted to tell him about his whereabouts, which was a good sign: "Let Xiao Du take you there!"


"I'll pick you up tonight!"

There is warmth in his eyes.


She didn't answer these words, and asking the dignified President Qi to pick her up from get off work, isn't it a bit... Overqualified, originally, she wanted to say no, but it happened that he had a phone call, so she nodded and backed out.

In the living room, Luo Houyu was sitting alone. He was waiting for Shi Tan to come down. He wanted to tell Shi Tan something. When he saw her come down, he even called "Grandpa". He smiled and promised to stand up. A burst of dizziness suddenly hit him, and he rushed forward immediately, fell to the ground with a clang, and dropped a big ingot.

Luo Houyu wanted to get up, but his foot hurt, so he sat there to check it, only to find out that he twisted his foot, and his ankle turned red all of a sudden.With Shi Tan's support, he sat on the sofa and sighed involuntarily:
"It's really useless when you're old. This bone seems to be rusted, and it doesn't listen to you at all. It's really hard to obey the old!"

When Shi Tan listened, he felt inexplicably sour: Luo Houyu now has white hair all over his head, and the wrinkles on his face have covered the whole face deeply and shallowly. I still remember seeing him for the first time 16 years ago. A drive that makes people awe-inspiring, but now, it looks old-fashioned.Such a change makes people have to sigh that time is really a butcher's knife, and the knife makes people grow old.

When Shi Tan touched the red and swollen place, Luo Houyu immediately hissed twice.

"No, I have to send it to the hospital!"

They are afraid of hurting their bones, and the elderly are afraid of falling when they grow old.

"What kind of hospital should I go to? Don't go, don't go!"

Luo Houyu shook his head again and again:
"It's all right. Go do your business! I can go after a while. It's not a big deal!"

How could Shi Tan still think about going out to do business:
"Grandpa, you must go to the hospital!"

"Don't go, don't go, anyway, I won't go!"

Luo Houyu put on a straight face.

Shi Tan: "..."

She didn't understand why the old man lost his temper, and frowned, worrying about how to persuade him to go to the hospital.

Qi Ji heard the commotion downstairs and ran down from above. After asking about the situation, he patted Luo Houyu on the shoulder and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, just go and take a film. We won't stay long, two or three You can come back in an hour. I will accompany you with Shi Tan... I promise you won't be hospitalized..."

After Qi Jihao's persuasion, Luo Houyu couldn't insist on going his own way, so he finally reluctantly agreed.

"Tan, come with me. There seems to be a wheelchair in the storage room. I'll go and drive the car over, and you go and push the wheelchair over to let Grandpa sit on it. I can't move my foot anymore..."

Shi Tan nodded and followed.

The storage room is under the garage.

"Old people don't like to go to the hospital. They are afraid that if they go in, they will not be able to get out. Sometimes the old people need to be coaxed just like children-their physical functions are gradually declining at this age, and the sense of security in their hearts will become weaker and weaker... with Be more patient when dealing with them..."

Coming out of the storage room, Qi Ji saw that she was preoccupied, so he explained something.

This man is too good at reading minds.

"I'm very unfilial. I haven't been able to stay by Grandpa's side all these years..."

She blamed herself.In the past eight years, in order to realize her life goals, she has been ignoring the state of mind that the old man is old and cold and insecure.

"Okay, don't blame yourself. When you are free in the future, spend more time with grandpa... Let him feel your concern for him. It's okay for you to fall today. Don't worry!"

He gently hugged her shoulders and comforted her.This action is very intimate, but she no longer rejects it.

An hour later, they arrived at the No. [-] Hospital. Luo Houyu was sitting in a wheelchair, and Shi Tan pushed him into the VIP consultation room.

During this period, Qi Ji was busy with Zhang Luo, paying money and getting films, showing his due duties as a grandson-in-law, and not letting his subordinates take care of them. The role of the pillar of the family, in this case It was fully reflected in the matter.

At two o'clock, the doctor saw the film and said that there was a broken bone, and he could not go to the field for a few days, so he had to take good care of it at home.

Qi Ji carefully asked some matters that should be paid attention to.

It was almost four o'clock when I returned to Yayuan with my grandfather after putting on the plaster.

Grandpa's guest room was on the second floor. Since he couldn't leave, Qi Ji carried him up the stairs himself.

At that moment, looking at the background, Shi Tan suddenly found that Qi Ji's image of a good man became more and more distinct.

When she was young, she remembered that when she was sick, her mother would accompany her, and her father would be busy registering, buying medicine and other things inside and out, like a mountain at home, with him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Later, the mountain collapsed, and the sense of security was gone forever.Her life began to be up and down, and it was difficult to find the sense of stability when she was a child. On March 2011, 3, she found a mountain-like feeling of relying on this man who she once hated.

At that moment, a very strange feeling emerged in her heart.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, Qi Ji answered a phone call, returned to Luo Houyu's room when he hung up the phone, and said to Shi Tan, "I have something to go out... Dinner may not be in time. You eat first, don't wait for me..."

Shi Tan didn't ask what he was doing, but Grandpa asked, "What's so urgent?"

Qi Ji walked quickly without answering.

An hour later, Qi Ji appeared in Villa No. 26, Tianyuan Tiancheng: The child in Mi Fangfei's stomach was saved——Shen Mao did not send her to the hospital, but saved her baby in the villa. All the better.

When Qi Ji came, Mi Fangfei was sleeping with an IV in her hand, her face was as pale as paper, and she had long since lost the radiance she saw that night.

After moving to the study, Qi Ji asked about the situation.

"The situation is not good! The mother's emotional reaction is too great!"

Shen Mao said: "The signs of miscarriage are very serious, but the amniotic fluid you asked for has already been collected. I can give it to you for identification later!"

"Okay, this matter, please!"

Qi Ji lit a cigarette, sat down, his face was still heavy, and his expression was extremely serious: "Do everything possible to keep it!"

"What's the reason?"

Shen Mao frowned:

"Qi Ji, three months ago, you were injured because of Luo Shitan, and I have never been away from you. Why didn't I know that Mi Fangfei was pregnant with your child? And you still want to do a DNA paternity test. It's so unreasonable to keep this child. I can't figure it out...I'm sure you haven't donated sperm before, in fact, during this period of time, you haven't met Mi Fangfei face to face..."

(End of this chapter)

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