卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 125 Since He Recognized Her, Why Didn't Recognize Her

Chapter 125 Since He Recognized Her, Why Didn't Recognize Her
"woke up!"

At the same time, there was a rustling sound of flipping through the documents.

He is busy, but she is lazy.

"Well, wake up!"

She turned over on the bed, but she didn't see her overnight, but she missed her a little bit, and made this phone call irrationally. She seemed a little unaccustomed to this kind of change.

"It's strange, why did I sleep so deeply?"

"I just said, you need to get a good night's sleep."

In fact, she suspected that she was drugged again. This man is omnipotent sometimes...

But she didn't express this suspicion, because she knew that he had no ill intentions towards her.

Her silence caused him to ask: "Have you had breakfast?"

"Still in bed! I'm lying in bed!"

There was a rare lightness in his tone.

"Sometimes you should stay in bed, life needs to be adjusted, you can't always be tight! It will drive yourself to death!"

She smiled, and he was enlightening himself again, and his heart softened inexplicably:
"Where are you now?"

"I have something to do in the morning. I'm at the company now. The driver will take you back to Yayuan. At noon, I will go home for dinner. At that time, Yaozhi will bring Luo Shi to Yayuan. Let's meet her, and then go to the hospital to see grandpa... "

He has arranged the itinerary...

She felt no problem and agreed:

"Well, see you later! I'm getting up!"

"Well, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone and sitting for a while, she went to wash up. By the time she got out of the master bedroom, it was almost nine o'clock.

Outside the room, Xiaobai was sitting on the sofa in the living room on the second floor flipping through a few photo albums. When he saw her, he greeted her:
"Good morning Tanma!"

"Good morning! What are you looking at?"

Shi Tan walked over and sat next to his son and kissed the little guy.

"These are old photos of my dad. I have had them since I was born. I found that the photos of me when I was a child are really similar to my dad..."

Xiaobai pointed to a full moon photo and said.

Shi Tan looked at it, and found that there were eight or nine volumes thick, ranging from small to large.

"Where did you get it?"

She took one to read and found it interesting.

"I took all the treasures of my grandma!"

The old lady is really caring.

Shi Tan casually flipped through two books, Qi Ji was really beautiful when he was a child, but his eyes were vaguely melancholy, unlike his present, his eyes are resolute and confident, giving people a kind of unfathomable Feel……

When flipping through the third book, she was attracted by one of them:
In the photo, Qi Ji is about ten years old. He is dressed in a white suit and bow tie. He is so handsome. A little girl with long hair is holding his arm and walking towards a banquet hall. Little Qi Ji is smiling slightly. , but her eyes still carried the melancholy look of her childhood, the little girl smiled brightly, and that kind of brightness made the corners of Xiao Qiji's lips curl up...

The two stood there like a golden boy and a jade girl.

Under the photo, there was a line of writing: Qi Ji and his little daughter-in-law.

This girl is Mi Fangfei...

When she was stunned, what surprised her was not that Qi Ji and Mi Fangfei were so close, but that face, why did it feel so familiar?
"Mom Tan, what's wrong?"

Xiaobai tilted his head and asked curiously:
"Is there something wrong? Or do you remember something?"

When Shi Tan came back to his senses, he finally understood why this brat came looking for so many photos. It turned out that he was trying to find clues for her.

She smiled, but didn't say anything. She rubbed the little guy's soft hair, and when she retracted her hand, she covered half of Xiao Qiji's face in the photo with her hand, stared blankly again, and immediately turned back Get up, the next few photos are all photos of Qi Ji in this age group, on each photo, Qi Ji's eyebrows are slightly frowned, rarely when he smiles brightly, occasionally there are a few smiling, Mi Fangfei is always around.

"Xiaobai, is there a book, your father's age is older than this book..."

Shi Tan asked while flipping through the other books.

"It doesn't seem to be. Grandma said that these were taken before my father was beaten. After that, my father disappeared for more than four years. When he came back, he had grown a lot taller. Although he had scar removal surgery, he Still not happy to take pictures…”

Xiaobai is very familiar with the old lady now.

"Scar removal? Why scar removal?"

She grasped the point and turned to ask.

"I heard that my father was injured, and my grandfather asked someone to perform an operation on my father before he recovered... Mama Tan, I found it. Here is an album of photos taken by my father when he was 15 years old. Take a look... Dad was already very tall when he was 15 years old, grandma said, he was 1.7 meters tall at that time..."

Xiaobai took out a photo album from the bottom, opened it for her to read, and after three or two clicks, he found the red photo album, and when he opened the first one, 15-year-old Qi Ji rushed towards him, whether it was He who is holding a book, is still carrying a backpack, or is riding a bicycle, or is playing basketball. Compared with the ten-year-old Qi Ji, there have been earth-shaking changes, although the similarity between his eyebrows is still there , but the overall feeling is very different.

