卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 129 She said: I will be your daughter-in-law when I grow up

Chapter 129 She said: I will be your daughter-in-law when I grow up

"What does Mr. Qi hate most about others?"

"Eat dog meat!"


"A dog is the most loyal to a man. It should not be eaten!"

She remembered that he really hated other people eating dog meat. They had secretly rescued several grass dogs that were about to be killed, and adopted many homeless stray dogs...

"Mr. Qi, what's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?"

"Read the book!"

"Why do you love reading?"

"Books are the foundation of self-reliance and self-improvement!"

She remembered that he said this sentence to her back then. At that time, they used to study together at night and immersed themselves in the palace of knowledge together in the long silent night.During the days with him, she also read a lot of books.

"Who is Mr. Qi's most admired person?"

Qi Ji's eyes flickered a few times, his lips curled up and he replied:
"Peter Alexievich Romanov, the greatest monarch in Russian history!"

Shi Tan's eyes also became radiant, and his breathing became a little unsteady.

"Where did Mr. Qi spend the happiest time in his life?"

"Baihai Bay, shanty town No. 2018, waste room!"

This time, what he told was the exact address of the place where they used to live. In this world, only he and she knew the house number there.

After eight years, he was finally willing to recognize her!
The dancing stopped suddenly.

Time seemed to stand still.

The two stood facing each other like this.

The music is singing softly.

Under the hazy yellow light, her eyes softened again and again, because he admitted that life in the shanty town was the happiest time for him.

Well, she also admitted that those years are indeed very memorable.

Because it is simple, because it is plain, because it is full of childishness, because it has no burden, because it has no distracting thoughts...

It was precisely because the time at that time was so beautiful that after losing it, she was so painful that she dared not recall it.

She took a breath, feeling a surging tide of emotion roaring.

And his smile deepened and deepened. It was a vortex with magic power, as if it could suck her in, making her constantly recall the past: At that time, his face was ugly because of the scars, but His smile, however, is as bright as the morning sun, which can give people vigorous and positive energy.

As she said, when he smiled, he was like the sun, a power that can warm people's hearts.

And he promised: to be the sun of her life, only to illuminate her world, and let her live in heaven every day.

It was so true when I was young.

It really makes her feel a little silly right now.

The voice is slightly hoarse!
"Really? How did Mr. Qi go to Baihai Bay?"

His eyes were also full of reminiscence, and it took a while before he said:

"That's a journey of destiny! The process is very complicated."

Yes, it's complicated.

There is still an unspeakable sad past hidden in his heart, and the karma and fate have led to such a specific historical result of his seclusion in Baihai Bay, and such a result is destined to meet her, and it also led to what happened later. of all kinds.

Also because of this, fate changed, life was rewritten, the world was turned upside down, completely changed, and everything evolved to the present situation of being a married couple...

But those things, he can't say now...

Because, too secretive, too shocking...

What Shi Tan thought was that he was kidnapped that year, so he had the theory of fate. Although there are still some confusions that she hasn't figured out yet, that's what she thinks at this moment.

"When did you go?"

she asked very softly.

"18 years ago!"

"Mr. Qi's face was injured?"

She was looking at his right cheek, so he also recalled the ghostly appearance before, thinking about it now, it was a bit scary.But there was no other way, in order to survive, he could only drag on like that, for this reason, he had to uglify himself, just to avoid the dangers that might come back anytime, anywhere.

Yes, this face now is completely different from before, there are complicated reasons for that, and now is not the time to explain, so he nodded his head and said:

"Which side?"

"Right face!"

He pointed to a certain place on the face and drew a circle:
"It's probably here! The area is a bit big. People who know me say that I am ugly to death. Especially when I have a straight face, I look very hideous. Many people dare not approach me. Except for one person!"

Shi Tan knew that that person was her.

Yes, she never thought he was ugly.

Ugly or not, sometimes it is not just based on appearance.

When she was young, she had seen many noble and beautiful people, but what they had was the cruelty to kill them all.

The life experience after the age of five taught her: Beauty and ugliness cannot be seen on the surface.

She bit her lip, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible:

"Does Mr. Qi know a man named Xiao Tan?"

The bright smile was once again hung up by him:

"I know!"

The pleasant voice trembled slightly because of this answer:
"Oh, really? When did Mr. Qi recognize her?"

"When I was about 13 years old!"

The gears of time rolled, and the memory tunnel was opened. Scenes once appeared in front of my eyes. Qi Ji was recalling:
"That day, I came back from picking up scraps outside. I was a little hungry, so I cooked noodles by the small stove. When the noodles were cooked, I was about to eat. When I looked up, I saw a little beggar standing in front of me. It was a little girl. His hair was messy, his face was dark, and he was looking at me with a pair of pitiful big eyes.

