Chapter 131
She remembered that there was a small artificially dug tunnel under the bed in the back room, which could lead directly outside.

He should have escaped through that tunnel.

But why didn't his friend have a chance to escape together?
Was it because the situation was too tight and he didn't take care of it?

For example, he briefly described some difficult things he had encountered.

What kind of thing it will be, he will call it "difficult to describe in a word".

He seemed to have brushed it off on purpose.

For example, why does he not return to his home, willing to live outside and be a scavenger?
Does he really not want to take on the role of heir?

In her opinion, he is an ambitious person, so when he is picking up waste, he devotes himself to reading, not because he wants to become a useful person.

That being the case, returning to the wealthy compound can support his lofty ambitions. Why did he choose to hide at the bottom of society?

At a young age, he has to work hard for his own three meals. Could it be that he is experiencing life?

Why doesn't she feel like it?

Another example, that year, in Yaoshi No. [-] Middle School, he recognized her early in the morning, but didn't recognize her?What is the reason?

So many questions, but he summed them up in a few simple sentences?
He didn't want to elaborate on the reason!

But, why don't you want to elaborate?
She considered the causal relationship with extremely calm thoughts.

Now she is not the silly girl 18 years ago, her thinking will not be so childish, and she will start from the most fundamental to study the problem.

Similarly, Qi Ji is also examining her expression: her eyes are changing, what is she thinking?

Just about to ask, she opened her mouth again:

"Since you already know that I am the person you are looking for, why didn't you recognize me at that time? You haven't revealed to me that you are the big brother of course in front of me for ten years. What do you think about this matter? ?”

If she had known who he was early on, her life in these eight years would definitely not have been so painful.

Qi Ji knew that she would definitely ask this question.

He replied:
"There is a reason!"

She asked:

"what reason!"

After a while of silence——

"One, you fall in love with Yichun. You already have a relatively stable living circle."

He withdrew his hand and stated the fact in an extremely cold voice.

For this reason, Shi Tan opened his lips, and his expression suddenly became complicated.

Yes, at that time, she was passionately in love with Yichun. In the most beautiful flower season, she let go of her childhood promises and made a love relationship with her childhood sweetheart who lived together day and night and shared weal and woe.

This love has affected her love life and marriage so far.

Before, when talking to him, she almost forgot Yichun's existence. At this moment, because of his mention, her heart trembled a few times, and she was speechless for a while.

"Tong Yan Wuji, you don't have to pay for the promise you made when you were young, but because of you, it's true that I haven't found a girlfriend in those years.

"At the age of 22, after I finally found you, I suddenly discovered that you were already secretly in love with Yichun.

"I've observed you for a while, and after seeing how good you are, I think I should let go. I shouldn't interfere in your life anymore. Therefore, I choose to watch from outside your world..."

He said, walked to the bar, took back the glass of wine, looked at the red liquid, thought about his mood at that time, and drank it in one gulp.

The smell of wine entered his throat, his brows were light, and his whole person still appeared rational and calm.

Standing still, she waited and watched, and it turned out that he had thought this way:
"Then why later..."

She didn't ask further, because she believed that he must understand.

The man leaned there, looking at the ceiling, did not answer directly, only said:

"I have been abroad. I went to the UK on purpose, far away from you. I also want to let go of it completely. I think I should cut off the past and find a girlfriend seriously. People in their twenties really should. Let's talk about love...

"At that time, I had the idea of ​​establishing a relationship with Mi Fangfei, but after I was transferred back to China, something unexpected happened——Grandpa gave me a choice: Whoever marries you will get the position of president of the Qi family." .

"The Qi family has three grandchildren: me, Qi Zhi, and Xiao Mu who I have kicked out of the Qi family long ago. The three of us are all at a marriageable age, and Xiao Mu is still studying, so he is not well-off. What grandpa means, it seems It seems that I want to take this opportunity to let Xiao Mu return to the Qi family. But that is something I will never allow to happen, let alone marry you.

"I attended the Luo family's banquet without hesitation, and even had a heart-to-heart chat with you, Mr. Luo San. It's just that I didn't expect such a surprise to happen that day.

"The fact that you were taken to the lunatic asylum made me understand that your enemies have discovered your whereabouts. In order to prevent you from being hurt by them again, it is most appropriate to marry you. And I also need to get Qi's of control."

This is a choice that has the best of both worlds, and at the time, he could only do so.

Shi Tan chewed on the meaning of his words quietly, some of them understood, some still couldn't understand, he just felt that his actions were too contradictory:

"Really? Since you married me, why didn't you tell me who you are?"

"That's my second point."

Qi Ji poured another glass of wine, took a sip, and stared at her deeply, as if to emphasize the importance of what he was going to say next, and his tone was a bit different. :
"I have been back to the Qi family for so many years, and I have never told anyone about the years of living in Baihai Bay! So, I don't recognize you! I don't want to let you reveal those things in the past."


