卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 139 The Bad Father-Son Relationship 2

Chapter 139 The Bad Father-Son Relationship 2
But this doesn't mean that Qi Jian will buy his own son who is evil...

"I'm curious, why didn't you come back after going abroad for eight years, and didn't participate in any of the Qi family's family activities during that time?"

Zhang Guo is trying to play the role of the gossip man to the end!
On the side, the other colleagues all showed a look of interest.

"Personal reasons, inconvenient to tell!"

Everyone has the psychology of listening to people's privacy, especially the news in this kind of circle, the difference lies in how much.

Shi Tan knew that everyone in the team was curious about her and Qi Ji's affairs.

At the press conference that day, she and Qi Ji did not answer any of the reporters' questions. Their remarks were just a statement to avoid the important.Such a statement adds to the mystery of their relationship to some extent.

However, since their family of three officially appeared in public for the first time, the relationship seemed to be very harmonious, and the photos taken by all the reporters were perfect, giving people a full sense of happiness. Whether it's true or not is not a big deal.

In addition, the Qi family is more or less controlling the development of the situation behind the scenes. Therefore, all kinds of reports after the press conference are relatively positive. Therefore, Qi's stock will rise again.

As for the fake daughter incident, although Qi's stock market fell, but with the release of Luo Suiyi's video, the impact of the incident was not serious for Qi's.

However, after these two incidents, the three words "Luo Shitan" became more and more mysterious. Many people thought that Luo Shitan was really lucky—that's what Luo Ying thought.

In fact, she was lucky.

"Stinky boy, have you had enough fun!"

Over there, Zhou Yong saw that Zhang Guo had gone off topic, so he came over and kicked him angrily.

Zhang Guo hurriedly raised his foot and rubbed it, and affirmed: "I'm also working on business, okay?"

Zhou Yong ignored him and motioned for Shi Tan to watch the video on the computer: The time displayed above was during the lunch break on the 20th. Two decorated vans entered Qi's underground garage. Delivered to the Qi's Building...

"This group of people came in and out six times on the 20th, and moved a set of office equipment and a set of office lunch break equipment into the 48th floor.

"These are large objects, especially these few are large filing cabinets, and if you hide people in them, there is no problem at all.

"And, as you noticed, this security guard knows them very well, and if they're cooperating inside and out, it's perfectly fine to do a little bit of work during the scanning process.

"It is worth noting that this security guard has suddenly had trouble at home in the past few days, and has taken a week off, and his whereabouts are unknown...

"As for the decoration company, it's quite well-known, but the staff who came to help the decoration company deliver the goods were called by a decorator named Cai himself..."

After Zhou Yongcai finished speaking, Fang Hua went up, changed a picture, pointed to the middle-aged woman who was a little fat, and said:

"The key is here, see if you don't see it, this is the woman who suggested Qi Jian to redecorate. The strange thing is, this person had a car accident the night before, and although he escaped, he just scratched slightly and suffered a little injury. , I was discharged from the hospital yesterday. As a result, I died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night. My family was having a mourning today. I only learned the news when I went there in the morning.

"How is it so coincidental that he actually died?"

Shi Tan concentrating: "There must be something strange about this!"

"I think so too! People are mourning today, and we don't have any evidence to confirm that this person will be directly related to the case we are investigating, so there is no way for a forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy. Once the mourning of the three dynasties is over, they will send the person away. Go to the cremation. It's going to get tricky."

Fang Hua rubbed his palms.

"Is it the one who died yesterday, today is the second funeral?"

Shi Tan asked thoughtfully.

Fang Hua nodded: "Yes! Team Zhou means, let us talk to your father-in-law Qi Jian. Look for clues. Our idea is that you are the daughter-in-law of the Qi family, which is relatively easy!"

"Okay, let's do this."

Shi Tan nodded in agreement.

Zhou Yong heard this and immediately clapped his hands:
"That's how it is! Next, let's split up, Xiaohu Xiaoxu, you continue to check the decoration company and find out the decorator surnamed Cai; Dahu and I look for the security guard who is on vacation; Dahuang and Xiao He, you go and watch the house of the Feng Shui master to prevent them from having an early cremation time; Xiao Fang and Xiao An, go find Qi Jian... A Gu, you are here to guard... Do everything you can to find out before their funeral tomorrow. Figure out the connection points."

After such a distribution, several people and horses began to act.

It was already three o'clock when Shi Tan and Fang Hua came out, and the two quickly got into their police car.

"Do you know where Qi Jian is now?"

Fang Hua was driving, and when she saw Shi Tan's thoughtful face, she didn't respond, and bumped her elbow.

"It shouldn't be in Qiyuan! I heard from my grandmother that Qi Jian had a home outside. However, that home seems to have been broken up because of Qi Ji's recovery. His third wife ran away, and Xiao Sansheng's son disappeared with him. , I was brought back after many years. As I told you before, Xiao Mu, who also wanted to marry me. Eight years ago, Mr. Qi said something like this, whoever marries me will get the authority of the Qi family. In addition, Xiao Mu once forced me to marry, and Qi Ji married me because of this. The relationship between these two brothers is bad and the situation is like water and fire. "

Shi Tan recalled what happened eight years ago, and inexplicably got into Xiao Mu.

