卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 102 Starting from a Toddler

Chapter 102 Starting from a Toddler

For this matter, he was completely puzzled.

In the smog, Qi Ji's eyes looked extremely deep and unthinkable——

Shen Mao had never seen him like this before.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Jamie walked in: "Head, Mi Fangfei is awake!"

Qi Ji put out the cigarette butt: "About this matter, I will talk to you later..."

He turned and walked out the door.

In the guest room on the second floor, Mi Fangfei looked deeply at Qi Ji who came in, sat up with his hands propped up, and moved his dry lips.

"Qi Ji!"

She called out.

Qi Ji nodded and approached: "Take care of it! Don't move around!"

Mi Fangfei stared at him with an incomparably strange gaze. This man who loved her since she was a child is now becoming more and more unfamiliar to her. While the high-profile man was defending his wife and children at the press conference, while keeping her under house arrest, at the same time, he seemed to want to keep the piece of meat in her stomach, what was he thinking?

"Qi Ji, what on earth do you mean? You want me to be your shady side room?"

She asked in a low voice, feeling inexplicably excited.

Qi Ji put his hands in his pockets, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was so dark that it was hard to see what he was thinking.

"I didn't mean that!"

he said lightly.

"Then what do you mean? This child, are you going to be responsible for him? "

Mi Fangfei really wanted to know how he would deal with their mother and son. Originally, she thought that he would definitely marry her after she was pregnant with this child, and their relationship would definitely change, but now, she was not so sure...

Qi Ji was silent for a while, went to fetch a glass of water, and came over to give it to her, but she didn't answer it, but just stared at him, her eyes were full of grievances:
"If you don't like me, why do you still want to provoke me?"

This is an accusation.

She had been out of his world for eight full years, and she had no extravagant hopes, but he gave her hope after eight years.

Since he gave it, he should be responsible to the end, how could he kill her expectations for the future again.

A moment of silence.

He said nothing.

a long time.

"Drink the water, I've already had dinner made, wait a minute, eat as much as you want."

He put the water glass on the bedside table, staring at her calmly:
"Fangfei, I have to make an appraisal to see if the child is mine. For the next few days, you can rest here with peace of mind, and I will answer your questions when the results come out. Take care of it..."

"What? You suspect that this child is not yours..."

Mi Fangfei suddenly opened her eyes wide, showing disbelief, and sat up in shock, but because of the stomachache, she had to hold on to the edge of the bed, bit her lip and stared:
"Qi Ji, how could you insult people like this? Have you forgotten? What I entrusted to you is innocence! How dare you say such a thing..."

Qi Ji's eyes moved, but his expression remained calm:

"Fang Fei, I'm just going through the procedure, don't I have to make it clear? It's mine, it's mine, I won't hold it back, it's not mine, it's not mine after all, if you want to hold it, you can hold it Not with me. You have a good rest, I'm leaving first..."

After saying this, he turned around and walked out the door.

"Qi Ji!"

Mi Fangfei screamed anxiously, but the man didn't stop because of her cry.

At the door, a man with a tall horse stood guard there.

Qi Ji gave a few words of advice there, and soon, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs came up.

Watching him leave, an uncontrollable cry escaped from Mi Fangfei's mouth.

Mi Fangfei likes Qi Ji, and she has been deeply in love with him since he was a toddler.

It is said that the child has no memory when he is very young, but she still remembers him deeply. When he was a toddler, this little brother who was two years older than her once took her to learn to walk together.

At that time, his strength was still so weak that he couldn't support her. When her feet were soft, she could throw him on the soft carpet. Every time, she would smile, because she liked to throw him , just hugged him like that, dripping saliva on his face, and he could only smile helplessly.

Later, when she grew up a little, he also taught her to identify pictures of various fruits and vegetables.The two children can sit side by side to read and write, play with building blocks all day, make small noises from time to time, laugh and hug each other from time to time, forming a small world of their own, and no one can disturb them.

After studying, every weekend is the happiest thing for her, because she can take advantage of these two days to go to Qi's house to play with Qi Jige.

Qi Jige is indifferent to others, but Dudu is very kind to her——

They all said that Qi Jige treated her differently because she was his daughter-in-law.

When I was young, I didn't know what a daughter-in-law was.

Later, she understood, but Qi Jige had been missing for more than four years.

At that time, she was sick for a long time because of missing.

