卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 106 1 Family Harmony 2

Chapter 106 Family Harmony 2
"In the summer of the third year, I conceived for the fourth time. It was a son. He was very happy. As a result, in the fifth month, it was found that the child died in the stomach, so I had to bleed...

"Just like that, after several miscarriages in a row, he lost interest in me and beat and scolded me every now and then..."

Sentence after sentence, Luo Ying calmly stated her humiliating life in the past few years, her eyes were dead silent.

Shi Tan gasped for air when he heard it, and couldn't help shouting angrily:

"This kind of man, what are you doing with him? Why don't you leave?"

In exchange, Luo Ying gave a wry smile:
"I want to leave too, but I can't!"

"Why can't we leave?"

"I wrote an agreement before we got married. He repaid my dad's debt, and I gave him a son. If I divorce, my dad has to pay back the money. At that time, my dad wrote an IOU. At that time, in order to prevent us from going back on our word, he insisted on Write down the names of me, my mother, and my brother. Therefore, I am not eligible to divorce this marriage. As long as I don’t give birth to him a son for a day, this debt will be considered as not repaid for a day! Tan Tan, then This IOU is written clearly and was drafted by a professional lawyer. It only involves loan matters, and there is no agreement on buying, selling, marriage and childbirth. As long as I file for divorce, he can apply for repayment. Therefore, my parents are definitely not Supported my divorce. Our family simply cannot afford the divorce fee."

Shi Tan finally realized, no wonder her eyes were so depressed, it turned out that Fang Baoshan, a profiteer, left such a trick, it was really abominable.

She hugged this woman who was tortured by a ruthless life and lost her enthusiasm, and asked after a while:

"How much money was borrowed in total!"

Luo Ying hesitated for a moment before saying:
"The principal is 800 million. It was agreed at the beginning that if I give birth to a son within three years, the principal will be free of interest. This money is regarded as my bonus for giving birth to a son. If I can't give birth, the interest will start to increase after three years. According to the interest of one cent, it should have grown to several million by now!"

This Fang Baoshan can really calculate.

"Then what is your father doing now?" Shi Tan asked.

"For a while, he borrowed money from Fang Baoshan to start a business, but he didn't make much money. Later, he met Lu Yin, the boss of the Lu family. On a whim, he gave him a bite of food and let him work under his banner. A company as a department manager."

Lu Yin?

Isn't that Mi Fangfei's suitor?He and Qi Ji seem to be rivals.

What would it mean for him to win over Luo Suiyi so much?
This is a professional instinct, and Shi Tan immediately reflexively decided that Lu Yin's move should have ulterior motives.

After thinking about it for a while, she asked again:
"What about you? What are you doing now?"

"what else can I do?"

Luo Ying let out a self-deprecating smile:
"After marrying Fang Baoshan, she became a full-time wife. After several years of giving birth, she has completely lost touch with the outside society. It is similar to rice worms. Now that Fang Jinbaoshan is drunk, he will come to find fault with me. He said that he married a hen that gave birth to eggs, and he died. He felt sorry for his money. He wanted to force me to bear it no longer. He filed for divorce by himself, and wanted to get back the principal from me..."

Tsk, that's despicable and shameless enough, Luo Ying had four miscarriages for him, and he still wants to make such a wishful thinking, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

Shi Tan really wanted to scold people.

As for Luo Ying, her eyes were red, she suppressed her grief, pointed to the wound on her face, and said, "Today, he got drunk again. He slapped me when he saw me. He even cut my hair with scissors. I really don't like it." It was unbearable, and finally ran out."

She took out two tissues and wiped away her tears:
"After I came out, I was alone on the street for a long time. I don't know where to go? Go back to my mother, my parents will definitely persuade me to live my life. Go to Aji's side, Aji knows , I’m afraid I’ll run to fight with him, and it’s Aji who will suffer. I sat in a street park for a long time, and accidentally saw a newspaper on the ground with your news on it. Suddenly, I really wanted to run Come try your luck."

When she said this, she suddenly knelt down on the ground, staring at Shi Tan eagerly:

"Tan Tan, I won't go around with you anymore. I only have one idea when I come here. I just want to ask you, for the sake of our previous relationship, to say something in front of my brother-in-law and ask him to save me. I I really really can't go on anymore...If this goes on, I will only die...There is no other choice..."

In the last sentence, the voice has been completely broken.

"Sister, don't do this!"

Shi Tan's nose was sore, and he hurriedly helped: "Get up quickly. Don't worry, I will definitely help with this matter."


Luo Ying looked at her with teary eyes.

"Of course!"

She said, her tone was unusually firm.She has always been a person who values ​​family affection.She cherishes the sisterhood with Luo Ying even more.

Just like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, Luo Ying immediately hugged Shi Tan, and shouted again and again:
"thanks, thanks!"

Shi Tan wiped her tears and said:

"Sister, we are good sisters. Your business is my business. Sister, don't cry anymore... You can start over from the beginning. Okay, okay, don't cry... By the way, grandpa is here too, It's just that grandpa sprained his ankle and was lying on the bed. I'll take you there later to have a look."

She deliberately changed the topic, not wanting her to immerse herself in grief again.

"it is good!"

