卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 134 Damn, does he think she is a carrot?

Chapter 134 Damn, does he think she is a carrot?

She shook her head.

"What's the matter?"

"There's a kind of, very unreal feeling..."

She said softly:

"It feels like a dream! Umm..."

His lips were bitten, and he took a bite.

"Does it hurt!"


Snow-white arms wrapped around him, smiled, and called out after a while, "Qi Ji!"


"Why didn't you go to work?"

"It's Saturday!"

Oh!Yes, it's Saturday again.

Recently, she didn't remember the days she lived, and her mind was a little dull... mainly because she didn't have enough rest!

She mumbled again before opening her eyes to look at him.

"Qi Ji, can we make an appointment?"

"What do you want to promise?"

His tone was completely indulgent.

"In the future, don't hide anything from me."

He was silent.

"Do you agree?"

He looked like I was thinking about it.

"I won't interfere in public affairs! But in private matters, we must be frank and open."

She added another sentence: "I don't want things like you hiding from me that you are the big brother again. Because of your hiding, I almost knocked out Xiaobai. Then for the next seven years, you were in Xiaobai. I have been missing for so long in my life. All of this is because I know too little about you. Once a misunderstanding occurs, it is easy to cause harm to each other. This kind of thing must never happen again in the future ...

"it is good!"

He nodded and kissed her face: "I promise you. You can start now!"

"I still want to sleep!"

She burrowed into the bed again, her hands and feet were sore and numb, and she was too tired.

Seeing her languid look, Qi Ji finally realized that she had a bit of an overdose last night, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed:

"Good, get up to eat, come back from the hospital in the afternoon, you can continue to sleep!"

"I'm not hungry! Let me be lazy for another hour... Half an hour is fine..."


When she was a child, she had a problem of staying in bed. He thought she had been a criminal policeman for a few years now. This problem has been cured by the high training rhythm. It turned out that it was still hidden in her bones...

He thought about it, smiled and said:

"Are you sure you're going to sleep?"


"Fang Hua came and didn't see you?... She's waiting for you downstairs now, and she looks like she's in a hurry... If you stay in bed again, I'll have to send her away..."

"Huh? What?"

The woman who was still lazy suddenly opened her mind and raised her head:

"Fang Hua is here?"


"I'll go down right now."

She sat up hastily and jumped out of bed to find she was wearing a silk nightdress with suspenders, bare shoulders and back.She looked at it for a while, not sure what she put on this sexy pajamas for a while.

Qi Ji took the opportunity to pull her back and peck her on the lips, and an iron arm clasped Miaoman's slender waist.


she asked against his chest.


He tapped her nose.


"We are not allowed to tell anyone about what we recognized in Baihai Bay! Fang Hua is not allowed either!"

He solemnly reminded.

Tsk, this guy, so mysterious, what is it?

She pecked in her heart, took a few more glances, and nodded:

He smiled contentedly and rubbed her face:
"Good! Go wash your face, I invited Fang Hua to lunch."


"Also, I've picked out the clothes for you, let's change them..."

"what happened?"

His eyes were sharp, and when he saw her glaring at her, his eyes were full of spring.


She groaned and floated away.

Qi Ji was startled and smiled, he had never been so crazy before...

Standing there, he smiled softly, such happiness, he will have it till he grows old!
It's just that their marriage crisis has not been completely resolved.

A Mi Fangfei is a big problem that is difficult to solve.

Lu Zhou is also an important threat, and now she is missing again... According to reports, she seems to be taken away, and the place where she temporarily lives is in a mess.Who did it, the situation is still unclear, and what the outcome will be, there is no way to predict now.

The most important thing is that those who want to kill them have been secretly watching.

As long as one is not careful, these people will come out one by one to destroy.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile again, because he knew that the road ahead would not be easy.They must be determined to twist into a rope to survive!


Does he think she is a radish?
Eat like this.

Looking in the mirror, she thought about the way he was gnawing on her back then, and she couldn't stop shaking... At that time, she was thrown into the cloud by him several times, and in the unfamiliar frenzy, she also screamed out The sound, as if there were scratches made by her on his back.

Alas, I didn't expect myself to be so crazy when I was so depraved.

When she went downstairs, she saw Qi Ji was sitting on the sofa with Fang Hua, and the two of them were chatting very harmoniously... Sister Fang can't be appreciated by everyone, but, looking at it now, she seems to appreciate Qi Ji. continue.