At that time, she often dreamed about playing with Qi Jige, and when she woke up, she would always ask her parents:

"Brother Qi Ji is back, is he back?"

At that time, she was crying and clamoring for Brother Qi Ji, wanting to bring life back to the past.

Four years later, Qi Jige came back, and she was so happy.

But after a burst of frenzied joy passed, she suddenly discovered that the relationship between her and Brother Qi Ji had become subtle. Although he was still very good to her, he would never sleep with her in the same bed as intimately as he did when he was a child. The same cup will hug her from time to time.

At that time, she felt that Qi Jige was different from before.

Mother said, your elder brother Qi has endured hardships outside for so many years, and he will definitely be different from before.Besides, you've grown up.

She didn't understand, could two people who were good enough to stick together become estranged because they grew up?
She didn't know what happened to others. In short, what she was facing was such an annoying situation.

During the two years when Brother Qi came back, he only cared about his studies. It should be said that he was studying desperately, and he didn't give himself any time to relax.

She can no longer be close to him.

For example: he will throw her aside and ignore her for a few hours, until she can't bear to snatch the book in his hand, then he will remember her existence, and then laugh and accompany her on the novel Talk for a while.

Forgetting sleep and food is his study status in those two years.

This attitude of eagerness to study has shocked all the people close to him - in just two years, he got a college diploma.Then, instead of going abroad for further study, he went to the army and left her again for four years.

In those four years, she only saw him four times.

During this period, she wrote countless letters to him, and he occasionally wrote back, just a few words in a hurry to say he was safe.

At that time, their relationship became very weak.

When she was young, when she went to the Qi family, the Qi family members would jokingly say, "Hey, Qi Ji's little wife is here!"

Since he came back, or because he has grown up, no one joked about it anymore, and the intimacy is inexplicably gone...

At the age of 20, Qi Ji retired and returned home. She excitedly ran from Yaoshi University to Qiyuan. She saw him in white clothes and black trousers, with a handsome face and a gentle smile on his lips. The calmness and splendor of the girl, the whole girl's heart, can't help but sink.

That day, she called out with a trembling voice: "Brother Qi Ji!" Her heart was full of joy.

That day, with his clear and moving voice, he teased, "Fang Fei, long time no see, the little slug has finally grown into a big girl..."

That day, the Qi family held a family banquet, and she was the only one he invited to dance.

Everyone said that Young Master Qi looked at Miss Mi Er differently, and she really liked it...

From then on, he joined the Qi family and began to create his own business legend. Being busy once again became the main theme of his life, and working day and night became the main tone of his life.

Unlike other nobles and youngsters, he used his youth to indulge himself outside. With his unique posture, he quickly grabbed a piece of light that belonged to him in the business world.

She knew: his busyness, his earnestness, and his concentration are the most important reasons for his rise.

In order to become a woman worthy of him, she resolutely gave up her favorite major and started business, just to stand at his height and get closer to him.

At that time, he was working hard, and she was studying hard, because she hoped that one day, she could become his good wife.

At that time, as soon as he entered the business world, he entered the world's attention as a dark horse. He was young and promising, and he began to receive frequent attention from financial magazines.

At that time, he had almost no scandals, and the news that the media could dig up was how he opened up the market and how he turned some loss-making projects of Qi's into profits.

At that time, he spent all day in the company, even on weekends, he still worked overtime.

Occasionally, he would be forced to take a vacation by Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi, but even if he rested at home, he would not stop his busy pace.This man never seemed to know what it was like to enjoy life.In his concept, besides work, work is still work.

At that time, he would occasionally come to drive her to Qi's house, because Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi liked her.In order for Qi Ji to relax, they would make excuses and ask him to pick her up and play at Qi's house. Only in this case, would he make a cup of tea and play a game of chess with grandpa under the sun; Caressing grandma, strolling in the breeze, talking softly for a while; or taking her to play ball in the Qi Garden for a while...

In the eyes of everyone, she and Qi Ji are a perfect match, she likes him, and he treats her well.

She always felt that she was in love with him.

This is a love from childhood to adulthood.

But her friend said:
"It's not like that when you're in love!"

She has never been in a relationship before, so of course she doesn't know what a real relationship is, so she asked:

"What should that be like?"

My friend thought for a while and asked:

"Have you ever kissed?"

She was taken aback when she heard this, blushed and shook her head.

"How could there be no kisses between lovers?"


She was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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