卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 107 1 Family Harmony 3

Chapter 107 Family Harmony 3
"I'm here, Mr. Qi is back..."

Luo Ying went up to meet him, grabbed Shi Tan's arm, and stood sideways, not daring to meet the man opposite him.

"It's just in time for you to come back, it's almost time for dinner..."

Shi Tan glanced at Luo Ying first, then at Qi Ji, and said hello.

At this moment, she clearly felt that Luo Ying became cautious.

That's right, Qi Ji was supposed to be a character who could only be seen in the media, but suddenly, he appeared in close proximity and communicated with zero distance. It was hard to get used to it for a while.Back then, when she faced him, she was extremely restrained.In fact, even now, she's not very used to him being her bedside person.

What's more, many years ago, Luo Ying dreamed of marrying Qi Ji, but now, she is the wife of Qi Ji, so the atmosphere will inevitably become subtle.

"What happened to Miss Luo Ying's face?"

Qi Ji asked, obviously it looked like someone had been beaten.

Luo Ying stroked her sore cheek, but said nothing.

Shi Tan rolled his eyes, turned his head and said to the people around him: "Sister, grandpa is alone in the living room, you go and take care of it, I have something I want to talk to Ji Zhi about."


Luo Ying understood, nodded at Qi Ji, and turned back.

"Qi Ji... let's go for a walk..."

Shi Tan pointed to the greenhouse and led the way.

Qi Ji followed her, stepped on her shadow, and walked a few steps before asking, "What do you want to tell me?"

"My sister's business!"

Regarding Luo Ying's various situations, Shi Tan focused on it, thinking that her sister had lost so many children for such a man, her heart ached very much.It's really hateful for a good girl to have her good marriage ruined like this.

"You want to help her get a divorce, don't you?"

After Qi Ji listened, he first grasped the key point that she wanted to discuss with him.

Regarding the current situation of other members of the Luo family, Qi Ji probably knows a little bit, for example, Luo Suiyi is now working for Lu Yin; for example, Luo Ying married Fang Baoshan, and that Fang Baoshan is a member of the Lu family; For example, Luo Suizhu and his family had a relationship with the Chao family... These relationships were so delicate that he couldn't even pay attention to them.

However, he didn't know that Luo Ying's marital status would be so bleak.

Shi Tan nodded: "My sister can't be trampled on by this scum anymore! I want her to live here for a while, and when I'm done with the case, I'll help her get a divorce. A woman's Youth is limited, and my sister can't be wasted for the rest of her life like this. She should find a good man and love her dearly, instead of being raped by someone like this. She lives in fear all day long."

Qi Ji listened quietly, he knew that she always tried her best to protect the one she loved.

For example, Mr. Luo, like Yichun, would hate Wu because of his love. Therefore, eight years ago, for Yichun and the Luo family's family business, she was willing to be trapped by a marriage she was not optimistic about.

And eight years later, she was able to let go of her persistence again because of her scruples about Xiao Bai.

For Luo Ying, she has a deep affection, and she wants to stand up for her, which is not surprising.

"How do you want to help her?"

He thought for a while and asked seriously:
"Give her money? Buy her freedom?"

"No! This method is too stupid and not worth it, and I don't have that much money to help her..."

He laughed.

Shi Tan closed his mouth and didn't continue to say: "What are you laughing at?"

He didn't answer, a ray of setting sun illuminated the unfathomable face on his face, and he forced to come over.

She frowned and stepped back unconsciously.

"what are you doing?"

"I laugh at you for not being self-conscious as Mrs. Qi..."

Lowering his head, he stole a kiss on her lips.

The atmosphere of serious discussion was suddenly broken, Shi Tan felt a little uncomfortable, stared at him, and understood what he meant—he wanted to tell her: his money was her money, and if he said he had no money, it was Did not see her and him as a whole.

But she never felt that his money had anything to do with her.

"Does Mrs. Qi know what I'm laughing at now?"

The next moment, his waist was embraced by him.The shadows of the two stretched very long on the ground, very close.

She sighed softly, with a helpless look on her face, this man wants to rub her oil from time to time——

Well, if she said he molested, he would surely say that this is a normal intimacy between husband and wife.

But she still reprimanded lightly:
"Don't make trouble, let's talk about business... Even if I have money, I won't spend it on things. You earned the money so hard. Why am I so stupid? This person dares to rape my sister and is still outside I have raised the third, fourth, and fifth children. At that time, I will definitely check his details. Not only will I have to let him offset the money owed, but I will also force him to pay my sister a large amount of alimony. , to finish!"

She wanted to push him but couldn't, so she let him hug her.Anyway, she should get used to this kind of thing.

Qi Ji smiled immediately: "Is this the rhythm for the tigress to show off?"

"I'm not a tigress."

She didn't dare to compliment this sentence.

He smiled again: "Then what do you want me to do for you?"

"I just want to keep my sister here for a few days, so that I can take care of my grandfather for a few days. In this way, I can concentrate on investigating the case. When the case is over, I will go to solve Fang Baoshan. Qi Ji, this is your home, so I have to..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Ji squinted his eyes and knocked on her forehead:
"What did you say? Whose home is this?"


