Chapter 130
He burst out laughing, amused, and tugged at her ear and said:
"At such a young age, you actually know that you can give birth to a cub? Shameless!"

Because of her young age, she has no sense of shame. She only knows that a girl can give birth to a boy, just like a mother gave birth to her father.

"Is it good or not?"

Lying in his arms, she rubbed him softly.

The little boy gritted his teeth and thought for a while before solemnly bowing his head:

"Okay, from then on, you will be my child bride. Now, I will order you... When the time comes, don't try to rely on..."

"I'm not bad, I'm not bad. In this life, I will only rely on you..."

At that time, she felt that if she couldn't find Uncle Da Li, it would be a good thing to live with her elder brother for the rest of her life.With him around, she felt very at ease, very at ease...

At that time, life was hard, the heart was happy, and the future could be expected and envisioned... Because of him, those terrible memories would not disturb again.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for him to be burned to death, at least, she thought he was burned to death.

Wanting to live without pain was the truest portrayal of her heart at that time.

At that time, she felt like a broom star, everyone who loved her would leave her in a cruel way after she fell in love with them deeply.

In the long years since then, every time she thinks of this big brother, her heart will hurt very much...

Then, year after year, year after year, year after year, she had no choice but to hide him deeply in her heart and never touch him again in order to live. She wanted to live strong to comfort him in heaven. In that year, He saved the wrong person.

In recent years, she has seldom thought of her big brother anymore. What is gone is always gone. Learning to look forward is the most important thing.

The value of life is not in the past, but in the future. Having courage and striving to survive is the true meaning of life.

Now, 18 years later, she really can't believe that she can see this young man who gave her warmth during the difficult years again.Thinking about how she hated him so much before, now that she knew that he was him back then, she had too many doubts in her heart.

The four eyes met, a thin layer of water vapor appeared in her eyes, the old figure and the present handsome face were constantly being compared and compared, and the sourness in her heart was bubbling:

She asked, recalling the ashes and the charred corpse in her mind:

"At the beginning, I saw the dead body being carried into the police car. The place where we lived was also reduced to ashes... I heard them say that the fire was set on purpose, and gasoline was doused inside and outside the house , Even your body was burnt... That's why you were burnt beyond recognition... But why... You're still alive..."

The fire 18 years ago was not an accident, but an artificial arson. At that time, two groups of people were looking for trouble for them.One of them was found by Yichun.The other is for her.

When it comes to the fire, we have to talk about what happened half a month ago.

That day, they went out to pick up waste as usual, and they traveled far, far, almost across the entire Baihai Bay City.

On that day, she finally found Uncle Li, and Uncle Li wanted to take her away, right away, and didn't even let her say goodbye to her big brother.

She refused, and secretly left a piece of paper, insisting on seeing her big brother for the last time.

Because she was afraid that if she followed Uncle Li like this, she would never see her big brother again in this life.

She was even thinking that maybe she could persuade her big brother to leave Baihai Bay with them.

That day, when the eldest brother saw her, he immediately scolded her and beat her up:
"Where did you go to act wildly, and you disappeared in a blink of an eye. Do you know how anxious I am?"

She was not afraid of him. She hugged this young man who looked menacing in the eyes of many people, and said softly:

"Big Brother, I've called me Uncle Li, I've called Uncle Li, he wants to take me out of Baihai Bay, but I can't bear you. I agreed, I want to be your child bride. I don't want to leave you. Big Brother , can you walk with us..."

The eldest brother was stunned by her words, and he didn't speak for a long time. All the anger dissipated at once. He seemed very disappointed, but he didn't show it. He just shook his head in the end:
"I won't leave Baihai Bay. Go with your family!"

The little girl was in a dilemma, her little face was all screwed together:
"But I can't bear you!"

"If you are willing to give up, you will gain something. You can't have both!"

But she just wanted to have both, she was so greedy, she couldn't choose between the two.

When her elder brother sent her back to the small hotel, she was still there trying to persuade him, but when she came near the small hotel, she encountered a gun battle and watched Uncle Li die in front of her eyes.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the elder brother covered her mouth, knocked her unconscious on the waste tricycle, and ran for her life with her.

Uncle Li's death completely made her an orphan. For this reason, she cried for several days. No matter how big brother tried to explain it, she just couldn't get out of it.

One day after half a month, they have resumed their normal work of picking up waste.

That morning, when they were in the downtown area, someone came to look for Yichun. Yichun hid in fright, and said to her and her eldest brother with a pale face:
"If it falls into their hands, I will die miserably..."

