卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 157 The Husband and Wife Join Forces and Break into the Longtan and Tiger's Den Togethe

Chapter 157 The Husband and Wife Join Forces and Break into the Longtan and Tiger's Den Together

"Qi Ji, I'll count to three, if you don't come out, I'll kill your brother first..."

A hoarse voice rang in the empty mountains.



Behind the big stone, Shi Tan and Qi Ji gently pushed aside the weeds in front of them, carefully glanced forward from both sides, and as expected, they saw a young man whose mouth was sealed with yellow tape in their hands. It's Park Fei.

The man holding Park Fei with a short spear in his hand was pressing against his forehead at this moment.

At the same time as the word "three" blurted out, Qi Ji had already flashed out:

"Don't shoot!"

"Raise your hand!"

There are a total of six masked men, each with a tall horse and a very strong sense of strength. Judging from their posture, they are soldiers, and they should be soldiers who have received special training...

They wear hoods on their faces, with only two eyeballs exposed. They wear special bulletproof helmets, bulletproof vests, wireless walkie-talkies on their shoulders, combat vests on their feet, and combat gloves. The two that bear the brunt are: hands He is holding an H8C submachine gun, which is from the military industry of country C. This is a relatively sophisticated weapon with a very powerful lethality; the next three, one is holding Qi Fei, the other is holding Goddess Zhu, and the other is holding Qiu Laifu.The last one pointed a gun at the three hostages.

At this moment, Goddess Zhu's face was pale and terrified, while Qi Fei's face was full of horror, Qiu Fulai was more miserable, with blood bubbling on his shoulders, but compared to the other two, he was calm of.

After seeing the situation in front of him, Qi Ji slowly raised his hand, but his voice was as quiet as water:
"What do you think?"

"Where's Luo Shitan... come out..."

The leader didn't answer, but gave another drink and stared at the big stone.

After the stone, Shi Tan was silent for a while, but finally stood up, slowly came to Qi Ji's side, glanced at these guys who were hiding their heads and tails, and raised their hands obediently.

At the same time, two pairs of handcuffs and anklets were thrown over and landed at their feet with the sound of metal crashing.

"Luo Shitan, pick it up, handcuff Qi Ji with handcuffs, lock Qi Ji with anklets... Immediately..."

Shi Tan glanced at the shiny silver thing in his hand: they really wanted to catch them alive.

She remained silent, bent over to pick it up, and looked at Qi Ji.

The man winked at her and motioned her to do the same.

She had to put handcuffs and anklets on Qi Ji...

"It's your turn now—Qi Ji, pick up the other pair... Immediately..."

"Bang", he shot threateningly to the ground:
"Otherwise, we'll punch holes in the hostages!"

Qi Ji lowered his head and glanced at the handcuffed hands, then turned to look up at them, and a faint sneer appeared on his lips:

"I heard that the Seahawks are one of the most elite special forces with weapons and equipment in the C area. Why, the country has equipped you with the best hardware. Is it for you to do this kind of deeds?"

As soon as these words came out, the six people were all shocked.

Shi Tan was surprised: It turned out that they were members of the Seahawks in Zone C.

Qi Jize still looked calm and calm, and threw a sentence:

"I want to see your heads..."

The leader was silent for a while, as if to ease the shock that had just been revealed, before answering after a while:
"I'll let you meet, but before that, we have to make sure you're not in any danger... Pick up the handcuffs..."

Qi Ji thought for a while, then picked up the handcuffs and put them on Shi Tan's wrist.

When the leader saw this, he let out a careful sigh of relief, grabbed the walkie-talkie immediately, and called out:
"9191, I'm 11, I'm 11, someone has been captured, please send a boat to receive..."

After the call, the man and his accomplices came over, grabbed Qi Ji and Shi Tan by the shoulders, and walked down the hillside.

Qi Ji and Shi Tan did not protest.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get the tiger's son. This has become the most important purpose of their trip.

Walking all the way, looking up, most of them are non-deciduous vegetation, some are very short, some are towering, the leaves are still stained with some rain that fell in the morning, the sun sparsely falls from the tall branches, the air is very fresh, there are Birds sing on the branches.

The hills are overgrown with trees, and there is almost no road.

The masked man judged the direction with the instrument in his hand. After walking for about 10 minutes, they came to a small river in the mountain forest.