Shi Tan became more confused and puzzled:

"Grandma also said that after you came back, you kept silent about the past. Is it because the life in those years was too humble, and you felt ashamed if people knew about it?
"No, no, if you feel ashamed, you can go back early in the morning, or, if you call home, the Qi family can pick you up..."

The mahogany-colored liquid in the crystal goblet was drank in one gulp. It was a bit too bad for this bottle of wine to be swallowed up.

Shi Tan observed carefully, what is he trying to cover up?
The next moment, he put down his glass and came to her. The faint aroma of the wine was accompanied by his breath, blowing over:
"The reason is very complicated. Now, I can't tell you for the time being."

Her eyebrows frowned slightly. He said that if husband and wife are one, he would give her a chance to get to know him, but now, he...

Seeing the change in her expression, Qi Jiyou stretched out his hand to help her shoulder, stretched it out in the air and retracted it, wiped his face, seemed to be considering his words, and said after a while:
"Shi Tan, I know that this request is a bit ridiculous, but I really have to ask you not to mention those old things about Baihai Bay to anyone in your family. You must seal this matter in your heart."

Layers of thick clouds of suspicion rolled up in her eyes.

She doesn't understand!
I don't understand too much.

What is he trying to hide?
Qi Ji thought for a while, and only said this:
"This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words... It is not time to explain it completely... It is related to political reasons... I will explain to you after the whole plan is completed... On this matter, Please allow me to keep this little secret... Shi Tan, I have a bonded interest relationship with the Mo family... In short, you don't need to know about those things."


Even husband and wife will inevitably have little secrets in private.Since it's about politics and the country, he really needs to keep it secret in principle.Then she stopped asking further questions, but her eyes still flickered for a while, and she still asked with an itchy mouth:
"The Mo family and the Chao family want to compete, but you are helping the Mo family..."

This question seemed to be a bit out of bounds. She thought he would not answer, but in this matter, he nodded:

"The Mo and Chao families were originally political rivals, but now the style of the Chao family is becoming more and more corrupt. Reform is very important for Zhu to achieve further long-term development. In my opinion, the Mo family is more capable of making Zhu more The country is rich and the people are strong. Shi Tan, you should stand in our camp. If you want to avenge your family."

At the last sentence, Shi Tan was shocked and showed surprise:

Judging from his tone, it seems that he knows her background:
"You don't know that I..."

"Yes, I know it all... well, it should be said, I didn't know it before, but I found out later."

He said, his eyes were deep, and suddenly a few traces of pity flashed:
"Your mother's name is Li Qingwan, a famous fashion designer who won many awards in French fashion competitions. Your father's name is Shi Yuncong, known as a genius in the history of diplomacy, and Chao Changshan, the second son of the Chao family. It's a close friend."

When two names that had not been called by anyone for many years were mentioned again, Shi Tan's heart constricted deeply, and his face turned pale.

He knows so clearly?
She was extremely surprised, panting, only to hear him continue to say:
"24 years ago, Chao Changshan died in a strange and tragic way while investigating a certain case. Your parents were accused of being murderers and were chased by soldiers from Chao's family. During this period, some people wanted to kill people and shot them to death when they were arrested. Later, The news released by Chao's family is that Shi Yuncong and his wife were executed on the spot because of their stubborn resistance. At the same time, Li Mingchi, a mutual friend of Chao Changshan and Shi Yuncong, and a special forces bodyguard named Jiang You under Shi Yuncong's team were also missing... ..."

The blood was withdrawn from her face little by little, and this man shocked her again.

Because they were afraid of being wiped out, Uncle Li and Uncle Jiang took her into exile.Because they were all members on the eradication list, and because they brought some evidence against them, they became the targets of being hunted down.

As a child, she used to ask them:

"Why do we have to hide around? Why can't we apply for protection, complain for our parents, and restore their innocence? Can't the law protect us?"

Li Bo only said one sentence:

"In the Zhu country, the Chao family has the final say. No one can compete with them now? If we want to survive, we can only hide."

In this way, she became a bereaved dog, and has been her home ever since.

"You... how do you know..."

This person really made her feel terrible...

Shi Tan stuttered.

A faint smile appeared on the man's face:

"As you said, your mother said something before she was alive: Pulling the hook is a kind of spirit, and it cannot be simply regarded as a childish behavior. Pulling the hook represents the commitment of the heart.

"After that, I saw this sentence in an old magazine, and the person who said it was called: Li Qingwan.

"I have done some research. She has a daughter. She is about the same age as you, and her birthday happens to be October 10. She was hunted down before contacting you. From this, it is not difficult for me to deduce your identity..."

(End of this chapter)

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