卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 145 There is a lot of fog, there is a case in the case

Chapter 145 There is a lot of fog, there is a case in the case

She thought he would be angry, but in the end, he smiled lowly: "No need to be sorry, the dinner has been cancelled. But I'm still in Area A, I have something to deal with, and I may be home late, no, I'm here I made a special call to report to my wife. As for Xiaobai, I have already sent it back to Grandpa and Grandpa Qiyuan. If you want to investigate the case, you can investigate it without any worries..."

"That's it! That's the most appropriate!"

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"When will I be home at night? If I finish my work early, I can pick you up!"

Qi Ji said.

"No need! You're in Area A, I'm in the city center, one south and one north. It's more than two hours' drive. It's too much trouble. I can go back by myself after I'm done. If I'm busy, it may be overnight."

"Overnight? No! Don't do anything that will damage your body. In this way, at [-] o'clock at night at the latest, I will be on time to lead your criminal police team. You have to leave some time for me. Besides, I have something to do with you here. Say something..."

"what's up?"

"Let's talk later... Now, a distinguished guest is here... See you again..."

"All right……"

Although it was a bit domineering, there was a deep sense of concern in the domineering, and her heart warmed.

It was only after the call was hung up that the phone rang again, but it belonged to Zhou Yong.

Shi Tan opened the door to answer, and after listening, his face suddenly changed: "Okay, let's go over right away!"

Fang Hua hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Whose phone number?"

Shi Tan hung up the phone and said, "Team Zhou, he said that the designer who hired the porters from the decoration company died in his apartment last night..."

Fang Hua glared: Another one died, did the murderer want to destroy all the evidence?

The car left Meilin Road, but Shi Tan didn't know that there was a sniper rifle aimed at her forehead 1000 meters away from here. If someone hadn't jumped out suddenly and knocked that person's gun away , at this moment, she is already a dead body...

The sniper stared back at the person who came out and said, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Madam's instructions, Shi Tan can't die now!"

"I only obey Mr. Order!"

"That's what Mr. meant too. The plans have changed. You can call Mr. to see if it's false news."

The visitor dialed a number and handed over the phone.

The sniper squinted and took over the phone. The voice of the husband came from inside: "Save her life temporarily. I still need her to open the secret room alive... From now on, we will monitor it closely..."

"Roger that!"

He agreed, let out a deep breath, looked back at the person who came, and said with extreme dissatisfaction: "This woman should have been removed early in the morning... If you keep it like this, it will destroy all of us sooner or later!"

"This is an order from above, we only have to obey."

"What do you think will be the consequences if I run and end her?"

"Qi Ji's sniping operation was also given up. Killing her will anger Qi Ji, and you will be punished when you go back. The superiors have already thought of a way: lure them together and get rid of them. Bear with it... You are impulsive No matter how kind you do things, in the eyes of the superiors, you are disobeying orders. You will be the only one who can't afford to walk around. I advise you, don't do such thankless things!"

The sniper pursed his lips, and had no choice but to put away his weapon angrily.

"One day, you will all regret today's decision!"

Designer Wang's death was determined to be suicide by the forensic medical examination. His wrist artery was severed, and he died from massive blood loss. He died without any struggle, and was very drunk.

In his residence, they found no useful clues.The entire suite consists of three bedrooms and two living rooms, and it is neatly arranged.

Just as they were looking for clues, a casually dressed woman next door walked in and asked, "What happened here?"

The woman's surname was Lin, and she was a full-time wife. After hearing that Xiao Wang committed suicide, she was shocked at first, and finally showed regret.

Shi Tan asked her routinely.

"Mrs. Lin, how long have you been with the deceased's neighbors? Usually, do you and your family pay attention to the deceased's house, and who are interacting with each other?"

Ms. Lin recalled:

"Wang Jian has been here for almost a year. He rented this room. Because he is a designer, he is very particular about the style of the house. This house was newly renovated by the owner. It hasn't been installed for a long time. Just went abroad. It's almost brand new. So the rent is more expensive. But he doesn't care about the money, his salary is high.

"Wang Jian usually lives alone and has little contact with others, but he is very time-sensitive. He goes to get off work on time every day, and usually goes to the nearest supermarket to buy daily necessities on weekends. We have met many times. Every time he sees my daughter, I always buy a bag of candy for my daughter. I heard that he was married, had a daughter, and loves her daughter very much. He likes children very much.

"Wang Jian doesn't drink, I know that. Because once, my husband's colleague was decorating a new house, asked him for help, and had a meal together afterwards. He doesn't drink at all. But last night, he had a drink. He was very drunk, and when he got on the elevator, he met us, and his mood was a little abnormal."

"What an anomaly?"

Shi Tan took a note and asked the woman who was caught in the color of reminiscence.

Ms. Lin said, "How do you say it? It's just not the same as usual."

Suddenly, she clapped her hands and said, "By the way, he gave my daughter a piece of jade, and he said drunkenly: "Leave a souvenir, saying that this jade was originally bought by him for his daughter, but unfortunately he didn't give it away." Said that his ex-wife didn't want his things. That jade looked very precious. I refused to take it, but he still put the jade on my daughter. Originally, I wanted to find a chance to return the jade, but I didn't expect it. It's going to be this way."

