卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 118 Qi Ji's Maintenance 3

Chapter 118 Qi Ji's Maintenance 3
"As far as I know, because of this incident, Qi's stock market has been falling continuously since 09:30 this morning. Solve this incident as soon as possible to eliminate the panic of shareholders. This is also what you, as a top executive of the company, should be responsible for. responsibility. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Qi Ji laughed a little, because these few sentences made a lot of sense.

He nodded and said:
"Originally, now is really not the best time to hold a press conference to explain this matter, and the place is not suitable, but since some people's behavior has seriously interfered with my wife's personal rights, well, then I have to borrow the hospital's Here is a place to solemnly explain to everyone..."

In the aisle, because of this sentence, all the interview machines were aimed at Qi Ji who spoke calmly and calmly.

This man, no matter from which angle he was photographed, he was full of confidence and extraordinary demeanor.

This is the charm of Qi Ji.

"First, Shi Tan did not pretend to be Luo Shi!"

First of all, he emphatically affirmed one sentence.

A reporter immediately picked up and asked:
"Mr. Qi, how can you be so sure?"

Qi Ji replied lightly:
"Because Mr. Luo Suiyi once mentioned this matter to me."

"Excuse me, Mr. Qi, when did this happen." The reporter asked again.

Qi Ji said:
"Eight years ago!
"Mr. Luo told me that at the time, when he brought Shi Tan back to the Luo family, he knew that she was not his own daughter, it was a kind of adoption relationship.

"You guys understand, after my wife was adopted by Mr. Luo San, she lived in the Luo family as the Fourth Miss of the Luo family only with his permission.

"So, she did not act as an impostor from the beginning to the end."

As soon as this sentence came out, it was a complete announcement to the outside world that Luo Shitan was not the real daughter of the Luo family.

Some reporters have doubts and want to ask again.

Qi Ji raised his hand and pressed it, and stopped him in a gentle voice:

"Please let me finish my speech, and then you can ask questions."

The good attitude made the reporter nod his head.

Qi Jisui lowered his hands and continued:

"Secondly, the death of Mr. Luo San has nothing to do with Luo Shitan, it's just Mu Yichun's personal behavior.

"Those who want to use this incident to discredit my wife, if you insist on thinking so, it shows that your thoughts are too impure!

"Third, the reason why the old man is angry is that some people released this information too suddenly.

"These people didn't give the old man any room for buffering, so they openly posted it on the Internet, which is a profound manifestation of selfishness.

"Fourth, about purpose.

"If some people insist on thinking that my wife took Luo Shi's name and seized Luo Shi's position in the Luo family in order to seize the Luo family's property, then I can tell you very responsibly: No such idea. If Luo Shi really comes back, she will warmly welcome her.

"It would be ridiculous for someone to want to put that charge on her.

"Fifth, when I married Luo Shitan, I already knew that she was the adopted daughter of the Luo family. Therefore, my marriage relationship with Luo Shitan will definitely not change in any way because of this incident.

"Today, the reason why I stood up to speak for her is that firstly, Luo Shitan and I are husband and wife, and husband and wife should face all kinds of problems in life together. Second, I have a witness, which can prove that what I said is the truth... ..."

When he said this, he took a step back, gave the focus to the lawyer Zhao Neng beside him, and introduced:

"This is lawyer Zhao Neng Zhao, he used to be Mr. Qi San's private legal consultant, and he is also a well-known barrister in Yao City's legal circle.

"After the fake daughter's video was released today, Lawyer Zhao contacted me immediately because he had a piece of information in his hand that showed that Luo Shitan never pretended to be the daughter of the Luo family.

"Lawyer Zhao, please show that evidence to prove my wife's innocence..."

Although these words were spoken calmly, they carried deafening power.

Not only did it attract the intense attention of the reporters, but it also attracted Shi Tan's gaze, bursts of astonishment sparkled in her eyes——

She really didn't expect that Uncle Luo would actually tell this man the secret.

And Xiaobai, looking up at his father revealed a look of admiration.

"Uncle Zhao!"

Shi Tan yelled softly, temporarily not knowing what kind of change he could bring.

Zhao Neng nodded at her, his eyes full of comfort, and then, he glanced at the three brothers and sisters of the Luo family, took out his notebook, clicked on a video, and in turn, let everyone watch.

Sitting in the camera is Luo Suiyi who has passed away for eight years.

Zhao Neng cleared his voice and said:
"Well, first of all, there is one thing I have to explain here.

"Mr. Luo Suiyi and his wife had only one daughter before his death. At the full moon, Mr. Luo Houyu named his granddaughter Luo Shi.

"Luo Shi was lost at the age of three, Mrs. Luo lost her daughter due to illness, and Luo Suiyi never remarried. She spent 15 years looking for her lost daughter Luo Shi, but unfortunately she was never able to find her.

"Many years ago, Luo Suiyi brought back a little girl from outside and announced to the public that it was Luo Shi, which is not the case.

