卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 146 The Shadow of Derailment

Chapter 146 The Shadow of Derailment

At six o'clock, Shi Tan and Fang Hua were waiting for Wang Jian's ex-wife Wu Yuezhen in the criminal investigation team.Let her identify the body first.Because both of Wang Jian's parents died, the only relative now is his daughter.However, for fear of scaring the child, the police force could only notify his ex-wife to identify the body.

After Wu Yuezhen saw the corpse, her eyes were red, and her tears were falling straight down. With a grief-stricken look, she asked in a hoarse voice:
"Why did he kill himself?"

"Under investigation! Ms. Wu, please condolences!"

This is a very delicate woman, about 35 years old.Shi Tan had seen their family portrait at Wang Jian's house, they were a perfect couple, what a pity...

She was slightly disappointed, took a tissue for her, and after she held back her tears, she began to ask:
"We invited you to come here mainly to ask you, has anything strange happened to you recently?"

"As usual! He lived his life, I lived my life..."

Wu Yuezhen lowered her head and replied faintly, her voice infinitely mourning.

"Do you still love your ex-husband?"

Judging from her various performances, she should still have lingering affection for her ex-husband.

Wu Yuezhen bit her lip, and tears were drawn out again: "We had a very good relationship. We were classmates in college, and we fell in love in the senior year. They said that the graduation season was the breakup season, but we didn't separate because of graduation. After a few years of dating. After having a certain economic foundation, he got married. But later, he made more money and socialized more, so he was confused by the flowery world outside... When he knew that he had someone outside After that, I hated it to death, and finally got divorced. I couldn't bear such a thing... After the divorce, I was single for more than a year, and he wanted to get back together. But because I was forced by my parents to have a blind date, I have already married another..."

Shi Tan couldn't help sighing after hearing this, a man becomes bad if he has money. There are definitely traces to follow.

She was silent for a while before asking.

"If you are given another chance now, are you willing to give him a chance to reform himself?"

Wu Yuezhen burst into tears, but said nothing.

Shi Tan took out the piece of jade and asked, "Have you seen this jade?"

Wu Yuezhen discerned it carefully and shook her head.

After Shi Tan waited for her to leave, he started to check the background of her current husband: he was a gangster named Jiang Ji, with a bad personality, who opened a billiard shop.Marriage after a blind date.

It's so strange, since you can't break up with your ex-husband, how can you marry someone else?

As soon as Shi Tan had any doubts, he called Wu Yuezhen's number in the Criminal Police Team, but unfortunately it was turned off.Thinking of what she said when she answered her family's phone when she was in the Criminal Police team, she knew that her mobile phone might be out of power.Without saying a word, she pulled Fanghua and ran to the International Trade Building.

The criminal police team and Guomao were very close, and Shi Tan quickly found the counter where Wu Yuezhen was in charge of sales, but found that it was not her, but a strange woman standing inside.

"Where's Wu Yuezhen?"

Fang Hua asked.

The person at the counter replied, "She's not feeling well, let me take the shift, and she's gone home now."

Wu Yuezhen's home is very close to here, and it is easy to find it.

Shi Tan immediately asked the salesperson again, "How is your relationship with Wu Yuezhen?"


"Do you know what's going on with Wu Yuezhen? We are criminal police officers. We want to ask her how she got married. Is her current husband on good terms with her?"

Shi Tan believes that if the relationship between husband and wife is good, Wu Yuezhen should not cry like that after hearing about her ex-husband's accident.

The salesperson immediately sighed, "What's the matter? Wu Yuezhen was forced to marry Jiang Ji. That scumbag won't go home for three days or two! As soon as he comes back, he will trouble Yuezhen. Yuezhen's marriage to that bastard is really a flower. It's on the cow dung. It's her ex-husband. She has been regretting it and shouldn't have divorced that one. It's a pity... she actually died..."

"Since you regret it, and since Jiang Ji treated her badly, why didn't you get a divorce?"

Fang Hua asked in confusion.

"Yuezhen also wants to leave, but Jiang Ji is a gangster, if she dares to resist, her family will suffer. If Jiang Ji made a public statement and dared to mention divorce, he would fuck her daughter... Damn, that bastard , not alone at all..."

When leaving, Shi Tan made a phone call back to the team and asked Agu to check Jiang Ji's background.

"You said this man! He is indeed a gangster. When he was in his early 20s, he came in and out every three days. His family is in Puding District. My buddy is working there. When he mentions this guy, he shakes his head. You Wait a minute, I'll ask my brother to see if this kid has caused trouble recently!"

After Agu hung up, he called again after a while: "Tell you the latest news."

"what news?"

Shi Tan answered.

"Jiang Ji is also dead!"


Shi Tan suddenly stared: "Dead?"

"Yes, dead!"

"When did this happen?"

"The time of death should have been yesterday evening! The body was just picked up from the Yongding River. My friend said it!"

"Any clues?"

"Yes! I can see such a situation through the surveillance near the park: a man in a white T-shirt smashed the person unconscious with an iron weapon, and then poured a sack into the river. I can now confirm that the murderer is Wang Jian..."

So far, the case seems to have fallen into a dead end: Wang Jian committed suicide out of guilt because of intentional murder.But if you think about it carefully, you will feel that there are big problems:

For example: How could he choose to kill in such a monitored corner?
It took him only 5 minutes to kill Jiang Ji, everything was ready, iron tools, sacks, stones, hemp rope... This was a planned killing, and such a mistake should not have been made.As a result, he committed a crime and was photographed.

