Chapter 158
When the two soldiers saw this, they exchanged glances—they knew very well that the woman in front of them was not an ordinary woman, she had rich experience in fighting the enemy, she was not an ordinary one, and she was weak A hostile girl, but a treacherous policewoman who is cunning and good at digging holes to harm others.

However, Luo Shitan's actions were too much like those of asthmatic patients, and they couldn't turn a blind eye. After all, if something happened, they would be responsible.

"Go and see!"


"You come to check, I'll be on guard!"

"it is good!"

Two soldiers came over together, one held a gun and pointed it at Shi Tan, the other carried the gun on his shoulder and came to check:

"Luo Shitan, Luo Shitan?"

no response!
"Luo Shitan, Luo Shitan?"

The other also leaned in to take a closer look, just about to touch her arteries.

At this moment, Shi Tan took a deep breath and opened his eyes. At the same time, he pressed the switch on the ring, and a pungent smell spread out in the air.

The two soldiers were about to retreat, and one of them scolded:
"What the hell are you pretending to do..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man fell to the ground, and the other one, following his body, slammed down to the ground.

After 30 seconds, the steel iron door was opened, and a man in special forces equipment rushed in wearing a protective biochemical mask.

Shi Tan could see at a glance that this was Qi Ji, because he was wearing a white shirt under his protective vest, the one he was wearing today, and there was a scratch on his wrist, which she accidentally gave to him last night. scratched...

He moved very quickly, without stopping half a step on the two soldiers, he walked quickly to Shi Tan's side, first put the other mask in his hand on her face, and then used it to loosen her. very familiar...

"Can you walk?"

Qi Ji asked in a low voice.

After Shi Tan covered his mask and took a deep breath, he moved his hands and feet again and shook his head:

"I can't move now!"

"I'll take you out first. Find a safe place and give you an make sure you can move freely for the rest of this time."


Qi Ji bent down and picked her up to withdraw. The black shaman standing guard outside the door pressed the button, and the steel door slowly closed.

"Someone is coming over there! Flash, flash!"

It was Zhou Hua.

Behind Zhou Hua is another tall man.

"Go over there!"

The black man pointed to another channel: "Jon, you cover!"

"no problem!"

Tall Jon stood there with a gun.

Surrounded by soldiers who were shot and killed, the air was filled with the thick smell of blood... Lights illuminated this long and narrow corridor full of death...

The road is bumpy, because the white round lamps embedded in the stone top are constantly retreating because of the fast walking.

I don't know how long I have been running, and I can vaguely hear the sound of gunfire. It seems that there is an exchange of fire there. Can Jon really clean up those people?
Shi Tan was a little uneasy, but Qi Ji whispered in his ear:

What Shi Tan saw was a dead end, oh no, it should be a gate made of steel, it was tightly closed, blocking their way.

"I heard what they said just now, just scan it with your live eyeball and the door will open."

Qi Ji helped Shi Tan to the ground: "Shi Tan, try it..."

Shi Tan glanced blankly, then turned to look at him suspiciously:
"Why does this place open with a swipe of my eye? What is this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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