Yes, after more than five years, Qi Ji, who has grown into a teenager, has no melancholy between his brows and eyes. Although he has not lost his childishness, his eyes have become resolute, and there is a faint hostility hidden between his facial features... …

It's different from the current him. The current him is noble, with gestures and gestures, extraordinary momentum, and his eyes have become unfathomable.There have also been some changes in appearance.

She once again covered Qi Ji's face with her hands, and the sense of familiarity shocked her once again...

"Tan Tan woke up..."

It was at this time that the old lady came in from the outside.


Shi Tan regained consciousness, stood up, and called out.

"Well, sit down, I'm looking at Jizhi's photo..."


"Did you have breakfast..."

"not yet!"

"How can you be hungry? I'll ask Mrs. Huan to bring you breakfast..."

The old lady is still so kind, and it hasn't changed because she is not the daughter of the Luo family.

"No, I'll go down to eat later. Grandma, you came just in time. I have something to ask you..."

After helping the old lady to sit down, Shi Tan took the photo in his hand and asked:
"Grandma, have you ever had scar surgery before?"


The old lady nodded.

"Why do you need scar removal surgery? After that, he had scars on his body? Where is the scar?"

Shi Tan asked.

The old lady recalled: "Yes, there are scars. When we found him that year, he had scars all over his body and face, especially on the right side of his face, the scar on it was very big... ..."

"is it?"

Shi Tan's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, yes, we hired the best plastic surgeon and conducted data analysis based on his face before the injury, and then restored his original appearance."

Hearing this, Shi Tan suffocated for breath, and immediately asked:

"Then do you have any photos of him before plastic surgery?"

"There's only one. I took it secretly. At that time, this kid was so weird that no one was allowed to take pictures."

"Where is it, can I see it?"

"Wait, I'll find out!"

The old lady pulled out a purple photo album, turned to the last page, and found a very old photo from the cover of the album:
"This is the one..."

Seeing this photo, Shi Tan almost stood up in shock.

Oh my god, Qi Ji——is actually the faceless brother from back then...

what happened?

Isn't the faceless brother dead?
Her thoughts were completely confused!
"Tan Tan? What's the matter? Why is your face so bad? Are you scared by this face?"

The old lady frowned and looked at the appearance of her grandson when he was found at the age of 14. It was indeed a bit scary.

Shi Tan came back to his senses, took the photo and looked at it again and again, shaking his head:

"I'm not scared... I just feel bad, yes, I feel bad... What happened to him in those years to hurt his face like this?"

How did the injury on his face come about? The eldest brother didn't mention it back then. She only knew that he had lived in that junk room for several years...

But since he is the eldest son of the Qi family, why is he willing to stay in that kind of place and endure poverty?
This is so weird!

"I told you before, the child was stimulated, and after he came back, he didn't mention anything about the past, and we don't know who made him look like this..."

The old lady sighed while touching the photo.

Xiaobai was next to him, rolling his eyes, feeling like Tan's mother recognized his father...

Shi Tan didn't ask any more questions. He went downstairs to have breakfast, sat at the dining table, and stared at the photos. After looking at the photos, he finally understood one thing: Qi Ji married her because he recognized her early in the morning. After seeing her, she was the little girl back then... That's why they got married...

But she still couldn't figure it out: Since he recognized her, why didn't he recognize her?

This is so unreasonable.

She couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart, and dialed Qi Ji's cell phone again.

At that time, Qi Ji was in a meeting, sitting on a large conference table, facing twenty or thirty high-ranking members of the Qi family in a leisurely sitting posture, while listening to their reports, from time to time he inserted a few words that were neither serious nor important. However, they can often see the deficiencies of the report with a sharp perspective, and add their own opinions, or integrate other opinions of others, and make targeted corrections to their reports.Every golden collar who stands up confidently will sit down in trepidation.

In the middle of the meeting, the mobile phone on the table turned on for a while, but there was no vibration or ringtone.

Everyone knows that their President Qi usually doesn't answer the phone during meetings to show that he values ​​his work.

Everyone knows that Qi is always a workaholic, and he requires all employees: Once they are engaged in work, they must be [-]% in the state.Do not bring personal matters to work.This is the principle he has always adhered to, and at the same time, he has all employees implement this principle.

They thought that this time, Mr. Qi would still be the same as before, taking a piece of information and pressing the phone down to continue the meeting. What surprised everyone was: Mr. Qi not only took the phone over, but also turned the office chair around. , turned his back, and under the silent gaze of all the staff, connected the call for the first time:

"Is something wrong? I'm in a meeting!"

The originally harsh voice suddenly became gentle. This change made everyone present look at each other in dismay, thinking, whose call is this?To make our president Qi such an exception.

Shi Tan didn't know what he was doing. When he heard that he was in a meeting, he retracted all the words:
"Oh, nothing special... I'll talk about it later..."

Here, Qi Ji looked at his watch, unable to determine the purpose of her call, and considering that he was happy now, he responded:
(End of this chapter)

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