卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 141 Time bomb, life hangs by a thread

Chapter 141 Time bomb, life hangs by a thread (2)
Qi Ji was not willing: "Shut up!"

The bomb he couldn't take his eyes off of.

At this time, Cheng Hang also followed.

Two people squatted there, studying the bomb.

A general time bomb has 3 lines of red, yellow and blue in it, and the 3 lines form a complex loop.

According to international common practice, blue is generally the power line, red is the ignition line, and yellow is the timing line.

The general bomb disposal process is to first cut the blue line, then cut the yellow line, and finally the red line.

But this refers to the general case.

Some high-IQ criminals, in order to achieve their goals, often insidiously confuse the wires on the circuit board. In this case, it is easy to detonate the bombs according to the conventions learned in writing.

For example, in this case, the other party was obviously not very cunning and used an extra silver wire, which was undoubtedly disturbing the line of sight.

The time passed by second by second, and there were less than 2 minutes left.

Xiaobai looked at Qi Ji sweating profusely, feeling that his death was imminent.

Just now, he shouldn't have come here out of curiosity... In the end, he was bumped into by a soldier.Dong ran here after hiding from XZ, but accidentally found the little girl who was knocked out and brought in.

Originally, he wanted to run out and ask for help, but he was caught at the exit and handcuffed here.

At that time, he saw that the time bomb on the little girl's body was constantly shortening. For fear that his father would not find him, he would die, so he boldly defused the bomb according to the method taught by his mother.

Unfortunately, what was cut was an additional timing line, and the time was shortened to 5 minutes.In this time bomb, another timing line controls the timing device of the bomb.And this was beyond his current knowledge.

"Baby, don't move, let me see..."

Qi Ji glanced at the sturdy little girl, her mouth was restrained by a piece of cloth, her eyes were frightened, but she still tried to calm down.

Seeing that Cheng Hang had untied the cloth for her, he comforted her softly, and the little girl nodded, breathing a little heavy.

Qi Ji was attentive and gently tore apart the threads to see.

Cheng Hang originally wanted to remove the iron lock on Xiaobai's body first, but found that two wires on the time bomb were tied to Xiaobai's arm. If the bomb was not removed, there was no way to rescue Xiaobai first.

"Cheng Hang, give me some light, there seems to be a hidden line underneath..."

Qi Ji ordered in a deep voice.


Cheng Hang used the flashlight mode of his mobile phone to shine light on Qi Ji, and the next moment, a dark hidden line was picked out by Qi Ji.

Life and death are on the same line!

Qi Ji knew very well in his heart, and judging from the size of this time bomb, once it was bombed, they would become stumps and bones, and they would be deeply buried here.

1 minute has passed...

Two minutes have passed...

60 seconds left...

Finally, the last ten seconds have passed!
The people guarding the entrance of the cave were all anxious.

Is this the rhythm to be bombed?
At this moment, the lights in the No. 15 air-raid shelter were completely dimmed, and all the signals on the computer video were interrupted.

"what's the situation?"

Mo Yao's heart sank suddenly and asked.

Geng Liang hurriedly tested it, and then said: "Report, the lines in tunnels 1 to 15 have been damaged!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces tightened.

After another 2 minutes, just when Mo Yaozhi was thinking of sending someone in to find out what happened, there was a loud bang from inside, and the ground trembled, showing how powerful the bomb was...

The faces of everyone at the entrance of the cave sank, and the time bomb finally exploded: the legendary figure in Area A, who was doomed, died in the air-raid shelter in vain.

The color of pain jumped to the faces of everyone.

"Wang Bagaozi, who did it? If I catch him, I will f**k him skin and cramp him..."

Qi Rong gritted his teeth and screamed, and the tiger's eyes turned red.He couldn't imagine that Qi Ji, who has always been brave and good at fighting, was like this, no more...

He didn't want to believe such a truth, so he rushed in quickly.

Mo Yaozhi didn't want to believe it either, and ran in as well.

Unexpectedly, a miracle appeared at this time——

At the same time as a burst of thick smoke came out, two two-wheeled patrol cars flew out from inside.

It was Qi Ji who bore the brunt. He sat on it with a little girl in front of him, and Cheng Hang followed closely with a little boy on his back, appearing in everyone's sight...

A burst of cheers rang out at the same time!
It's unbelievable that Qi Ji managed to escape, and even saved both children.

Mo Yaozhi rushed up excitedly, hugged Qi Ji, and punched him on the shoulder: "You guy, you still like to play the last minute of adventure... I almost thought you were just buried in it!"

Qi Ji wiped the dust on his face and let out a deep breath: "It's already collapsed inside... If I'm late, I'll be buried inside!"

He put the little girl holding his waist on the ground.