"Luo Shitan is just the daughter of an old friend that Luo Suiyi adopted for some reason seven years after losing his beloved daughter.

"Everyone, listen clearly, the relationship between Luo Suiyi and Luo Shitan is a kind of adoption with Mr. Luo's knowledge.

"And here I have such a document that can prove the authenticity of this fact...

"Everyone, start now, please look at the screen."

When the video is clicked, it starts playing.

In the camera, it is a living room. Sitting on the sofa facing each other are Luo Suiyi and Zhao Neng.

Luo Suiyi was smiling slightly, with a few traces of strange fairness on his face, and said to the camera:
"First of all, I have to explain why I recorded this video."

He smiled:

"The reason is simple. I have a terminal illness and I will not live long. In my lifetime, I don't think I will ever see my biological daughter again.

"Will someone see this and ask, isn't the person you are raising by your side your own?"

Luo Suiyi nodded, and admitted generously:
"Yes, she is not mine.

"However, I have always regarded her as my own.

"Today I am sitting with Ah Neng, this is the first time I have told this secret to a third person since Tan was adopted seven years ago.

"So, one day, if I die, Ah Neng can be the witness of this event."

In the camera, Zhao Neng waved his hand and said:
"I was surprised to know this. I always thought that my old classmate finally found his daughter. I really didn't expect it..."

He sighed.

Luo Suiyi smiled, stroked his thigh, and said with emotion:
"It's really a pity that I couldn't find my daughter, but being able to adopt Shi Tan is a kind of consolation for me, a lost orphan. I'm very happy to be Shi Tan's adoptive father."

"Yes, that child is smart enough and caring enough..."

Zhao Neng said with a smile:
"If it were me, I would also want such a daughter... Suiyi, you raised her very well..."

Hearing praise, Luo Suiyi's brows and eyes were a bit smug:
"Of course, Shi Tan has always been a well-behaved and sensible boy..."

After a pause, he explained again:
"By the way, there is one thing I have to say here. Shi Tan was entrusted by an old classmate of mine. I raised her not only to fulfill my desire for a girl, but also to give this child a home where she can settle down. .Well, well, the topic seems to be a bit off topic, let's get back to the topic..."

He smiled with a refined demeanor, thought for a while, and then made a steady statement:

"Every pair of responsible parents will be responsible for their children, and they will hope to keep their children by their side, watching her grow up and become a talent day by day, and then find her other half and live a happy life. That is a kind of fulfillment life.

“But there will always be some imperfections in life.

"For example, like me, my daughter was abducted when she was three years old. I have been searching for so many years, but I have not been able to find her back.

"Time is a ruthless knife, it makes people old, and it will also wear away the first memories of children's hearts with one knife.

"Now, so many years have passed, I think, if Luo Shi is still alive, I'm afraid I won't remember the beginning, and I have been searching year after year, gradually losing hope.

"Now, I've found out that I'm terminally ill, and I don't have much time left. I don't have the energy to find her anymore.

"Now, the only thing I want to do is to give my daughter Luo Shitan a good home, and I want to see her marry an outstanding man who can satisfy me.

"As for everything about the Luo family, I have already made up my mind that I will entrust everything to this child.

"Here, everything I say includes all movable and immovable property in my name.

"Many people know that my father was in a car accident and was critically ill. At that time, most of the property under his name had already been transferred to me, including most of the company's equity. Therefore, all I am talking about now is Including Luo's.

"That is to say, Shi Tanhui is my only heir.

"Some people say that money is not a good thing, it can make people lost, but there are exceptions, for example, my daughter Luo Shitan.

"A few days ago, I had two talks with Tan Tan about making a will. This is a must. I am already a person who is going to die. These things must be done in advance, right...

"Unfortunately, I wanted to give it, but the child refused to take it.

"She said that after taking over Luo Shi's family, she can't take over the Luo family's foundation.

"Oh, what a silly kid.

"I said to her: You have lived in our Luo family for seven years, and you are already a member of the Luo family. If you inherit it, how can it be regarded as domination. It is the tradition of succession from father to son.

"In the end I wrote a will, and she couldn't hold me back. The child was very filial.

"The general content of that will is this, but all property under my name will be inherited by Luo Shitan.

"This is my original will.

"However, Shi Tan added a sentence: If Luo Suiyi died of illness, one day Luo Shi came back, and it belonged to all the Luo family property inherited by Luo Shitan, and he needed to return Luo Shi. Luo Shitan only took the salary during the replacement period. The salary amount is settled according to the treatment of the company's department manager.

"That child, if you insist on adding this sentence, I can't help it, so I agree.

"However, after she left, I added another sentence under this sentence: If Luo Shi is recovered, the property under my name will be divided between Shi Tan and Luo Shi. Luo Shitan's additional Conditions, I do not agree, hereby void.

"Of course, this is not the exact words, but the general meaning.

"Well, by the way, am I a little cunning?"

In the camera, Luo Suiyi smiled happily.

Zhao Neng nodded:
(End of this chapter)

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