卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 137 Attitude Determines Fate

Chapter 137 Attitude Determines Fate
Since there is no friendship, Shi Tan can indeed ignore her, but in front of her, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at her. If she behaves too indifferently or walks away, it will lead to negative effects.

As Qi Ji's wife, she must maintain a positive image and cannot discredit him.

What's more, looking at this situation, Luo Ying seemed to have really had an accident. If she continued to remain indifferent, it would be a bit too impersonal.

After a moment of silence, she had to ask, "Where is she now?"

Luo Ji immediately replied: "Orthopedics area of ​​the first inpatient building!"

She stepped out: "Take me over there!"

This is the VIP injured area. Most of the wards here are private rooms, and the cost is extremely high. The No. [-] inpatient building is a general inpatient area.

Ten minutes later, Shi Tan saw Luo Ying, seeing it with his own eyes was even more shocking than hearing about it.

When entering the ward, Luo Ying was lying on the bed and staring out of the window, one foot was plastered and hung up, her originally beautiful face was completely bruised and bruised, and the blue and purple color on her neck was very obvious and visible. That person tried desperately to strangle her, but spared her life at the last moment...

Fang Hua frowned as she watched, and she was actually raped like this... Fang Baoshan's scum is really bad.

"Sister, Shi Tan is here to see you!"

Luo Ji went over, bent over and said something in Luo Ying's ear.

The wooden Luo Ying slowly turned her head and looked at Shi Tanshi. She stared at it for a long time before she pulled out an extremely ugly smile and finally opened her mouth. Her voice was hoarse like an old lady in her seventies and eighties. With sadness:

"You're here to see my joke! If it weren't for you, why would our family end up in this place..."

"No, no, Tan Tan is here to help you..."

Lang Yuanfen waved his hand, went up to comfort his daughter, turned to look at Luo Ying, begging: "Tan Tan, do you think it is? Do you think it is?"

Shi Tan didn't answer, and his heart ached deeply.

When it comes to this field, Luo Ying still thinks it's all thanks to her?
How twisted does a heart have to be to blame all the faults on others?
Why didn't she understand the crux of the problem?

"I'm not interested in watching your jokes... I don't have the time to watch it either!"

She won't make promises lightly because of Lang Yuanfen: "Everyone should be responsible for what they do... If you still think that I killed your family up to now, then you are really hopeless. now..."

She really wanted to wake her up and open her eyes to see the truth. Who caused all this?
Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, now she probably won't hear anything.

Or, for Luo Ying, maybe her appearance is a kind of mental stimulation for her.Keeping it will only make her more miserable.

She thought about it and decided to leave. If she wanted to help someone, she could help in secret.

"Shi Tan, don't go first, my sister is not in a stable mood... Don't know her in the same way!"

Luo Ji blocked his way and explained in a low voice, with a pleading light in his eyes:

"I want to talk to you!"


A mobile phone smashed over, hitting Luo Ji's back shoulder and breaking his words.

"Luo Ji, don't wag her tail and beg for pity."

Luo Ying's face was full of anger, and she stared at Shi Tan viciously, as if she was her previous enemy: "Luo Shitan, do you know why he hit me? It's all because of you guys I went to investigate him, and then he took all his anger on me. The reason why I was broken by him, and the reason why I was raped, is all thanks to you... Get out, get out right now... Now ...I don't want to see you for a moment...get lost..."

She furiously grabbed a bottle of mineral water on the bedside table and smashed it again.

How could Shi Tan get hit easily, she grabbed the bottle and caught the bottle. She was really disappointed that Luo Ying was so good and bad.

"Then have you ever thought that if you didn't let grandpa watch the video and you lived in Yayuan, would Fang Baoshan still break your leg?"

Her temper also came up, and she couldn't help but scolded: "Luo Ying, you are too revengeful. Qi Ji and I wanted to help you sincerely, as long as you endure another ten days and a half months, you will be able to Get rid of him forever. As a result, you chose a path of self-destruction... I originally wanted to sympathize with you, I was very sad to hear that you had an accident, but now I just want to say: it's all about you The result of self-inflicted guilt... Who is to blame..."

The voice fell, and the other screamed and pulled up: "Luo Shitan, how can you be so cruel, she is your beloved sister since childhood, do you have to rub salt on her wound at this time? What do you have? No conscience..."

Lang Yuen Fen is like an old hen, desperately trying to protect her chicks.

Shi Tan let out a cold smile.This is really a mother-daughter couple.

