卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 124 Old photos hide a secret

Chapter 124 Old photos hide a secret

The topic, which was originally a bit serious, became ambiguous because of the second half of his sentence and the wicked smile in his eyes. She couldn't help but stare at him...

He saw the dizziness appearing on her face, and whispered in her ear maliciously:
"At the moment of spring night, it's worth a thousand gold... It's good to sleep with me over there... Mmm..."

He was pinched, but the smile in his eyes became thicker and brighter.

"Be serious!"

She had no choice but to poke his chest again.

He smiled and took her hand and said:
"Go, go and bring your son!"

The atmosphere eased up...

On the way to Qiyuan, when passing through the downtown area, there was a traffic jam.

I heard that there was a series of car accidents, and I don't know when the traffic flow like a dragon will be cleared. During the peak hours of get off work, the traffic was already blocked, but now it is completely blocked...

Life is like this, one moment does not know the next moment, life and death, sometimes, only a few minutes apart.

Because of the traffic jam, she was inexplicably irritable.

Qi Ji noticed her strangeness, and made her a cup of Kuding tea:

"Have a sip of tea and calm down. Now, the neighborhood is blocked, so it's useless to rush. Although the taste of Kuding tea is bitter, it can refresh your mind...Try it..."

She took it.

He added:
"Life is like a journey, you don't have to care about the destination, you should care about the scenery along the way. Sometimes, you will get more happiness if you look at the problem from another angle..."

"Then how do you think about traffic jams?" She took a sip, adjusted her emotions, and asked.

He raised the cup in his hand and smiled: "It can be regarded as a place for afternoon tea. We can also chat about life aspirations and trivial life here... Or, we can also go out for a walk and change the place for tea." An unbalanced state of mind is a balanced state of mind. Maintaining a good state of mind will help you work more efficiently later..."

She listened and smiled, such an attitude towards life is wise.

So they chatted casually for a while, and didn't go out, because it was raining again, and walking in the light rain was very romantic, but walking in the heavy rain, it was a brain problem.

They were chatting in the car, Xiaobai interrupted from time to time in the passenger seat, and the atmosphere of the family of three was very good.

As for the driver, Cheng Hang, he was quiet and did not disturb them.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the road was blocked. More than an hour passed, it was already dark, and the lights on the avenue were shining brightly.

Qi Ji noticed it, and brought her head over, leaning on her shoulder, she opened her eyes, trying to sit down:

"Sleep, we're here, I'll call you! It may take a while."

Shi Tan looked out the window without any resistance, and simply leaned against him, resting her mind at ease, she just wanted to squint, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

As soon as I fell asleep, I fell asleep.

When he arrived at Qi Garden, it was nearly seven o'clock, Qi Ji glanced at the woman in his arms, but did not wake her up, carried her out of the car, and sent her directly back to the room, and deliberately told the servant not to make noise.They eat Chinese food late, so she can sleep if she wants, it doesn't matter if she misses a dinner.

He went to the main house alone.

In the morning, my grandparents originally wanted to go to the hospital with him, because there was an important client coming, and he was supposed to receive him in person. The old gentleman was very distinguished, but because his wife had an accident, he had to rush there , and felt that the old gentleman should not be neglected, and it seemed inappropriate to let other people go to receive him, so he asked his grandparents to pick up the plane for him, and had a meal with him, so that he could talk about business , It can reminisce about the past, and it can better reflect a kind of respect.

He had talked with his grandfather on the phone before, and his grandfather said that they talked very well, and the contract was signed at the dinner table.

In the study room, the old man was sitting alone on the office chair in a daze. When he saw Qi Ji coming alone, he immediately asked:
"Didn't Tan Tan come together?"

"Fell asleep."

"Where's Xiaobai?"

"I was taken to the restaurant by my grandma for dinner..."

Qi Ji searched for a teacup with familiarity, and made two cups of tea.

"not yet eat?"

"Don't be in a hurry to eat! It's not long since we finished our Chinese food. If you're not hungry, why don't you tell me why you called me over in such a hurry?"

One person has a cup of tea, the grandfather and grandson sat on the sofa, facing each other, Qi Ji saw his grandfather's brows tightened so tightly, so he asked first.

"Shi Tan is really not the daughter of the Luo family?"

Qi Wanzhong didn't make any further detours, and asked exactly what happened this morning.

"Well! No!"

Qi Ji nodded: "She's just a child from an ordinary family!"

"is it?"

Qi Wanzhong asked a question, and his benevolent eyes became sharper:

"Is her background really ordinary?"

Qi Ji's eyes flickered, not sure how much grandpa knew:

"What do you mean?"

"If she was ordinary, would she have been sent to a lunatic asylum eight years ago?"

Qi Wanzhong asked cunningly, and hummed a few words. He knew about that matter:
"Brat, you never confessed to me! Tell me, eight years ago, why did you agree to marry Luo Shitan? From my grandfather's point of view, at that time, she was a little more beautiful than ordinary girls. , other places are not particularly outstanding. Moreover, I am sure that you agreed to marry her at that time, it must not have been stimulated by Mi Fangfei, right...

