卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 142 Doll pro?don't mess around

Chapter 142 Doll pro?don't mess around

Life can't be repeated, so it seems precious. For Qi Ji, today's catastrophe is definitely an escape from death.

Assumption: Xiaobai didn't cut the silver thread, he didn't find the hidden thread, and Cheng Hang didn't know how to open the lock. As a result, Shi Tan would receive the sad news that a father and son died unfortunately.

They were bombed to death, but it was quite straightforward. Death was only a momentary thing, but the living people would suffer very much—the woman who suffered a hard life would be thrown into the trough of life again.

And that was what Qi Ji was most reluctant to do.

Life and them are always full of hardships. After so many years, they finally got close. If there is such a separation between life and death, he will be very unwilling.As for her, she must be sad too.At that time, there will be countless targeted attacks on her, and her life will be difficult again.

Fortunately, he survived.

It was a blessing, both for him and for her.

If you don't die, you will be blessed.

Qi Ji still doesn't know what his wife is doing, but being able to talk to her on the phone at this time is definitely the most timely comfort, and his heart is soft because of her.

"Hey, why do you have time to call me..."

Leaning on the sofa, he looked at the wound on his hand that had just been accidentally cut, and asked warmly.

This question made the two men around him: Tong Tingfeng and Mo Yaozhi both raised their heads and smiled at him.

"I want to ask you something!"

On the other side, Shi Tan was sitting in the co-pilot, the car was driving very slowly, and he had no idea what was going on here.

"what's up?"

"That's right, the criminal police team has new clues, but we need to talk to your father."

On this side, Qi Jining took a look: "Do you want to see my father?"

"Well! We don't have your father's personal contact number. I just contacted his secretary and was told that on Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Qi Da will not accept any appointments without an appointment. So I want to ask you if you don't know where he will be. ? We want to go find him."

"I'll give you a cell phone number, and you can remember it. As for where he will be? Well, you can go to the villa at No. 31 Meilin Road to find it. He usually lives there. However, he is not very easy to get along with... If you go there, I'm afraid he won't give a good face... I never meet him in private, and we will quarrel whenever we meet!"

Qi Ji gently, like a sigh, briefly described the current situation between their father and son.

"Why is the relationship between the two of you so tense?"

Shi Tan couldn't help but ask.

"It's a long story, I'll have a chance to talk to you later... I won't talk about it now..."


As soon as the business was over, she seemed to have lost the topic, and after thinking about it, she asked, "What are you doing now?"

"Chat in Yaozhi's office here!"

"Oh, what about Xiaobai?"

"Xiao Bai is talking to a little girl I just met. Well, it looks like our son has found a friend... But, at his age, it seems too early to have a girlfriend... But, To tell the truth, these little dolls look really pleasing to the eye...I'll take a picture of them and send it to you to see...it's very interesting..."

Qi Ji smiled and glanced at the pair of golden boys and girls who were talking in the corner. The two seemed to be very talkative, and they looked pretty good...

He didn't tell what just happened, the danger has passed, and she really doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Over there, Shi Tan laughed dumbly and said, "Xiao Bai has always had a relationship with girls, so it's not surprising... However, I think it's too early for what you're thinking about... He's only six years old, even if No matter how high your IQ is, you still haven't reached the age group with that emotional intelligence. By the way, don't be wishful thinking and give a baby a kiss..."

"Ha, baby doll?"

He smiled, thinking about it was interesting enough: "If it really deserves it, it's not bad!"

"Hey, don't fool around!"

"Of course not, I don't care about my son's life-long event..."

"That's good, by the way... Is that little girl a family member of an officer in District A?"

"Well, they are behind the door."

He thought, the Qi family and the Qin family are quite suitable in the family, maybe it is possible in the future...

The conversation between the two was very light, and they both enjoyed such a conversation.

After hanging up the phone, Tong Tingfeng said goodbye and left.

He is a native of Dongai, and no matter how good his relationship with the two in front of him is, he cannot intervene in the military internal struggles of other countries. Therefore, he has never come out of the command building.Now that the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is something to deal with in Area A, there is no need for him to stay.

Mo Yaozhi didn't stay any longer.

Qi Jize hugged Tong Tingfeng and said, "Come back and have dinner together. Bring your son..."


After seeing off Tong Tingfeng, Mo Yaozhi and Qi Ji came to the interrogation room together.

The interrogator reported to Mo Yaozhi: "Report, a person named Lu Dedi has been recruited: the main purpose of their operation this time is to rescue a person named Xu Houcan. I don't know anything about the others."

"Xu Houcan?"

This man was one of the soldiers who were caught in the container terminal shootout.

Accompanied by a repeated rhetorical question, Mo Yaozhi's information immediately appeared in his mind. He didn't pay much attention to him before because he looked very ordinary, was silent, and had an ordinary background.

"Is there anything special about him?"

"Report, this person's background information is falsified. The information before enlisting in the army has now been identified as falsified."

In the army, there are some special sergeants, because they have to perform special tasks, the top will arrange a suitable legal and valid identity that can be viewed by others.

Although it is fake, it is almost indistinguishable from the real one.Common people can't recognize it.Sometimes even the military can't verify the authenticity.

People in this role, because the tasks they perform will be very secretive, and when necessary, they can only choose to die for the country, so as to achieve the purpose of leaving the car and protecting the commander.

But the strange thing is that the people in Area C are willing to expose the undercover in Area A for him this time. What is the reason for such a big fight?

Mo Yaozhi and Qi Ji looked at each other, and the Chao family could spare no expense to protect him, this guy must have a lot of background...

"How did you join the army?"

Qi Ji asked a question.

"A general recruit! No special procedures. Served for four years, private first class. Unmarried. 24 years old."

