卯shang sky-high wife

Chapter 159 It's True

Chapter 159 It's True
"This is the most central research area of ​​this research base, and there is a lot of research data hidden in it. This is the main reason why they brought us here... Come on, open your eyes, and stare at the light spot inside. Ten seconds!"

Qi Ji helped her stand up straight.Because of the drug reaction, her legs were shaking and she couldn't stand up normally.

He still didn't seem to have answered the question she wanted to know the most.

"But why can my eyeballs open this door?"

she repeated.

Qi Ji shook his head: "I don't know! That's all I've heard. Or if we catch Chao Wen, we can ask why... But now, it's not the key to catch Chao Wen. The key is that we have to go in and put those It can make copies of the data they are afraid of..."


indeed so.

She nodded.

On the wall, there is a boxy scanning board, with a silver sunken round eye in the center. The center of the round eye flashes blue light, and she is attached to it.

At this moment, a mechanized female voice sounded:
"The system starts scanning, please keep your eyes open!"

The voice fell, and a blue light swept from left to right in a circle, and then repeated from right to left. When the blue light disappeared, the mechanical female voice sounded again:

"The scanning is complete, the verification is complete, please insert the key..."

And the key?

Shi Tan blinked and looked back at Qi Ji, there was nothing in his hand:

"We don't seem to have a key!"

Qi Ji showed a mysterious smile, supported her and said:

"No, I don't have the key, you do!"

"I have?"

She was startled, dazed.

How did she have it?
"Think about what you haven't left for all these years?"

Qi Ji kindly gave a hint.

Her eyes instinctively fell on her feet slowly. All these years, the only thing she has not left her body is this:

"Are you referring to the anklets I've been wearing on my feet?"

22 years ago, she had no bracelets on her feet, but when she woke up, she had an extra anklet.

At that time, she asked Li Bo where he got it.

Li Bo said that it was a birthday gift he gave her, and in the future, he would protect her for a lifetime.

After she brought the bracelet, she never moved it, for the very simple reason that it couldn't be taken off at all...

The magic is: it will automatically adjust the size of the bracelet according to the size of her ankle, and it will always be locked on her feet.

One of the reasons why she likes to wear trousers is that she needs to work, and the second reason is that it is a bit strange for such a big person to wear an anklet.

"But it can't be taken off at all!"

She was helped to sit on a rest chair next to her, Qi Jiban knelt there, lifted her feet, took off her shoes, and took off her socks. The silver bracelet was exposed again, and just now On the wall that Shi Tan had scanned, the scanning board had been retracted to both sides, and a key slot had been pushed out from it. It was ring-shaped and the size seemed to be about the same size as this anklet.

"I'll get it off!"

Qi Ji touched the body of the bracelet and licked it bit by bit, not letting go of any place. Suddenly, something happened to him. After pressing it a few times according to a certain pattern, the bracelet made a slight sound. It fell off Qi Ji's palm.

Shi Tan stayed for a while, she really admired this man more and more. This thing has been with her for so many years, she has always been helpless about it, and now he has solved it:

"How did you open it!"

"There are rules in it. Come back and teach you! Sit down!"

He raised his hand, fingering familiarly, and restored the ankle bracelet to its original shape as if he was playing with building blocks, and then pressed it into the key slot. Finally, the tightly closed steel door slowly opened from the middle to both sides, mechanized. The female voice sounded again: "Welcome back, Dr. Zhan Yuhu..."


Qi Jiyu looked pleased, turned his head and helped Shitan enter.

Zhou Hua followed closely, Jon followed at the end, and stood at the door, taking on the duty of guarding.

The gunfire over there is getting closer and closer, and the shaman is retreating here.

"close the door!"

The shaman has already passed the word, and in ten seconds, he will be able to arrive.

Jon agreed and pressed the close button on the wall, and the steel bulletproof door slowly closed.

Ten seconds later, the shaman flashed in in a timely manner, isolating the sparks and bullets flying everywhere.

The mechanized female voice sounded again:

"What can I do for you, Dr. Zhan Yuhu, coffee, or pure water?"

This is a research room made of metal. There is a circle of small lamps inlaid on the ceiling, emitting white light, which illuminates the entire research room extraordinarily bright.

The place where they are standing now looks like a reception room with a set of old-fashioned sofas, the most popular style in the past two decades.

A glass door separates the outside, and the inside looks like an office, but also a data collection room. A huge medical instrument occupies most of the office space. The instrument is covered with dense buttons, just like Boeing The cockpit of the 747 is the same, with only one indicator light on.There is an old-fashioned TV-sized screen in the middle, with built-in speakers at the top of the screen, the welcome sound is coming from there, and there are some slideshows on the screen...

The room is very clean, just like it was cleaned yesterday, and the air is not turbid.There were even a few scents of flowers—maybe it was a vacuum before they came in, and after the door was opened, the system equipment of the research room automatically changed the air.

"Have a cup of coffee!"

Zhou Hua suddenly issued an order.

The mechanical female voice replied, "I'm sorry, the voice recognition was wrong. This system only takes orders from Dr. Zhan Yuhu. If you don't have permission, this system refuses to execute the order!"

A whistle sounded.

"Wow, wow, did this thing really exist 20 years ago? It's so advanced, how is it possible?"

Zhou Hua was stunned by the high-tech technology in the laboratory. That was the scientific level of more than [-] years ago... It is really amazing to have such a device in front of him.

Shi Tan was also deeply shocked by the indoor technology.

Qi Ji didn't focus on these things, he just glanced at it lightly, this man seems to be able to remain calm and composed in the face of anything.

"Jon! Give me the gear..."

He helped her to sit down on the sofa and gave an order.

Jon was carrying a compression backpack, and when he heard the words, he threw the backpack over.That was specially prepared for Shi Tan when they came in.

Qi Ji took it, opened the seal, and the entire backpack slowly swelled up.

Inside is a set of special forces combat equipment, including a vest, a pair of gloves, two sets of ropes, a Browning short gun, knee pads... and simple medical first aid equipment.

Qi Ji found the medicine and syringe he wanted in it.

"Are your feet still soft?"

he asks.


"I'll give you an injection now, and you'll recover immediately! However, after the drug takes effect, you may feel a little dizzy, which usually goes away in a while."

"it is good!"

Shi Tan nodded, feeling powerless is really uncomfortable, the important thing is that such a self will drag them down - now, the environment they are in is extremely bad.

Qi Ji was very familiar with drawing the medicine into the disposable syringe, pulling up her sleeve tube, and after a simple disinfection, slowly poured the liquid into her body, but put down the syringe and hugged her.

A few seconds later, an unpleasant dizziness hit Shitan, and she felt that her whole body was weightless, and her body began to sway, as if she could fall down at any time.

After a while, the sense of weightlessness disappeared, and there was a feeling of numbness in the limbs, which became heavier and heavier with the numbness, as if a heat was flowing between the limbs...

She finally had the strength to look up, and saw that the man was watching her drug reaction with concern. Seeing her expression gradually recovering, a smile appeared on her face:

"how do you feel?"


She moved her fingers, and the strength seemed to be returning little by little with the heat.

Suddenly, she thought of something and asked curiously:
"Didn't you also get injected? How did you escape?"

"This medicine doesn't work for me!"

While answering warmly, Qi Ji took out the handkerchief and wiped the dirt on her face.


She was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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