For example, before committing suicide, he was so drunk that he seemed to use alcohol to drown his sorrows, and he had no love for life. From another perspective, he also used alcohol to strengthen his courage and needed courage to commit suicide.

For example: when he was going upstairs, he also hugged Ms. Lin's doll and sent the piece of jade out of his body, saying that the jade could not be given away, but his ex-wife said that she had never seen it.

Ms. Lin's family background is very innocent, she has no need to lie, and Wu Yuezhen is in grief, and it is impossible to lie, then there is only one possibility, Wang Jian is lying.

Why did Wang Jian lie?

Shi Tan guessed that he was forced to commit suicide...

The person who forced him to commit suicide should be one of the participants in Ruan Yingyu's bang.

That person wanted to use Jiang Ji to control Wu Yuezhen. Wang Jian hired those two porters because of Wu Yuezhen, and those two porters sent Ruan Yingyu to the Qi's Building... Now they want to avoid future troubles and want Wang Jian to die.

But he was unwilling to die in such a vague way, and wanted to protect his ex-wife and daughter, so he created Jiang Ji's corpse case, and gave Hongyu to his neighbors, just to give the police clues and help him. death, get justice.

Shi Tan and Fang Hua immediately drove to Puding District. A few minutes later, they saw Jiang Ji in the mortuary. Because he had been soaked in water for a long time, his whole body was swollen and corpse spots appeared.

Wu Yuezhen was invited again and was told that it was her ex-husband who killed her husband. She burst into tears and laughed: "This bastard deserves to die, he deserves to die, but how can he be so stupid, to risk his life, it's not worth it now..."

It was more than eight o'clock after leaving the mortuary, and his stomach was grumbling, but Shi Tan had no appetite.But Fang Huaqiang pulled her to eat some food.

Nearly nine o'clock, they returned to the criminal investigation team.

Shi Tan applied for permission, took Ruan Yingyu's diary again, and read it repeatedly, constantly debating the cause of her death.

For a long time, she stared at the photo and kept looking silly:
The scene 22 years ago was so warm, but 22 years later, all the people above had disappeared into this vast sea of ​​people. She suddenly felt that it was a precious thing to be cared about by the people she cared about.

Before 09:30, Zhou Yong came back from the outside and saw Shi Tan looking through Ruan Yingyu's information, and asked, "Have you gained anything from looking for Qi Jian?"

Shi Tan repeated Qi Jian's reaction, and then said: "Xiao Hu volunteered to monitor near Meilin. As for Wang Jian's death, my inference is forced suicide. At the moment, there is no evidence that anyone is forcing him. The only Cai Hong, who was related to this incident and had contact with him, has died. It can be seen that these two incidents are definitely related... By the way, Team Zhou, go check whether the two porters have any Any result?"

"There are clues found. They are two jobless people who have left Yao City and are said to have returned to their hometown. I asked Dahu to take people to their hometown to arrest them. There will be news tomorrow night at the latest."

Zhou Yong went to pour a large glass of water to drink, and then found a place to sit and rest.

"What about Cai Hong? They will have a funeral tomorrow!"

This is an important role, and they can't just be burned like this...

"For the time being, they won't be going to the funeral. I just got the news. Cai Hong's family, including Cai Hong, are all under the control of the people in District A."

Shi Tan couldn't help but stay for a while, what is this situation?How could the military suddenly intervene in this matter?

"By the way, that photo, Agu, have you checked it? Who are the people in the group photo above?"

Zhang Guo also sat down, pinching his legs and asking.

"I checked..."

Ah Gu had already entered the photo into the computer, heard the words, kept zooming in on it, pointed at the person above and said:
"This is former foreign minister Shi Yuncong, this is his wife Li Qingwan, this is his daughter Shi Yantan, this is Limingchi, a good friend of Shi Yuncong's, and this is Limingchi's daughter Li Jia. It is confirmed that Ruan Yingyu is Li Jia. Except for Shi Yutan whose whereabouts are still unknown, all the people in this interview have died...I personally think that Ruan Yingyu's death should be a continuation of the case 22 years ago...You guys Did you see that Ruan Yingyu mentioned in her diary that she has some important information...I think the murderer performed such a series of murders because of the evidence..."

When Shi Tan saw that Fang Hua heard this, she looked at herself, and her heart twitched hard because of Ah Gu's last words.

Back then, when she escaped, her father did give her two things: one was a disk, and the other was a hand tie—

These two things have always been kept by Li Bo.

He kept saying that whether the case could be overturned, one, there must be a force strong enough to stand against the Chao family, and two, these two things...

Only later, she and Li Bo got separated.

Again, she had asked Li Bo's parents where the relics were, and Li Bo only said that he kept it in a very safe place.

Did he leave them here with Sister Li Jia?

This time, the reason why Li Jia was poisoned was all because those people wanted these things?

Shi Tan's thoughts were chaotic, and he thought of a key point:
Will those two things fall into their hands now?
At ten o'clock, Shi Tan's mobile phone received a text message from Qi Ji: "I can't make it to ten o'clock, I have something to do, I was delayed, I will pick you up at around eleven o'clock...you can start the matter at hand. It's over..."

(End of this chapter)

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