卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 119 She begs: Luo Shi is innocent 2

Chapter 119 She begs: Luo Shi is innocent 2
Luo Suizhu's face turned pale: "I..."

Qi Ji steals it and said coldly:

"The old man treats you well...Eight years ago, you helped the evildoers, and eight years later, you joined forces with them. I have always thought that Ms. Luo Suizhu was a member of the Luo family. Before, I read your post The article in the newspaper "Filial piety is the foundation of people". The article is well written, but what about character? I want to ask you, as an adopted abandoned baby, is this how you repay kindness with grievances? Do you match your words with your deeds? ? Today, the reason why Master Luo was sent to the intensive care unit is all a masterpiece of your contribution. You still have the face to visit your adoptive father?"

A thick wry smile spread across Luo Suizhu's face.

She was speechless.

Eight years ago, she was deceived because she trusted her brothers and sisters too much. Eight years later, she became an accomplice again because she met Luo Shi.

She liked that child since she was a child. After confirming that Cheng Wanwan was Luo Shi, she had the heart to protect the calf, so she supported letting Luo Ying enter Yayuan. Tell the truth.He wanted to fight for Luo Shi's due power, but who would have thought that Lu Yin would decide without authorization to hand over such a video to Luo Ying and post it on the Internet.

When Luo Suizhu knew that Lu Yin had put this preliminary plan into action, she objected, but Lu Yin told her:

"Luo Shi has been taken away by the people in District A. It must be made public, so that Qi Ji and the others can be forced to hand him over! Otherwise, we will be fabricating the facts."

She couldn't stop the development of the situation, but the result was that she deeply hurt her adoptive father.

"Sorry, this is not what I want to see!"

Luo Suizhu bowed her body, her voice was extremely heavy. :
"Among the four siblings, Suiyi and I have the closest relationship. Eight years ago, Suiyi's death was bizarre. I have always been worried about Yichun's ability to kill Suiyi, and Shi Tan firmly believed that Yichun would not kill Suyi. That kind of Paranoia made me also have opinions on Shi Tan, so eight years ago, I blindly agreed with Suixin's approach and put Shi Tan under house arrest. But I didn't know that Luo Suixin would actually connive at his nephew to have sex with Shi Tan during his house arrest. Invasion, using raw rice to cook mature rice, and using the old man as a threat to force Shi Tan to marry his nephew. As for this time eight years later, my starting point is all for Luo Shi. I just want to make decisions for Luo Shi, I only hope The foundation of the Luo family returned to the descendants of the Luo family. I didn't expect that Sui Yi had already conceived the possibility of the future before he died. My worry turned into meddling."

This woman is different from the other two, because she is capable, so she is full of arrogance.

She didn't come here for the property of the Luo family, it was the same eight years ago.

"Ms. Luo, finding Luo Shi was originally a happy event. If you can let go of your opinions and exchange news with me, the situation will not turn into the current situation."

Qi Ji glanced at his wife's sad expression in front of the isolation window of the intensive care unit.

Luo Suizhu sighed bitterly:
"How can I know that Mr. Qi has always known the inside story..."

The misunderstanding in this, if it is not such a commotion, who knows the truth.

"Mr. Qi, for what happened today, I will apologize to you on behalf of my father..."

Luo Ji, who had been leaning on the aisle, came over suddenly, bowed, with an apologetic expression on his face.

Luo Suixin is a mercenary bastard, but Luo Ji is a person with good character.These years, he couldn't understand what his father did, and he had already moved out of the house.

"It's not you who beat my wife, you don't need to apologize to me. Tell Luo Suixin later, wait for the lawyer's letter at home..."

Qi Ji said lightly and stepped in, but Luo Suizhu stopped him again:

"Mr. Qi, was Luo Shi taken away by someone you sent... If so, please don't embarrass her, she is a poor child. She did nothing wrong. Luo Suixin took advantage of her. She always thought that Luo Suixin It's for her own good. Luo Shi longs to see her grandpa, please fulfill her filial piety..."

"You don't need to teach me what to do! Ms. Luo, you just need to take care of yourself!"

He said lightly and closed the door.

When Shi Tan came out of the intensive care unit, he stood in front of Qi Ji and said, "Lend me your phone!"

Qi Ji didn't know what she wanted to do, but he still handed over the phone, she held it in her hand, and dialed a number very familiarly.

It took a while to get through, and Luo Ying's voice came from inside: "Who is there!"

"I, Luo Shitan, where are you..."

Over there, Luo Ying was silent for a while.

"I asked where are you now?"

The cold voice revealed a forceful aura, and she couldn't stop hating when she thought that her grandfather might become a vegetable.

"Get in the rain by the artificial lake!"

Luo Ying smiled and said,
Yes, she was still laughing.

Shi Tan gritted his teeth and rushed out, running fast.

Xiaobai followed, looking very worried.

Qi Ji followed closely, he knew that this girl was going to settle accounts with Luo Ying——Luo Ying, heh, that gentle and kind woman has completely changed her in eight years.

In the sky, it was still raining, and the rain was not too big or too small, cold and wet.

The reporters hadn't dispersed yet, they were all wandering around, seeing Qi Tai rushing out of the inpatient department building at a speed of [-] meters, they were surprised to find that this woman's speed was astonishingly fast.

