卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 138 The Bad Father-Son Relationship 2

Chapter 138 The Bad Father-Son Relationship 2
Shi Tan forced him over and shouted, "My heart hurts, I hate iron for not being steel..."

That feeling of powerlessness rolled up again!

The woman froze things up again.

Luo Ying slowly raised her head, the distorted happy smile was put away little by little, and then a trace of sadness appeared, and the whole person became extremely pitiful.

At that moment, her eyes were full of tears, and in the blink of an eye, tears dripped down, and her reason seemed to have returned, and she said sadly:
"Luo Shitan, I'm not as lucky as you. There is a man who can carry everything for you to protect you. I have no choice. If he doesn't die, our family will never be peaceful... I killed people, and I It's alright, brother, as you have seen, he just strangled him to protect me, his strangulation was not fatal, nor was he an accomplice in this case, please enforce the law impartially, and take me alone... Don't Let this bastard ruin my brother again...please..."

The last sentence, "please," expresses a strong sense of pleading.

Shi Tan took a deep breath and couldn't help but burst into tears. She really didn't expect that, at one point, she would personally arrest her sister who grew up with her.

This is a kind person who is not even willing to kill an ant, but now she has become a murderer—she used an extreme method to drive herself to a dead end, but such a fate was all her fault. Created by myself.

Half an hour later, the police in Baoshan District, where the No. [-] Hospital was affiliated, took over the case—this was not the jurisdiction of the No. [-] Criminal Investigation Team, and she didn't have the authority to intervene in this matter.He could only watch helplessly as she was taken away.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but persuade Luo Ying——

"Stop doing stupid things. I'll try my best to reduce your sentence, you're still young and you can start over.

"Luo Ying, we can be unfortunate, but we can't allow ourselves to make mistakes again and again. Living at the feet of each of us, we walk unhurriedly, and whatever path we want to take is the result of our own behavior. So, please Be brave, don't give up on yourself... The future is not necessarily hopeless..."

At that moment, she saw Luo Ying crying.

On the way to the first criminal police team, Shi Tan kept his eyes closed and the air pressure was a little low.

Du Ting was in the car the whole time and didn't know the situation. After driving for a while, he finally felt something was wrong and asked, "What happened?"

Shi Tan didn't say anything, Fang Hua didn't say anything, Du Ting didn't dare to ask any more when he saw this, and the three remained silent.

At the gate of the criminal investigation team, Shi Tan got out of the car and asked Du Ting to go back.

After waiting for the car to drive away, she let out a breath and looked at Fang Hua: "Where did you see Fang Baoshan's criminal record?"


Shi Tan nodded: "I must start from the bottom of his case, I need a lot of information to convict Luo Ying, at least at the time of the trial, I have to get the sympathy of the judge and jury to prove that this is a self-defense murder, so that You can get a lighter sentence...or else..."

Otherwise, she will have to spend all her youth behind bars, which is really a tragic thing for Luo Ying.

Fang Hua hugged her shoulder: "Tan, the police officer in charge of that case will handle these matters. We don't need to intervene now, and when they have collected the evidence, we can go and check to see if there is anything missing. , do everything in your power to help. As for you, don't be too nervous, you must adjust your mood and focus on Cha Ruan Yingyu."

"Sorry, my mood is a little affected."

Shi Tanqiang smiled to himself, shaking his spirits.

"Bah, don't say sorry to me, no one cares! But now, you have to step out of the role you are in and handle it with the calm thinking of a bystander. Remember, Luo Ying's intentional murder case and Ruan Yingyu's fall from the building The case is two cases of different nature. Now there are two different groups of people investigating, and you are the investigator of Ruan Yingyu's case. Just pay attention to your case. For the other case, since we have negotiated before, they will definitely We deal with it wholeheartedly. We have to have confidence in our colleagues. Every police officer with professional ethics will do his best to deal with the case. Ruan Shi's professionalism in criminal investigation is quite well-known..."

Fang Hua is such a person, who can always help people clarify their thoughts when they are confused.

Shi Tan felt that it was a blessing to meet Fang Hua.

When the two walked into the office, Xiao He greeted him with an empty mineral water bucket in his hand, apparently asking the material room to get daily drinking water:

"Yo, Xiao Fang, you are finally here..."

"Where's Team Zhou!"

Fang Hua's eyes were a little different when he saw Xiao He looking at Shi Tan.

As for Shi Tan, his expression has calmed down.

"In the second imaging room! Hurry up and go there, you are all missing!"

"Okay, let's go right now!"

The two went upstairs.

In the discussion room, everything that should be there.

When Tan and Fang Hua stepped in, everyone's eyes fell on them.

No, to be precise, it fell on Shi Tan——in just a few days, two shocking news happened to her, and everyone is curious.

While everyone was watching, Shi Tan calmly came to Zhou Yong:

"Sorry, I have something to do at home. I can't come over these days. Team Zhou, now, I am here to officially cancel my vacation... From this moment on, I will do my best to handle the case..."

Zhou Yong curled the corners of his lips, smiled, and looked at her neutral dress, which was still the same as before, not because of identity issues, and the clothes changed a lot, and the clothes were very civilian.

"Welcome back to the team!"

He simply said a word.