In Luo Ying's tear-washed eyes, a few traces of hope flashed: "I still want to meet my little nephew... I saw it on the Internet, that little guy is so beautiful..."

"Okay, sister, wait a minute, I'll go and call him down right away!"

Shi Tan was very happy, and immediately ran upstairs, and there was a sound of footsteps on the elegant spiral staircase.

Luo Ying watched her fly up like a spring swallow, looked down at the limited-edition skirt she was wearing, which money could not buy, the warmth gradually disappeared in her eyes, and a few traces of hatred gradually condensed, ruthlessly He pinched the skirt until his veins swelled up, but before Shi Tan brought the child down, he quickly dissipated, revealing a weak look again.

"Xiaobai, this is mother's older sister, call someone..."

Shi Tan pushes Xiao Bai in front of Luo Ying.

Xiaobai grinned:
"Hello aunt!"

On Luo Ying's miserable face, a smile appeared in an instant, and she reached out to caress the little white face:
"You're so handsome...Tan, like you, really like you...Tan, how is Mr. Qi treating you?"

Shi Tan bent over and thought for a while: "Very good!"

"That's good, that's good. Rich men are usually unreliable. Tan, you must cherish this man..."

Shi Tan glanced sideways at her face: "Sister, are you still angry with me?"

"What are you angry about?"

Luo Ying asked back.

"Eight years ago, I married Qi Ji..."

Back then, she hated her so much...

"I'm already out of breath! Some things are predestined. There are times in destiny, and there must be some time in destiny. There is no time in destiny, and you can't force it..."

The attitude is definitely open-minded.

Shi Tan smiled and hooked Luo Ying, very relieved.

Later, when Luo Houyu woke up from a nap, Shi Tan brought Luo Ying over there. After Luo Houyu knew what happened to Luo Ying, he died of heartache, and scolded: "That bastard, damn it, damn it... I can't spare him, I can't spare him ..."

Luo Ying and Luo Houyu talked about other situations:

"Second aunt has divorced her husband because she has no children. She has been single until now. She has encountered repeated setbacks at work. She has had disputes with married men several times, and has been caught for rape several times. She has become notorious."

Luo Houyu had heard about this incident, because he almost reported it.

"The third aunt was originally a capable person. After leaving the Luo family, she was still doing well. Now a key elite under the Chao Group is working for the Chao family together with her husband. Little Peng from the third aunt's family God, I'm getting married soon, I heard that it will be a daughter of the Chao family, and the wedding date has been set, and the third aunt is wondering if Peng Tian is getting married, and I will post for you."

After hearing this, Luo Houyu didn't say anything, and asked after a while, "Where's Luo Ji? Are you married?"

"Not yet, he has been refusing to tie the knot!"

"It's time to get married, it's time to get married, I'm almost 28 this year!"

That Luo Ji was one year older than Shi Tan, he was Luo Ying's younger brother, he was pretty, he used to be very good at pleasing his grandfather, he loved to quarrel with Yi Chun, he was very smart, and he studied finance.

Shi Tan has been listening quietly at the side, she can tell that grandpa misses them, the culprit of what happened eight years ago was Luo Suiyi, this person wanted to get the property of the Luo family, but after several attempts To frame her, the two aunts were all used by him.Grandpa drove everyone away in a rage, and the method was a little more ruthless.He was also angry with the white-eyed wolf, and he couldn't control his anger for a while.Now, as he grows older, his knees are empty, missing, that is a kind of long-term love.

Shi Tan thought, maybe she should do something for Grandpa, if it wasn't for her coming, the Luo family wouldn't be fighting like this.She is not a daughter of the Luo family, and she has always felt quite uneasy about losing the adopted son and daughter raised by her grandfather.

In the evening, Luo Ying wandered in the garden, this garden is really beautiful!
At this moment, the expression on her face is very calm, but in her heart, she can't stop hating:
Why did Luo Shitan enjoy all this?
She made a phone call and said very calmly:
"I came in... She didn't have any doubts. This time, I want to make her owe us the Luo family and pay back everything..."

At 05:30, Qi Ji stepped down from the car while listening to the phone, and walked towards the main house. When he turned the corner, he found a strange figure making a call in front of his flower bed. When he looked closely, he was a little surprised. Luo Ying.The setting sun shone on her face: half of her face was blue, and half of her face was swollen.

His tone of voice paused for a moment, he stood still and said a few more words to the person on the other side of the phone before hanging up.

Luo Ying also saw him, her originally cold expression showed a little bit of uneasiness, she immediately packed up her phone, stood there and called out:
"Mr. Qi!"

The voice is warm and soft, with a hint of softness.

Eight years ago, Luo Ying gave him the impression that she was soft and charming, an understanding, intelligent woman.She used to have many suitors, and she was a noble lady.

However, the current situation is really a bit surprising.

"Miss Luo Ying, why are you here?"

Qi Ji stared deeply.This woman, he has not seen for many years.


Luo Ying's nervous palms were sweating, and she took a breath before answering:

"I'm here to find Xiaotan!"

Qi Ji was still watching intently, she was panicking, pretending to be calm?

Is this because I was nervous seeing him, or is there another reason?

At another bend in the path, Shi Tan's cry came, and the next moment, her demure figure appeared in Qi Ji's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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