They stopped on the shore for a while, and a small motorboat galloped up from the corner in the distance. The white waves splashed high behind the boat for a long time, breaking the tranquility of the mountains and forests.

There were a total of two masked men on the boat, one with a small boat and one with a gun.

After a while, these people caught Qi Ji and Shi Tan into a small boat, and the boat sailed deep into the mountains and forests.

After walking for about ten minutes, I got ashore.

Qi Ji walked in front, Shi Tan walked in the back, the two of them have been observing the surrounding geographical environment.

According to Shi Tan's estimation, they were far away from the Lingdong now, and just as they were thinking about it, the people on the boat suddenly strode in front of them. She took out a special needle and stuck it between her neck.

"What are you doing...?"

Before the last word was uttered, the whole person fell down.

At that moment, she saw Qi Ji also fell to the ground...

Yes, they were numb for two reasons.

One, they're afraid they'll be waking up, and two, don't let them know the exact geographic location of the place they're going to.

At that moment, she heard the leader say, "Scan them to make sure they don't have any trackers on them!"


Later, she fell into black sweetness.

I don't know how long it took, a strong tingling sensation made Shi Tan have to wake up. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw a face that she hated so much—Chao Wen, the third child of the Chao family, Section C the second commander.When she was a child, she once hugged her, and at every banquet, she would wear an evening dress designed for her by her mother. At that time, she and her mother were best friends.

It was only later that she, too, shot and killed her mother, leaving her in a pool of blood...

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

She struggled for a while, but found that her body was too soft to have any violent behavior at all.

"Yu Tan, wake up!"

This is a woman with extraordinary heroic spirit. She wears a properly tailored army uniform, which compliments her body. Although she is over fifty, she still has the same charm. Unfortunately, there is no murder on that face at all. And should have a guilty conscience.Also, this kind of person has already been accustomed to killing, and has long lost his humanity.

Shi Tan took a deep breath and told himself to calm down, he had to calm down.

Then, she looked around.

This is a laboratory, she is banged on an experimental chair, and in front of it is a series of experimental equipment; on the left, stands Chao Wen, behind her are two tall and strong soldiers with guns; on the right is On a desk sat a tall, thin, white-haired old man who looked like a doctor. He didn't see Qi Ji, and he didn't know where they had gone.

"Chao Wen, people are doing it, God is watching, sooner or later, you will be punished..."

She bit the surging emotions in her heart and tried to accuse her in a very quiet voice.

Chao Wen smiled and curled her lips, her eyes were illuminated particularly brightly by the light:

"Yeah, that's really good! That's why your mother was punished!"

She suddenly grabbed Shi Tan's hair and pulled it fiercely, with a terrifying smirk in her eyes:

"This is the retribution of being a junior!"

"She deserves to die, she deserves..."

"She shouldn't have snatched Yuncong from me..."

"It was a waste of me to regard her as her best friend, it was a waste of me to trust her so much, and it was a waste of me to bring her into the upper class. As a result, she took me as a step and robbed me of my husband's candidate..."

"Shi Yuncong is my man, she was shameless, climbed onto Shi Yuncong's bed, got pregnant out of wedlock, made Shi Yuncong dizzy, and just broke the engagement between me and him...

"Your mother, this vixen, should have died a long time ago..."


"My mother is not a junior! My father and my mother got married only because of free love..."

Shi Tan couldn't tolerate her slandering his most beloved mother, and finally found an opportunity to refute it loudly in the calmest tone:

"Don't bully me when I was young and didn't know anything.

"What I know, the so-called marriage contract is just a drunken remark between your father Chao Heng and my grandfather, and it can't be taken seriously at all.

"To put it bluntly, it's just your wishful thinking to marry my father.

"Unfortunately, my father saw through your hypocrisy early on, so he didn't even bother to marry you, even if you were the daughter of the first family of the Zhu Kingdom...

"Bah, a woman with no character and no virtue, what kind of aristocrat is called, even ordinary civilians are inferior..."

"To shut up!"

Chao Wen's slender eyebrows, which had been repaired extremely majestic, were raised sideways, as if someone had poked into a sore spot, and she couldn't help but slapped her face.