At that time, Luo Suiyi died mysteriously, and her grandfather went to the emergency room again, unconscious. The uncle in the family forced her to marry her because he wanted to occupy the Luo family's family business, and Yichun was locked up for intentional homicide... At that time, she, Completely embattled, in a desperate situation.

It was in this situation that Xiao Mu forced her to marry.

Xiao Mu once said this to her: "If you marry me, I can guarantee that Mu Yichun will be fine and the Luo family will be fine. Those guys who have bad thoughts about the Luo family, I promise to let them one by one. Broken."

She had no choice. She planned to sell herself. She didn't want to go to the marriage registration office. A famous lady came and scolded Xiao Mu for being fond of the new and hating the old, and finally messed up the registration that day.

Because that day, Shi Tan got angry and hit the so-called No. 1 woman in Jiashi, Shen Yuanyuan. The final result was that Luo's business was forced into a dead end by the Shen family.In due time, grandpa woke up, but even if grandpa woke up, it was useless, and the Luo family fell into an unprecedented crisis.

Qi Ji appeared in grandpa's ward at this time.

To this day, she still remembers what happened that day. Grandpa, who couldn't speak, wrote the following sentence on PIAD with a trembling hand:
"Marry Tan Tan, save the Luo family, I will make a deal with you!"

Later, Qi Ji and grandpa "talked" for a while alone.

She didn't know what grandfather said to Qi Ji. When she entered the ward again, Qi Ji looked at her lightly and said, "Master, it's not up to you to say this, Miss Luo agrees, that's fine! Wait for you. After discussing it with Miss Luo, I will study the feasibility of this matter. I still have something to do, so I will go first."

In fact, what is there to discuss? With all the mountains and rivers exhausted, she has no choice at all.

The next day, under the urging of her grandfather, she called Qi Ji's phone, and her marriage was finalized in four dialogues:
"Mr. Qi, can you help me find out the truth of my father's death?"

He said: "I can't guarantee that it will be found out, but I will do everything I can to let the dead rest in peace!"

"Mr. Qi, can you make the Luo family work again?"

"It's not difficult," he said.

"Mr. Qi, I have a boyfriend!"

This sentence made him silent for a while before he said, "I can give you time to sort out your past. As long as you are willing to sort out your past, we will get married!"

"Mr. Qi, I can only say that I will try my best. Emotional matters cannot be controlled by reason. If you are willing to take this risk, I will marry you!"

Because of this sentence, he smiled on the phone and told her word by word, "I am willing to take this risk. Luo Shitan, don't worry, marry me, you will not regret it!"

In this way, she has an inextricable relationship with him.

Eight years later, regarding that Xiao Mu, she hadn't seen him for a long, long time.I heard that after she married Qi Ji, this person left Jiashi, and she didn't pay much attention to where she was now.

"Hey, what are you thinking, so fascinated?"

Fang Hua patted her shoulder again.

"It's nothing, it's all from the past," she said back.

"As far as I know, Qi Ji returned to the Qi family at the age of 14, but Qi Ji's unidentified stepmother disappeared mysteriously not long after, and his younger brother also left Qi Jian at that time. Qi Jian once Call Qi Ji an evil star. I think the disappearance of Qi Jian's second wife should have something to do with Qi Ji. I heard that the relationship between their father and son has never eased. Qi Jian never ignored Qi Ji. After running away for a few years, they raised another woman and gave birth to another son. But because this person's background became more and more unclean, the Qi family didn't want to admit their mother and son at all. "

After saying this, Fang Hua glanced at Shi Tan and summed up: "On the surface, Qi Jian is really not a man! It is because he is too ignorant in his private life that Mr. Qi has handed over the power of the family to Qi Ji. In my hands. Could it be because of this reason that Qi Jian holds a grudge and finds someone to hack his son in secret and replace him? If something happens to Qi Ji and he is pulled down, he will be the direct beneficiary."

As it was at the time, it was like this.

"Qi Jian's private life is disgraceful, but it doesn't mean that he has no brains. I think if he did it, it would be a bit stupid, completely contradicting his usual savage behavior. It's definitely not that simple. I don't think so!"

Shi Tan shook his head and immediately denied such a hypothesis.

"Actually, I think so too, but now the clues are leading us down this path. I'm wondering if someone wants to pass this matter and cause their father and son to fight against each other?"

"Well, it's possible? But the question is that their father and son fight against each other, who will benefit? If it is inferred like this, the second uncle Qi Ji and the third uncle are both suspects..."

Having said that, an idea suddenly flashed through her mind: "I am afraid that the ultimate goal that the murderer wants to achieve is to split the Qi family, and then he will be able to make a profit as a fisherman. Well, Who wants them to fight infighting the most, in this direction, we have to check..."

Fang Hua nodded: "You can talk to Qi Ji about this. But now, what we should deal with is how to see Qi Jian? Today is Saturday, he should rest at home, there is no him at the immigration side. Why don't you make a phone call and ask Qi Ji... I can't see him clearly..."

"it is good!"

Shi Tan took out his cell phone and dialed it.

At that time, Qi Ji was rescuing Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)

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