卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 117 Qi Ji's Maintenance 2

Chapter 117 Qi Ji's Maintenance 2
"Hey, how can you hit someone?"

Du Ting was furious, screamed, and stopped in front of Shi Tan, showing a pair of small canine teeth, looking like he was about to go up and fight him desperately.

This girl, although she is small, has a heart of urgency and righteousness. For someone she can see well, she is willing to put her heart to the ground for that person.

When Shi Tan touched his lips, there was actually bleeding from his teeth, this slap.

"Go away! What are you, dare to meddle in this business? Why don't you stay cool..."

Luo Suixin's face was sullen, her head was bald, and she was shining brightly, which made the sharpness in her eyes look ruthless.

The reporters who were about to withdraw turned back one by one because of this scene, completely ignoring the medical staff's stop, and the flash lights turned on again——

Papa papa, took pictures of Luo Suixin beating Mrs. Qi in public.

Shi Tan stroked his aching face and looked around. In the waiting room for the operation, there were a total of nine people, one was a medical staff member, the other four were strangers, possibly family members of other patients waiting for the operation. Three, namely Luo Suilan, Luo Suizhu, and Luo Ying.

They were sitting together, talking in a low voice, and could hear scolding, Luo Suilan stood up, glanced coldly, with hatred; Very strange and distant... Not far from them, there was another man standing there, who looked a little familiar, but after a closer look, he recognized him. This man was none other than the grandson that my grandfather loved the most before: Luo Ji.

When he saw her, he, who was standing with his chest folded, walked towards them, and grabbed Luo Suixin who wanted to run amok:
"Dad, don't be like this..."

"Don't pull me, shouldn't this kind of person be beaten?"

Luo Suixin looked unwilling to give up, pushed Luo Ji away, let out a roar, and stretched out his magic hand again, but was dragged by Luo Ji again.

Seeing this, Du Ting hastily protected Shi Tan and stepped back, about to reprimand...

"Don't hit my mother! Why do you scoundrel hit my mother!"

A childish cry came from the other end of the corridor, followed by a small figure galloping towards Shi Tan.

It's Xiaobai!
Xiaobai lifted his proud chin, glared at this malicious man with an angry look, and shouted:

"A man beats a woman, shameless! Shameless! Shameless!"

The bodyguard Awei followed closely, stood in front of the child, and in a guarding manner, he yelled in a deep voice:
"Sir, you have to pay full responsibility for your beating..."

Aunt Wen hurriedly approached, and also reached the other side of Shi Tan:
"Yes, what right do you have to beat my wife..."

This is ironic enough. The "mother's family" who had lived together for seven years ran out one by one and forced her into a desperate situation, while the "husband's family" who was once avoided by her was at a critical moment. Come forward one by one to protect her.

Shi Tan's cold heart warmed up a bit, and he didn't say anything, but first pulled his little man over, but Luo Suixin sternly said:

"This woman is a liar at all. She is not Luo Shi from our family. Qi Ji married the wrong person. What you are protecting now is a complete liar..."

"You're a big liar, you're a liar! My dad wouldn't be as stupid as you guys, he would marry a wife in a daze..."

Xiaobai screamed angrily.

Shi Tan had never seen Xiao Bai become so annoyed before, and he knew he was stabbed by these vicious words.

For any child, the status of parents in the heart is unparalleled. When hearing that parents are humiliated, it is inevitable to fight back. This is the same reason that parents will stand up when their children are attacked.This is flesh and blood.

And the frank protection from children is even more touching.

"You don't know what you look like. Your mother is a big liar. She lied to everyone. She has bad intentions and wants to occupy the Luo family's property..."

"No no no no!"

Xiaobai broke free from Shi Tan, rushed over, widened his eyes, and confronted with a rebellious momentum.

Luo Suixin sneered, squinting at Shi Tan who was silent:

"Then you can ask your mother who is full of lies in front of everyone: Let her feel her own conscience and tell me if she is the biological daughter of the third master of the Luo family? A liar is a liar, no matter how you make it up , can’t change the fact that…”

Boo, choo, all eyes focused on Shi Tan.

Everyone is waiting for her reaction, and they are full of doubts about the exposure on the Internet:

No matter how touching what Cheng Wanwan said, as far as it is concerned, it is always a one-sided rhetoric. The truth still needs to be further observed.This is the focus of the media people's attention, and it is also the suspense of the news.

Shi Tan pulled Xiao Bai back, but remained silent.

Now she says everything is wrong:
deny the facts?

Naturally it is impossible.

The fact that Luo Suixin and the others dare to make such a big fuss is enough to prove that Cheng Wanwan is probably Luo Shi.

She couldn't deny it, because she had promised Uncle Luo that if Luo Shi could come back, she and Luo Shi would become good sisters.To deny is to stand on the opposite side with Luo Shi, and Luo Chi will definitely confront her to the end in order to regain his identity.

And the truth can't be hidden, and she will have no way to justify herself when the time comes.

That's like digging your own grave.

admit the truth?

