卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 154 Husband and wife hand in hand, put themselves in danger 1

Chapter 154 Husband and wife hand in hand, put themselves in danger 1
"Everyone loves good food. But that's the scoring situation.

"When necessary, in order to survive, it is common to eat raw rat meat and snake meat.

"Actually, I'm not picky. Compared to someone, I'm not picky.

"You don't know, there was a time when I was so hungry that I was skinny.

"At that time, I would eat anything that could fill my stomach...

"Shi Tan, when the existence of food is a problem to fill your stomach, you won't consider whether it is delicious or not..."

With a smile on his face, he said all from experience:

"At that time, it was a luxury to be able to fill the five internal organs temple!"

Shi Tan looked at it, listened, and was shocked, but smiled knowingly, feeling that the last bit of distance between the two was being squeezed away bit by bit by some force.

She has also had the experience of eating all kinds of rat meat, snake meat, or all kinds of bugs...to this day, she is deeply impressed.

She didn't expect someone like him to have such a life.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she and him were actually the same type of person, but before, she didn't know him at all.

Now I understand that a similar life experience has accelerated the sinking of her heart.

"It's actually quite delicious. It's much better than what I made! As for this rice grain, add some soup and it's delicious!"

She added half a bowl of soup to the rice bowl and it became soup rice.

Seeing this, Qi Ji showed a disapproving look:
"You can't eat like this, it hurts your stomach... Soup goes to soup, rice goes to rice... I've exchanged a bowl of rice..."

He wanted to ring the bell and change the meal.

She hurriedly stopped, pulled the corners of her lips, and smiled widely: "I just said that it's not important, you can eat it... Don't change it, it's a hodgepodge of food when you eat it... It's delicious..."

"That's different. Soup and rice are mixed together, and the food will go down with the soup before chewing, which will increase the digestive burden on the stomach. In addition, the taste nerves on the tongue are not fully stimulated, and the stomach and pancreas produce digestive juices. If it is not much, it will be diluted by the soup, and the food will not be digested and absorbed well, and it will cause stomach problems after a long time.”

This person actually talked to her about it.

"Occasionally it's fine! Go out, don't be so poor and fastidious!"

She insisted on finishing her meal, and he didn't ask her to listen to him.

This is not something that should be arguing about - each other's living habits, because of the different living environments, will always be different.This difference between husband and wife, Qi Ji believes that it will be accompanied by a long time together, and will affect each other.If you want to correct it, don't be in a hurry.

The two chatted with each other, their voices were neither high nor low, very like an old couple.

Qi Ji likes this kind of atmosphere very much. Although this trip is dangerous, but as a husband and wife, they get along with each other on a daily basis. Except for the few times in the first year of their marriage, they have no other experience.Now walking outside together, the taste seems to be back to the honeymoon period.Although it is just a simple way of getting along, eating and chatting normally, it feels extremely comfortable, and it does not seem to be carrying out a special emergency task at all.

Shi Tan also likes getting along like this. After today, her relationship with him has become more and more harmonious, and the sense of tacit understanding between the two has become better and better.

For the future, she suddenly had an infinite sense of expectation.

A meal, eat a full hour.

After eating, Qi Ji's cell phone rang, he answered several times, his eyes were calm, and he gave various instructions calmly.

Shi Tan listened quietly from the side, feeling his aura as the boss of the Flame League.

At this time, he was different from him as a businessman. He was a little less elegant and gentlemanly, and a little bit more sharp and murderous as a special soldier.

The only thing is that he is always so calm.

However, when he came out to pay the bill after dinner, a rare embarrassment appeared on Qi Ji's face. He asked the owner, "Are you swiping cards here?"

They are big bosses. Under normal circumstances, they only use cards to spend, or pay by mobile phones. There are a lot of bank cards in the wallet, but there is no cash.

The shop owner glanced at it and shook his head: "The shop is small, we just accept cash..."


It's hard to do now.

Shi Tan was busy looking at his bag. It was too little, less than 100 yuan. After returning home, the cash exchanged had been used up. The total meal was 150 yuan, which was about [-] yuan less... "

"Is there an ATM nearby?" she asked the shopkeeper.

"It's just across the street!"

Qi Ji took his coat and stood up, looked at Shi Tan and said, "I'll go get it. You sit here!"

Shi Tan nodded.

After taking a step, someone behind him stopped him: "Please wait!"

Qi Ji turned his head and saw that it was a young man in his twenties, staring at him with bright eyes, rubbing his hands on his clothes with excitement, and reaching out to him:
"You you...you are Mr. Qi Ji..."

was finally recognized.

"Yes, I am Qi Ji!"

Qi Ji did not deny it, but admitted it generously, and shook hands with the young man in high spirits:
"Hello, my name is Zhou Hua, a fourth-year student in the Finance Department of Yao University. Recently, I have been studying the "Modern Financial Outlook" that you gave in your speech at Yao University. I will graduate from college this year and I am preparing a dissertation. The topic is "A Small Discussion on Modern Financial Views", I wonder if I have the honor, please help me review my thesis..."

This is a young man who looks quite temperamental. Although he is happy to see Qi Ji, his expression is still relatively calm, and he dares to strike up a conversation. Usually he should be a quite confident person.

