卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 155 Husband and wife hand in hand, put themselves in danger 2

Chapter 155 Husband and wife hand in hand, put themselves in danger 2
But Shi Tan felt that his madness was well-founded.

For a person like him, I am afraid that even tanks and planes can move them steadily.

"Lead the way, boy!"

Qi Ji gestured with his head.


Zhou Hua, who became more and more awe-inspiring, hurried back and stepped into his car. After starting it, he took Qiu Laifu with him, turned around and shot out.

His family members stood on the steps and watched, shouting, "Drive slowly, be careful the ground is slippery!"

As for Qi Ji, he tried the car after sitting up and called to Shi Tan:

He was bowing his head, as if listening to the sound of the car's engine.

Shi Tan couldn't see his expression clearly, and felt a little weird in his heart.

It's not that she has never ridden a motorcycle. When she was on a mission, she and several other male colleagues had ridden the car they drove when they tracked criminals.Back then, it was mostly for work.As for privately, she has never sat like this with any other man-whether it is sitting sideways or straddled, she has to hug someone's waist.

When he sat up and wrapped around his sturdy lower back, Shi Tan's face turned red—well, his body was really solid...it felt like a stone, even if he felt it. Even with those two layers of clothes apart, one can still truly feel that sense of power.

Cough, cough, this is the first time she really hugs this man during the day, it feels absolutely weird.

At the same time, such an experience is completely new to Qi Ji...

For so many years, she has never been so close to him during the day, with a pair of hands on his waist, and two soft balls still attached to his back... Yes, even through the clothes, you can still really feel its softness ...for a moment, he was a little distracted.

Fortunately, the weather was cold, and after a while, the evil thoughts were extinguished by the cold wind blowing.

However, there is still a burst of heat spreading out from the close joint of the two bodies, but this warmth is no longer with crooked thoughts.

The car drove for about ten minutes. At the end of the road was a farmhouse. There, some private cars of travelers were parked, and Qi Jian's car was parked in it.

"Xiao Zhou, wait a minute! I'll go in and ask if the people in the car are back!"

Qi Ji stopped Zhou Hua and drove his car to the gate of the farmhouse.

He took off his helmet, sighed, and watched the clouds of white gas disappear, he stabilized his emotions, turned around and whispered in her ear:
"It feels so good to be held by you!"

Shi Tan was stunned, this person...

He grinned and shoved the helmet in her arms into her arms:
"Wait here, I'll go in and ask!"

Qi Jian's car was parked in the parking space of the accommodation area, which means that he had registered here - maybe he registered the accommodation deliberately just in case, so that if something happened to him, he would check it out. The police would at least know that he had stopped here, which would have played a role in locating where he was.

Qi Ji shook his hair and walked in, walking calmly and charmingly.

After a while, he came to the service desk and asked the front desk lady with a warm smile: "I'm sorry, miss, I have an appointment with a gentleman named Qi Jian. May I ask which room he lives in. His registered room card mobile phone is 1561288, because his mobile phone is currently turned off. I can't reach him now!"

It is an indisputable fact that people with good looks are often more likely to be favored by others.

With his handsome appearance, Qi Ji immediately won the attention of the front desk attendant:
"Wait a moment, I'll check for you right away... I'm sorry, this gentleman didn't return home!"

"Thank you!"

Qi Ji thanked him politely, and frowned slightly when he turned around.

When he came to the gate, he saw Shi Tan standing at the door, checking his mobile phone, and after he approached, he whispered:
"Your dad sent me a text message just now! I tried to get through to his phone, but I couldn't get through! Look!"

She handed over the mobile phone, and there was a sentence on it:

"Officer An, I want to talk to you. Now, I'm at No. 110, Baiyan Village, Baiyan Town. If you're interested, you can come and meet."

"Yesterday, your dad didn't care about me at all, but now he's actually contacting me?"

Shi Tan frowned, because he felt puzzled, and based on their guess: the security guard should be the person over there.Let me ask, since they have such an eyeliner by their side, the people over there will definitely know that they have come here. It stands to reason that they should not have sent this short message here!

Did they guess wrong?
This security guard is not from there at all?

Qi Ji put on the helmet and motioned for her to wear it too, and the two followed Zhou Hua to the trail.

After a while, I went up the mountain and came to the edge of an iron bridge over a mountain stream.

Zhou Hua stopped, turned his head in front, and said loudly to them:
"You have to walk over, this suspension bridge is forbidden to ride!"

The four people filed past, walked around the mountain path for a while, and came to a quaint old house. Zhou Hua walked in and shouted:
"I wish mother-in-law, someone is looking for..."

As soon as the words fell, he exclaimed, the goddess was actually hung up, and her legs were constantly kicking in the air.

He hurriedly ran up, moved a stool over, and rescued the man from the beam.

Qi Ji, who followed closely, helped the person to the ground.

Shi Tan gave her a pine cone.

Qiu Fulai observed the situation in the house.

This goddess Zhu, of medium stature and full of silver hair, at this moment, her face was pale and she was panting, and her big breasts were constantly heaving.