"In my opinion: Mi Fangfei's scandal photo with Lu Yin just gave you a reason to let go, didn't it?

"You kid liked Fang Fei when you were young, but since you came back from outside, your relationship with Fang Fei has faded...

"I always feel that you two children are less sticky...

"Tell me, do you not love Mi Fangfei at all..."

The old man has always been a well-known old fox, and few things can be hidden from him.

Qi Ji smiled, did not answer, and changed the topic lightly:
"Grandpa, we are each other, and you didn't tell me the truth... Eight years ago, you used the Qi family as a bait to lure me into marriage. It was not because of Mr. Luo San's entrustment that you came up with this idea, but for another reason. right……"

"Tsk, you bastard, the bigger you get, the harder it is to deal with!"

Qi Wanzhong deliberately blew his beard and stared, but in his heart he admired it very much.

"Tell me first, why do you want to get married, and then I will tell you why I married her..."

Qi Ji always felt that there was a secret hidden behind Qi Wanzhong's efforts to match up this marriage, but the old man kept it very deep.He never dug out that secret.In such a hurry to find him today, it seems that he intends to tell him the secret.

"I need to talk to you."

Qi Wanzhong went to close the door, turned back and lit a cigar, and after taking a few puffs, he sat across from Qi Ji, the expression on his face suddenly became very serious, but he didn't speak.

Qi Ji didn't urge him, but just waited quietly.

After a while, Qi Wanzhong opened his mouth:

"24 years ago, I committed a crime."

He first uttered a sentence in a general way, and then hesitated again, as if he didn't know where to start.

"what's up?"

Qi Ji used this sentence to ask.

Qi Wanzhong took a deep puff of his cigar before revealing:
"Because of being drunk, I ran into and killed a person! A young man who was only seventeen or eighteen years old!

"Later, I found someone to cover the bag and closed the case!

"Eight years ago, the mother of the person who was killed by me found me and made a request: let you marry Luo Shitan, otherwise, she will call the police. She said that she has enough evidence in her hand to prove that I was the one who killed him killed her son.

"I've read the evidence, and it's indeed ironclad evidence. I have no choice but to use the Qi family as a bet that you will choose to marry Luo Shitan in order to take over the Qi family."

Of course Qi Ji didn't know what happened 24 years ago. After listening to it, he felt startled and couldn't recover for a while.

At that moment, he was carefully digesting the information conveyed in these words.

After a long time, I asked:
“Grandpa, I don’t quite get it!”

"do not understand anything?"

"Since she has evidence to prove that you killed her son, why didn't she call the police? Besides, why did she use this to threaten you to force me to marry Luo Shitan?"

"She is someone close to Luo Shitan!"


"Xia Zhou."

Qi Ji was surprised again.

He naturally remembered this person. During those years when Shi Tan was in the Luo family, this woman had been taking care of her. After Shi Tan married him, she left.

She was a taciturn middle-aged woman, usually docile and docile. I really didn't expect that he would play such a role in this marriage, it was incredible.

"Xia Zhou has worked in the Luo family for decades, and has a close relationship with the Luo family, and has a good relationship with Shi Tan, but I still can't explain why she did this? Grandpa, do you know the reason?"

He couldn't figure it out.

"I don't know, I only know that eight years ago she used those evidences to threaten me, and forced me to swear that the Qi family must treat Luo Shitan kindly in this life. Today, eight years later, she repeated the old trick, but forced me I will find a way to get you to divorce Shi Tan and marry Luo Shi..."

After Qi Wanzhong finished talking dully, he couldn't help cursing:
"That woman is simply a lunatic..."

When Qi Ji listened, she was surprised once.

Yes, her approach is too contradictory!

What the hell did that Xia Zhou do to compensate Luo Shi in such a way?
That video was just released, and she made such a phone call and made such a ridiculous request, which is too unbelievable..."

"Grandpa, give me her phone number. I'll talk to her about this..."

He is sure: there must be another article here...

When Shi Tan woke up, it was dawn. Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock the next morning. The room was very strange, and it was only when she remembered where she was that this was Qi Yuan and Qi Ji's new house.

There was no one around her, she sat up from the bed, and inadvertently saw the wedding photo on the wall. She was wearing a wedding dress, very strange, without a smile, with a cold expression, and no joy of marriage at all. Looking at a different kind of tenderness... yes, very gentle - she had seen this wedding photo eight years ago, but at that time, she didn't have the slightest feeling about this photo, but now, she feels the truth in it no the same.

She stared blankly for a while before remembering to call the hospital and ask about Dr. Luo's grandfather.

Dr. Luo said that there is no sign of Grandpa waking up yet, but all indicators have been met.Nothing special happened.Reassure her.

After hanging up, she sat blankly for a while, and made another call to Qi Ji.

After a while, his gentle voice reached the eardrums:

(End of this chapter)

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