"I asked her, are you a little beggar.

"She was very stubborn and told me that she was not, she just got separated from her family.

"At that point, her stomach was growling. I knew she was hungry.

"What's commendable is that although this little guy is young, he has a lot of backbone. He didn't want to eat with me. He just negotiated with me and bargained with me in that very soft voice, saying: I will sew clothes for you, Can you cook me a bowl of noodles?

"In a moment of kindness, I asked her to sew my clothes for me.

"The sewing was really good, so I gave her a bowl of noodles to eat.

"At night, I found her sleeping alone under the bridge. I couldn't bear it, so I took her home. So, she took the opportunity to cheat on me. After that, she didn't get rid of it no matter how much...

"Well, that ghost girl is really bothering people to death, and it made me very angry..."

Qi Ji slowly talked about the scene when he first met, and at the end he showed a helpless smile that looked like he was having a headache.

After Shi Tan heard this, his eyes widened immediately. He really hated his teasing tone, so he couldn't help arguing:

"What are you cheating on eating and drinking? Does she help with the work?"

"Have it?"

Qi Ji asked with a serious face:

"I think she caused more trouble than helped..."

No, this is simply slander.

She opened her mouth, very unconvinced:

"for example?"

"For example, she picked up six stray dogs to increase my food burden!"

Oh, it seems that there is such a thing!
"No, Xiaobai, didn't they bring you a lot of fun? They entertained your spare time anyway."

Qi Ji squinted, looked up and down:
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you gave the only nickname Xiaobai, you didn't just mess around because you missed that little Bai so much..."

Uh, the topic, how did it get here?
She blinked her big eyes and thought for a while:
"Why is this a mess? Xiaobai Xiaobai, isn't it easy to say? One should act like Xiaobai to be happier. My name has a meaning!"

Qi Ji held back his laughter, but there was actually a meaning, well, then he had to ask:
"What's the implication?"

Her answer was straightforward:
"I hope my son can live happily and simply in his whole life...no disasters or difficulties..."

He interjected: "Is that little white safe from all disasters?"

"Yes, it is the only little curly hair I brought back from Baihai Bay. Although it is a bit ugly, since it met me, its life has become happier little by little, and I brought it back. After the Luo family, it also married a handsome dog husband. When I gave birth to Xiaobai, I went through hardships and hoped that there would be no more disasters in my son's life, so I chose such a nickname that was easy to support. I think, The name is not elegant and vulgar, as long as it has meaning!"

So it turned out that the ugly curly hair he saw at Luo's house eight years ago was the little paparazzi...

He smiled, alas, how depressed my son would be if he knew that he had the same name as the puppy!
"What are you laughing at?"

She has been paying attention to the changes in his expression.

"It's nothing... I'm just laughing at your childish words when you were young?"

"What child's talk?"

Alas, this man talks and dances so fast, she can't keep up with his rhythm.

Just as she was pondering these two words, the man's smile widened again and again, just like the sun rising in the east, the light kept getting stronger until it was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

"You told me that when you grow up, you will be my daughter-in-law and give birth to my son! Now, your wish has come true... Mrs. Qi, should I congratulate you..."

While speaking, he moved closer little by little, and lightly touched her lips.

After a daze, her thoughts seemed to be pulled back to 18 years ago...

Ouch, this guy, he still remembers such a long time ago...

Well, actually, she also remembered, and her face burned because of remembering the past...

That time, she had a high fever, which reached forty degrees, and thought she was going to die.

The eldest brother gave her injections, yes, he can also give injections for reducing fever, and there is a set of medical injection equipment at home.

In the middle of the night, she woke up from fever and moaned in pain, and he got up to feed her water.

Her throat was hoarse from the fever, and she cried for her parents. When she was half asleep and half awake, all she remembered was the appearance of her parents when they died tragically. She kept telling her not to die, not to leave her.

He hugged her and comforted her: "I can't die, I can't die, the fever will be gone by dawn."

At that time, she felt that this boy had the taste of a father taking care of his mother.

So she hugged him back and begged her with a voice like a drake:

"Big brother, no matter what happens in this life, don't leave me."

He was applying an ice towel to her forehead, and after hearing this, he said:

"You have to be my wife if you don't leave for the rest of your life. Are you willing to be a wife to an ugly monster?"

Without thinking, she said:

"Okay, when I grow up, I will be your daughter-in-law and give birth to your babies, but you have to cook noodles for me for a lifetime, and you are not allowed to cook noodles for others..."

(End of this chapter)

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