卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 151 Key Clue Sharing

Chapter 151 Key Clue Sharing
She couldn't answer for a while, and it took a while to say:

"Who told you to have so many scandals? Who can tell the truth from the false?"

"The media loves irresponsible suspicion. They want to eat, can I still send them to prison one by one? The media can't kill them, they can't kill them."

"Hey, aren't you trying to tell me that you've never been a woman before!"

Her eyes suddenly lit up, but after asking the question, she categorically denied herself:
"No, no, you are so experienced, how could you not?"

The eyebrows also wrinkled, and couldn't help but insert a digression:

"Qi Ji, how many women have you had?"

"Uh, now, let's not talk about it... we should be talking about this case..."

"Okay, don't talk about it! Then just talk about the case of Ruan Yingyu!"

She sat on the side and asked, and suddenly found that his profile was quite charming.

Such a charming man, whoever saw him liked him, he was 32 years old now, how could there be no other women before?

From the experience of the past few days, this guy's sexual needs are definitely strong.

Oh, there is it!

Before the two of them were not in the state...even, let's not care about the past...

She didn't want to study it, it would make people uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute, I have to ask you a question before we discuss it!"

"what is the problem?"

"In what capacity are you trying to talk to me?"


"Do you want to discuss with me as a case investigator or as a wife?"

Tsk, what's the difference... He seems to be the deputy commander of this case now... No matter what status, it's the same...

She pecked and rubbed, and suddenly understood what he was thinking, her lips curved slightly, and her voice softened:

"Wife! I will discuss with you as my wife!"

Qi Ji smiled widely.

Yes, he just wanted her to admit that she was his wife...

"Then call your husband first to listen."


Shi Tan couldn't help staring at him: God, this guy can really make trouble, he can open a dyeing workshop with three points of color.

"I won't tell you, I won't tell you!"


The more Shi Tan looked, the more he felt that this guy had a bad smile, but the atmosphere became warmer.

"Qi Ji, if you weren't driving, I was going to kick you a few times... play with me?"

"Why is it playing with you? You are my wife and I am your husband. I'm not wrong...Are you shy?"

He glanced at her again, and said with a bright smile: "Eighteen years ago, you were not blushing and not panting, and you were my wife, and you were going to give birth to me...I didn't see you shy back then." ..."

"Are you going to say it or not?"

Shi Tan gritted his teeth, thinking of the scene last night when he pressed her to call her little daughter-in-law, and now, when she meets his shining eyes again, oh, she really wants to find a place to escape.

In order not to annoy her, he had no choice but to accept it as soon as he sent it:

"I said I said, don't be ashamed... Well, how should I say this, let me think about it..."

He thought about it:
"Regarding the case of Ruan Yingyu jumping off the building, since the incident, I have asked people from the Flame Alliance to investigate. The result was that Ruan Yingyu had secretly been to the riverside before disappearing, but for what purpose, I really don't know. You don't want to. Think of me as a pretext. Ruan Yingyu and I are just friends, and we are not as familiar as the media reports."

"is it?"

Shi Tan didn't smile.

"You do not believe?"

"Ruan Yingyu likes you, right? Her diary records everything about you."


This time, Qi Ji couldn't answer the question.

He thought about it for a while, and then answered confidently: "Everyone likes Zhubi, shouldn't Zhubi like everyone who likes it? Liking is a personal behavior and a personal power. This is not I can interfere..."

Oh, this person is really crazy, he actually uses money as a metaphor.


Actually, he was right.

"Go ahead, before Ruan's accident, did something strange happen on your side..."


Qi Ji whispered to himself, and then recalled: "On the evening of the 21st, Ruan Yingyu used a public phone to contact me, and her tone was a bit strange that day!"

"The evening of the 21st? Wait a minute, now our judgment is that Ruan Yingyu may have been sent to the Qi's Mansion on the 20th. If she can still call you on the 21st, this will have to overturn our previous assumptions... Could it be that? , are we looking in the wrong direction again?"

Shi Tan screamed in surprise.

"Listen to what I have to say!"

Qi Ji stared at the road and said, "That day, Ruan Yingyu told me this: 'Qi Ji, I am Ruan Yingyu, if one day I die. Please bury me beside my parents. Also, Please remember to love your wife well, go and bring her back... The relationship between husband and wife should not be left in the air, it should be built on each other to be stable...'"

Shi Tan didn't interrupt, surprised, how could Ruan Yingyu make such a phone call?
After thinking about it, her heart tightened: at that time, did she already know that Luo Shitan was Shi Yutan?
Qi Ji didn't notice the strange expression on her face, and continued to say:
"I wanted to ask, what do you mean, but she quickly hung up.

"Afterwards, I checked the public phone, and there was a woman who appeared in front of the surveillance camera, but because it was night and the video was blurry, it was hard to tell if it was me.