She paused and glanced at the man again. She was wearing a white shirt and a light gray cardigan sweater. She was dressed casually. Sitting there, she had an elegant demeanor in every gesture. With a confident and easy-going smile, it was easy for people to follow him. Walk.

This guy is such a thief, and he has subdued all the people around her, one or two.

Think about it, Fang has such a strong relationship with her that he would betray her at a critical moment, which is really depressing.

"Mother Tan, good afternoon!"

Xiaobai was sitting on the carpet and was building a model of a space shuttle. The ground was covered with small bits and pieces. Seeing her scream, he focused on those small parts again.

"good afternoon!"

Shi Tan went over and kissed his son's face, then turned to Fang Hua and walked over with a smile on his face:

"Sister Fang!"

"Tan, sit with Sister Fang. I'll go to the kitchen to see if lunch is ready? Sister Fang, excuse me!"

Qi Ji stood up politely and walked towards the kitchen.

Shi Tan glanced at him again, because of his polite name.This guy has always been someone else to curry favor with him. He deliberately expressed friendliness like today, which is rare.

"Hey, back to the soul. Everyone is gone, what else to see? Let's go, take me to this garden... People say that the landmark buildings in Yao City are the Qi's Building and the Qi's Building. Garden, the third is Yayuan, I have strolled around Qi's Mansion, and I was fortunate to come to appreciate the elegance of Qingfeng Yayuan today, all because of your light..."

Fang Hua smiled and pulled Shi Tan out for a spin.

Just now, when she came in, she was stunned by the artificial scenery in the garden. This place is like a paradise. The first pride of Yao City's first family really knows how to enjoy it.This kind of wealthy life is completely different from the days when they used to be bombarded with bullets.

She couldn't help but sigh: If Qi Ji hadn't loved this woman miserably, why would he be willing to let his woman run around the world to meet people in the ugliest circle of human nature in this society.In order to protect her, he also had to let go of his golden status and accompany her to take that risk together.

It was noon, the sky was beautiful, the sky was blue and clouds were white, and the wind sent warm fragrance.

The two women were walking on the path, Fang Hua tilted her head to look at Shi Tan, her face was rosy and refreshed, she pointed to the watch on her hand, and when she was about to speak, she said:
"It's eleven o'clock, but you can really sleep! Say, did you stay up all night last night? Come, I'll find evidence..."

Walking side by side, as soon as she pulled her collar, she saw the little traces.

"Hey! What's the matter with you?"

Shi Tan hurriedly covered it up.

This made Fang Hua burst into laughter. It was only a few days before and after, but these two people were so close together:
"I really guessed it right!"

"Guess what?"

"The evidence of the fierce battle is still hanging around my neck..."

Well, that's a good thing, definitely a good thing...

Shi Tan closed his collar with an unnatural expression:

"Why are you so free today?"

"Don't try to look away, say, how are you two?"

Fang Hua didn't intend to come here, but no one answered her cell phone. She came here out of concern. At the door, after the notification, the guard let her in and entered. When she was in the winner's house, she saw Qi Ji who came downstairs.

Qi Jixiao called her a rare guest and asked her why.

She said she wanted to see Shi Tan.

Qi Ji said he was still sleeping.

This really surprised her.

Because she knows very well that morning jogging is an important part of Shi Tan's life rules. Unless it is windy and rainy weather, or she is tired after a mission, she will never rest.

But in the past few days, she has not given any tasks. Although things have come out one after another, they have almost been resolved now, and it cannot be the main reason for her to stay in bed.So, she thinks, it must be the man's factor.

"What's the matter?"

Shi Tan pretended to be confused.

"Reconciled, right? Look at these marks, I really can't tell, Mr. Qi, who is gentle and gentle, looks like a wolf like a tiger..."

Yes, this man, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looks gentle, but in fact, that is completely false. She saw him fight 18 years ago. He was ruthless, which is absolutely rare. As for the bed, he was also fierce. But this time, he still took good care of her feelings and forced her into the situation.

Oops, where did she want to go...

His face turned red inexplicably.

"It seems that Mrs. Qi is quite satisfied with Mr. Qi."

Fang Hua blinked at her and smiled sullenly, meaning something.

(End of this chapter)

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