"What about the jade?"

Shi Tan raised his head, feeling that this might be a clue.

"At home! I'll get it!"

After a while, Ms. Lin went to pick up the two-year-old baby, who was holding a fiery red jade in her hand.

Shi Tan put on gloves and took the jade over to examine it. The quality of the jade is extremely high, and there is a living monkey engraved on it. The workmanship is very delicate. Based on her appreciation of jade, it is worth at least [-].

Because Wang Jian has been engaged in the design industry for many years, he has a certain popularity and a good income. It is not surprising to buy a piece of jade at this price for his children.

But she always felt that something was wrong.

"Because this is the last thing the deceased touched before he died, it may be useful to solve the case. We need to requisition it from you now. After the case is over, someone will notify you to take the relic back."

Shi Tan sealed the jade with a nylon bag.

Ms. Lin shook her hands: "No, no, this jade is very precious, I dare not take it, the police officer should contact her family and return the jade to her home... After all, it is Xiao Wang's fatherly love for his daughter. How can we ask for it? !"

"Okay, then, we will notify his ex-wife to claim it! Please!"

After asking, Shi Tan thanked her, and Ms. Lin looked at her left and right, and asked a digression: "Wait a minute, take the liberty to ask..."


"Looking at you, you look a little familiar...Are you..." Ms. Lin said with a smile.

"Really? My name is Annie. Thank you for your cooperation!" Shi Tan knew what she wanted to ask, and strangled her question to death beforehand.

"It turns out that your name is Annie. I thought... oh, I was wrong..."

Shi Tan turned around with a smile, and heard Ms. Lin shout, "Why are you so similar?"

After a while, just as he was about to close the team and leave, Wang Jian's boss came over.

The boss didn't know what happened to Wang Jian at all. Because he couldn't find him on the phone, he came to him to ask about some customers. When he came in, he heard that Wang Jian was gone. He was surprised, with a look of regret and heartache. the color, rubbed his palms, and sighed:
"This kid, why can't you think about it like this?"

Or Shi Tan asked him some questions: "In your eyes, what kind of person is Wang Jian?

The CEO had a lot of praise for Wang Jian:

"Wang Jian is a good person, and his design is very individual. He got married seven years ago, but because of his infidelity in the previous marriage, his wife was angry and left him. He had a daughter to his wife, and he went out of the house. As a result, the lover I just played with him, and dumped him not long after. He became very depressed because he lost the space at both ends. A few days ago, he completed the order for the Qi's Building. He said that he was tired and wanted to rest for a few days. I agreed. , I really did not expect such a thing to happen!"

Hearing this, Shi Tan's heart couldn't help but move.

After completing a big order, it is understandable to want to rest, but the problem is that he is now on a dead end. With such a change, Shi Tan's intuition is directly related to Qi's case.

Perhaps finding out the cause of his death would shed light on the truth.

She couldn't help but immediately asked:
"What's his ex-wife's name? Where does he work? Do you know? Is there a phone number?"

"It seems to be called Wu Yuezhen. She works as a salesperson in Guomao Building and has remarried. I don't have a specific contact number... It's easy to find her, just go to Guomao."

After Shi Tan wrote these down, he asked:
"About the order of Qi's Building, how did your company receive the order?
The old man always answered:
"Xiao Wang picked up the order himself. According to our company's regulations, each designer can take the order by himself, and the order received can be commissioned. The person who takes the order will be responsible for the decoration, and the company can fully cooperate. Xiao Wang He has a wide network of contacts, and he can accept many orders a year. But this time, I am a little surprised that he can receive orders from Qi's. After all, Qi's is a listed company. Under normal circumstances, it is not our turn. A small company helped decorate, although our style is very recognized in the industry. But if you want to get Qi's list, you still need a way."

Shi Tan was also thinking, Wang Jianneng took this order, there must be an article below: "Do you know Cai Hong?"

"Is the police officer talking about the famous Feng Shui master Cai Hong?"

The boss asked a question back, listening to the tone, it should be recognized.


"I know! I've met a few times. Just recently. I saw her and Wang Jian meet in private."

"When exactly?"

"After the New Year!"

"Are Wang Jian and Cai Hong very familiar?"

"I don't know that. I only know that Wang Jian has frequent contacts with several other Feng Shui masters. Some of his lists were introduced by Feng Shui masters. Maybe because of this, he indirectly recognized the red and purple Cai Hong. maybe……

"Xiao Wang didn't mention it to you, who did he get the order through?"

"I didn't mention it. His mental state has not been very good recently, which may be related to his ex-wife's remarriage. Originally, he sincerely repented and wanted to reconnect with his ex-wife. Who knew that his ex-wife and her daughter suddenly got married. He was angry for a few days. Didn't work. This happened during Chinese New Year."

Shi Tan drew a circle on the person Wu Yuezhen, and then they met this person.

(End of this chapter)

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