卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 152 I have something, I have to ask 1 to ask you

Chapter 152 I have something, I have to ask you
"Why didn't you tell the police about that earring?"

She wondered again, and without waiting for him to answer, she nodded and answered herself:
"Yes, I asked another silly question... Hmph, you don't trust the police at all, do you? This matter concerns your vital interests, so you want to solve it by yourself..."

This guy has a team of elite mercenaries, how can he expect the police to investigate.

This is him, doing things, sometimes more autocratic.

Qi Ji smiled and acquiesced.

There was a small silence in the car, and the couple were thinking about each other.

After a while, Qi Ji seemed to think of something, turned to look at her and asked:

"Shitan, there is something I need to ask you..."

Shi Tan raised his head and asked:


Qi Ji glanced at the road conditions, then turned to look at her again, and said:

"22 years ago, before Minister Shi died, what object did you bring out, can you tell me conveniently?"

He had to ask about this.

Shi Tan didn't answer immediately, thinking of what Li Bo had said to her before—

"Besides the three of us, don't mention the relic when you meet anyone. Remember, in the future, you will treat these two things as never existed in your life. In this way, you will be safe."

When life has come to such a point in time, should she tell the truth to him, who has become the most important person in her life?
Shi Tan was silent for a long time and struggled in his heart for a while, and finally said:
"An old-fashioned disk, and a hand tie."

Qi Ji's eyes moved, and two familiar objects flashed in front of his eyes: the disk is square, the color is red and black, and the hand tie is a black notebook, which should be full of various data... …

"Oh, have you seen what's inside?"

Quietly, he asked again.

"I saw it, but I didn't understand it! It was too small at that time, and the words on it were too scribbled... I couldn't understand it at all..."

Shi Tan thought about it and recalled the scene at that time——

On the nth night of her escape, she woke up from a nightmare and saw that Li Bo hadn't slept yet and was flipping through the book. She leaned over and hugged him crying, crying to find her parents.

Li Bo put down the book in his hand to coax her, telling her: "Mom and Dad have gone to heaven, Xiao Tan, you have to be strong, we will definitely be able to bring those people to justice, because we still have these crimes."

When she was young, she couldn't accept such a cruel reality, so she fell asleep crying, and when she woke up again, she saw the book beside the bed, and reached out and turned it over, but what was recorded on it was not at all. She could understand it when she was little.

"I only remember the three-character first and last name written on the title page of the thick notepad wrapped in black leather, but I only recognize one of the words 'jade'...

"As for the disk, Li Bo asked someone to try to read it several times, but it was useless.

"Liber said: Ordinary computers can't interpret it at all...

"You also know that at that time, computers were only used in the field of medical research.

"Libo said: If you want to know what is written on the disk, you have to run to the machine dedicated to the disk, or a machine of the same type, so that it can be interpreted.

"The disk my father left for me is encrypted and must be read by a specific machine and a specific program.

"Unfortunately, at that time, we had no chance to come into contact with that kind of machine. Li Bo believed that only Chao's Noble Hospital could have such an advanced machine. Unfortunately, we had no chance to go back at all.

"So, Li Bo decided to hide the disk and hands, and could only wait for a chance.

"Who knows, the first class is 22 years. Too many things happened during this. Except for me, everyone who knew about this matter is dead...

"They died too wrong, so I told myself that one day, I will come back to find out all this.

"In the past few years, I have been abroad, but I have been secretly collecting information about what happened 22 years ago. Unfortunately, the Chao family dictatorship, the events of that year have been whitewashed, and I have no way to find out anything. In the history of the Zhu Kingdom, Shi Yuncong died for the unwarranted crime of treason..."

In the end, her expression was extremely gloomy.

The news at the time was this-

Because of Shi Yuncong's betrayal of the country and seeking glory, a military base in Zhu State was stolen with confidential documents, the entire base was blown up, and the national elite Chao Changshan was brutally killed, causing serious losses to the country.For this reason, the National High Command made a wanted deal on this.During the arrest process, because Shi Yuncong led a team to resist to the death, the Supreme Command ordered the shooting...

It was the father who was charged with such a crime and died at the muzzle of the Chao family's sinful gun...

Since then, she has been orphaned, and her grandparents have been placed in isolation.

It is said that many years ago, my grandfather died of illness, and as for my grandmother, I got Alzheimer's disease.

Thinking of this, Shi Tan's eyes couldn't help but have layers of pain.

At this time, the shoulder was lightly tapped, and Qi Ji's comforting voice sounded:

"Don't worry, we can give your father justice sooner or later! Chao's family won't be around for long... Maybe today, if they find Pu Zhen and the others, the final answer may be revealed..."


She nodded and looked out the car window, the scenery on both sides was constantly receding.

