卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 108 He Said: If She Was Pregnant 1

Chapter 108 He Said: If She Was Pregnant 1
Mo Yaozhi agreed, and then asked, "Why are you so nervous?"

"Anything that wants to hurt our family of three, I want to kill it in the bud! Shi Tan pays the most attention to family affection. You understand!"

"Okay, okay, I understand...you, you are just a wife slave, everything is wife-oriented. Now you show your affection at every turn, it's really unbearable..."

Qi Ji smiled lowly.

On the second phone call, he called Cheng Hang: "Find me the number 150xxxx1221 what call did you make at 05:30."

After a while, Cheng Hang called back: "I haven't made any calls from this number between five o'clock and six o'clock!"

No, this number belongs to Luo Ying. Just now, he clearly saw her call, how could it be...

Unless, there is another number in her mobile phone.

"Boss, is there any problem?"

"Look for Xiao Du, these few days, let her put everything down and help me guard Xiaobai and the old man well, tell her to pay attention to Luo Ying's every move, but absolutely don't let her find out anything!"

On the other side of the phone, Cheng Hang was slightly surprised, and nodded in agreement.

Luo Ying is the eldest daughter of Luo Suiyi. In the past, she was known as the eldest daughter of the Luo family. Although Luo Suiyi is the adopted son, this does not affect Luo Ying's status in the Luo family, because she is beautiful, and because she is As soon as the eldest granddaughter was born, she was filled with the joy of Mr. Luo.In addition, Luo Ying has a sweet mouth, a kind heart, and a prudent approach. In the Luo family, she is quite popular.

After Shi Tan was taken home by Luo Suixin, many people didn't like her very much. Because of her appearance, the final inheritance rights of the Luo family would fall on her. The father who longed for the Luo family business, as well as the second and fourth aunts, would lose their respect for Luo Suixin. The right to control the property of the family.At that time, Luo Suixin had been found to be terminally ill and could live for at most ten years.

Luo Ying didn't have so many thoughts, she still liked her, and felt that this younger sister was quiet and indifferent, with a frown and a smile, very charming, and she would definitely become a big beauty in the future.

She likes to play with Shi Tan, like to teach her to read, and like to watch her call her sister gently and quietly, with such a unique voice.

She still remembers the feeling when she said to Shi Tan with joy eight years ago, "I have someone I like"—

At that time, she really fell in love with a man, that man's name was: Qi Ji.

Yes, that year, because of work, she had frequent contact with Qi Ji.

At that time, some people in the circle believed that Qi Ji had a lover, and Mi Fangfei, the second young lady of the Mi family, was Qi Shao's mysterious lover.But Qi Ji never made it public.

Later, Mi Fangfei broke the gossip photos, and Qi Shao was not angry because of it. When reporters surrounded him and asked him what he wanted to say when he was cheated by his girlfriend, he didn't say a word, calmly under the guard of the staff leave.

It was also in that month that she and Qi Ji had work exchanges from time to time. His gentlemanly attitude towards ladies, his rigorous work style, and his demeanor all deeply moved her.

Afterwards, she had the honor to have a dinner with Qi Ji. Although the discussion was about business, that dinner made her completely fascinated by him.

While she was having a sweet dream, Luo Shitan unexpectedly became Qi Ji's fiancée beyond everyone's expectations.

When the news came, she was heartbroken:
One is the sister she loves with all her heart, and the other is the man she is deeply infatuated with. Such a combination is really unacceptable to her.

The most tragic thing is that Grandpa drove all of them out of the Luo family because of Shi Tan, and the fate of all of them changed drastically.

Luo Ying knew that everyone should be responsible for their own actions, and should not blame others when misfortune happened to them.She originally understood that their expulsion was all caused by her father's greed, but now, her thinking has changed:
All of this was thanks to Luo Shitan.

In the past, she had resentment towards her, but now she harbors deep hatred.

"Sister... what's wrong with you?"

When Shi Tan came out of the bathroom, he saw the hatred on Luo Ying's face.

"I just answered a call. Fang Baoshan called, and he asked me to go back..."

Luo Ying raised her mobile phone, and quickly realized her emotions:

"In the past, I was still a little grateful to him, because of his action, Ah Ji and I would not be chopped off by those loan sharks. Now, I only have hatred for this man!"

Shi Tan pulled her over and got into bed together, just like when she was a child.

"Don't worry, he will be punished!"

Luo Ying nodded, and asked softly when she fell asleep:

"Have you talked to Mr. Qi?"


"Time Tan!"

She suddenly reached out and took her hand: "I may never pay back the money for the rest of my life! But I can work for you and Mr. Qi..."

"Sister, I don't intend to use Qi Ji's money to repay the debt you owe Fang Baoshan..."

Shi Tan caressed Luo Ying's face.

"Then how do I divorce Fang Baoshan?"

Luo Ying was stunned for a moment and asked.

Shi Tan smiled and expressed his thoughts: "Tomorrow, we will go to the hospital, and the doctor will issue a certificate to collect the factual evidence of domestic violence, and then we can slowly check other evidence of Baoshan's infidelity in marriage. At that time, I will go to the court to sue. Sister, you have suffered so much in this marriage and suffered so many crimes. If I can't help you get some justice and use money to eliminate disasters for nothing, that's fine. It's so useless. This time, I will not only ask you to divorce this marriage, but I will also ask him to spit out money and post it to you as compensation..."