In front of the artificial lake and the flower bed, Luo Ying stood quietly in the rain, looking at the lake with a dead expression, her cell phone was placed by her ear, her clothes were completely soaked, and her face looked extremely bleak.

After a while, Shi Tan appeared in front of her, holding the phone fiercely with one hand.

She remembered that the phone should belong to Qi Ji.

That godlike man just defended her again and again——

How nice, when Shi Tan was in trouble, he would risk everything to protect her, but when she was forced to marry a man she didn't love, she could only silently swallow tears in her stomach.

Facing the vast white sky, Luo Ying grinned, so coldly:
"What are you doing? Are you here to settle accounts with me?"

The rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, and their hair was wet.

"Grandpa treats you so well, why do you think so hard to stimulate him like this? Luo Ying, when I left in the morning, how did you promise, you said you would take good care of grandpa...Is this your care? What about your conscience, your filial piety? Your humanity?"

Shi Tan rushed up and pushed her hard, then gave her a loud drink.She clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could beat her up.

Luo Ying stabilized her figure, and giggled again facing the rain that filled the sky. There seemed to be heat gushing out of her eyes, but it was quickly washed away by the cold rain.After laughing for a while, she put away her smile:
"Eight years ago, I was full of respect and love for my grandpa, and I was full of love for you, my sister. I loved playing chess and drinking tea with my grandpa, and I loved sleeping on the same bed with you and whispering between girls. But you return to me What is it? You married the man I love, and grandpa, regardless of my begging, just kicked us out of the Luo family."

She patted her chest lightly, revealing her hatred bit by bit:
"You are unkind, I am unrighteous.

"Luo Shitan, what right do you have to blame?
"Don't forget, your surname is not Luo at all, and you shouldn't have appeared in the Luo family at all——in the years when you didn't come, the Luo family was harmonious, and when you appeared, you broke such a harmonious atmosphere. Because of you, the entire Luo family was defeated like this.

"The reason why I married such a man is all because of you. If I don't drive you out of the Luo family, I will be unwilling.

"Yes, I am unwilling, very, very unwilling!

"Why can you become the heir of the Luo family?

"Why should I be kicked out?
"How can you get grandpa's love and love, and marry Qi Ji?

"Why do I have to be abused? The marriage is a complete failure?
"Why can you be in a good light eight years later? Be the envy of all the women in the city?
"Why should I be trembling eight years later? Still bowing my head to you for help?


She yelled seven times in one breath, showing all her deep jealousy.

Shi Tan was completely stunned!

It turned out that she had so much dissatisfaction in her heart!
It turned out that for the past two days, she had been hiding the hatred in her heart and acting in front of her!

It turned out that the innocence of the past, the deep love between sisters in Girls' Generation, really can only become a memory...

"Luo Ying, you...how did you become like this?"

Shi Tan stomped his feet sadly, with deep hatred in his heart:
"Because of your unwillingness, grandpa almost disappeared, do you know that..."

Luo Ying's face was in a daze for a moment, but she turned to smile:
"I'm just an inducement. What is the main reason? You should understand that it was your impostor that hurt Grandpa's heart..."

"No, things were never going to turn out like this."

Shi Tan never thinks that all this was caused by himself, they don't want to use this excuse to make her feel guilty, never:

"Luo Ying, you don't know the importance of what you do. I always felt sorry for you before, but now it seems that you are to blame for all of this... Very good, I really see through you... Luo Ying, from now on In the end, the relationship between you and my sister will be cut off..."

Vigorously, she grabbed a jade pendant from her neck. It was a not very valuable jade gift from Luo Ying many years ago. Without saying a word, she threw it heavily on the ground.

But when there was a bang, the jade was shattered and splashed...

She didn't look at Na Yu again, turned around and left steadily, step by step towards Qi Ji who was holding Xiao Bai and standing under the billboard not far away to shelter from the rain.

For Luo Ying, she was completely disappointed. Here and now, she regrets... hating herself for foolishly luring wolves into the house, thus harming grandpa!

"Tan Ma, you're all wet!"

When she stood in front of the father and son, Xiao Bai took out a neatly folded handkerchief from his pocket, leaned over to wipe her face, and slid his warm little hands over her face.

The man's expression is also warm.

In this special moment, this warmth is so precious.

She remained motionless, staring greedily.

Qi Jichong smiled at her:
"We're going home, you need to take a hot shower... or you'll catch a cold..."

This kind of tenderness is fascinating.

"Okay, let's go home!"

She needs to change clothes, eat something, and meet someone. Today's matter is not over, and she still has a lot of aftermath to deal with.

The word "home" can stir her heartstrings most now.

Yes, she has a family, this man, this doll, gave her a family where she can ride through thick and thin.

On March 2011, 3, two more pieces of news broke out in Yao City, which shocked the entire Zhu country.

As soon as the first news came out, many people on the Internet attacked Luo Shitan in various languages, with all kinds of swear words; as soon as the second video appeared on the Internet, the criticism from netizens finally subsided, and they began to discuss Luo Shitan The brothers and sisters approached the question of immorality, and started a series of discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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