卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 105 1 Family Harmony 1

Chapter 105 Family Harmony 1
When they came down, he was holding her and she was holding Xiaobai, and the family was in harmony.

The morning breeze was a bit chilly, but Shi Tan had a smile on her face, thinking that this early morning was pretty good, and a new day was blooming beautifully in her eyes.

Qi Duan was watching her secretly. She was happy, so he was happy with a big smile on his face.

Because Luo Houyu's feet were inconvenient, Shi Tan decided to take another day off after careful consideration, while Qi Ji went to the company.

When I was alone with my grandfather, Shi Tan mentioned one thing:

"Grandma asked: When the Qi family holds a banquet, do you want to invite the relatives of the Luo family? Uncle, Second Aunt and Fourth Aunt, do you have any idea to invite them?"

Luo Houyu has a small number of people under his knees, and he only had one son in his life. One adopted son and two adopted daughters were expelled from the Luo family by him eight years ago. During my contacts, I occasionally heard news about them, and it was said that they were not doing very well.

"No need, those few don't look like human beings, and they've all been kicked out, so there's no need to invite them again!"

Luo Houyu's face darkened, and when they were mentioned, he became extremely unhappy.

Shi Tan was silent for a while, Grandma's meaning, after eight years, no matter how deep the hatred is, it has faded away.Enemies are easy to resolve but not easy to tie: they are all children who grew up, how can they have no feelings?People who are so old, who doesn't look forward to their children and grandchildren around their knees?So let's ask.

She thought that it was indeed the same thing: Although grandpa said so on the surface, she believed that he must still miss them in his heart.Especially Luo Ying and Luo Ji have been liked by grandpa since they were young, but back then, because of their parents' fault, grandpa drove them all away.There has been no contact for so many years. If grandpa insists on saying that he doesn't miss him at all, it must be a lie.

"What about the other relatives?"

she asked softly.

The other relatives are all a little far away. If the Qi family holds a banquet, it would be a great thing for them to invite them all. Although she didn't think it was necessary to do so, considering that she would It is understandable that he will take over the Luo family and take this opportunity to meet with those small shareholders first and get in touch with each other.

Of course Luo Houyu understood this truth, after thinking for a while, he nodded:

"Please, please! You should also make a formal appearance."

In the morning, Shi Tan accompanied the old man to write some invitations in the room, all of which were sent by grandma.They didn't come over today, and it is said that they are also busy writing invitations.

In the afternoon, Shi Tan entered the Interpol system network and applied for information synchronization.

An hour later, Xiaobai's household registration information was reviewed and successfully transferred to Qi Ji's household registration.

As for the last name, she had already changed it when she applied.

From then on, Xiaobai is no longer Luo Weiyi, but Qi Weiyi.

After finishing this, she sent a text message to Qi Ji: "Xiaobai's account has been processed!"

At that time, Qi Ji was busy, when he received a text message, he smiled lightly, and replied a text message with an emoji: a happy smile.

Shi Tan received the message and turned off the computer. After confirming that Grandpa had already taken a nap, he brought Xiao Bai back to the third floor, and was about to study with him for a while, when Aunt Wen hurried up:
"Madam, outside there is a woman covered in blood kneeling at the gate, begging the guards to see you! That person claims to be Luo Ying, your eldest cousin..."

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, and called out "Sister Luo Ying is here", and suddenly realized in her heart that she hadn't called her by this name for many years.

On the side, Xiaobai blinked his big eyes and asked, "Tan Ma, who is that?"

He had never seen his mother call anyone other than his godmother a sister.

"Oh, that's one of Mom's sisters!"

Shi Tan came back to his senses, his face softened, he stroked Xiaobai's hair, and replied.

"Madam, do you want to let people in?"

Aunt Wen waited for instructions.

"Yes, of course!"

Shi Tan yelled, and immediately stood up again after yelling:
"Wait a minute, I'll pick her up at the door."

She hurriedly threw away the book in her hand and followed Aunt Wen downstairs.

Xiaobai originally wanted to follow, but after a few steps, he still didn't go down:
That's my mother's sister. I haven't seen her for many years. She must have something to say, so he'd better not bother her.

He turned around, ran to the balcony, and saw his mother swept out of the main house like a gust of wind.

When Shi Tan came to the gate in a hurry, what he saw was a woman with a face full of injuries:

His forehead was scratched, and the blood had not been wiped off, his face was blue and swollen, his hair was long and short, and the short side seemed to have been cut by someone just now. appearance……

She was stunned:
This, this, this... Is this still the faintly smiling Xie Yu Hua back then?

She has lived in the Luo family for many years, and the only peer she has a good relationship with is Luo Ying.

She was originally a capable and gentle woman, quite capable at work, and even more gentle and amiable in life.

Seven years of life in the Luo family, Shi Tan and Luo Ying are close and good sisters. Luo Ying loves her very much, and she also respects and loves this big sister who is five years older than her. Only eight years ago, when she became Qi Ji After the bride, their relationship deteriorated.The reason is: the wishful man in the lobby sister's heart is none other than Qi Ji.