Those materials, Qi Ji had actually seen them before, and there was nothing special about them, so he didn't pay much attention to them before. He felt that he was brainwashed like several other people. Now it seems that he has to change this kind of thinking.

He suddenly felt: This guy named Xu Houcan is definitely not as ordinary as he appeared, I am afraid he is a master at disguise.

After the two came out of the interrogation room, they did not immediately arraign Xu Houcan, but went back to the office to discuss.

At four o'clock, Xiaobai came in suddenly, with Qin Jue by his side, and asked him with a look of hope: "Dad, can I take Qin Jue home as a guest tonight?"

"I'm afraid not, Qin Jue's father will come to take her home tonight..."

Qi Ji closed the folder and pulled the two children to him.

He saw Xiaobai's disappointment, obviously he didn't want to separate from Qin Jue so early.

As for Qin Jue, he was also a little attached, but comforted him sensible: "It doesn't matter, you can add me as a friend. In the future, we can meet online when we have time, and we can still play together..."

"That seems to be the only way to go."

Xiaobai was a little disappointed, turned around and took the white paper on the table, and wrote two contact information, but when he turned to give it to her, he took the folder with him.

After Qin Jue took the piece of paper, he also wrote his email address and chat number.

Seeing them so reluctantly, Qi Ji smiled and suddenly thought that it would be nice to order a doll to kiss. Look, how sticky the two children are...

Thinking so, he lowered his head and picked up the folder.

At this time, Qin Jue's eyes inadvertently caught sight of the photos on the homepage of the folder, and he immediately gave a soft "Huh" in his small mouth: "I recognize this person!"

A very casual sentence, but it immediately attracted Mo Yaozhi and Qi Ji to look at each other: These two people are very clear that this is a child with a special status, and her background is destined to the social status of the people she contacts. , must be superior, and must be a nobleman of country C...

"Oh, yes? How did you recognize this man?"

Qi Ji smiled and handed the folder to her so that she could see clearly.

Qin Jue carefully identified it and said:

"Of course I recognize him. He is the illegitimate son of Jin Tao, the enemy of our Qin family. I saw it on my dad's profile once. I also heard that he was sent abroad and raised in secret... Hey, what are you doing?" There is also his information, has this person done anything bad? People in the Jin family love to do bad things..."

The child's words finally made Qi Ji and Mo Yaozhi have an epiphany!

The situation should be like this: Since the Chao family could not form an alliance with the Qin family, they tried their best to marry the Jin family in country C.

At that time, Qi Ji was thinking, how could Jin Tao get along with the Chao family?
It turned out that it was Jin Tao who formed an alliance with the Chao family, which was gradually becoming unpopular, in order to protect his illegitimate son.

And the Jin family has a bad relationship with the Qin family, so Qin Jue's fight should be done by the Jin family.After that, the Jin family passed through the Chao family, sent the child to the country of Zhu, and planned to kill Qin Jue in the military camp in District A, in order to use her to destroy the friendship between the Qin Mo family.Because the Mo family had a daughter before, and it seemed that they were going to marry the Qin family... If such a marriage was successful, it would have a serious impact on both the Chao family and the Jin family.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Jue was killed in Yao City, the relationship between the Qin and Mo families would probably break down.And the Chao family just took this opportunity to muddy the water in Area A and rescue Xu Houcan—because of his special identity, he can only be confessed to Jin Tao if he is rescued safely.

"Then what was his real name?"

Qi Ji stroked the child's long hair, and asked the little girl who solved their doubts, her face still expressionless.

Qin Jue thought about it:
"It seems to be called Jin Chou."

Mo Yaozhi immediately stood up, walked out, and directly called Qin Jun in country C, asking him to help him check Jinchou's information.

Qin Jun, who was rushing here on the plane, immediately implemented this matter.

In less than 10 minutes, Mo Yaozhi received the information feedback.

Twenty minutes later, Mo Yaozhi and Qi Ji interrogated this unusual soldier: 10 meters tall, with a square face, and an honest look, I really can't see him What's different from that.Compared with the other three soldiers in custody, his information is really too ordinary.

"What is your name!"

Mo Yaozhi hugged his chest and asked lightly.

Xu Houcan sat upright: "Report, Xu Houcan!"

Qi Ji pulled the corners of his lips, opened the information he had just obtained, and spread it out in front of him for him to see for himself:

"It should be called Jin Chou... The seventh son of Jin Tao of country C, and Jin Wen, the deputy minister of national security of country C, are half-brothers. I am 24 years old this year. I came to Zhu country to study in 2007. International law major, and then the whereabouts is blank.

"Tsk, I really can't think of it, Jin Qishao, you really can take advantage of the loopholes, and you actually run into the army of our country... It's been four years, and 'no one' knows.

"Since you have been in Area C for so many years, I believe you should clearly understand the legal basis of our country's treatment of spies: there is no extradition clause, and if the crime is serious, it will be the death penalty. If it has not caused serious losses to our country's security, then It's life imprisonment..."

Because of Qi Ji's words, Xu Houcan's face changed a little bit...

"By the way, in four hours, your country's Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun will come here in person, and will bring your DNA sample at the same time, we can make accurate confirmation at that time. Once verified, we will accuse you of espionage. Prosecute. Once the Supreme Court of our country is adjudicated, even if Minister Kim comes in person, it will not help. You will completely become an abandoned soldier, and you will be an old man behind bars in a foreign country.”

Psychological warfare is Qi Ji's strength.

There is no doubt that the words he threw out immediately pushed Jin Chou into a desperate situation.

A few minutes ago, they learned the fact that Jin Chou had offended the mistress of the Jin family in Country C, so he was not allowed to be with the Jin family, so he was sent to the country of Zhu. of.

(End of this chapter)

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