"I wish mother-in-law, who hung you up? Don't worry, speak slowly, speak slowly..."

Shi Tan lightly patted her on the shoulder a few times.

The old woman held her heart, and it took a while for her to regain her senses.

While swallowing her saliva, she grabbed Shi Tan's hand and said, "Quick, quick, quick, call the police... Quickly get in touch with the Qi family in Yaocheng... Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi were covered by several faces. The men were taken away...they happened on my land, and I have to call the police immediately, otherwise, I can't eat and walk around..."

The voice was urgent.

Zhou Hua's face became solemn, and he suddenly looked at Qi Ji:

"Mr. Qi, do you want to call the police immediately?"

It was Shi Tan who answered him: "I don't need it for the time being. If it really is a bang, calling the police will only kill them. You don't have to worry about this matter, we will handle it!"

Zhou Hua couldn't help but cast a deep glance at this Qi Tai, who had always looked calm and self-controlled.

After Shi Tan glanced around the surroundings, he went to pour a glass of water for the old lady.

"You are……"

The old woman's hand was still shaking as she held the cup.

"We are Mr. Qi Jian's eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law."

Shi Tan answered and stared at her:

"I wish mother-in-law, I would like to ask, when was Mr. Qi Da here?"

"Around 09:30 am."

This is in line with Qi Jian's registered accommodation time at the farmhouse at nine o'clock... It can be seen that she is not lying.

"What is he doing?"

This is what Qi Ji asked.

"Mrs. Qi asked me for a talisman. It was Mrs. Qi who invited people here..."

The old woman took a sip of water and said calmly.

"Mrs. Qi you said, is it Park Zhen?"

"Yes, yes, it's Ms. Park!"

The old lady nodded.

Shi Tan turned his head and exchanged glances with Qi Ji.

"How did you recognize Ms. Park?"

Qi Ji asked again.

"She was introduced by A Cai!"

"Who is A Cai?"

"It's the Cai Hong who helps people read Fengshui, isn't he quite famous in Yao City? In the past six months, Mr. Qi always encountered bad luck. They did a lot of rituals to avoid evil, but nothing happened, so they found Ah Cai, Ah Cai showed Feng Shui, redecorated the layout of the office, and even re-adjusted their bedrooms. Last year, after A Cai brought Ms. Park, I carved a building with the spirit stones in the cave. The unicorn statue, I agreed to pick it up today, but when I came back from the spiritual cave to pick up the unicorn statue, I found that Ms. Park had sprained her foot and could not move. I accidentally fell, so I called and called Mr. Qi... At 09:30, Ms. Park waited for Mr. Qi, and three or four masked men appeared and took him away , and hung me up..."

When the old lady said this, her face was pale and pale, like I was very scared, and her whole fat body was shaking.

"When did Ms. Park come here?"

This question is crucial.

"It's six o'clock in the morning! Moving the unicorn seems to be time-sensitive. We were optimistic about it yesterday. Today, 36:[-] is an auspicious time, so Ms. Pu came yesterday and lived in the farmhouse, just because she was afraid of missing the time. As a result There was still an accident, but Ms. Park's foot was so twisted that she couldn't walk... Sitting in that position, she couldn't go anywhere because of the pain."

The old woman pointed to the rattan chair at the door and said.

When Shi Tan leaned over to look, he found that there seemed to be bloodstains on the rattan chair.

She wiped it with a napkin, but it wasn't completely dry, and there was a fishy smell, which showed that Pu Zhen was seriously injured.

"Did Ms. Park call you in front of you?"

She folded the napkin and put it in her pocket.

"No! At that time, I went to pour tea for her. In the inner room, I only heard her talking outside, and vaguely heard her calling her husband. Originally, I wanted to find someone to drive her back... "

"Did you see which way they were going?"

Qi Ji looked around and asked again.

"Go west!"

The old woman pointed in the direction.

"Are you sure? I want a precise answer."

Qi Ji stared at him deeply, with a strong deterrent on his expression.

The old lady may have been shocked. After thinking about it again and again, she solemnly lowered her head:

"Okay. When these two people came in, I happened to be holding red silk in the room and was going to wrap the unicorn. I heard someone screaming outside, and I looked outside. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to go out, so I ran away. I chased them out after a while. Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, I was banged up. When I was dragged in, I happened to see them going in that direction..."

Zhou Hua frowned, facing the west:
"It's past the Lingdong in the west, but it's all mountains. Where can they go?"

Qi Ji was silent for a while, then said, "According to what I said, this spiritual cave here has a mountain road extending in all directions, which can lead to the other end of the mountain."

"That's not right! Even if you can get to the other side of the mountain, it's still a barren mountain, and there's no road at all. There's no one living there. Why did they come here when they robbed people in that kind of place?"

Zhou Hua was still puzzled.

Qiu Fulai took a sentence: "Maybe there is their secret hiding place there! Obviously, they are trying to lure us here, otherwise, how could they let this old woman see that they are just heading west. now..."

Hearing this, Shi Tan's eyes flashed, could this old lady belong to them?

(End of this chapter)

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