After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't help but say: "I've always been curious, what exactly was Chao Changshan's investigation back then, why not only did he suffer a catastrophe, but also killed my parents... Qi Ji, do you know something? The case that Mo Yaozhi in District A encouraged me to participate in should be the case of my parents, right... What did the Mo family find out?"

So far, she has not really figured out why her parents died?
Qi Ji held the steering wheel with one hand and did not speak immediately.

The Mo family does know a lot of things that she doesn't know, maybe it's time to tell her little by little!

He thought about it for a long time and decided to put it all together, but these things had to be said a long time ago.

"There are a few things, I don't know if you know? Let me talk about it first, so that you can understand the social background before the incident."


"23 years ago, in Longcheng, the largest city in the south, there was a rich man named Gong Yan. He and his wife gave birth to a daughter. When the child was one year old, he became a vegetable due to an accident.

"Mrs. Gong was heartbroken and became crazy, and Gong Ju spent huge sums of money to save her daughter.

"A year later, the child recovered without medicine, and Mrs. Gong's illness was cured.

"Dr. Meng Xian, who healed the daughter of the palace family, has become a hot celebrity... and it was the noble hospital under the Chao family's name who healed this little girl.

"That year, the hospital received an amazing donation... The money came from the Gong family..."

"Oh, isn't it? I didn't pay attention. Is there anything wrong with this?"

Shi Tan responded after hearing this.

Qi Ji didn't answer, he went down and said:
"There is also a man named Huangfu Su in Dong Ai, who is also a very rich man and has a son. When he was three years old, his son had a car accident in Zhu State, and his heart was almost necrotic.

"Usually in such an emergency, it is difficult for the hospital to find a matching heart, but at this time, a child of the same age suddenly died suddenly, and the heart was donated, and the child of the Huangfu family was rescued. come back...

"Their surgery was performed in the noble hospital...

"Afterwards, the Huangfu family also donated a considerable amount of medical research funds to the hospital..."

"In addition, there is a rich man in country C named Nie Sang. He has a grandson under his knees. When he was two years old, he fell from the third floor and became blind. He also underwent surgery at Chao's Noble Hospital. In the end, he had his cornea replaced. The child regained his sight... Similarly, after the incident, the Nie family also donated research funds...

"There have been at least seven such cases in Chao's Noble Hospital, and each case has several common characteristics.

"One, they are all rich people who are not rich or expensive, from all over the world.

"Second, they have all made large donations at Chao's Hospital.

"Three, the children of these rich people have all signed a secret document... As for the content of the document, it has now become a mystery.

"In short, it was they who donated money and signed the document that made their children and grandchildren lucky enough to live again.

"Afterwards, Chao's Aristocratic Hospital signed a mysterious contract with every wealthy aristocrat who is willing to give birth in their hospital: as long as they donate a certain amount of money, in the next 60 years, once their offspring appear When there is a problem, their hospital can give priority to the use of organs.

"It is precisely because of such a fundraising that the Chao family at that time survived the severe economic crisis, and won the support of many rich people, making them firmly occupy the leading position."

Shi Tan listened quietly, and after he finished speaking, he frowned and added:

"Chao's way of donating money to encourage rich people to pay for the future health of their children and grandchildren is really unfair. Social resources should be shared by everyone. Of course, in reality, it is indeed difficult to share. However, they shouldn't monopolize medical resources like this... Wait, no, you're not saying that what they're doing is unfair, right?"

She pondered deeply, and her brain worked quickly:

"In medicine, some things are difficult to explain with normal logic...so they will be called medical miracles...for example, some people can wake up after sleeping for many years...but such a case is just an example, so it is It's a miracle.

"But according to what I have inadvertently learned before, it seems that such medical miracles have occurred three times in Chao's Noble Hospital... and they are all masterpieces by Meng Xian... Qi Ji, are you trying to tell me that these fundamental Not a medical miracle?"

Qi Ji's eyes were heavy, and he lowered his head heavily: "Yes, that's not a medical miracle. It's just a group of medical lunatics working in secret..."

"What do you mean?"

Shi Tan was stunned for a moment, his heartstrings tightened.

Qi Ji was silent, and did not speak any further, as if he was deeply touched by something.

"what happened to you?"

There was a sadness that couldn't be dissipated on his face, and after a long time, he sighed like nothing: "According to the information held in Area A, what Chao Changshan was investigating back then was the source of those living organs. As far as the situation was concerned at the time, body donation was not yet accepted by the general public, so most organ donations came from executed prisoners..."

"Yeah, but the problem is that all the people performing the surgery are children. Where did the Chao's Noble Hospital get those living organs?"

Speaking of this, Shi Tan couldn't help shivering.

She suddenly thought of some things she heard when she was living in the folk when she was a child-

In the country of Zhu, there is such an institution that collects all kinds of abandoned babies in the society, raises them first, and then sells them when the time is right. For those whose organs have been cut off, other organs will also be sold, and the whole person will be dismembered and cremated.

(End of this chapter)

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