Well, she used the wrong word again for a moment:
"Ahem, cough, am I wrong? This is our home, so it is necessary to discuss with you!"

His smile hung high:

"no problem."

As long as his wife is happy, as long as she doesn't touch the bottom line, he can indulge her.

It's just a pity that this girl didn't intend to ask him for help.

Tsk, I have a backer to rely on, but I want to help with my own ability.This not only made him dissatisfied, but at the same time he was proud of it - his wife, of course, was unique.

"Thank you! There is one more thing that I have to discuss with you..."

"what's up?"

He saw her eyeballs rolling, as if she was thinking about something bad.

"As you know, there are only two guest rooms on this side of the main house, right, one was slept by grandpa, and the other is now occupied by Xiaobai. So for the next few days, my sister and I will sleep in the master bedroom, What about you, go to the small white room to sleep on the floor for a few days, and take the opportunity to get in touch with each other...uh...you...what's the matter? I have an opinion..."

Because of this sentence, the smile on Qi Ji's face couldn't hold back for a while.

"Yes, I have an opinion. I can't agree to this matter!"

He shook his head simply.

"Why can't you agree?"

"Except for you, I don't like women sleeping in my room, my bed..."

Well, in fact, she doesn't like this distribution method very much, since he also objects, then implement another plan:
"Then how about this, you and Xiaobai sleep in the master bedroom, and my sister and I go to the children's room to sleep for a few days..."


"Why can't it work?"

"I just want to sleep with you!"


What he said was really straightforward.

"You don't have to worry about the place to sleep. I'll ask someone to arrange another guest room on the second floor, which is next to Grandpa's room. This will make it easier for her to take care of Grandpa..."


A finger was pressed to her lips: "It's nothing special, Mrs. Qi, we are now newlyweds, although it's nice to sleep with my son in my arms, but I want to sleep with you even more. This matter is related to my welfare. , I don't intend to disappoint Chun Xiao every night, so there is no need to discuss..."

This is also very frank.The last four words are particularly powerful.

She glared at him with an uncomfortable look in her eyes. Seeing that he was about to leave, she immediately went around again:
"That's one night, just one night. My sister and I haven't got into bed together and said something about women for a long, long time. Qi Ji, my sister is hurting now and needs comfort. Anyway, tonight, I must talk to me Sister sleeps..."


He still objected.


"My woman, don't let others sleep..."


What is he talking about.

Shi Tan was dumbfounded...

She hurried up to stop her again: "Qi Ji...you can't be so unreasonable! You are such a big person, don't be like your son, just say childish things..."

His eyes moved, he smiled maliciously, and tilted his face:

"Or, you can bribe me..."


What's the meaning.

"a kiss!"

He forced her towards her again: "In exchange for me giving up the right to use for a whole night..."

Damn, it turns out that this guy is deliberately digging holes for him...

A red cloud flew up her face, she turned around and wanted to slip away, but was grabbed by him, and with a low smile, she kissed her...

In the distance, on the roof of the main house, Luo Ying took the whole scene away, gritted her teeth, and took a deep breath:
Breathe in again, Luo Shitan, your good days will always come to an end, there will always be...

That expression scared Xiao Bai who ran up to her.

At night, Shi Tan and Luo Ying slept on the second floor, next to Luo Houyu's. This was originally a simple lounge for Qi Ji to take a rest after practicing.Qi Ji made a phone call, and within two hours, the place was transformed into a guest room.

Before going to sleep, Shi Tan and Luo Ying talked around Luo Houyu, Qi Ji didn't join in, just accompanied him for a while, then went upstairs to attend to his own affairs.

Xiaobai followed, and after entering the room, he asked:
"Father, did Mama Tan have a good relationship with Aunt Luo Ying before?"


Qi Ji sat at the desk and brought his son over to sit on his lap.

"But why did I see Aunt Luo Ying look at you with hatred!" Xiao Bai asked seriously.

Qi Ji suddenly suppressed his smile, and supported his son's small shoulders:

"Why do you say that!"

"I saw it with my own eyes. That look, look at me..."

Xiaobai showed a very fierce look on his face. He has a super imitation ability.

Qi Ji recalled when he entered the garden, when he saw Luo Ying for the first time, she was in a state of shock. It's probably not that simple.

He thought for a while, then held his son's face and began to preach seriously: "You can't talk nonsense without evidence. Your mother will be unhappy."

"All right!"

"Also, it's best not to tell your mother about this matter. Let Dad observe it."


Xiaobai nodded.

At nine o'clock, Xiaobai fell asleep.Qi Ji made two phone calls.

The first phone call was to Mo Yaozhi: "Recently, you have sent people outside to watch the Luo family, do you have any special news to return?"

Mo Yaozhi said, "No! What's the matter?"

"You tell them to pay more attention! Luo Ying came to Yayuan today. I feel that she is not kind. But her relationship with Shitan was good before. I can't find an excuse to kick her out. I can only watch her Change. You make people pay more attention to the reactions of Luo Suiyi and Lu Yin. If there is any situation, please contact me in time."

(End of this chapter)

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