Back then, Qi Ji had visited the Qi family to pay respects to his father through his business contacts with the eldest sister, and even invited the eldest sister to dinner in front of her.This kind of intimacy made Luo Ying feel extravagant for a while.In the end, Qi Ji surpassed her and married her.Because of Qi Ji's interference, their family was finally kicked out of the Luo family.

These two incidents ruthlessly impacted the friendship between them. Luo Ying once said to her in a very heavy tone: "Luo Shitan, I treat you well, I wait for you well, and you hurt me so much. I. How blind I am, how blind I am!"

Such an accusation really makes people want to cry without tears.

Later, so many things happened to Shi Tan himself, so he couldn't care less about saving the sisterhood between them.So, after a farewell, we never saw each other again.So there was no contact.Unexpectedly, seeing each other eight years later, there will be such a scene.

"Sister Luo Ying..."

She cried out, and her voice went out of tune.

Standing in the wind, Luo Ying supported her messy hair and looked at her.

At the gorgeous gate, there are two women, originally a pair of sisters. Eight years ago, Luo Ying was charming and charming, like a flower bud in full bloom, while Luo Shitan was clean and delicate, like a flower bud out of water; It is the same as dead wood, lifeless, but Luo Shi's sandalwood stands tall and graceful, like a blooming water lotus, with an air of elegance that hits people head-on.

Shi Tan stepped forward, looked and looked in disbelief, and asked in surprise:

"Who beat you like this? Who beat you? Who beat you?"

Luo Ying was speechless and burst into tears, the smile on her lips was so far-fetched:
"It's...my husband."

She longed for Shi Tan with an extremely painful voice.

"Your husband? Why did he beat you?"

Oh my god, Luo Ying was raped by the family!

"It's fair to say, Xiao Tan, I'm homeless, can you take me in for a while?"

The tone was absolutely unhelpful.

In Luo Shitan's memory, Luo Ying was an excellent and assertive person, she was always full of confidence, why did she become so uneasy?
She is five years older than her, the same age as Qi Ji, and 32 years old this year. A woman of this age should be beautiful, but in fact, her beauty is gone, her confidence is gone, what Shi Tan sees is His whole body was covered with injuries, and his face was full of haggardness.

What the hell is wrong with her?
"Okay, of course... Sister, let's sit inside, come on, let's go in..."

Shi Tan helped Luo Shi Tan to walk in, the ornate iron gate slowly closed behind him, and the guard at the gate was looking at them.

After entering the main house, she asked Aunt Wen to fetch the medicine box, treated Luo Ying's wound immediately, and applied medicine again. In addition, she went to fetch a new suit of clothes for her to change into.

After a little tidying up, Luo Ying finally regained some of her humanity.

"Here, drink a glass of water!"

Shi Tan poured a glass of water for her, sat down and began to ask her about her experience in the past few years, wanting to know what happened to her.

"When did sister get married?"

"five years ago!"

Luo Ying replied, drinking water in small sips, the redness and swelling on the side of her face was very shocking, it can be seen how hard the man beat the woman--Damn it, did that man see my sister as an enemy?
"What does that bastard do?"

"A real estate company is called Fang Baoshan."

When Shi Tan heard this, his eyes widened:

"Isn't Fang Baoshan a nouveau riche? He's also a divorced man with a daughter. His education level is very low. How could my sister marry such a person?"

In her opinion, for a talented woman like my sister to marry such a man, it would be a waste of money.

A few traces of pain flashed in Luo Ying's eyes, and she immediately lowered her head to look at the crystal cup, and spat out three words:
"no way!"

Her voice trembled for a while, she sighed, and then continued:
"After grandpa kicked us out of the Luo family, our life has been very unsatisfactory.

"In 02, my dad started a business in partnership with someone. The partner ran away, and all the money he invested was wasted. After that, my dad lost money in whatever he did. Later, he wanted to make money back in the stock market. Wasn’t the domestic stock market very popular in 03? He did make some money in it, but when the stock market crashed in 04, he not only lost all the money he earned, but also lost all his principal. In order to make money, He borrowed usurious loans without telling us. In the end, he mortgaged the only villa to the bank. As a result, the stock market fell all the way in that year, but did not rise. After that, our house was taken over by the bank, so we had to rent another house Live. Since then, the loan sharks have been chasing us. Every day.

"During that time, we couldn't go on anymore. My dad once came to ask my grandpa for help, but my grandpa refused to help, saying that my dad's hole was too big and he couldn't fill it.

"It was in this desperate situation that Fang Baoshan came to help us. In exchange, let me marry Fang Baoshan. I had no choice but to marry in order to save my father and this family.

"In the first year after marriage, he treated me pretty well. He pestered me desperately and asked me to give birth to her son. I got pregnant within two months of marriage. When I was four months into childbirth, I made sex It was a girl, and he forced me to have an abortion. He said that one loss-making product in his family is enough, and he doesn’t want a second one. I have no choice but to listen to him.

"A few months later, I was pregnant again, this time with a son. He protected me like a baby. Six months later, because his daughter pushed me, I had a miscarriage.

"At the end of the second year, I became pregnant for the third time, and it was still a girl. This time, I didn't want to have a miscarriage. I told him: If I continue to do this, my body will be damaged, and I may not be able to conceive in the future. He is very angry, just No, you beat me up, and the child is gone again...

(End of this chapter)

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