Shi Tan smiled lowly, feeling like blood was flowing from his lips:
"I'm so embarrassed? Fortunately, my father didn't marry you. With the virtues of your Chao family, if my father insisted on marrying you for his career, it would be called self-destruction..."


Chao Wen's hand was raised again, and the twisted face flashed fiercely after being provoked.

This woman knew to maintain the most basic aristocratic demeanor 22 years ago, but now, she has neither demeanor nor the slightest bit of endurance——

No, this person is also a well-known female officer in District C. The reason why she behaved like this today is that her father, Shi Yuncong, has always been her pain point.

I love deeply, but I can't get it. If I can get out of it, that's all. After so many years, she still lives in this incident.When her emotions are intensified, she will inevitably show irrational and immature behaviors...

Shi Tan thought he would be beaten, but at this moment, the doctor-like man beside him suddenly answered a phone call. After hanging up, he hurried over and whispered something into the angry Chao Wen's ear.Immediately afterwards, her anger subsided in an inch, she walked up, looked left and right at her, and her expression was extremely dangerous:
"Shi Yutan, you are so cunning, how dare you play this trick with us? It's a pity, your plan failed, Qi Ji was shot... You don't even want to escape this time... I'll let it go. You all die here together..."

She slammed a sentence, picked up the walkie-talkie handed over by the man, and called out:

"Every team pays attention, every team pays attention, the target person has escaped from Area 1, and immediately search the entire underground bunker. When you see the target person, you can casually wound them, but not kill them."

After she said this, she glanced at Shi Tan coldly, then turned to the doctor beside her and said:
"Chan Feng, let's go, let's go to the monitoring center together! Dabing Dalu, you are responsible for taking care of Luo Shitan here."


The two soldiers responded vigorously.

Chao Wen walked out with the doctor named Chan Feng.

When a steel door opened and closed, Shi Tan saw a lot of soldiers standing outside.

Her heart couldn't help beating wildly. First, she wasn't sure if Qi Ji was really injured. Second, even if he wasn't injured, she still couldn't be sure if Qi Ji could handle so many soldiers with special training outside.

Although he has repeatedly created miracles in Area A and escaped death time and time again, she has never seen his actual combat situation.

Besides, he has been devoted to business for many years, and his physical fitness is definitely not as good as when he was in his twenties.

How to do?
Gotta get out of here!
She glanced at the two guys with guns, and the pitch-black head was aimed at her, as if the merciless bullets could shoot at her with just one move.

In the sealed corner, there are more monitors monitoring every move here in real time.

"Call the skylark, call the skylark, I am the iron horse, I am the iron horse, we have successfully entered, and we have rendezvoused with the war wolf as planned, all monitoring in the bunker will be disabled within 1 minute, we have confirmed your position, It will arrive in 3 minutes. What you need to do is to deal with the two soldiers around you..."

In the ear canal, a thin voice came in.

This self-proclaimed "Iron Horse" is the code name of a member of the Flame Alliance, while the Wolf Warrior is the code name of Qi Ji.This was what Qi Ji told her before when she was in the car.As for the lark, it was her previous code name.

Shi Tan understands that the communication equipment on his body is starting to work, but the problem is: in the case of being tied into a brown, if you want to solve the two soldiers with submachine guns, it is simply a matter of time and night...

At this time, another clear voice sounded in the ear canal:

"Lark. I'm War Wolf, listen, I'll teach you how to deal with those two soldiers."

It was Qi Ji who was speaking.

Shi Tan listened intently:

"Don't you have a ring on your finger? Find a way to lure them over, first take a deep breath, look for the right moment, press the protrusion on the ring, and then there will be a burst of poisonous gas. Breathe in again. We'll be there!"

So what's the use of that ring?

After listening, she breathed a sigh of relief and kept an eye on the monitor. After a while, the iron horse sent an order:
"The monitoring has failed, we can see you here. Act now. There are only 3 minutes. Once they find that there is a problem with the monitoring, they will send reinforcements here..."

OK, she turned her head slightly, made a gesture and used the monitor to express such a meaning to the person above.

At the same time, there was a scream from his mouth:

The whole body began to twitch, and she made a look like she couldn't breathe:

"Help... help... I have asthma... medicine... medicine... give me medicine... hurry up and give me medicine... medicine..."

The expression on the face was constantly changing ferociously. After 1 minute, the head tilted and the whole person stood still.

(End of this chapter)

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