卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 140 Time bomb, life hangs by a thread

Chapter 140 Time bomb, life hangs by a thread (1)
The No. 1 training camp in the city area is very large. It was originally a small market town with no less than [-] buildings of various sizes.

Thirty years ago, for military exercises, the Mo family spent a lot of money to relocate all the residents in the market town.After years of repairs, rectification, and reconstruction, it was successfully transformed into a training base for recruits with targeted training purposes, and a relatively complete urban warfare area was established.

Today's place is already the largest recruit training center in the eastern region.Every recruit who comes to Area A can receive strict training here.It can accommodate two to three corps in Area A at the same time, and it is here to conduct closed confrontation exercises.

Under normal circumstances, in the No. 1 training camp, every hour, someone will lead a team to patrol.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, today, it's Saturday, the computer system in Area A only shows that today only 56 regiments will conduct an exercise to snatch the tallest building.There are only two daily patrols in the morning and evening.

"Report: There was a guard at the gate of the training camp. One of them fainted on the spot because of a stomachache. The other one saw the emergency and asked someone to come over through the walkie-talkie to pick up his companion."

A sergeant named Cao Wei was in charge of the daily security of the No. 1 training camp. At the gate of the camp, he made such a report to Mo Yaozhi.

"What about the other one!"

Mo Yaozhi stood there, holding his chest and observing the surroundings, but he didn't see the sentinel at all.

The sergeant raised his chest and replied:
"The report, I haven't found it yet! At twelve o'clock, the soldier in charge of monitoring reported that there seemed to be a wiring problem in the monitoring facilities No. 1 to No. 4. The engineers in the district came to look at it and thought that the equipment was outdated and short-circuited due to rainwater. Sincerely. The Communications Company sent two technical soldiers to raid the lines..."

At this moment, Qi Ji has done a rough inspection. After listening to the report, he jumped off the high ladder, clapped the dust on his hands, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and came to the conclusion:

"It's not about aging equipment. Someone has done something."

The sergeant's eyelids twitched violently. If someone else said this, he would definitely refute: How is it possible, all the soldiers in Area A are devoted to their duties, how could there be such a thing as betrayal.

The problem is that this is the former captain of the Cheetah team, who is famous in Area A. He is proficient in various skills, and his personal judgment ability is beyond imagination. If he said that he was manipulated, it must be passive.

"Take the engineer down for questioning immediately. Detain all the soldiers who enter and leave Camp 12 between 14:1 and [-]:[-]. In addition, send special forces live ammunition to protect the cell. For the prisoners over there."

Qi Ji reminded Mo Yaozhi, washed his hands by the river, looked around again, and then went straight into the training camp area, followed the direction indicated by the mobile phone, and ran towards the location.

Cheng Hang followed closely. He lost the man, and now he regrets it.If the little guy has three longs and two shorts, how can he be worthy of the BOSS.

As for Mo Yaozhi, after giving the order, he hurriedly chased away.

For now, no one knows what's going on inside.

Qi Ji's heart is also up and down. If he can play such tricks under the nose of Area A, the people sent by the other party this time should be elite and have been lurking for a long time.

Although this is not a special base in Area A, it has been trained to be supporters of the Mo family army.The occurrence of such a thing is not something that can make people happy——

It can be seen from this incident that the penetration of the C area is powerful and terrible!
The No. 1 training base covers a very large area, with streets, roads, gardens, small factories, government buildings, residential buildings, and schools. It is just an empty city. At least 1 hour.

According to the signal prompt, Qi Ji came to the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

The air-raid shelter here was built 60 or [-] years ago, and it is intricately arranged underground. After the town was expropriated, it was protected. The Mo family spent a lot of money to consolidate, rebuild and expand it.

However, due to the dim light in the air-raid shelter.Usually not used during general drills, and the four entrances are usually closed.It will only be opened when it is used, and it will be subject to routine pre-exercise inspections.

"Yaozhi, are we going to use an air-raid shelter for today's exercise?"


"Isn't it a general confrontation exercise?"

"Added some difficulty today!"

"Who proposed this plan?"

Yaozhi frowned, and immediately said to the people around him:
"Bring Tie Datou to the command post, I want to question him later!"

Qi Ji pushed the door open, and he turned on the lights in the air-raid shelter. A row of lights illuminated the entire air-raid shelter. The one that went straight to the bottom was divided into three parts and went in three different directions.

He looked at it: there was no problem with this air defense tunnel numbered 30.

Staring at the flash on the phone, Qi Jicai took a step in, but was stopped by a special soldier: "Lieutenant Colonel, let's go check it out first!"

The name is Qi Rong, who is the current vice-team of the Cheetah team. He used to be Qi Ji's subordinate. Back then, Qi Ji rescued him, and the two have a very deep friendship.

