卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 132 Concealment, Just To Catch You

Chapter 132 Concealment, Just To Catch You

His reasoning ability is so strong.

She wants to sigh:

"When... when did you deduce it?"

Qi Ji thought about it:
"I found out not long after I first returned to Qi's house. Therefore, I dare not look for you openly, for fear of causing you trouble."

He actually knew it so early.

"Then you said before that my father told you that you made up the fact that I am not his biological daughter..."

she asked again.

"It's not made up, Mr. Luo San did explain to me, and told me that you are an orphan of the Shi family.

"He hoped that I could marry you for the sake of the friendship between the Mo family and the Shi family.

"He thinks that in today's world, you can live a stable life only by standing under the big tree of Mo's family. And I, who have met him twice before, and have a little friendship, are a more suitable candidate—he thinks Marrying you to me is actually to keep you safe... In his eyes, no one else has that ability compared to me. "

Qi Ji's words sound very convincing, but in fact, he did not completely confess: Luo Suiyi once threatened him with both soft and hard methods in order to marry his daughter to him...

He won't say anything about it now.

Shi Tan didn't notice anything unusual, but was full of emotion: Uncle Luo treated her better than his own life.

The conversation ended there, and she said nothing more because she needed time to digest the information.

After a long time...

"Qi Ji..."

She called the man's name with a faint tone. Now, she seemed to understand him.

This man has been protecting her in his way, and she has never known how good he is to her, but his behavior is really too bad...

"You shouldn't have kept it from me for so long. You really shouldn't. You have made me hate you for so many years... You have made me suffer for so many years. Now, come and tell me that I hated you wrongly and suffered so much. It was also a misunderstanding, and you are really hateful in this matter. If I didn't find that photo today, are you going to continue to hide it from me? "

No matter who it is, they will be annoyed and angry when encountering such a thing!

For eight years, she couldn't be happy because of his concealment.

This person only thinks too much about herself when doing things, which really makes her emotional.

Qi Ji didn't answer immediately: this question is too difficult to answer.Because she is angry.

If the wife gets angry, the consequences will be serious.

How to do it?

his silence.

This kind of silence, in Shi Tan's view, is a silent answer.

She was really a little angry, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Qi Ji even stopped him.

"Step aside!"

His tone was slightly annoyed.

"Really angry?"

Tilting his head, he looked around.

"Do you think I shouldn't be angry? You're clearly treating me like a monkey..."

At first, she was happy that her big brother didn't die, what a wonderful thing, but now, she is very unhappy, as long as she thinks about the things she has endured these years, she will get annoyed...

"I have my reasons..." he emphasized.

"In my opinion, that's no reason at all..." she interrupted.

He sighed, pulled her into his arms who wanted to take her away, and locked her waist tightly:
"If you admit it, how can you let me have the cheek to marry you?"

Another light music, if there seems to be nothing to sing, is low and soft, just like the light in his eyes when he is watching her...


Shi Tan couldn't recall it for a while, so he could only stare blankly, a little silly.

As for Qi Ji, he breathed a sigh of relief, and lightly stroked her bright short hair with both hands, inserted his fingers into it, feeling the silky and soft taste, this girl's hair is still as good as when she was a child.

Thinking of this, a memory-like smile spread across his lips again.

He looked at her with incomparable concentration.

"In a sense, I am a villain when it comes to marrying you."

He said.

This is the first time he has confessed to her.

She froze for a while, but her heart beat faster.

Eyes are the window to the soul, and she read sincerity in her eyes—he said he liked her, which was obviously true.

Just because it was true, her heart became more and more chaotic.

"Hey, are you stupid? I said so much, don't you say anything?"

Qi Ji, who doesn't feel nervous when he does anything, felt a little uneasy when he said the last sentence, for fear that she would not give a good face, but she didn't say a word, and he really wanted to kill him.

"What do you want me to say?"

Her face was burning hot.

"Aren't you blaming me just now? Now I'm expressing such a feeling: Luo Shitan, after I forcibly married you, I really don't want you to find out who I am? After what happened seven years ago..."

He felt that he made a statement about this matter: "for seven years, I have always wanted to say something to you about that matter: I'm sorry... Mrs. Qi, I have to deeply apologize for my behavior that day. Everyone has a temper, and that day, you really made me want to strangle you, so I lost control of my emotions. I didn't think about other things. "

He sighed softly and suddenly put his arms around her waist: "I know, this kind of behavior is bad. I did something wrong. It was never my intention to hurt you. Afterwards, I regretted it, especially the one you disappeared. For a while, I thought that as long as I find you back, I will let you do whatever you want, and I will never force you again. If you insist on leaving, I can let you go..."

For many years in the Qi family, he has always had a belief in his heart that he wants to make himself stronger and then find her lost.

Reason told him that it was pointless to do so, but he did it anyway.

At that time, as far as he was concerned, finding her seemed to be a belief in life.

He doesn't care whether he will never find the feeling of the past because of the loss of time.Anyway, he just misses her...

"So, when I missed the Criminal Investigation Department, you secretly helped me switch departments?"

Shi Tan's eyes flickered a few times before finally catching his words.


He admits.

This acknowledgment also made Shi Tan's heart surge.

"Since you can let me go with everything you want, why do you disagree when I want to divorce you?"

on purpose.

Shi Tan brought this up on purpose, who made him hide it from her for so long?
The man's eyebrows wrinkled as expected.

"I can not be reconciled!"

He said sullenly: "I can't bear to let you go like this. You are already my woman. I have spent so much effort on you, yet you despise me so much... I am also very wronged! Marriage, we have been blank for seven years. If we don't get along well, we go our separate ways. I will regret it for the rest of my life. The most important thing is: in the end, I simply can't be as free and easy as I imagined..."

Therefore, he would rather make her hate him even more, and take a chance to fight again.

It turns out that if he really gave up from the beginning, he would be really stupid.

A moment of silence followed.

Shi Tan didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

"Are you still angry?"

He asked flatteringly, and hugged her tighter, for fear that she would escape.

"Do you think I shouldn't be angry?"

I really want to push him away, but being held like this doesn't show any anger at all.


He examines honestly.

"If you need to, let me go!"


"I haven't said to forgive your concealment. Don't touch me!"

He observed her expression, but the strength in his hand did not loosen: "You are my daughter-in-law, who will I touch if I don't touch you?"


In fact, she was no longer angry, and the joy of knowing that he was still alive had offset the anger caused by his concealment.It's just that she has a bit of grudge in her heart. For seven years, she hated a person who she had deeply hidden in her heart. That taste was so sad. In the past eight years, she hated a little injustice.

(End of this chapter)

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