"When the jumping incident happened on the 22nd, I was not in the company, so I changed the schedule temporarily and went directly to the meeting place to discuss cooperation on the way to work.

"At ten o'clock in the morning, I received a call from her again, and she said: 'Qi Ji, I'm pregnant. You must arrive at Qi's Building within 5 minutes, otherwise, I will jump off your building...you Must come, or I'll really jump...'

"I'm very puzzled, she's pregnant, what's wrong with me? She made this phone call out of nowhere, what do you mean by her?
"Out of prudence, I asked my secretary, Ou Ye, to find a security guard to go upstairs to see what happened.

"Ten minutes later, when I was signing a contract, I received a call from Ouye saying: Ruan Yingyu jumped off the building! I was totally dumbfounded...

"Later, I asked Jamie and the others to check all the videos of the day, but they couldn't find how she got to the top floor.

"Qi's security work has always been the toughest among all companies, but she actually appeared on the top floor by ghosts, which is really unbelievable.

"At that time, the police had this kind of conjecture: Ruan Yingyu and I had an abnormal relationship between men and women, so maybe I gave Ruan Yingyu permission to take my special elevator, so she took advantage of the loophole and went straight to the top floor. The whole Qi Only the elevator dedicated to the president is not monitored... The problem is, I have never given anyone such a privilege. Tell me, is this strange?"

Qi Ji thought of how helpless he felt when he was so suspected at that time, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Later, what did you find out?"

Shi Tan pondered for a while and asked again.

Qi Ji thought about it and said:
"Later, Jamie found a cleaner named Lu Lingzhi on the 45th floor. On the 22nd, he came very early, his face was morbidly pale, and he dragged several large garbage boxes from the grocery elevator to deliver new products to various floors. Purchased cleaning tools. Replace the old ones.

"Or because there are people checking the entrance and exit of the security check. The police didn't suspect anything.

"But my people, before them, found an ear belonging to Ruan Yingyu in an old trash can.

"Maybe you would think that there are so many people in the Qi's Building, and that Erding may have been thrown away by other female employees.

"of course not!
"There is Ruan Yingyu's English name on the earring, and the shape is quite special and easy to identify.

"According to what she said, it was her father's birthday present to her, and it was of great significance. There can't be a second pair that is exactly the same...

"So, I asked Jamie and the others to check this Lu Lingzhi.

"Who knows, the result is: After Lu Lingzhi returned home that day, he received an old message saying that her mother had passed away and that she was hit and killed while trying to save a child who was crossing the road on the way back. This clue is It's like scrapped...

"But in my opinion, Ruan Yingyu should not have jumped off the building on her own, but someone pushed her down. And the person who pushed her down escaped the scene through the trash can. Lu Lingzhi was an accomplice, It was finally silenced.

"As for how Ruan Yingyu was sent to the Qi family?
"Originally, I thought it was the new bins that were brought into the building. Later, I realized that I was wrong.

"Shitan, can you spot where I went wrong?"

At the end, he asked her a question, as if he wanted to test her again.

Shi Tan thought about it:
"Ruan Yingyu went upstairs at the wrong time!"

Qi Ji smiled, his eyes looking at him with admiration:

"Yes. It is about this matter that my judgment was wrong. The reason is..."

"It was the phone call that confuses your vision on the night of the 21st! The murderer deliberately borrowed this phone, and the suspicion was set up, right?"

Shi Tan's tone was absolutely positive.

Qi Ji's smile deepened: "Smart. It was that phone call that made me think that Ruan Yingyu should have been in the Qi's Building on the 22nd, and diverted all my attention. In fact, she should have an accident on the 20th! It's the office equipment that transports her. Right now, I'm on the same page as you."

"But I just don't understand, since you also think that Ruan Yingyu should have been sent to Qi's Mansion on the 20th, how do you explain the fact that you received a call from Ruan Yingyu on the evening of the 21st... Wait a minute, let me think... …Let me think, there’s something wrong here… oh, I see, that’s a pre-prepared recording?”

At the end, she suddenly figured it out.

"Yes, that's the recording."

He nodded:
"Otherwise, she wouldn't hang up so fast! And she chose a desolate public telephone hall. That girl is definitely not Ruan Yingyu herself, but the Chen Rao who was rescued by you!"

In this way, the entire development of the event makes complete sense.

"Recently, my investigation has been suspended due to certain matters, but judging from the information from the criminal investigation team, this time, the direction of your investigation is correct. Whether it is Cai Hong's death, Wang Jian's death, or It was Jiang Ji's death, all because of Ruan Yingyu's jumping off the building, this is absolutely certain..."

If Shi Tan came to Qi's Mansion that day and couldn't find the key, he might have been at a loss, because all the valuable clues were cut off.She simply discovered new clues, so she dug out these hidden inside stories.

(End of this chapter)

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