Xiaobai, who was hanging on Cheng Hang, jumped off immediately and walked quickly to the little girl: "Okay, okay, you're all right!"

Seeing that the little girl was about the same age as Xiaobai, she turned her big black eyes, looked at them and looked at them, smiled slightly, and the corners of her lips were very cute, even though she was in a state of embarrassment now.

"Which one did you cut?"

Mo Yaozhi smiled and patted Xiaobai's head, and finally had the leisure to ask other things.

Xiaobai raised his head and said, "None of them. There is an invisible wire that is as thin as a hair. Fortunately, I didn't cut it. Any of the three wires will burst."

Qi Ji nodded, with lingering fears in his heart: "I cut the hidden wire, and the time bomb was dismantled, but I didn't expect those people to cunningly install another time bomb in the distribution box. Once this one is dismantled, the other will start counting. The time is only 2 minutes. Fortunately, this girl reminded me that Cheng Hang is proficient in picking locks, otherwise, I would really die in it today..."

Fortunately, it was the two of them who went in today, otherwise these two children would be in trouble.

Back at the command building, Qi Ji poured a glass of water for the little girl, and the little girl stared at them with wide eyes.

Xiaobai was very attentive, and twisted a towel to help the little girl wipe off the mud and blood on her face. After a while, a beautiful little face was revealed.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

Mo Yaozhi came over and asked warmly.

It looks unfamiliar, and it seems that it is definitely not from Area A.

"Qin Jue."

The little girl spoke in a calm voice, not like she just experienced a life-and-death change.

Qi Ji took a glass of water and drank it, observed and asked:

"What are your parents' names?"

The little girl didn't answer, just pointed to Mo Yaozhi:
"I know you, your name is Mo Yaozhi, right... I saw you in the newspaper, you are the commander of Zhu Country A District!"

Mo Yaozhi raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you really know everything!"

"Hello, my father is Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun of the Air Force of China, can you help me contact my father?"

Qi Ji was shocked when he heard this, his eyes widened suddenly, my God, this child is actually the jewel in the palm of the crown prince of C country's air force department.The Qin family is in country C, and they dominate the Air Force Department. The descendants of the Qin family are the main officers of the Air Force Department.

A year ago, the Chao family wanted to marry the Qin family in country C, but they were rejected by the Qin family. They thought they were holding grudges, and they thought of using this child to make the Qin family and the Mo family hate each other. The ultimate goal of getting what they want from the Qin family is to completely suppress the Mo family.

But this method is too poisonous.

Mo Yaozhi froze for a while, silently motioned Geng Liang to check Qin Jue's information immediately, then turned his head and smiled and talked to the little girl:

"Yo, so you are the little angel that Qin Jun was talking about... I'm honored to meet you, but why are you in Zhu country?"

"I don't know. I walked with Aunt He, and while we were walking, someone jumped out and covered me with a sack. After that, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was here. I I found an opportunity to escape, but I was chased back! If Xiaobai didn't come here, I'd be dead this time. Xiaobai, thank you..."

At the end, the little girl looked at Xiaobai and showed a smile, although it was very shallow, it had a bright feeling.

Xiaobai waved his hand, but didn't dare to take credit: "Don't make fun of me, I'm doing a disservice, okay? Why does it sound so harsh?"

"But didn't your father say it? If you didn't cut the silver thread, even if he found the hidden thread, the bomb would still explode. So, we can save our lives, it's all up to us. Your blessings... thank you, that's right..."

The little girl blinked playfully, and this time, her smile deepened and she looked particularly beautiful.

Xiaobai was stunned for a while, then blinked and smiled.

Qi Ji looked at him with a smile, looked for his mobile phone and was about to make a call when a soldier came to report: "Three suspects caught!"

According to the suspects, they brought Qin Jue in from outside last night, and they secretly destroyed the monitoring equipment. Their purpose was to use Qin Jue to create chaos, in order to take the opportunity to go to the cell and let the criminals go. The plan was very simple. It went well, but halfway through, a child was pulled on the back.The result was that all the plans ended in failure because of Xiaobai's intervention.

The original intention of Area C is: to watch dragons and tigers fight, but it’s a pity that people are not as good as heaven——

Xiaobai's curiosity not only saved a political disaster by accident, but also brought the Mo family closer to the Qin family in country C, and also brought him and this little girl who was destined to become an important woman in his life. Girl, having such a thrilling first encounter lays a foundation for their future love-hate relationship.

Of course, that was a long time ago!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Ji received a call from his wife. When he thought that he and his son almost died in the explosion, it was a blessing to hear her voice at this moment.

He suddenly sighed in his heart: It's good to be alive!

It's nice to hear my wife's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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