卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 109 He Said: If She Was Pregnant 2

Chapter 109 He Said: If She Was Pregnant 2
I didn't want Qi Ji to get engaged to Luo Shitan in lightning—he used his own actions to tell the Mi family that he could marry anyone, but he would never be entangled with Mi Fangfei again.

Mi Fangfei originally hoped to use this incident to force Qi Ji to announce to everyone that she was his, but in the end she waited for such news.

That day happened to be the day when Lu Yin proposed to her. After hearing the news, she was shocked and lost Lu Yin, and went to find Qi Ji.

The Lu family lost face for this.

But Lu Yin was obsessed with Mi Fangfei, and he didn't break up with her because of this incident. In the past eight years, she was unmarried, and he was never married. That friendship can be regarded as moving, but alone Mi Fangfei's heart couldn't be influenced.

If it is said that eight years ago, Lu Yin was just a brat who didn't do much in the business world, then eight years later, he has already become a business favorite who cannot be underestimated. Although he is not as famous as Qi Ji, he dominates Qi Ji In the world of the Lu family, he is already the most cunning and ruthless character in the Lu family.

Nowadays, in the business world, when someone like Lu Yin is mentioned, they will say: He is a character.

When Qi Ji was in his twenties, he had some intersection with Lu Yin.Mainly because of Mi Fangfei.Mi Fangfei went to Yaocheng University because of Qi Ji, and Lu Yin came to Yaocheng to study because of Mi Fangfei.But in the past few years, he has almost never dealt with this person.

"Lu Yin, you can't afford to waste my time."

Qi Ji sat there, flipping through the materials needed to discuss the contract, his voice indifferent.The previous project related to the company's profitability was not signed immediately because of the weekend, and there were some details that needed to be revised. It was agreed that the contract was formally signed this morning.

"I'll let you get out of the car! Don't force me to do anything to you. If you want to make headlines, I'll accompany you!"

Lu Yin drank heavily.

This is also a person who has been praised by others all the year round. In normal times, who would dare to touch his face?

It's a pity that he met Qi Ji today, and his arrogance became more arrogant than him.

"Do it?"

Qi Ji looked at the information and took some notes with a pen, then he continued the words lightly:
"Do you think you can beat me?"

In the front seat, Cheng Hang twitched his lips: his boss will not underestimate any opponent, but at the same time, he will not lose momentum in front of any opponent.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw that the boss didn't look up, just glanced at his watch, and said:
"I'm in a hurry, Lu Yin, if you miss me by another minute, I'll call the police."

Lu Yin's reaction was to sneak in.

Cheng Hang was afraid that he would come up and do something that would hurt the boss, so he quickly turned his head and reminded in a deep voice: "Mr. Lu, please get off the car. No one is qualified to come up without Mr. Qi's permission. Your behavior has already serious……"

"To shut up……"

With a sullen face, Lu Yin called out coldly:
"If you have any ideas, you should call the police. We just went to the police station to have a good talk about Fang Fei...Qi Ji, what did you do to Fang Fei? I checked. On the night of March 3th, Fang Fei returned to China, and then she disappeared. About whereabouts, a reporter broke the news to me, saying, that night, your car left Yayuan in the middle of the night. Qi Ji, where did you hide Fang Fei? Are you under house arrest?"

Qi Ji raised his head calmly, looked at Lu Yin who sat up beside him, and asked lightly:
"Why should I put her under house arrest?"

"Because she is pregnant with your child!"

When Lu Yin squeezed out these words with a livid face, his eyes were full of pain:

"In order to fulfill your lie, you hid Fang Fei. Qi Ji, you can hide the corners of your mouth from everyone in the world, but you can't hide it from me. You are a selfish bastard at all. Why do you like Luo Shitan? You just married her, who are you lying to, you simply abandoned Fang Fei because you had a shameful deal with Luo Suixin, so you don't want to marry her. You are a hypocrite. You will do anything for profit."

He pointed at his nose and cursed fiercely.

"There is no evidence, please make delusional guesses about other people's actions!"

Pa, Qi Ji closed the document, with a calm face, and replied with a sentence, blocking all his emotions:

"Besides, Lu Yin, whether I am a hypocrite is not up to you. This is number one.

"Second, where is Fang Fei? You shouldn't ask me. I haven't contacted her for many years. If she is pregnant, she must not be mine. If you can't get through to her phone, come find me, you brain Is it flooded?
"Lu Yin, I thought that after eight years, you should be called a man. It turns out that you are still the same as when you were in adolescence. You were taken advantage of and thought that your thoughts were absolutely right. Your books in those years were for nothing. , your age has grown in vain all these years..."

Three minutes later, Qi Ji's car drove away.

Lu Yin stood there without moving for a long time, with a thoughtful look on his face:
Looking at Qi Ji's expression, there is no trace of guilty conscience. Could it be that Fang Fei's loss of contact really has nothing to do with him?

On the other side, Qi Ji was also wondering in his heart: "How could Lu Yin know that Mi Fangfei was pregnant..."

This thing is getting weirder and weirder now.

Arriving at Qi's Building, Qi Ji arrived at his office in a special elevator. After sitting down, he made a phone call:
"Yaozhi, I want to ask you something. Who was with you that time?"

"Xiao Guang, let's go together!"

"Where is Xiao Guang now?"

"At the General Medical Hospital!"