That day, he ran out and hid in fear.As for why he was so afraid, neither she nor her eldest brother knew. He never talked about his origin. Until now, she didn't know who was chasing and killing him back then.And she never mentioned the past to Yichun, she never even mentioned those things in front of her elder brother.And the big brother never seemed to care about these things.

That night, Yichun didn't come back to sleep, and hid in a bridge hole.At night, she secretly delivered food to him.After returning, the big brother was sorting waste.She followed along to help.

After seven o'clock, they took a bath, the eldest brother read a book, and she obediently practiced calligraphy by the side.

At this moment, Bai Yuyu broke into the door, grabbed the elder brother and asked Yichun's whereabouts.

The eldest brother said without changing his expression: "That boy, I haven't seen anyone today! Who knows where he is hiding?"

They didn't believe it, so they beat the elder brother until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and then they let him go, and she was so frightened that she didn't dare to take a breath.

It was also this night that another group of people broke in and arrested her when they saw her. The elder brother fought back and fought with them, yelling at her to run away.

She was obedient and ran away, fearing that if she stayed, she would become a burden to her elder brother.

Relying on her familiarity with the surrounding terrain, and also because her elder brother entangled them, she escaped from the pursuit of those people and ran to find Yichun. The two of them hid in a secret place that only the elder brother could find.

They always thought that the big brother was so great that he would be able to get rid of them and would go to the abandoned boathouse to find them.

That night, the two nine-year-old children trembled and frightened the whole night in the dark, but the eldest brother did not come to them until dawn.

With great fear, they ran back to see when the sky was dim, and only then did they realize that something happened to the junk house, a man-made fire burned their elder brother to death... and they didn't dare to run over, for fear of those frantic people The guy will pop out and take them away...

In this way, the lingering smoke of the ruins became a wound that could never be erased from my heart when I was nine years old...

Qi Ji smiled slightly, as if the old scene just happened right before his eyes, he smiled with emotion:
"My luck is not bad, I escaped a catastrophe!"

"How did you escape?"

She asked again, curious about what happened to him, and what happened to the boy of the same age who died in the fire scene?
The music suddenly stopped, and the room was suddenly silent.

A man and a woman, looking at each other, you have me in your eyes, and you in mine.

Qi Ji recalled a moment and said:
"After you escaped, they beat me up hard, and then they all ran after you."

Her eyes tightened, and what she got in return was his slight smile:
"My three-legged cat's kung fu is not very lethal in front of these people..."

This is also the reason why he practiced so hard later: a man must have the ability to protect himself before he can spare the power to protect the people he cares about.

He didn't say this sentence, but slowly expressed the situation that day:

"That night, around 08:30, a friend, my age, came to see me and put some medicine on me...

"I originally wanted to find you, but around ten o'clock, another group of people came and beat us up and poured gasoline on our house...

"After that, I escaped. My friend was not as lucky as me, and died in that fire instead of me...

"Afterwards, I encountered some indescribable things, and when I look back to find you and Yichun, it will be more than half a year later.

"At that time, the grandparents of the Qi family found me...brought me back to Yao City..."

These are just a brief summary, not detailed. Immediately afterwards, he changed his tone and brought the topic to her:
"After returning to Qi's house, I have been looking for you, because I know you have enemies outside, so I dare not look for it blatantly, I can only visit secretly. For this reason, I specially arranged for someone at the police station on the Baihai Bay side.

"It's a pity that I don't have any photos of you. Although I drew a sketch of you afterwards, the appearance of the child changes every year. I couldn't find you..."

Speaking of this, Qi Ji's slender fingers touched her face lightly, scraped her cheeks a few times with his fingertips, and said:

"Compared to your nine-year-old face, your face has changed too much. It's hard to recognize when you're a girl with eighteen changes!
"Ten years ago, when I saw you in Yaoshi No. [-] Middle School, I didn't recognize you at first, but I just thought you had a kind face, as if I'd seen you somewhere.

"Later, Yichun came up and tied your shoelaces, revealing the Buddhist bead. I identified it for a long time, and after I found that you also had one tied around your neck, I had the idea: I might found you...

"That day, I went to listen to your debate competition. Afterwards, I went to the principal's office and investigated your student status. Only then did I confirm that the person I'm looking for has been secretly adopted all these years..."

After Shi Tan listened quietly, his eyebrows frowned slightly, feeling that he was too general:

For example: He has friends.

She has known him for so long, she has never seen him make friends with anyone, and has always done his own way, how did he come out as a friend?

For example, it was said by a group of people again.

Why did those people beat them up?

Why pour gasoline?
It stands to reason that those two groups of people targeted her and Yichun, how could they murder a waste collector?
For example, he escaped.

How could he escape, and how did his friend die in that fire?
(End of this chapter)

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