Luo Ying originally thought that she would directly spend money to help her get married and divorced, but she didn't expect that she had such an idea:
"I'm afraid it won't work! I also wanted to seize the certificate of his cheating before, but Fang Baoshan found out. That man beat me up when he came home. Look..."

She lifted up her nightgown, and there was a deep scar on her originally snow-white belly:

"This scar is from that time! Fang Baoshan is not easy to mess with, he has someone backing him...he has bodyguards..."

For that man, she was full of timidity.

Shi Tan looked at the scar, raised his head and hugged her:
"Sister, no one can hurt you now. Have you forgotten? This is the Qi family. Don't be afraid, it can be settled! These few days, you can live here with peace of mind. After I finish dealing with the matter in hand, Let's deal with Fang Baoshan properly.

Luo Ying was silent for a long time before showing a few smiles again:
"That's right, as long as Qi Ji makes a move, everything will be settled."

Shi Tan smiled, and got under the quilt:

"I don't intend to ask Qi Ji to help with this matter. But sister, don't worry, I can help you get rid of this unfortunate marriage."

The self-confidence on her face surprised Luo Ying again: Sure enough, today is different, Luo Shitan seems to be more difficult than before.

"Tan, what major have you studied abroad these years?"

She couldn't help asking.

"I, I have learned a lot... How should I put it, sister, I am now an Interpol! In the past few years, I have experienced many things..."

Shi Tan smiled and leaned on the soft pillow.

Luo Ying suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and at the same time, the alarm bells were ringing in her heart. It took a while to regain her composure, and showed a very interested look:

"It sounds very mysterious, tell me quickly..."

"it is good……"

The two sisters fell asleep face to face, Shi Tan opened his mind, and talked about some things she encountered when she was handling a case abroad, which made Luo Ying burst into tongues.

Later, as she talked, she yawned again and again, and finally she was no match for Zhou Gong's call, and fell into a deep sleep...

Luo Ying couldn't fall asleep for a long time, she really felt that fate really treated her so unfairly——

In these years, she suffered a lot of humiliation in China, but Luo Shitan started her extraordinary life in England.

Eight years later, what she reaped was a bitter fruit, and her life was ruined, but she not only reaped a marriage that everyone envied, but also gave birth to such a beautiful child.

She hid her face under the quilt, biting her teeth in hatred.

In the middle of the night, she sent a text message: "Luo Shitan is now a criminal policeman, and he is very difficult to deal with. You must be more careful when you act."

That night, Shi Tan slept soundly. In his sleep, there was a smile on his lips, as if he had gone back to the past. After years of wind and rain, he came to the Luo family and got the long-lost warmth and a precious sister. Feelings.After eight years, she shared the bed with her former sister again, and the taste was excellent.

That night, Luo Ying kept having nightmares, and the dreams were full of the sufferings she had suffered at Fang's family in the past few years.Waking up again and again from the bad luck of being severely beaten, and looking back to see the sleeping state of the people around me, hatred gradually arose.

That night, Qi Ji turned and turned on his side and suffered from insomnia again.

At 07:30 the next day, Qi Ji went to work on time. Before getting into the car, he glanced at the scene in front of the main house:
Shi Tan was pushing the wheelchair, Luo Ying was standing quietly by the side, and Xiao Bai was talking to Mr. Luo who was sitting in the wheelchair with his head tilted.

The picture is quite homely.

It's just that he has a small opinion in his heart. He thought about the world of two people. So many irrelevant people distracted her too much attention, and he could only stand aside. How frustrating!
Although it was a visual pleasure to see her in his living area, greeting visitors from outside the garden as a hostess, but he wanted to be alone with her quietly.

However, for now, it is obviously a bit unlikely.

First of all, the old man's feet must be raised, and Shi Tan will definitely not let him go before he recovers; secondly, regarding Luo Ying, if the matter with this woman is not resolved for a day, she will stay here forever.He can allow the old man to live in the garden, but Luo Ying must send her away as soon as possible.This man is too dangerous.

On the way to Qi's Building, a domineering Land Rover stopped their commercial vehicle.

"Boss, it's Lu Yin!"

The domineering Lu Yin got out of the car, the long windbreaker swayed left and right as he strode forward, wearing sunglasses on his face, and soon came to Qi Ji's rear seat, and opened it without permission. At the rear door, he said to the people inside:
"Qi Ji, come down for me!"

Qi Ji is the first heir of the first family in Yaocheng. The Qi family's financial resources are now ranked third in the country, while Lu Yin is the most wealthy and young in Nanyan City, and the Lu family's financial resources are ranked fourth in the country.

When she was young, Mi Fangfei loved chasing Qi Ji, while Lu Yin loved chasing Mi Fangfei.

Nine years ago, as soon as a few passionate photos were exposed, the Lu family took the opportunity to propose marriage to the Mi family, wanting to make a marriage arrangement to promote good things, but also to eliminate some bad influences.

Mi Min, Mi Fangfei's father, knew his daughter's thoughts, and also knew that the matter between her daughter and Lu Yin was just an accident under the influence of alcohol. For this reason, he specially invited Qi Ji to meet him, and said tactfully that Fang Fei liked him, If the Qi family came to the Mi family to propose marriage at this time, they would certainly be willing to marry the Qi family.

(End of this chapter)

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