"I'll come over at noon. There's something I want to check with Xiao Guang...you tell him to wait! Don't go away!"

"Okay... By the way, what's the matter with you?"

"Lu Yin came to trouble me! I'll tell you about it later!"

At twelve noon, Qi Ji saw a young doctor in the general hospital office: Li Guang.This is a rising star with superb medical skills.In some fields, there are medical insights that ordinary people do not have.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Qi Ji looked him up and down, he was only 27 or [-] years old, with the childishness of a young man who hadn't fully degenerated on his face.

Unexpectedly, Li Guang nodded his head calmly and honestly:
"I know! Mr. Qi is never easy to fool."

So sincere, it's really unbearable.

Qi Ji smiled and nodded:
"Very well, please answer me two things now...

"First thing, how did you know that Mi Fangfei was pregnant?
"The second thing, why did you disclose this to Lu Yin..."

Li Guang only said one word, which made Qi Ji completely silent.

On the other side, Shi Tan took Luo Ying to the hospital, checked the injuries on Luo Ying's face and body, took pictures of what should be taken, took pictures of what should be taken, and finally the doctor wrote a diagnosis report.These can all be evidence in court.

While waiting for the report, Shi Tan quietly went to buy a box of emergency contraceptive pills, a bottle of daily contraceptive pills, and a bottle of water.

After returning to the car, she took off her sunglasses, stared at the instructions on the emergency contraceptive pill, looked again and again, covered her lower abdomen, thought for a long time, and finally took out the pill and ate it.

Now is definitely not the best time to have a child. It would be better to wait until all the dust settles to study—their current relationship is too fragile, too fragile, to be vulnerable at all.Who knows what will happen tomorrow after today?

On this day, she still didn't go to the criminal police team. After the inspection in the morning, she returned to Yayuan.

In the afternoon, Shi Tan checked some information about Fang Baoshan. This person had a criminal record and had been in prison for half a year. The business has grown bigger and bigger in the past few years, mainly because of the backing behind him: the Lu family, Forty-five years old this year, he looked pretty good when he was young, but he has developed over the years, his fat ears and belly have rounded up, his hair has started to go bald, and he smiles lewdly.At first glance at the recent photos, it's really disgusting--

Luo Ying, who is like a flower, marrying such an upstart is definitely a flower stuck in cow dung, and her life is ruined.

In addition, she also studied the loan contract between Luo Ying and Fang Baoshan. After reading it, she found it incredible that they were willing to sign such a contract. It seemed that they were really at the end of their rope.

Grandfather Luo Houyu also watched it, and sighed after watching it.

She knew that grandpa was blaming himself. If he had been willing to help out, this eldest granddaughter whom he raised as a pet would not have married such a person.

On the contrary, Luo Ying's attitude is much calmer than before: "When I first married, I was indeed a little wronged. But if a man treats you well, I can swallow my wrongedness. As for later, I became numb. I just want to live on. It's a pity that I can't go on..."

One day just passed by.

In the evening, Qi Ji came home on time, Xiaobai took Shi Tan, and happily ran to welcome him back, the handsome man smiled and picked up the little guy and kissed and kissed again, which made Xiaobai burst into a burst of cheerful laughter .

Shi Tan looked at it, the corners of her lips curled up, very pleased - she had never seen Xiao Bai laugh so happily, she felt that her concession was worth it.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, Luo Ying was watching. Under the faint setting sun, the man was handsome, the woman was gentle, the child was cute, what a warm picture.

Seeing such a picture, she can't help but think:

It would be great if her child survived and could wrap around her knees.

But when the face picture in her mind replaced Qi Ji and replaced that man, she got goosebumps all over her body.A burst of bitterness spread from between the lips and teeth.

Shi Tan married a man who was a dragon and a phoenix, but she married a local ruffian. It should be a blessing that he didn't give birth to a son and a half for that bastard.Such a man is not worthy to be her husband at all.Thinking of the scenes of her being bullied all these years, her heart was stabbed fiercely again.Looking at the scene in front of me again, it hurts even more.

She didn't understand, how could her and Shi Tan's fates be so different?

The more she compares like this, the more hatred in her heart is hard to get rid of - she didn't hate so much before.

There is a reason for this, of course.

In the past few years, in order to save her family, Luo Ying was forced into a marriage that she didn't want. After marriage, she has always revolved around giving birth to a son. After three years, she didn't give birth to a son, but her body fell down due to several miscarriages. The root of the disease has always been sick.

If the man is considerate enough, maybe her mentality can be improved, but this man is a scum at all. Since she miscarried her fourth child, he doesn't come home. First of all, she is in poor health and can't satisfy him. Secondly, he lost interest in her as a broken flower and a willow.

For Luo Ying, if he didn't go home, his life would be comfortable.She can raise it quietly.

Luo Ying has been unable to go out to work because of her weak body all the time:

First, with the status of the Fang family, she would lose Fang Baoshan's face if she went out to work, and Fang Baoshan was afraid that she would get in touch with more people outside and would give herself a cuckold, so she was strictly forbidden to go out to work.

The second is that she has been at home for many years, has long been out of touch with society, and has exhausted her ambitions.

Three, her natal family owed Fang Baoshan so much money, she didn't dare to confront Fang Baoshan, so she could only drag her along like that, begging for a living under the fists of men.There is no other way but to endure.

(End of this chapter)

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