"Boss, is this your son?"

"This is my nephew..."

The shop owner just thought that this person was familiar. It turned out that he was a financial tycoon, and he was shocked.

Qi Ji smiled and looked very close:


The big boy was overjoyed, hurried upstairs, took down the paper he had prepared, and presented it respectfully.

Qi Ji looked at it, his lips suddenly raised miraculously.

He read it at the speed of one line and ten objects, and then asked him a few questions.

As a result, Qi Ji was quite satisfied with Zhou Hua's answer. He immediately took the pen, annotated a sentence at the end of the paper, signed his name, and handed it back to him, saying:
"When you graduate, you can take this manuscript to the Qi's Mansion. If you are willing to come to work in the Qi's Mansion, this manuscript will be the employment letter I signed for you."

Zhou Hua was overjoyed and shook hands with Qi Ji again and again.

Shi Tan stared blankly. At this moment, looking at this man, he felt that he was unattainable. One sentence could change a person's future and destiny.

Because of Zhou Hua, their meal was waived.

"Mr. Qi, are you here for sightseeing? Would you like to book a cleaner hotel for you... It's more lively here at night, and there are various cultural programs... As long as it doesn't rain."

Just as they were about to leave, Zhou Hua asked diligently.

"No need! Our couple just came over and walked around..."

Qi Ji thought about it and asked casually: "By the way, Xiao Zhou, your store is located at the transportation hub of entering the temple and entering the town. I wonder if you have noticed that a black Mercedes-Benz with the license plate of Yao CL8088 has come here. Nearby, about eight in the morning."

"Yao CL8088?"

Zhou Hua read it again, stopped word by word, read it carefully, and finally nodded:

"Yes, yes, at eight o'clock in the morning, a black Mercedes-Benz entered the farmhouse near Pushan Temple. Because that model is rare, I paid attention to it. Later, the man in the car with sunglasses followed an old man to the mountains. . That direction should be going to Lingshan to wish my mother-in-law! Maybe it's to seek peace..."

"What kind of character is my mother-in-law?"

Qi Ji asked.

"It's a witch! In my opinion, she is the kind of liar who cheats food, drink and money by pretending to be a ghost. Many people say that she is very effective, and she will be right in every case. Many rich people in Yaocheng Everyone loves to come here to let her tell a fortune, or ask for a safe talisman to go back..."

Zhou Hua's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the shopkeeper:

"Don't talk nonsense like this! It's better to believe it than to believe it! Children, don't talk!"

Qi Ji smiled faintly when he heard it, glanced at Shi Tan, and thought of what it looked like when he prayed to Buddha.

At that time, she believed very much in the gods and ghosts.

Because she wants to have reincarnation, and wants to relive the love of her parents again.Therefore, at that temple fair, I had to make a fuss about buying the Buddha beads.

The theory of ghosts and gods, in his eyes, does not exist.However, Qi Jian was very convinced that it would not be surprising if the other party devised such a route to lead them there.

"Can you take us in there?"

Shi Tan didn't know what Qi Ji was thinking. Seeing that he was silent, he asked a question.

Of course, Zhou Hua recognized that the heroic woman in front of him was Mrs. Qi, who had been fired up so much in the past few days, and immediately responded: "Okay! However, there is still a way to walk there. Mr. Qi Madam, are you sure you are going to the mountain now?"

"Well, go into the mountain now!"

"Okay, I'm going to borrow a car! You two wait a minute!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the rain stopped completely, the sun was sparse, and the air in the mountains was extremely humid and cold.

Before Qi Ji was about to enter the mountain, he received a call from Jamie.

Jamie reported to him:
"The special reconnaissance operation machine has been reconnaissance, and the security scan of the area is in progress. Enhe Shaman, has arrived at the helicopter area in Baiyan Town, and is on standby..."

"Yeah. I see. Now, Shi Tanjin and I are going to find a goddess called Granny Zhu. En and Shaman, you can locate our whereabouts at any time... Be ready for battle."

"Yes, head!"

En and Shaman agreed over there.

"Also, help me find someone..."


Qi Ji said the person's name, and his eyes were deep.

After calling the door of Ruyi Village, Qi Ji saw Qiu Fulai leaning on the doorpost, looked at Zhou Hua who was checking the motorcycle, saw him come out, and asked:
"Who is this person?"

"The shop owner's nephew, he has seen my father's car, and now he will take us there to have a look... He will take you with him in a while!"


Qiu Fulai nodded with a strange look in his eyes.

Zhou Hua himself only had one motorcycle, and because he wanted to go into the mountains, one was definitely not enough, so he went to borrow another one from his classmates.At this moment, he was testing the car, and after the test, he drove the car to Qi Ji:
"Mr. Qi, can you drive? Otherwise, I'll borrow a small electric tricycle and take you there?"

In the eyes of this young man, Qi was always a noble person who was used to driving luxury cars.Although he is his idol, since the idol's private information has always been kept secret, he has no way of knowing whether the idol will drive such a low-end means of transportation.

Qi Ji couldn't help but smile, took the helmet, put one on Shi Tan's head, fastened it for her, and put the other on his own head, then pushed aside the protective cover and said:

"As long as the communication tools in this world are different, I will not drive them."

This is absolutely crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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