"Ms. Lang, my benevolence is not for people. Sister Fang, let's go!"

Pulling Fang Hua, Shi Tan didn't care and walked out.

"Luo Shitan, if you don't save Yingying, you will be punished, you will definitely be punished..."

Lang Yuanfen's unwilling hysterical cry exploded behind him.

Luo Ji was persuading: "Mom, don't do this!"

Lang Yuanfen continued to call: "You let go, you let go, and I want to judge with her. When our Luo family fell into this field, is she not responsible at all. She was originally a curse, originally..."

"Mom... What's the matter with Shi Tan... Sit down, don't get excited..."

Luo Ji desperately held back the almost crazy woman who wanted to jump over to judge...

Shi Tan didn't stop, he walked faster and faster, as if his heart was blocked by something, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Her heart has actually softened, but Luo Ying still looks obsessed and unbelieving...

Why should she think that everyone owes her?

She didn't walk over to the elevator, but went to the balcony. She needed enough air to shake the anger in her heart.

"One kind of rice raises a hundred kinds of people, don't get angry for this kind of person, it's worthless... Some people are born to be small people, because they have the heart of small people. Tan, I'm very lucky, you are not That kind of stuff... otherwise, I'll be missing a good partner..."

Fang Hua followed closely, and when she came to the balcony, she gently comforted her.

Shi Tan's anger subsided a little, and he exhaled and said, "Yes, the road is chosen by myself. I don't owe her."

"That's right, you choose the way yourself! So, you don't have to blame yourself."

"I didn't blame myself, I just couldn't bear it. She was raped so badly!"

Shi Tan couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"so what?"

She raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly, this girl is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted:
"Do you still want to take care of this?"

Shi Tan was silent for a while, then nodded.

Yes, she still decided to take care of this matter, not for the sake of her sisterhood, but as a criminal police officer, she couldn't bear to be bullied by the weak. This damn professional sense of mission made her feel a sense of injustice. idea.

"If you want to take care of it, let's play around with that Fang Baoshan. When I was looking through the files in the criminal police team, I accidentally saw that this guy had a criminal record. Not only did he take drugs, but he also seemed to be very familiar with **** I really want to get him down, it shouldn't be a difficult task..."

Fang Hua thought so.

But Shi Tan shook his head: "That guy has something to do with the Lu family. The Lu family and the Chao family are all the way. It's difficult to get him down. Just find a way to force him to sue for divorce by himself."

Fang Hua thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the same! Then, for the purpose of forcing him to divorce, let's play with him."

She hooked her shoulder: "Okay, don't worry about this for now. It's more than 01:30! We'll find out the case in the team later, and we'll deal with Fang Baoshan..."


Shi Tan exhaled and nodded, "Let's go!"

The two turned back and were taking the elevator down, when they heard a scream from the place where they came out again.

Someone screamed in horror:

"Murder, kill, kill..."

At the same time, Luo Ying's hysterical screams came from the room: "Fang Baoshan, you forced me, you forced me..."

Fang Hua and Shi Tan were stunned, looked at each other, and quickly rushed back to that place, and then, they were extremely shocked to see such a scene——

Lang Yuanfen smashed his head, Luo Ji was pinching a bald man with fat ears and pressed it to the ground, Luo Ying rolled over from the bed for some reason, a new wound appeared on her face, and she was holding a new wound in her hand. A fruit knife, and the knife was stuck in Fang Baoshan's chest.

At this moment, her eyes were extremely cruel.

With that knife, she seemed to have used all her strength, but it didn't reach the hilt.And Luo Ji looked at this scene with a shocked expression, and the hand that pinched the neck of the house Baoshan slowly loosened...


Lang Yuen Fen screamed in horror.

Luo Ji quickly backed away.

Fang Baoshan fluttered a few times on the ground, his eyes widened and he gradually stopped moving.

Fang Hua sprinted forward as if flying forward, pulled out the pistol, and called out in a deep voice:
"Don't move. Police!"

Luo Ying fell to the side, looking at the blood on her hands, with a look of "I'm finally free".

Fang Hua approached, touched Fang Baoshan's carotid artery warily, and after confirming that his pulse was gone, he turned his head and said to Shi Tan:

Shi Tan's heart sank.

Luo Ying giggled and said, "Damn him, damn him... I got rid of him, I finally got rid of him..."

"Shut up, no matter how damned he is, you shouldn't stab him to death... You have been ruined by him for so many years, and now you are still responsible for his death. How stupid are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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