Vice-team Zhang Guo simply swirled around her: "Tsk tsk tsk, Annie, you are really rushing to the headlines of the episode these few days... When the first news broke out, it really shocked us, I really couldn't see it. Out of you, dressed like a tomboy, it turns out to be the mysterious Mrs. Qi..."

"Yeah yeah...what's going on here?"

Xiao Hu next to him also had a rare expression on his face: "Your file form doesn't indicate that you are Luo Shitan!"

"It happened for a reason, and it wasn't intentional to hide it from everyone."

Shi Tan explained succinctly: "I'll invite you to dinner as a sign of guilt..."

"We would rather go into Yayuan and take a look at the place that has been rumored to be like a paradise. How beautiful is it?"

Zhang Guo looked longingly: "I said, Mrs. Qi, can we have that meal at your house?"

Shi Tan was startled, thought for a moment, and then said:

"If you want to enter Yayuan, I have to ask my husband. He doesn't like being disturbed very much. If he agrees, turn around, and when the case is solved, I will invite you to Yayuan for dinner..."

There are other secrets hidden in Yayuan, of course Qi Ji would not like to be visited frequently.

"Okay, then you can ask. Mr. Qi has always been my idol. If I can take this opportunity to take a picture with the idol couple, I will be very happy... Come, come, I will take a photo with the idol wife first. A..."

Zhang Guo came to Shi Tan and placed a pose for Xiao Hu to shoot.

Fang Hua smiled with a crooked face, and pushed the person directly: "Zhang Guo is the only one who will make trouble! Does someone like you still have idols?"

"Why can't I be an idol? Let me tell you, it's because you don't know how capable Qi Ji is. When I entered the police academy, what I heard most was his legendary deeds! Qi Ji is the captain of the Cheetah Team who participated in special operations." At the age of 19, he led a group of special elites to wipe out a terrorist organization... It is said that he was the best in the team he belonged to in terms of marksmanship and Sanda skills. Because of this, I also deliberately asked my family to go to the top to clear up and go to their army to serve. Unfortunately, I spent a lot of effort to enter Area A. I was trying my best to go to the special area for assessment, but they retired. The special forces turned into businessmen gorgeously... I didn't even see him, and I was so angry that I gritted my teeth..."

After Zhang Guo finished speaking, he was embarrassed.

Qi Ji is not only a big boss that business people want to make friends with, but also an idol admired by some tough guys.

Shi Tan listened and didn't know how to answer. In the eyes of many people, Qi Ji was a miracle.

"By the way, Annie, how's Mr. Luo doing?"

Zhou Yong is concerned about another thing.

"I haven't woken up yet. Thank you for your concern."

Shi Tan replied.

Zhou Yong looked at it and said, "Now that there is such a big thing in your family, I shouldn't have called you here, but there are some things that really need your help..."

"Team Zhou, I will try my best."

"Okay, that's back to normal, Zhang Guo, put away your adoration, the most important thing for us now is to handle the case. When the case is over, you will think about it, how to eat with your idol..."

Zhou Yong clapped the information on his hand and patted Zhang Guo's head.

Zhang Guo, who was beaten, smiled and sat back.

"Team Zhou, what new clues did you find?"

Shi Tan took the information back.

"What, you don't know yet?"

Zhou Yong looked at Fang Hua.

"Yes, I haven't said it yet!"

Fang Hua nodded, because she had not been able to find a suitable opportunity to speak.

She pulled Shi Tan to find a place to sit down, and Zhou Yong immediately entered the theme:

"OK, then I'll say it again: It's like this. Regarding the case of Ruan Yingyu, we have now confirmed that on the 20th, two suspicious vehicles entered the Qi's Building. The two vehicles were loaded with decoration materials. They have electronic cards. They can come and go freely. During the period, they took the internal staff elevator to carry large-scale office equipment. On the 48th, an office on the [-]th floor was renovated and replaced with furniture. We suspect that Ruan Yingyu may have been sent upstairs at that time... "

"Whose office is that?"

Shi Tan flipped through the information.

"Qi Ji's father, Qi Jian's!"

This sentence made Shi Tan stunned.

"Why should Qi Jian be redecorated?"

This question is very sharp.

"The opinion of the Feng Shui master. It is said that Qi Jian had several accidents in the past few months, so he invited a Feng Shui master to take a look. The Feng Shui master said that the Cailufu Road in his office and the whole building's The layout is different, which is related to his age. If he does not change the decoration, he will have a life-threatening worry. So Qi Jian moved to the 46th floor, and the 48th floor began to be decorated from the eighth day of the new year, and it was not completed until the first two days. "

Zhang Guo glanced at Shi Tan when he said this: "The relationship between Qi Ji and Qi Jian is said to be very bad. Shi Tan, can I interview you, you, as Qi Ji's wife and Qi Jian's daughter-in-law, this matter, do you know?"

While saying this, the man made a gesture of holding an interview microphone.

Shi Tan twitched the corners of his mouth, this man, when he got the chance, came to three-eighth.

"I don't know much. Qi Ji and I went to the UK after our wedding eight years ago. I haven't had much contact with his family in the past eight years!"

She thought of what Qi Ji said before: Qi Jian never celebrated his son's birthday with him, which shows how stiff the relationship between father and son is.

(End of this chapter)

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