卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 133 Reconciliation, happiness in progress 2

Chapter 133 Reconciliation, happiness in progress 2
Even the bedrooms and bathrooms reflect this feature.

The only difference is that the designers cleverly used lighting in these two places.After nightfall, once the lamps are turned on, the room will create a warm atmosphere, and the lighting in the bathroom can reflect infinite beauty.

At this moment, amidst a dreamlike light and shadow, Shi Tan almost forgot to breathe because of the man's closeness, and his heart was beating wildly.

She wanted to refuse and would never forgive easily, but she was speechless.

Junrong, who is close at hand, is constantly intertwined with the figure in her memory, and her mind is full of the scenes of her childhood. As long as she thinks that he is the former him, the person she misses, she has no strength to resist. .

A kiss is enough to make her dizzy and infatuated.

When push and refusal turn into catering, and when resistance turns into response, losing ground is an inevitable trend.

The affairs of men and women, if the minds are connected, happen, it is a matter of water channels.Emotional movement, and then there will be deep sinking.

She was in a daze, and in the end she didn't even know how to fall asleep...

It turns out that Mrs. Qi was born to cure his insomnia.

That night, Mr. Qi slept well and slept with his wife in his arms. It was a happy thing.

When I woke up, it was eight o'clock.

To be precise, he was awakened by a knock on the door. Xiaobai shouted from the door: "Dad, mom, get up, the sun is drying your butt..."

Mr. Qi's lips bent unconsciously, next to his ear, there was the sound of his son crying, beside his pillow, there was the beautiful sleeping face of his wife, deep and sweet, and his body was slippery—— How good it is to be bullied by him...

He wanted to stay still.

Unfortunately, my son was crying tirelessly outside.

No, he has to stop him.

Carefully let her go, he got up, put on his nightgown, and went to open the door - last night, in order to prevent her from escaping, he swiped his fingerprint lock when he came in, so that she could not escape even if she had wings.

The door opened, the little guy was neatly dressed, and just about to knock on the door again, he hurriedly hooked the little guy over:
"Shh, don't be noisy, mom still needs to sleep..."

They were a little late last night. She needs to rest and replenish her strength...

"Have you eaten breakfast?"

After closing the door, Qi Ji took his son to the small living room, and asked with a smile, feeling refreshed.

Xiaobai stared at it for a while, and Dad seemed very happy today.

Qi Ji smiled and went to the locker room.

Xiaobai followed, and he and Qi Ji discussed the structure of the Western Sword in a word...forgetting the topic he talked about earlier.

On the other hand, Qi Ji is single-minded, and he is still thinking about creating a child. Judging from his hard work, getting pregnant should be just around the corner...

However, if he conceives so soon, will he have to abstinence again... and the child will distract her a lot of attention, as far as he is concerned, what he needs to live is a two-person world, and no one can hinder her His "sexual" blessing.

Well, maybe, he should go get some TT...

At 10:30 in the morning, Qi Ji was in the practice room, talking to Xiaobai about the skills of using Western swords, and gave him an imitation Western sword made of soft plastic, and taught him the most basic sword posture.This is what he had prepared before.

Xiaobai learns very seriously, and he will learn it as soon as he learns it.

Qi Ji saw it, he was really proud, such a smart baby, there is nowhere to look for it with a lantern - if there is another daughter, it will be perfect.

"Sir, a female detective named Fang Hua came to visit and said she was here to find his wife..."

Aunt Wen suddenly pushed the door and came in and reported such a thing.

"Fang Hua? Well, you asked them to invite people in!"


Qi Ji put away his sword, went to get a towel, wiped his face, and said to Xiao Bai, "I'm not playing, your godmother is here. Let's go see the guest together. When you look back, think about what I just taught you... …”

He also took his son's plastic sword over, thinking in his heart, what will happen when Fang Hua comes here at this time?
ten o'clock.

Shi Tan was still soundly asleep, Qi Ji came in from outside, sat on the edge of the bed, glanced at the little woman with red cheeks, looked at it, and lowered his head to drop a kiss on her face.

Shi Tan was awakened by a deep kiss.

"Get up, it's time for lunch..."


What's the matter, is it already lunch time?
Looking at the handsome face on the bed, she hesitated for a moment.

The rhythm of life is sometimes so unpredictable...

In February, she and him were still bitter "enemies", and in March, she actually fell in love with him...

She reached out and stroked his beautiful eyebrows, following her contours, walking the beautiful lines.

This man has a handsome face.

This is him back then!
It doesn't seem to be!
The only thing for sure is that this is her man.

A man she can rely on.

"What's wrong? Still angry?"

Seeing her in a daze, Qi Ji fell asleep and pulled the quilt up a little to cover her bare shoulders, then put his palms on her face

(End of this chapter)

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