It is bound to shock the media, Uncle Luo is dead, he cannot come back from the dead and explain to everyone that she is his adopted daughter.Now that there is no proof of death, she can't tell the truth, and she is considered a liar.

At least for a while, she couldn't find any favorable evidence to prove her innocence.

Shi Tan's face was pale, her heart was in dull pain, and the feeling of being wronged could not help but hurt her deeply...

Just then...

"Who said she was a liar..."

Amidst all the noise, a clear and clear voice calmed everyone's minds with great intimidation.

Everyone headed towards the source of the sound, and the reporters involuntarily moved out of the way in the crowded aisle. The flashlights that had been aimed at Luo Suixin all shifted their direction. Surrounded by two equally heroic men, he walked into everyone's sight.


Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran up happily.

Yes, it was Qi Ji who came.

He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a calm expression, he picked up his son, and his eyes fell on Shi Tan. When he saw the blood on her lips and the handprints on her face, his expression suddenly sank, he turned his head, and rushed to Luo Suixin He stared hard at it.

Qi Ji is a man who has seen brutal killings, and once lived between life and death.

This person has an evil spirit about him, but in the past few years, he has read a lot of books, and after years of tempering in the army, he has already put away that evil spirit.

Now, only when he is angry, the chilling evil spirit will radiate from him.

Therefore, at this moment, his cold stare is absolutely terrifying, even Luo Suixin, who has seen many big scenes, was also frightened by him.

Offending Qi Ji is definitely not a fun thing.

Qi Ji was indeed annoyed, he asked the accompanying lawyer behind him in an extremely cold tone:

"Zhao Shilu, according to my country's "Civil Law", a natural person in good mental condition maliciously attacks another person and slaps someone in the face. What kind of legal responsibility can he constitute?"

Shi Tan recognized this lawyer, his name was Zhao Neng, and he was a classmate of Uncle Luo's. She had met him many years ago.It's just that he didn't expect that now he also followed Qi Ji.

Zhao Neng glanced at Shi Tan's face, and after seeing the facts clearly, he immediately answered:

"According to my country's "Civil Law", if it constitutes a minor injury, it will be sentenced to three years of imprisonment and compensation for medical expenses; if it is not injured, the law stipulates that the beating person must make an apology. If he refuses to apologize, the victim can sue through the court. The natural person. If the natural person insists on refusing to apologize, the court can sentence him to be detained for seven days to half a month. After the detention period expires, if the natural person still refuses to apologize, the court can also detain him for half a month to a month."

After the words fell, Luo Suixin's face changed color slightly.

"Did you hear that, Luo Suixin!"

Qi Ji stared at him coldly, and his tone was cold and sharp:
"Apologize with Li, this is the civil responsibility you must bear... Otherwise, what awaits you will be civil detention..."

Luo Suixin bit the bullet and forced a smile:
"It's a joke. Why should I apologize to her? This woman pretended to be Luo Shi, causing my Luo family to be ruined. She has no moral values. If I apologize to her, who will pay back our Luo family? justice?"

In any case, it was impossible for him to apologize in front of many reporters.The Qi family is indeed powerful, but in front of the media, he can't stand up.

At this time, a reporter interjected:

"Mr. Qi, everyone knows that you are a workaholic who is busy with everything. Today you put everything down, rushed to the hospital in such a hurry, and defended your wife so much. I want to know that you came here out of the alliance of interests between husband and wife. The one who dealt with this matter still has other secrets about Mrs. Qi being a counterfeit daughter of the Luo family, and you are here to clear your wife's innocence..."

For a long time, no matter where he went, Qi Ji was the focus of the crowd. He possessed an incomparable aura. People, so, all the reporters present today are curious:
What kind of ability will Mr. Qi use today to turn things around.

Over there, upon hearing the words, Qi Ji turned his gaze around heavily, and he was calm and calm. When he turned his head to look at Shi Tan, he opened his mouth slowly.

"My friends from the media, news can be tracked. This is your right and your responsibility. But this is a hospital, a place to treat patients and save lives. Mr. Luo is currently undergoing surgery in the emergency room. Everyone who cares about him is anxious. Waiting for the results, from a humanitarian point of view, shouldn't you stop here?"

The words were neither light nor heavy, but the reporters looked at each other in blank dismay.

Because they smelled the faintly audible displeasure in the words.

This is invisible maintenance, but Qi Ji used the word "humanitarian" to cover up his selfishness.

And Luo Suixin sneered:
"Qi Ji, no matter how frank you are, you can't cover up Luo Shitan's ugly nature!"

A reporter even boldly added:

"Mr. Qi, we just want to restore the truth of the situation. Now that the incident has broken out and the public already knows about it, as celebrities in Yao City, you and your wife Luo Shitan have the responsibility to come forward and clarify.

"Although the hospital is not the right place to release a press conference, since the reporters have gathered here today, and you and your wife are here, take this opportunity to make it clear, whether it is to Mrs. Qi, to you, or to Qi The group is beneficial and harmless.

(End of this chapter)

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