"Need not!"

Although he had good intentions, Qi Ji couldn't leave the danger to others, and he stood outside waiting for news.

Thinking that during his service, he was always the one on top of his head, and it was a blessing to live to retire: "Yaozhi, you lead someone to guard outside. Keep a close eye on the situation nearby."

"Qi only happened on my land. You let me stay outside, right?"

Mo Yaozhi frowned.

Qi Jidao: "I can take risks, you can't! Mo, everything is based on the overall situation!"

Mo Yaozhi was silent for a while.

Qi Ji immediately turned to Geng Liang, the top information soldier beside Qi Rong, who was also a member of the former Cheetah team: "Start the air raid shelter monitoring program immediately to search for the exact location of the child and the surrounding terrain..."


Geng Liang is the most proficient in electronic technology in the team. He immediately went forward with his laptop, connected it to the program board at the entrance of the air raid shelter, and turned on all the underground lights with one click. Once connected, all the monitoring equipment was activated together.

After half a minute...

"It is reported that a total of two children, a boy and a girl, were locked on the protective railings of the distribution box."

When Qi Jiyou saw it, his eyelids jumped up, without him, a red flashing point flashed in his sight, what was that...

Geng Liang has called out:

"Report, visual inspection, there is a time bomb attached to the girl's waist. The time is still 5 minutes... The boy seems to want to dismantle the bomb. He has... already cut a silver wire... This silver wire... is a timing additional wire... ..."

The tone is surprised: such a little boy knows that it is a bomb, and how to dismantle it?Not being detonated is enough to show that he understands the general working circuit diagram of the time bomb.It's a pity that the time bomb he was facing was an improved thing, and the general bomb disposal process was not suitable for it.

At this moment, the boy, facing that thing, is obviously a little helpless.

Seeing this, Qi Ji's eyelids jumped wildly.

Arrive here near the NO.15 air-raid shelter, at a speed of 100 meters sprint for at least three to four minutes.

That is to say, now, they go in immediately, and they have to defuse the bomb, and there is almost no spare time.In this case, they would definitely not be able to save these two children, and they would also risk their own lives.

"How to do?"

Geng Liang looked at Qi Ji, his face extremely solemn.

Qi Ji's face turned pale, his palms were sweating, and his whole heart was suspended. He concentrated on thinking and asked:
"Can the dialogue function on the NO.15 air-raid shelter monitoring equipment be connected?"

"Report, the dialogue function of the entire underground air-raid shelter has always been connected sequentially. Since this set of equipment is relatively old, the connection speed is not very fast. The system connects by itself and cannot be operated manually. It takes about three minutes to connect to the No. 15 air-raid shelter Zero 40 seconds..."

Geng Liang reported the estimate.

No, it's too slow!

At this moment, two two-wheeled patrol cars suddenly appeared behind them. The patrolmen gave a salute on the cars, and one of them reported: "Report, the engineer has been controlled..."

Before he could say anything, Qi Ji's eyes lit up suddenly, he flew over, and dragged the man down from above:
"Get out of the way, borrow!"

As soon as the patrolling soldiers were pulled down, Qi Ji quickly got into the car and rushed inside with full force.

Seeing this, Cheng Hang also flew over, grabbed another two-wheeled patrol car, and followed.

Mo Yaozhi didn't stop him, but his brows furrowed.

On the contrary, Qi Rong jumped in a hurry: "Sir, it's too dangerous for Colonel Qi to do this. I'll go get them back..."

Without waiting for the order, he rushed inside.

"Come back, the one trapped inside is Qi Ji's son! Do you think you can come back? Stay here honestly. He has experienced more things than you. If even he can't settle this matter, Then no one can settle it..."

Qi Rong stopped and stood there, his eyelids twitching.

Besides, Qi Ji drove the car very fast and arrived at the NO.1 air defense tunnel in 15 minute.

When the distance gradually came to an end, he saw Xiao Bai looking over here, a look of surprise on his face first, a pair of beads lit up under the light, and then he waved his hands desperately, and the big call, motioning him not to go:

"Dad, Uncle Hang, don't come here. I have a time bomb here. It's the last 3 minutes... Don't come here, you will be killed..."

Qi Ji ignored it and continued onward until it stopped abruptly less than three meters from the distribution box.

The light has illuminated the place brightly, and Qi Ji can clearly see that on the iron bar of the distribution box, a little girl with long hair was chained to it. Time bomb with red numbers.Xiaobai was standing there, one hand being baked on the chain.

"Dad, don't come here, don't... Uncle Hang, take my dad away... Leave us alone..."

Seeing that Qi Ji didn't listen, Xiaobai walked straight forward, sweating on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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